The Problem with Gays.

I didn't SAY they demanded to be called straight-----How about married people all having the same rights as unmarried people ? ok by you ?

I'm not sure I understand your point.

Does a married person have the civil right to have sex with whoever they please ?

well, you can do what you want. Doesn't mean someone won't divorce you for it.

when gays have the right to marry, I'd assume same rules would apply. No?
Bl Zeebub, before you take sides. Read the entire thread. That's one thing somebody should always do. Look at the points tht are made. Don't just be a sheep and go with what everyone else is doing.
I use common sense.
It seems everybody wants to be compassionate to the gays. You want to praise them for being gay. Fine, why won't you go gay with them... The sane people would be welcome to ditch a feeble mind like yours. Just remember how you were put on this earth! Your mom and your dad. Not your DAD and your DAD.
Marriage is a legal contract between 2 or more people who are consenting adults (or minors with parental/guardian permission). That is the tradition throughout time. Some marry for money, some marry for love again the tradition through out time. Having Steve and John get married does not hurt either of my marriages one little bit, put me or mine in any danger or is any of my business other than I hope it is for love and that they are happy in the long term.

wrong--don't try to rewrite history----

I am not rewriting history. By the way you will need some a lot of time to go through it all.

History of Marriage


Marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Same-sex marriage: the personal and ... - Google Books

Marriage, a History | Psychology Today

History of Marriage in Western Civilization
Bl Zeebub, before you take sides. Read the entire thread. That's one thing somebody should always do. Look at the points tht are made. Don't just be a sheep and go with what everyone else is doing.
I use common sense.
It seems everybody wants to be compassionate to the gays. You want to praise them for being gay. Fine, why won't you go gay with them... The sane people would be welcome to ditch a feeble mind like yours. Just remember how you were put on this earth! Your mom and your dad. Not your DAD and your DAD.

The only problem with gays is homophobic whiners like yourself. Seriously, take a two week vacation from your whining and see what kind of effect it has on your life.
I know the vast majority is for the GAYS. I have a problem with the whole damn movement and the concept of marriage.
When your rob a bank, you're wrong. When you kill a person, you're wrong. When you commit adultery, you're wrong. When you steal from the cookie jar... Okay, I think you got it. My point is all of these acts are ones that deserve no positive reward. Why praise a person when they are wrong?
Let's be honest... We are all mature adults here (Excluding myself). A man sticking his penis up another man's ass... Two men "Pleasing" each other is WRONG!

Nobody should ever be praised for doing the wrong thing.

My problem is the promotion of this mistake. I cannot watch TV for a half hour without seeing SEVERAL gay people/Gay promoting material on my screen. TV/Media has glamourized the whole concept. They even have went as far taking it from taboo (Which it is.), to normal.
Teenage kids are the victims in the whole thing. They are rebelious at their young age and are easily influenced. The percentage of gay people have skyrocketed!

As for Marriage, this is also a no-brainer.
I know that marriage divorce rates are now at 1&2. I know that the meaning of marriage is now tarnished and doesn't mean squat. I know that Fox had shows on their TV called "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" and "Who Wants to Marry a Midget?" (Seeing if you are paying attention.).
That doesn't mean we gift the gays for being wrong! We should never praise them for doing the wrong thing. Period!

This seems to be common sense.
So, What I am saying is... If you want to be gay, be gay. Just don't ask for a reward and stop trying to convince others through TV/Media that's it's okay.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you believe that only gay men practice anal sex. Is that correct?
I could careless about gay people. Doesn't bother me one bit. I can understand gay people wanting the same civil protections as regular couples.

In that case, however, if they want the same protections as "regular couples", then perhaps they need to form "regular couples", rather than expecting protections to extend to the irregular.

So you believe in gender discrimination.

The problem with nitwits is they actually think their personal OPINION of someone's personal life actually has ANYthing to do with equality under the law.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I know the vast majority is for the GAYS. I have a problem with the whole damn movement and the concept of marriage.
When your rob a bank, you're wrong. When you kill a person, you're wrong. When you commit adultery, you're wrong. When you steal from the cookie jar... Okay, I think you got it. My point is all of these acts are ones that deserve no positive reward. Why praise a person when they are wrong?
Let's be honest... We are all mature adults here (Excluding myself). A man sticking his penis up another man's ass... Two men "Pleasing" each other is WRONG!

Nobody should ever be praised for doing the wrong thing.

