The problem with school shootings is societal

This can be saved if we get Trump back and were actively throw the leftists out of power. IF, we return to our religious roots and put God, Faith, and Family at our core again, we can survive this. IF we do not, it's over. The left knows this, this is why they are trying like hell to place CRT and transgenderism into the main stream. IF our young are taught respect and morals we can pull this thing out of the nose dive we are in.
Sure, what you describe as needed DID underlie our stability as a society, nation. You seem to be implying that the left is deliberately BLOCKING recovery from this steep slide by promoting destabilizations such as CRT and transgenderism --- if that's what you meant, I agree, though I myself don't think it's a conspiracy to utterly destroy ------- I think they are trying for extreme change, and the formation of a new society, like the Jacobins did in Paris and the Communists did in Russia.

If this has ever worked, I have never read of it and I read a lot of history. But people never stop trying. What DOES happen again and again is collapse and recovery via another system entirely, such as strongman government, like Napoleon after the French Revolution. After all that Libertee, Egalitee, Fraternitee came the portrait of Napoleon tricked out in Emperor's robes and gold throne in 1804 and I thought when I saw that picture, wow, THAT revolution sure didn't work! They never do, in fact.

Sometimes it's much worse than a strongman, as with 77 years of poverty in Russia after that revolution, and the collapse into the Dark Ages for many centuries when Rome fell. I really think we should not underestimate the seriousness of what is going on right now, the utter destruction of America.
There is very little consideration of the past on how guns and people who owned them behaved before 1980.

American Thinker

May 29, 2022

The problem with school shootings is societal​

By Toby Ranley


Society has changed dramatically since I was young. Back in the 1950s, before drug culture, before technology and video games, before the welfare state and rampant single parenthood and, yes, before legal abortion devalued human life, there were riflery classes after school. Students walked into their high school carrying rifles, put them in their lockers, went to classes, and pulled them out for the “sport” they were learning as an extra-curricular activity. The kids learned to shoot, learned gun safety, and nobody worried about school shootings, which simply didn’t happen. I don’t know when that activity ended, certainly long before any of our kids hit high school but, clearly, the idea would shock people these days.

Thanks for refreshing my mind Sunsettommy as I had forgotten all about the school shooting teams of old. Up to 1968. @ least in our district(Portland Or/Oregon city. area) our school shooting teams were limited to rifles chambered to the 22 caliber round. The author of the link provided, Toby Ranley is spot on about his description of how firearms were carried right into the school buildings & put into the students lockers. The shooting teams & ski teams were considered minor sports back then & did not carry anywhere near the status as the ball games ESPECIALLY football.

I still have my 1968 David Douglass Celtic high school year book. On pages 104 & 105 our David Douglas shooting team is highlighted. Our coach(I was not on the team) was Mr. Robert Edwards. We had ONE female on the team named Carrie Low(brunette SUPER fox!). The team students had to provide their own rifles so it was too expensive for most students parents to afford. These rifles were bolt action just like my ancient Sears & Roebuck(manufactured by Marlin) but looked different like they had custom stocks & thick barrels. The sights were micrometer click adjustable peep sights(rear) as opposed to my 'plinker' V rear sight. The front sights were all fully covered & sported a high visibility blade. The teams rifles were ALL custom built by professional gunsmiths like they must have cost a bloody fortune!!!

No student back then would have ever entertained the idea of using a weapon against a fellow American as it would have been deemed a cowardly act. We settled our differences with quality communication & if that did not work it came down to our fists for a one on one contest of wills(been there more than once). We respected ourselves & our fellow Americans & that is ONE of the primary reasons we back then did not suffer the volume of violence that current American society is suffering under.


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