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The Progs Aresenal: Weaponized Empathy


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
The U.S. and the rest of Western Civilization, is engaged in a Civil War. The enemies of those of us who value Classical Liberalism and Freedom are Fascist Progs. Their main weapon is "Weaponize Empathy" used to guilt trip, publicly shame, manipulate and punish anyone who doesn't support their agenda. If we want to save our society, we need to destroy Weaponized Empathy.

Consider how the Black Bloc Soros Shock Troops shut down Milo's talk with UC Berkeley Republicans. Consider Memories Pizza. Consider the Cake Bakers. Consider the CEO of Mozilla. Consider Ferguson. Consider George Zimmerman. Consider terrorism rebranded as workplace violence. Consider the assassination of cops. Consider Blasio characterizing drunk driving illegals as doing something "minor". Consider the SJW Snowflake Safe Spaces lunacy. Consider how young men's lives are ruined over false rape accusations and lack of due process. Consider the LW hysteria over a free election....

The Civil War has started, my friends. It's time to recognize it for what it is and to destroy the enemy. How: by exposing their Blatant Lies and refusing to be intimidated by their bullying.

What is Weaponized Empathy? It is the deliberate hijacking of your own moral standards, your ability to empathize with your fellow man, in order to force you to serve someone else’s narrative. It is, in essence, a highly sophisticated form of guilt-tripping designed to turn you into a slave.

You might consider it an evolution of the Alinsky tactic of forcing the enemy to live up to their own moral standards. But it goes beyond that. It forces an enemy to embrace your moral standards or suffer tremendous peer pressure and socially-engineered “justice” at the whims of the mob.


Weaponized Empathy isn’t just employed to win easy converts, however. It is also used to mobilize the converted against the unconverted. To use threat of force, of financial ruin, and peer pressure (even within families) to silence the unconverted. To make them afraid to speak. It can even make it permissible to commit violent acts against you....

Any empathy amongst the masses is viewed as a weapon in the corporate state's eyes.
Any empathy amongst the masses is viewed as a weapon in the corporate state's eyes.

Oh blah blah blah. You are spewing exactly the brainless drivel that the Progs wish to you parrot.
...and Pelosi looks like she's about ready for assisted care living. Schroomer is still at it but is a laughing stock at best.
The U.S. and the rest of Western Civilization, is engaged in a Civil War. The enemies of those of us who value Classical Liberalism and Freedom are Fascist Progs. Their main weapon is "Weaponize Empathy" used to guilt trip, publicly shame, manipulate and punish anyone who doesn't support their agenda. If we want to save our society, we need to destroy Weaponized Empathy.

I beg to differ...



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The U.S. and the rest of Western Civilization, is engaged in a Civil War. The enemies of those of us who value Classical Liberalism and Freedom are Fascist Progs. Their main weapon is "Weaponize Empathy" used to guilt trip, publicly shame, manipulate and punish anyone who doesn't support their agenda. If we want to save our society, we need to destroy Weaponized Empathy.

I beg to differ...

View attachment 110491

The truth hurts the widdle Progs - which is why they are desperate to censor the media so they won't be exposed for the Fascist Thugs they are.
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The U.S. and the rest of Western Civilization, is engaged in a Civil War. The enemies of those of us who value Classical Liberalism and Freedom are Fascist Progs. Their main weapon is "Weaponize Empathy" used to guilt trip, publicly shame, manipulate and punish anyone who doesn't support their agenda. If we want to save our society, we need to destroy Weaponized Empathy.

I beg to differ...

View attachment 110491

The truth hurts you widdle Progs - which is why you are desperate to censor the media so you won't be exposed for the Fascist Thugs you are.
I took his post to mean the weapons were not just words.
The U.S. and the rest of Western Civilization, is engaged in a Civil War. The enemies of those of us who value Classical Liberalism and Freedom are Fascist Progs. Their main weapon is "Weaponize Empathy" used to guilt trip, publicly shame, manipulate and punish anyone who doesn't support their agenda. If we want to save our society, we need to destroy Weaponized Empathy.

I beg to differ...

View attachment 110491

The truth hurts you widdle Progs - which is why you are desperate to censor the media so you won't be exposed for the Fascist Thugs you are.
I took his post to mean the weapons were not just words.

Ah, thanks. Re-reviewing, I agree with you.
The truth hurts you widdle Progs - which is why you are desperate to censor the media so you won't be exposed for the Fascist Thugs you are.

The 'TRUTH' Hurts? NO - getting beaten and bloodied at a Trump rally by thugs Hillary hired hurts.