My problem is the promotion of this mistake. I cannot watch TV for a half hour without seeing SEVERAL gay people/Gay promoting material on my screen. TV/Media has glamourized the whole concept. They even have went as far taking it from taboo (Which it is.), to normal.
Teenage kids are the victims in the whole thing. They are rebelious at their young age and are easily influenced. The percentage of gay people have skyrocketed!

As for Marriage, this is also a no-brainer.
I know that marriage divorce rates are now at 1&2. I know that the meaning of marriage is now tarnished and doesn't mean squat. I know that Fox had shows on their TV called "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" and "Who Wants to Marry a Midget?" (Seeing if you are paying attention.).
That doesn't mean we gift the gays for being wrong! We should never praise them for doing the wrong thing. Period!

This seems to be common sense.
So, What I am saying is... If you want to be gay, be gay. Just don't ask for a reward and stop trying to convince others through TV/Media that's it's okay.

All right you fucked up bigot, since you're so adamant about gays sinning, please, tell us, where in the Big 10 (10 Commandments), or in the Basic 7 (7 Noahide Commandments), does it specifically state "Thou shalt always be heterosexual", or "Thou shalt not be gay"?

When Yeshua was asked what the greatest Commandment was, He stated "Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God".

Gender wasn't specified.

The problem with nitwits is they actually think their personal OPINION of someone's personal life actually has ANYthing to do with equality under the law.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
wrong-----blacks NEVER demanded to be called white-----they only demanded the EQUAL rights that came with actually BEING white

Gays are not demanding to be straight, they are demanding the right to marry, which is a right not a privilage.

And marriage itself is not a right but a privilege.

Bass? You are such an ignorant neotard!!

The 14th amendment makes it a right.. Are you going to go against the constitution??

Your opinions are moot!! So says the 1st amendment!!

What part of this do you not understand??

Why are you such an ignorant turd?? :cuckoo:
Gays are not demanding to be straight, they are demanding the right to marry, which is a right not a privilage.

And marriage itself is not a right but a privilege.

Bass? You are such an ignorant neotard!!

The 14th amendment makes it a right.. Are you going to go against the constitution??

Your opinions are moot!! So says the 1st amendment!!

What part of this do you not understand??

Why are you such an ignorant turd?? :cuckoo:

Find the part of the 14th Amendment that says so.
I know the vast majority is for the GAYS. I have a problem with the whole damn movement and the concept of marriage.
When your rob a bank, you're wrong. When you kill a person, you're wrong. When you commit adultery, you're wrong. When you steal from the cookie jar... Okay, I think you got it. My point is all of these acts are ones that deserve no positive reward. Why praise a person when they are wrong?
Let's be honest... We are all mature adults here (Excluding myself). A man sticking his penis up another man's ass... Two men "Pleasing" each other is WRONG!

Nobody should ever be praised for doing the wrong thing.

My problem is the promotion of this mistake. I cannot watch TV for a half hour without seeing SEVERAL gay people/Gay promoting material on my screen. TV/Media has glamourized the whole concept. They even have went as far taking it from taboo (Which it is.), to normal.
Teenage kids are the victims in the whole thing. They are rebelious at their young age and are easily influenced. The percentage of gay people have skyrocketed!

As for Marriage, this is also a no-brainer.
I know that marriage divorce rates are now at 1&2. I know that the meaning of marriage is now tarnished and doesn't mean squat. I know that Fox had shows on their TV called "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" and "Who Wants to Marry a Midget?" (Seeing if you are paying attention.).
That doesn't mean we gift the gays for being wrong! We should never praise them for doing the wrong thing. Period!

This seems to be common sense.
So, What I am saying is... If you want to be gay, be gay. Just don't ask for a reward and stop trying to convince others through TV/Media that's it's okay.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you believe that only gay men practice anal sex. Is that correct?

You won't get an answer. There is a name for people who believe only gay people have anal sex or a pearl necklace, that name is "virgin". Actually, if they are old enough to write on this board and say the awful things they do, then their name is probably "butt-ugly virgin".
I didn't know we defined "basic civil rights". I guess it alright not define it regards to interracial marriage, but it is alright to define it when has to do with another group of people. Marriage is not a privilage, it is a right. And in this country everyone has equal rights, well at least they are suppose to.

Idiot. go back and read that same link you posted about the Loving case, it never defined marriage as a basic right moron and look at the reasons why the anti-interracial laws were struck down, because they were unconstitutional and violated due process of law because interracial marriages were regarded as criminal felonies.
What about sodomy laws? Same type of law, and should also be unconstitutional.

