The question libertarians just can’t answer

No one is saying anything about utopia, Corky. Your "mixed" system is a failure and yet you just want to keep on trying to make it work. it's the definition of insanity. Keep trying the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

How much of this and that central planning always leads to more central planning and when it appears that the initial planning failed, well certainly that is grounds for another round of planning.

cookoo cookoo cookoo

Can you name a few nations that do not have mixed economies. What's the Cookoo, you also a clock.

Can you link back to any post in this thread that has a poster of the libertarian defense saying free markets will be utopia? You cant, of course.

These "mixed" economies are failing the world over too. Over regulated, bloated governments, corruption, scandels, theft...the list is endless. If this some sort of ploy to say these so called "mixed" economies are working, it's a rather impressive stretch.
No one is saying anything about utopia, Corky. Your "mixed" system is a failure and yet you just want to keep on trying to make it work. it's the definition of insanity. Keep trying the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

How much of this and that central planning always leads to more central planning and when it appears that the initial planning failed, well certainly that is grounds for another round of planning.

cookoo cookoo cookoo

Can you name a few nations that do not have mixed economies. What's the Cookoo, you also a clock.

Can you link back to any post in this thread that has a poster of the libertarian defense saying free markets will be utopia? You cant, of course.

These "mixed" economies are failing the world over too. Over regulated, bloated governments, corruption, scandels, theft...the list is endless. If this some sort of ploy to say these so called "mixed" economies are working, it's a rather impressive stretch.

So name the nation with the best world-economy and we'll go from there. Name two or three if you want. The ploy is that most nations have a mixed economy, why is that?
What nations do not have a mixed economy?
We have all these nations all with various economic systems, should be easy to pick the economy that is working best.
And even better can you name the nations with a libertarian economy?
So name the nation with the best world-economy and we'll go from there. Name two or three if you want. The ploy is that most nations have a mixed economy, why is that?
What nations do not have a mixed economy?
We have all these nations all with various economic systems, should be easy to pick the economy that is working best.
And even better can you name the nations with a libertarian economy?

There would have to be an actual free market economy before one of them can be the best. If there was a free market economy at work, it would be the best.

The reason mixed economies are currently the best is because there is no free market economy in existence to blow it out of the water.

It's not a coincidence that our economy gets worse as we mix it more and more.

I'm very glad they're around, and I absolutely love it when they piss off both "major" parties at the same time.

We'll never have a Libertarian system, because we're far too dependent on government now. But I want them around to remind us of the Constitution and to challenge us to not turn to the government for every goddamn problem.


I don't need anyone to remind me of the Constitution. The people who we elected to office were put there as per the laws stipulated in the Constitution and they must adhere to those laws while in office.

I got a flat tire today. Huge screw that I picked up somewhere. You know what I did? I plugged the damned thing and filled it with the little compressor that I keep in the van and went on my way. Goddamned problem......and I didn't call the government. But......the road I was on had a nice, wide shoulder that I was able to pull over onto and do the job safely. For that, I thank the government.

Did you thank the proper government, and the taxpayers that built that road, or are you one of those who consider all government as a monolistic entity that does all things for all people?

For instance, as a user of roads, I pay local, state, and federal gas taxes to build and maintain roads. All three entities build and maintain roads.
I suspect there are as many versions of LIBERTARIANISM as there are self proclaiming libertarians.

In that respect Libertarianism is much like that social philosophy, too, has as many variations of meaning as it has adherents.

If someone could DEFINE LIBERTARIANISM once and for all, then we could discuss this philosophical approach to society rationally.

MOST people are libertarians in the sense that they LIKE liberty and hate oppression.

Sadly there is no overarching canon of beliefs that defines LIBERTARIANISM.

There does not appear to be any single defining characteristic of libertarianism to help us define it like there is for socialism, or facism, or republicanism, or democracy.

So what IS libertarianism? Nobody really knows..or perhaps everybody is the world's leading authority of what the word means TO THEM.
[bolding mine]

Those words ALSO mean NOTHING specific.

Who is WE?

You mean you and your mates?

far more so than Democrats or Republicans.

If you think I am somehow defending the Ds or Rs in this case, you surely do not understand who I am.

I've known communist who claim to be libertairains
I know FACISTS weho claim to be libertarians.

Libertarianism isn't a, meat, a fish nor a fowl, its a FLAVOR

We actually ask the hard questions about the purpose, benefits and drawbacks of government - and attempt to answer them. That's both the reason why many people like us and the reason why so many think we're loons.

Again.... who the fuck is WE?

I can tell you VERY SPECIFICALLY what socialism means
I can tell you what VERY SPECIFICALLY communism means, too.

I can tell you VERY SPECIFICALLY what fascism means

I cannot tell you what libertarianism means and YOU cannot ell me because there is NO clearly defined definition of it. There is no single principle that make it UNIQUE.

EVerybody ASKS "the hard questions about the purpose, benefits and drawbacks of government - and attempt to answer them." amigo

That doesn't make liberarianism unique.

Liking liberty and fearing government doe not make you a libertarian.

Almost everybody likes liberty and fears government.

There's nothing UNIQUE about that.


Words must MEAN something very specific and unique or we cannot even HAVE a rational discussion.


That's why politcal propagandists SO LOVE them.

They mean nothing whatever

Nothing except

Give me Liberty or give me death

I learned that in Grade School
Can you name a few nations that do not have mixed economies. What's the Cookoo, you also a clock.

Can you link back to any post in this thread that has a poster of the libertarian defense saying free markets will be utopia? You cant, of course.