It is amazing how you can call Conservatives, who the left has victimized, 'Fascists' when the Democratic party / Hillary / Liberals have
- Vandalized and firebombed GOP headquarters
- Intimidated, Beaten, and Bloodied Trump supporters AT trump rallies (which mean libs showed up with the intent of intimidating and attacking Conservatives at a Conservative event)
- Maced a Trump supporter in the face as she spoke to a reporter
- Lit a female Trump supporter's hair on fire from behind
- Burned the American flag
- Destroyed Property
- Burned down businesses, houses, and churches
- Looted stores / businesses
- Called for the assassination of the President of the United States
- Called for a military coup
- Called for the murder of all police and white people
- used violence to successfully shut down the freedom of speech

It's time for violent subversive liberals to STFU or BE shut down!

After Berkeley, Treat the Violent, Anti-Speech Left Like the KKK

"The Berkeley rioters/thugs "include Black Bloc anarchists and so-called “Antifa” (anti-fascist) activists, who exemplify the very fascism they supposedly want to resist. These groups openly and explicitly declare their intention to disrupt public gatherings where conservatives — or, really, anyone they do not like for whatever reason — are scheduled to appear. They not only celebrate violence, but they come armed, masked, and prepared to fight and vandalize.

...lately, they have taken advantage of the timidity of the police — which they helped engineer, through their participation in the Black Lives Matter movement — to run amok, breaking up events and assaulting innocent people in full view of law enforcement officers and even the media. They are almost never pursued and never punished.

The groups that showed up Wednesday seem to exist to prevent others from exercising their civil and constitutional rights of free speech and assembly. It is time to treat them the way that the Southern Poverty Law Center — before it busied itself with
suppressing conservative opiniontook on the Ku Klux Klan. It filed a civil suit against the KKK under a theory of agency, wherein the organization was held collectively responsible for any and all of the crimes and civil rights violations its members committed in furtherance of its aims."

THIS is you violent, anti-free-speech, FASCIST Democratic party today - what it has become, what it now exemplifies!
The truth hurts you widdle Progs - which is why you are desperate to censor the media so you won't be exposed for the Fascist Thugs you are.

The 'TRUTH' Hurts? NO - getting beaten and bloodied at a Trump rally by thugs Hillary hired hurts.

It is amazing how you can call Conservatives, who the left has victimized, 'Fascists' when the Democratic party / Hillary / Liberals have
- Vandalized and firebombed GOP headquarters
- Intimidated, Beaten, and Bloodied Trump supporters AT trump rallies (which mean libs showed up with the intent of intimidating and attacking Conservatives at a Conservative event)
- Maced a Trump supporter in the face as she spoke to a reporter
- Lit a female Trump supporter's hair on fire from behind
- Burned the American flag
- Destroyed Property
- Burned down businesses, houses, and churches
- Looted stores / businesses
- Called for the assassination of the President of the United States
- Called for a military coup
- Called for the murder of all police and white people
- used violence to successfully shut down the freedom of speech

It's time for violent subversive liberals to STFU or BE shut down!

After Berkeley, Treat the Violent, Anti-Speech Left Like the KKK

"The Berkeley rioters/thugs "include Black Bloc anarchists and so-called “Antifa” (anti-fascist) activists, who exemplify the very fascism they supposedly want to resist. These groups openly and explicitly declare their intention to disrupt public gatherings where conservatives — or, really, anyone they do not like for whatever reason — are scheduled to appear. They not only celebrate violence, but they come armed, masked, and prepared to fight and vandalize.

...lately, they have taken advantage of the timidity of the police — which they helped engineer, through their participation in the Black Lives Matter movement — to run amok, breaking up events and assaulting innocent people in full view of law enforcement officers and even the media. They are almost never pursued and never punished.

The groups that showed up Wednesday seem to exist to prevent others from exercising their civil and constitutional rights of free speech and assembly. It is time to treat them the way that the Southern Poverty Law Center — before it busied itself with
suppressing conservative opiniontook on the Ku Klux Klan. It filed a civil suit against the KKK under a theory of agency, wherein the organization was held collectively responsible for any and all of the crimes and civil rights violations its members committed in furtherance of its aims."

THIS is you violent, anti-free-speech, FASCIST Democratic party today - what it has become, what it now exemplifies!

Uh, I am not calling Conservatives Fascists, bub.

I outline my position quite clearly in the OP: The Prog-Left has turned Fascist in our country today.
Shutting down free speech - without regard to whether that speech is left or right - is treason and ought to be punished as such.

Build gallows, not "safe spaces"!

There should be no compromise with people who wish to destroy the rights of others. Progs have bullied the rest of us for far too long.

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