Bass is LUCKY if he can find a woman who let's him engage in the most MISSIONARY of missionary sex. Don't break it to him that a BJ is SODOMY!
What, exactly, is wrong with what he said?

You wanna go fuck another woman, go for it. Just don't expect any special treatment for it, and don't think you're entitled to the same benefits as husbands and wives (not husbands, and husbands, or wives and wives - HUSBANDS AND WIVES).

You should probably read the Constitution sometimes. Legally, Homosexual couples are suppose to have the same rights as Straight couples. By religion? No.

Problem? Those who decided to make "Marriage" the legal definition of civil unions in this country.

Get religion out of the legal institution of civil unions and make them all civil unions. You should have no reason to disagree with that.

I am a straight male. Gays have the same rights that I have. I cannot marry a man either.
Once again WHY DO YOU CARE!!!??? Also once AGAIN how does allowing gays to be MARRIED damage YOUR marriage? The only way that I can see that it would is if YOUR marriage is FUNDAMENTALLY WEAK! I am HAPPILY married to my wife in every sense of the word. Am I attracted to other women? YES I am but I would NEVER cheat on my wife because I LOVE her and would NEVER want to hurt her like that. How would gay marriage change that for me?
I know the vast majority is for the GAYS. I have a problem with the whole damn movement and the concept of marriage.
When your rob a bank, you're wrong. When you kill a person, you're wrong. When you commit adultery, you're wrong. When you steal from the cookie jar... Okay, I think you got it. My point is all of these acts are ones that deserve no positive reward. Why praise a person when they are wrong?
Let's be honest... We are all mature adults here (Excluding myself). A man sticking his penis up another man's ass... Two men "Pleasing" each other is WRONG!

Nobody should ever be praised for doing the wrong thing.

My problem is the promotion of this mistake. I cannot watch TV for a half hour without seeing SEVERAL gay people/Gay promoting material on my screen. TV/Media has glamourized the whole concept. They even have went as far taking it from taboo (Which it is.), to normal.
Teenage kids are the victims in the whole thing. They are rebelious at their young age and are easily influenced. The percentage of gay people have skyrocketed!

As for Marriage, this is also a no-brainer.
I know that marriage divorce rates are now at 1&2. I know that the meaning of marriage is now tarnished and doesn't mean squat. I know that Fox had shows on their TV called "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" and "Who Wants to Marry a Midget?" (Seeing if you are paying attention.).
That doesn't mean we gift the gays for being wrong! We should never praise them for doing the wrong thing. Period!

This seems to be common sense.
So, What I am saying is... If you want to be gay, be gay. Just don't ask for a reward and stop trying to convince others through TV/Media that's it's okay.

All right you fucked up bigot, since you're so adamant about gays sinning, please, tell us, where in the Big 10 (10 Commandments), or in the Basic 7 (7 Noahide Commandments), does it specifically state "Thou shalt always be heterosexual", or "Thou shalt not be gay"?

When Yeshua was asked what the greatest Commandment was, He stated "Love God above all else, and love one another as you love God".

Gender wasn't specified.

But if you put your ear close enough to the Gay Cootie Jar you can hear Robertson whisper "...except for Gays."

(I've heard that recording comes free in every Liberty University Matriculation card.)
What, exactly, is wrong with what he said?

You wanna go fuck another woman, go for it. Just don't expect any special treatment for it, and don't think you're entitled to the same benefits as husbands and wives (not husbands, and husbands, or wives and wives - HUSBANDS AND WIVES).

You should probably read the Constitution sometimes. Legally, Homosexual couples are suppose to have the same rights as Straight couples. By religion? No.

Problem? Those who decided to make "Marriage" the legal definition of civil unions in this country.

Get religion out of the legal institution of civil unions and make them all civil unions. You should have no reason to disagree with that.

I am a straight male. Gays have the same rights that I have. I cannot marry a man either.

That's like saying women had the same rights as men when women couldn't vote. Also, and I know this might be hard to understand, the Constitution does not exist with you as the sole barometer.
attraction is biological, based on nature-nurture, and not a conscious decision. You can like a person and become more attracted to them but no amount of liking can overcome someone who you find unattractive. Just like some men like tall women, blondes, some like big, some really skinny, etc. It's a preference, like taste in food, taste in movies, music, hobbies, etc.

You either are attracted to someone or you are not. Gay people are attracted to the same sex, while heteros to the opposite sex. Nothing WRONG about that.

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