The Problem with Gays.

Luissa... Go through the thread.

I asked you something of the effect of: Does the organ known as the penis do? Does it have any effect in the ass of another man? If not... Then, are they using the penis wrong?

Luissa, you answered something of the effect of: (Did not answer the question.)
Well then tell me this, Why would god make it feel good then?

I answered: Some people think that having sex with children, animals, and mailboxes (See if you are paying attention) FEEL GOOD! If you use your theory... Then is it okay to have sex with children? Animals? HELL WHY NOT Mailboxes?

Luissa later answered: (Did not answer the question.) I AM TIRED OF THIS OLD ARGUMENT!

Since you can not answer the question... I can only take that as a yes.
I am a bigot, of you are a pedophile... Well, have fun with those little kids luissa.. Oh yeah! ALL QUEERS NEED TO DIE!(I am being sarcastic)

Show me where I said it was alright to have sex with child?

And how about the fact that girls are molested by men at a much higher rate than boys are molested by men?

Homosexuals have existed since the beginning, what is your excuse for that?
besides gay is not a life style thats just more programing.. it is a sexual deviation like foot fetish or wearing diapers or wtf ever and thats all fine and harmless enough just keep it between consenting adults don't promote it in the school system.. keep funk to yourself and go live your life already
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besides gay is not a life style thats just more programing it is a sexual deviation like foot fetish or wearing diapers or wtf ever and thats all fine and harmless enough just keep it between consenting adults don't promote it in the school system.. keep funk to yourself and go live your life already

Smoking pot is not exceptable life style either, do you want people to judge you for that?
Luissa... Go through the thread.

I asked you something of the effect of: Does the organ known as the penis do? Does it have any effect in the ass of another man? If not... Then, are they using the penis wrong?

Luissa, you answered something of the effect of: (Did not answer the question.)
Well then tell me this, Why would god make it feel good then?

I answered: Some people think that having sex with children, animals, and mailboxes (See if you are paying attention) FEEL GOOD! If you use your theory... Then is it okay to have sex with children? Animals? HELL WHY NOT Mailboxes?

Luissa later answered: (Did not answer the question.) I AM TIRED OF THIS OLD ARGUMENT!

Since you can not answer the question... I can only take that as a yes.
I am a bigot, of you are a pedophile... Well, have fun with those little kids luissa.. Oh yeah! ALL QUEERS NEED TO DIE!(I am being sarcastic)

Show me where I said it was alright to have sex with child?

And how about the fact that girls are molested by men at a much higher rate than boys are molested by men?

Homosexuals have existed since the beginning, what is your excuse for that?

so have rapist.. pedophiles. pig fuckers and shit hoarders...does that mean we have to give it all the big thumbs up and throw a parade ??
Luissa are are not a hypocrite??? Really!!!!
Answer the question. This time ANSWER IT.
Is it okay for two fags to cornhole each other just for stimulation or sexual pleasure?
If so, Then is it okay for a man to have sex with a child for stimulation or sex?
Let's say for shits and giggles that the kid is 7 years old and thinks its okay to have sex this young... And the sex is consentual.

If you answered YES... then NO... GUESS WHAT! YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!!!
Luissa are are not a hypocrite??? Really!!!!
Answer the question. This time ANSWER IT.
Is it okay for two fags to cornhole each other just for stimulation or sexual pleasure?
If so, Then is it okay for a man to have sex with a child for stimulation or sex?
Let's say for shits and giggles that the kid is 7 years old and thinks its okay to have sex this young... And the sex is consentual.

If you answered YES... then NO... GUESS WHAT! YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE!!!!

That's stupid dishonesty because we all know 7 year olds cannot consent. Are you homophobes ever capable of honesty? Ever?
its a perversion..a fetish...and while I don't want to crucified anyone for their particular kinks.. personality flaws or disorders..I also don't see the need to hold pride days over it or march them down main street and teach our children it is a reasonable alternative

Pride parades exist as a non-violent protest against all the bigotry gays endure.
I don't think it can be put any better than that. EOTS that is EXACTLY the point.
That is EXACTLY what I am saying. Are you a bigot too? Because according to some other people on this thread I am.

well they just cry bigot because thats what the media told them to has been professional marketed slickly packaged and sold as something it is not..

It's bigotry by definition. Your disdain for gays does not justify nor negate your bigotry. It is the reason the bigotry exists. Outside of whiny complaint about gays there is no problem and no harm they cause as a group. If there is, please show us.
Cold Fusion, ONCE AGAIN, this is the concept of this post. It is in the "RELIGION AND ETHICS : Talk about what's right and wrong" thread.
I laugh at the people that try to defend this with no facts. They insult you for they can't deny what is said.
AGAIN! What does human organ known as the penis do when it is up another man's ass? Is it of the correct use?
If you answered "Yes" and your only explanation is stimulation... Well, then you are for Men having sex with children, Men having sex with Animal, and men having sex with non-Living things.

