The Problem with Gays.

People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?

So tell me.........where exactly did God state "thou shalt not be gay"?

This has posted so many damn times you idiot, why do you keep repeating the same stupid questions? Did someone cut a hole is your head and use it as a toilet? The quotes from the book of Leviticus and Pauls words in the first chapter of Romans make it clear that being a faggot or a dyke is a sin, the Bible nor God God does *NOT* embrace such sinful behavior as love, nether are Christians told to embrace and accept sinful behaviour.

So you pick and choose which portions of the bible to believe? Because there are plenty of bad things that are said and claimed can be done in the OT that most people think is wrong. Especially leviticus. Can we have slaves? Leviticus says so
Did the OP really just compare consensual sex to theft and murder?


I take it the OP's sense of right and wrong is 'whatever I think is disgusting has to be wrong'.
So tell me.........where exactly did God state "thou shalt not be gay"?

This has posted so many damn times you idiot, why do you keep repeating the same stupid questions? Did someone cut a hole is your head and use it as a toilet? The quotes from the book of Leviticus and Pauls words in the first chapter of Romans make it clear that being a faggot or a dyke is a sin, the Bible nor God God does *NOT* embrace such sinful behavior as love, nether are Christians told to embrace and accept sinful behaviour.

So you pick and choose which portions of the bible to believe? Because there are plenty of bad things that are said and claimed can be done in the OT that most people think is wrong. Especially leviticus. Can we have slaves? Leviticus says so

Let us not talk gay men and what they might do--Let us talk about Lesbians and what they might do.

How about Ladies pleasing each other. Playing with each others Vaginas and kissing and making out---Now that is an unholy image that I can enjoy!!
The “pro-homosexuals” are resorting to more ultra-liberal emotive arguments trying to play the sympathy card in favour of homosexuality, two men pounding each other up the buttocks must mean a lot to them, even more than God. Just stick to the facts and avoid their silly emotive arguments, especially those from Luissa.

It's funny as butter you refer to "pro homosexuals" in a pejorative light. Wake up cracker, those of us who are not bigots are not affected by shit like that. It only shows the empty bitter barrel of your head banging baby crying and your need to compensate for the hate you try to pass off as "Biblical."
Let us not talk gay men and what they might do--Let us talk about Lesbians and what they might do.

How about Ladies pleasing each other. Playing with each others Vaginas and kissing and making out---Now that is an unholy image that I can enjoy!!

Lesbians aren't spoken of as much because this is a patriarchal culture so their homosexuality does not overtly threaten the system like male homosexuality. That's why anal sex in the hetero circle is not only not taboo but celebrated. The only physical relations that get more celebration exposure are bisexual women.
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Leviticus is a manual for Jewish Priests of the tribe of Levi.

You're a Christian.

Incidentally, there are Z.E.R.O. admonishments in the Bible about lesbians.
besides gay is not a life style thats just more programing it is a sexual deviation like foot fetish or wearing diapers or wtf ever and thats all fine and harmless enough just keep it between consenting adults don't promote it in the school system.. keep funk to yourself and go live your life already

Smoking pot is not exceptable life style either, do you want people to judge you for that?

no but I dont want them teaching grade school kids it s all fun and good
I don't think it can be put any better than that. EOTS that is EXACTLY the point.
That is EXACTLY what I am saying. Are you a bigot too? Because according to some other people on this thread I am.

well they just cry bigot because thats what the media told them to has been professional marketed slickly packaged and sold as something it is not..

It's bigotry by definition. Your disdain for gays does not justify nor negate your bigotry. It is the reason the bigotry exists. Outside of whiny complaint about gays there is no problem and no harm they cause as a group. If there is, please show us.

oh bullshit and individual can do as he pleases..thats not what leaders of gay activist groups are looking for...I don't want the girls gone wild crew coming into grade schools to preach the virtues of being a whore either or having the children read my slut mom books or my two dads ..not all activist groups are of good intent and thats true of gay activist as well..have your civil unions..keep your sexual activities out of the classrooms..and get over it already
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Let us not talk gay men and what they might do--Let us talk about Lesbians and what they might do.

How about Ladies pleasing each other. Playing with each others Vaginas and kissing and making out---Now that is an unholy image that I can enjoy!!

Lesbians aren't spoken of as much because this is a patriarchal culture so their homosexuality does not overtly threaten the system like male homosexuality. That's why anal sex in the hetero circle is not only taboo but celebrated. The only physical relations that get more celebration exposure are bisexual women.

Not this patriarchy conspiracy stuff.

Also how can something be celebrated and taboo at the same time?
well they just cry bigot because thats what the media told them to has been professional marketed slickly packaged and sold as something it is not..

It's bigotry by definition. Your disdain for gays does not justify nor negate your bigotry. It is the reason the bigotry exists. Outside of whiny complaint about gays there is no problem and no harm they cause as a group. If there is, please show us.

oh bullshit and individual can do as he pleases..thats not what leaders of gay activist groups are looking for...I don't want the girls gone wild crew coming into grade schools to preach the virtues of being a whore either or having the children read my slut mom books or my two dads ..not all activist groups are of good intent and thats true of gay activist as well..have your civil unions..keep your sexual activities out of the classrooms..and get over it already

The mere fact you can never discuss the issue without trying to compare gays to some bullshit like GGW or rapists or pedos...etc shows your bigotry is not justified. When was the last time someone needed to compare rape to murder, or vice versa, to show why it is wrong? That's the problem. You cannot provide any evidence why homosexuality is wrong in and of itself. When you can do that then we will have something worthwhile to discuss because these lame extremist activist gay leaders are trying to Jonestown our youth fear cards are played out.
Let us not talk gay men and what they might do--Let us talk about Lesbians and what they might do.

