The Question is No Longer, "Was the 2020 Election Stolen," it is... many different ways?

Not only did Leftist billionaires fund an army of poll "volunteers" to harvest the votes of ghetto and nursing home incompetents, but OUR OWN DoJ and FBI stonewalled investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop and CREDIBLE reports of massive bribes paid to the Biden's, well ahead of the 2020 election.

And they are STILL hiding and slow-walking the evidence!
That was quite a scam the Democrats were able to pull off.

Biden's Chinese buddies released a virus that caused a Pandemic and now their man is in the White House.

The Democrats used the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts resulting in Electoral College delegates being stolen from Trump.

Then the Congress was too chickenshit to call for an audit like was done in 1876. The Courts were to chickenshit to give the states standing to challenge the results lest there be more Negro rioting, like Roberts said.

The sonofabitches got away with it. They will do the same shit in 2024.

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the election was blatantly stolen. The only question was if the Democrats were in cahoots with the Chinese from the beginning or did they simply take advantage of the Pandemic. Given the fact that the Chinese made the Biden family filthy rich it is likely it was planned from the get go.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. many different ways?

Not only did Leftist billionaires fund an army of poll "volunteers" to harvest the votes of ghetto and nursing home incompetents, but OUR OWN DoJ and FBI stonewalled investigation of the Hunter Biden laptop and CREDIBLE reports of massive bribes paid to the Biden's, well ahead of the 2020 election.

And they are STILL hiding and slow-walking the evidence!
Yup, we did it. And we have our Soros-funded machine in place for the 2024 election. You guys should sit this one out. Go fishing or cross-burning or whatever the heck you MAGA's do with your time.

Yup, we did it. And we have our Soros-funded machine in place for the 2024 election. You guys should sit this one out. Go fishing or cross-burning or whatever the heck you MAGA's do with your time.

We know the fraud machine is alive and well. Thanks for confirming that and at the same time proving you are a scumbag for gloating about it.
There are all kinds of options since our illegitimate government and media have been caught lying about everything. You people have no memories and think everyone else is as scared and stupid as you are. That is not the case.

I put you down already as fucking stupid

Crybaby Loser
Stolen election denier

LOL, indeed. So, are you still proud of the polls? Do you promise you and your fellow retards won't whine when you lose again in 2024?
So will you be proud when the United States has turned into a tyrannical communist state? Are you part of the leadership in that regard? That must be why you are so happy that you are stealing elections. you must be a traitor to the United States and our ideals. Congratulations Skippy

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