In order to prove it is unethical you kind of need to show why homosexuality is unethical. You haven't even attempted to justify your position. What specific harms are caused by gays?
I know the vast majority is for the GAYS. I have a problem with the whole damn movement and the concept of marriage.
When your rob a bank, you're wrong. When you kill a person, you're wrong. When you commit adultery, you're wrong. When you steal from the cookie jar... Okay, I think you got it. My point is all of these acts are ones that deserve no positive reward. Why praise a person when they are wrong?
Let's be honest... We are all mature adults here (Excluding myself). A man sticking his penis up another man's ass... Two men "Pleasing" each other is WRONG!

Nobody should ever be praised for doing the wrong thing.

My problem is the promotion of this mistake. I cannot watch TV for a half hour without seeing SEVERAL gay people/Gay promoting material on my screen. TV/Media has glamourized the whole concept. They even have went as far taking it from taboo (Which it is.), to normal.
Teenage kids are the victims in the whole thing. They are rebelious at their young age and are easily influenced. The percentage of gay people have skyrocketed!

As for Marriage, this is also a no-brainer.
I know that marriage divorce rates are now at 1&2. I know that the meaning of marriage is now tarnished and doesn't mean squat. I know that Fox had shows on their TV called "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" and "Who Wants to Marry a Midget?" (Seeing if you are paying attention.).
That doesn't mean we gift the gays for being wrong! We should never praise them for doing the wrong thing. Period!

This seems to be common sense.
So, What I am saying is... If you want to be gay, be gay. Just don't ask for a reward and stop trying to convince others through TV/Media that's it's okay.

You think about Gays a lot, do ya'?

of course you make judgements based on the lifestyle that someone leads ..everyone does

not I. I may think the thought of having sex with another man is gross to me, but I don't make judgements that they are sinners, or bad people. Unless of course the things they are doing are infringing on someone else's life.

that's what judging means, claiming if a person does this, they must be this.
of course you make judgements based on the lifestyle that someone leads ..everyone does

not I. I may think the thought of having sex with another man is gross to me, but I don't make judgements that they are sinners, or bad people. Unless of course the things they are doing are infringing on someone else's life.

that's what judging means, claiming if a person does this, they must be this.

People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?
The “pro-homosexuals” are resorting to more ultra-liberal emotive arguments trying to play the sympathy card in favour of homosexuality, two men pounding each other up the buttocks must mean a lot to them, even more than God. Just stick to the facts and avoid their silly emotive arguments, especially those from Luissa.
of course you make judgements based on the lifestyle that someone leads ..everyone does

not I. I may think the thought of having sex with another man is gross to me, but I don't make judgements that they are sinners, or bad people. Unless of course the things they are doing are infringing on someone else's life.

that's what judging means, claiming if a person does this, they must be this.

People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?

Where do you see ad-hominems?

guess what? the bible isn't fact, you may BELIEVE it is, but that's just OPINION. Get it?

Even if its "Gods' judgment' so what, let god judge, not you. ignoring a teaching of Jesus are we?
The “pro-homosexuals” are resorting to more ultra-liberal emotive arguments trying to play the sympathy card in favour of homosexuality, two men pounding each other up the buttocks must mean a lot to them, even more than God. Just stick to the facts and avoid their silly emotive arguments, especially those from Luissa.

Stick to the facts, then claim the bible is the word of god. wow, holy contradiction batman
of course you make judgements based on the lifestyle that someone leads ..everyone does

not I. I may think the thought of having sex with another man is gross to me, but I don't make judgements that they are sinners, or bad people. Unless of course the things they are doing are infringing on someone else's life.

that's what judging means, claiming if a person does this, they must be this.

People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?

So tell me.........where exactly did God state "thou shalt not be gay"?
not I. I may think the thought of having sex with another man is gross to me, but I don't make judgements that they are sinners, or bad people. Unless of course the things they are doing are infringing on someone else's life.

that's what judging means, claiming if a person does this, they must be this.

People aren’t making judgments that homosexuals are sinners and that their lifestyle is sinful, they’re quoting the Bible which explicitly states that it is and the Bible is God’s word so ultimately God’s word judges homosexuals, why do you guys keep resorting to ad-hominem arguments?

So tell me.........where exactly did God state "thou shalt not be gay"?

This has posted so many damn times you idiot, why do you keep repeating the same stupid questions? Did someone cut a hole is your head and use it as a toilet? The quotes from the book of Leviticus and Pauls words in the first chapter of Romans make it clear that being a faggot or a dyke is a sin, the Bible nor God God does *NOT* embrace such sinful behavior as love, nether are Christians told to embrace and accept sinful behaviour.

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