How about Ladies pleasing each other. Playing with each others Vaginas and kissing and making out---Now that is an unholy image that I can enjoy!!

Lesbians aren't spoken of as much because this is a patriarchal culture so their homosexuality does not overtly threaten the system like male homosexuality. That's why anal sex in the hetero circle is not only taboo but celebrated. The only physical relations that get more celebration exposure are bisexual women.

Not this patriarchy conspiracy stuff.

Also how can something be celebrated and taboo at the same time?

(Typo....I fixed to properly read "...not only not taboo but celebrated.")

There is no "patriarchal conspiracy" stuff. It's basic social observation. Look at basic sexual relationships:






Out of those groups which two are openly celebrated? The hetero and the all time fave a man with two women. Which one is the most openly discussed as the worst kind? M+M. Why? Because in a patriarchal structure the most taboo offense is for slave masters owning each other. (slave master is not meant to be taken literally. It is only to denote the power structure)

Lesbians are hated for rejecting the power structure but gay men are hated for completely undermining that structure. The M+W+W scenario is celebrated because a man is dominating two women at the same time. Bisexual men are hated more than lesbians but less than gay men. Look at the pecking order. Look at how much we focus on announcing our genders. Hell, look at message boards and notice how people can be stumped by not knowing the gender of the poster they are having a dialogue with.

We live in a culture where men owning women is the norm. That is why objects such as cars, boats, and motorcycles owned by men are regularly referred to as "she." It is also why men don't wear engagement rings but women do. It is why it is traditional to ask the father's permission to propose. It is why the father "gives away" his daughter at the wedding. It is why females are typically born bearing their father's last name and why change of "ownership" occurs when the bride is given a new last name when she is married. Want more examples?
of course you make judgements based on the lifestyle that someone leads ..everyone does

not I. I may think the thought of having sex with another man is gross to me, but I don't make judgements that they are sinners, or bad people. Unless of course the things they are doing are infringing on someone else's life.

that's what judging means, claiming if a person does this, they must be this.

People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?

you've got a purdy mouth.
not I. I may think the thought of having sex with another man is gross to me, but I don't make judgements that they are sinners, or bad people. Unless of course the things they are doing are infringing on someone else's life.

that's what judging means, claiming if a person does this, they must be this.

People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?

you've got a purdy mouth.

Now he's going to suspect you bugged his room with a hidden microphone. How else could you quote what his date said right before he shut off the lights?
People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?

you've got a purdy mouth.

Now he's going to suspect you bugged his room with a hidden microphone. How else could you quote what his date said right before he shut off the lights?

Lesbians aren't spoken of as much because this is a patriarchal culture so their homosexuality does not overtly threaten the system like male homosexuality. That's why anal sex in the hetero circle is not only taboo but celebrated. The only physical relations that get more celebration exposure are bisexual women.

Not this patriarchy conspiracy stuff.

Also how can something be celebrated and taboo at the same time?

(Typo....I fixed to properly read "...not only not taboo but celebrated.")

There is no "patriarchal conspiracy" stuff. It's basic social observation. Look at basic sexual relationships:






Out of those groups which two are openly celebrated? The hetero and the all time fave a man with two women.

Ok show me one state where polygamy is legal. in fact I can remember during the primaries people made a big deal that Mitt Romney's ancestors had multiple wives.

Which one is the most openly discussed as the worst kind? M+M. Why? Because in a patriarchal structure the most taboo offense is for slave masters owning each other. (slave master is not meant to be taken literally. It is only to denote the power structure)

Circular loigc.

What evidence is there that there's a patriarchy, gay men are hated. Why are gay man hated? Patriarchy.

Lesbians are hated for rejecting the power structure but gay men are hated for completely undermining that structure.

...You really think it's that complicated? How about men think lesbians are sexy and not gay men. Oh did I mention lesbians aren't hated that much?

The M+W+W scenario is celebrated because a man is dominating two women at the same time.

Show me where the hell this is celebrated. I can't find a single place.

Bisexual men are hated more than lesbians but less than gay men.

Do you have a source for your massive blanket statements?

Look at the pecking order. Look at how much we focus on announcing our genders. Hell, look at message boards and notice how people can be stumped by not knowing the gender of the poster they are having a dialogue with.

I fail to see the relevance between not being able to guess a poster's gender and well anything here.

We live in a culture where men owning women is the norm. That is why objects such as cars, boats, and motorcycles owned by men are regularly referred to as "she."It is also why men don't wear engagement rings but women do.
It is why it is traditional to ask the father's permission to propose. It is why the father "gives away" his daughter at the wedding. It is why females are typically born bearing their father's last name and why change of "ownership" occurs when the bride is given a new last name when she is married. Want more examples?

I want some damn proof that all this is because men think owning women is some sort of norm.

Also I don't think you know what a patriarchy is

Now tell me do men get to keep everything after a divorce? Do they often win in child custody cases? Or do you just think there's a big conspiracy amongst men to keep women down?
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