These "mixed" economies are failing the world over too. Over regulated, bloated governments, corruption, scandels, theft...the list is endless. If this some sort of ploy to say these so called "mixed" economies are working, it's a rather impressive stretch.

So name the nation with the best world-economy and we'll go from there. Name two or three if you want. The ploy is that most nations have a mixed economy, why is that?
What nations do not have a mixed economy?
We have all these nations all with various economic systems, should be easy to pick the economy that is working best.
And even better can you name the nations with a libertarian economy?

Statists love to play central planner. There are no free markets because of this in the western world. You're asking for something that we advocate that doesn't exist at this time because do gooder central planners have brainwashed everyone into believing that even though central planning is a total failure, we still need it.
Good grief, is there any end to your victimhood?

"Regulatory capture" is, by far, the biggest mythical straw man booger man argument in the lolberal arsenal.

Corporate interests didn't capture jack shit....Huge corporations are players in making the regulation because the regulators want it that way.....Your "malefactors of great wealth" got that way by exploiting things like rights-of-way and mineral rights that were granted to them by people with the monopoly on the use of force......And those people don't populate the eeeeeevil corporations.

The republic that the founders created had been bastardized beyond recognition, since at least the T Roosevelt administration and a century of progressive central planner tinkering, meddling and futile attempts at social engineering.....Listening to that monumental jerk preach about how wealthy people being the ruin of the nation would be like getting missives on the virtues of sobriety from Lindsay Lohan.

And your assessment of one of the biggest socialist cranks in the Senate, while downright amusing, is delusional beyond description.... But it is always great to start the day with a big laugh...Thanks for that anyways. :lol:

Can there possibly be a more infantile, polarized mind than yours?

Yes...Yours....You demonstrate such with the following....

You possess the mind of a RETARD. But let's take a look at how your brain deciphers. Let me get my microscope.

The only evil people in the whole wide world are in government, and in that government, the only evil people in government are liberals and progressives.

And only good people are in the private sector, run corporations and become lobbyists.

Gee, if we can just castrate government, only the good people will be left! Holy fucking shit Jethro, just imagine if we apply your logic to all areas of society. Why, if we could just get rid of cops, burglers would become monks. Racists would open day care centers for poor black children.

U fucking topia!

And then, we must never forget. It was the fucking hen who invited the wolf into the hen house.

Tell me Einstein, WHY would regulators WANT banks to create 30 page credit card applications to swindle people out of their hard earned money?

WHY would regulators want health insurance corporations have Wall Street investors punish any corporation that doesn't deny enough claims to patients to meet their demands for low medical loss ratios?

Victimhood Jethro? Damn right, that is who and what you right wing turds are all about. You so worship your hierarchy, the beloved CEO's and 'captains of industry that you remove all personal responsibility from them because: The EVIL government made me pollute. The EVIL government made me swindle people out of their life savings. The EVIL government made me cower to Wall Street investors and create REAL death panels.

But you did make one true statement:

The republic that the founders created had been bastardized beyond recognition. Yes, by MONEY, GREED and MORONS like you.

Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke
Thanks for the clinic in infantile straw man argument, infantile ad hominem attacks, more infantile straw man, more infantile ad hominems, infantile non sequitur, infantile post hoc ergo propter hoc, infantile false dichotomy, infantile mind reading, infantile Freudian projection, all neatly wrapped up in one neat tiny little infantile package pf paranoid delusion.

Now go take your Paxil. :lol:

Hey Jethro, a doctor can cure you being tongue tied. Your typical Ebonic laced blurts and spits. Not a paragraph to be found...
It's an American expression. Where are you from?

I'm an American. And if you are talking about America, it's water, air and food supply, it is OURS, not yours.

Another one that doesn't believe in private property or self ownership. I'm fucking shocked!

I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.
YOUR shit?


It's an American expression. Where are you from?

I'm an American. And if you are talking about America, it's water, air and food supply, it is OURS, not yours.

You're an American who doesn't know what it means when someone's in your shit and couldn't figure it out from the context? Explains your welfare quest.
I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

Well, we support your right to do drugs. Most of us just think you're a moron for doing them. But you go girl, you're tripping.
I'm an American. And if you are talking about America, it's water, air and food supply, it is OURS, not yours.

Another one that doesn't believe in private property or self ownership. I'm fucking shocked!

I strongly believe in private property and privacy.

Anyone who advocates the expropriation of one persons property (i.e. their accumulated wealth), in order to give it to someone who didn't earn it, does not, in any way, strongly believe in private property.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

Ad hominem, sweeping generalizations (not even true at that), complete falshoods...In that order.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.
That's because we're intelligent enough to be able to use out own words and compose our own posts, rather than stealing the words of other as though that makes us as brilliant as they.

BTW, you forgot the pithy quote from some random historical figure there, Gomer. :lol:
I wish someone would start a discussion on libertarianism in the Clean Debate forum.

The Bad Words Brigade is out in force, fully armed, and it's hard to follow the argument through the piles of shit, turds, piss, fucks, spits, and blurts.

Not my thread, I guess; enjoy.
I'm an American. And if you are talking about America, it's water, air and food supply, it is OURS, not yours.

Another one that doesn't believe in private property or self ownership. I'm fucking shocked!

I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

OMG! More strawmen, false premise and straight out lying! This is becoming a really shocking deal, Cork!
I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

Well, we support your right to do drugs. Most of us just think you're a moron for doing them. But you go girl, you're tripping.

Do you even know who Harry Browne is? BTW, the only drug I do is caffeine in the morning.

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