The question libertarians just can’t answer

Another one that doesn't believe in private property or self ownership. I'm fucking shocked!

I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

OMG! More strawmen, false premise and straight out lying! This is becoming a really shocking deal, Cork!

PROVE it. There is not a word that is a lie. You right wing statist turds who call themselves libertarians are all for private property and privacy, YOURS, as for the rest of us, you cheer SWAT teams busting down people's doors for growing a PLANT.
I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

OMG! More strawmen, false premise and straight out lying! This is becoming a really shocking deal, Cork!

PROVE it. There is not a word that is a lie. You right wing statist turds who call themselves libertarians are all for private property and privacy, YOURS, as for the rest of us, you cheer SWAT teams busting down people's doors for growing a PLANT.

You're making a fucking ass out of yourself now (as if early posts didn't already solidify that stature). I absolutely support none of that. You've been given a certain level of leniency due to your obvious confusion and ignorance, but I will say now, if you continue to make shit up and create these false premise arguments, I will totally verbally abuse the puss out of you.

Now, you're dismissed for the evening, fucktard.
Tell me to prove a negative. These are your accusations, you witless turd. You PROVE IT. Cite the source where I support outlawing abortion or advocate the failed war on drugs. Or the war in Iraq. Or Afghan.


Turds of your caliber are meant for nothing other than mocking,
I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

Well, we support your right to do drugs. Most of us just think you're a moron for doing them. But you go girl, you're tripping.

Do you even know who Harry Browne is? BTW, the only drug I do is caffeine in the morning.
Yeah, well you should see a professional (no, seriously) and get on some kind of psychotropic regimen.

And, yes, it's safe to say that just about every libertarian here knows who Harry Browne is.
OMG! More strawmen, false premise and straight out lying! This is becoming a really shocking deal, Cork!

PROVE it. There is not a word that is a lie. You right wing statist turds who call themselves libertarians are all for private property and privacy, YOURS, as for the rest of us, you cheer SWAT teams busting down people's doors for growing a PLANT.

You're making a fucking ass out of yourself now (as if early posts didn't already solidify that stature). I absolutely support none of that. You've been given a certain level of leniency due to your obvious confusion and ignorance, but I will say now, if you continue to make shit up and create these false premise arguments, I will totally verbally abuse the puss out of you.

Now, you're dismissed for the evening, fucktard.

Oh, I see, only you can make up shit about what YOU know I believe. I get it now...
Well, we support your right to do drugs. Most of us just think you're a moron for doing them. But you go girl, you're tripping.

Do you even know who Harry Browne is? BTW, the only drug I do is caffeine in the morning.
Yeah, well you should see a professional (no, seriously) and get on some kind of psychotropic regimen.

And, yes, it's safe to say that just about every libertarian here knows who Harry Browne is.

I don't believe it 'safe' to say any of you far right wing 'bitches for plutocrats' who call yourselves libertarians have a clue who Harry Browne was.
Dude...You're making Carlin from The Bob Newhart Show look sane. :lmao:

Now it's starting to click...your brain was fried when you sat for years on your ass eating potato chips and placed your brain on top of a boob tube.

No books, no conversation = no paragraphs. The world of canned laughter.
I'm an American. And if you are talking about America, it's water, air and food supply, it is OURS, not yours.

Another one that doesn't believe in private property or self ownership. I'm fucking shocked!

I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

You're actually right about the NRA, which is why most libertarians support Gun Owners of America instead. Much more principled.
Another one that doesn't believe in private property or self ownership. I'm fucking shocked!

I strongly believe in private property and privacy. And I am willing to bet I am more libertarian than any of you right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support the NRA, who doesn't believe in private property at all. They believe I can park my car on YOUR property with a loaded gun in the glove box, and YOU, the property owner has NO RIGHT to know a deadly weapon is a few feet away from you, your family or your employees.

You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

You're actually right about the NRA, which is why most libertarians support Gun Owners of America instead. Much more principled.

I have a lot of libertarian beliefs, especially when it comes to the things civil libertarians stand for. That is why I could never understand people who say they are for liberty, then attack the ACLU.

The true test of the belief in liberty is not standing up for your own liberty, it is standing up for other people's liberty, even people that make your blood boil.

It is having a strong belief in private property rights, but also having an equally strong belief in the rule of the commons or law of the Commons. The air we breath, the water we drink and life sustaining things we all share and no one has the right to own. Not governments, not corporations, not individuals. They're not owned by the governor or the legislator or the coal companies and the utility. Everybody has a right to use them. Nobody has a right to abuse them. Nobody has a right to use them in a way that will diminish or injure their use and enjoyment by others.

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb
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No one is saying anything about utopia, Corky. Your "mixed" system is a failure and yet you just want to keep on trying to make it work. it's the definition of insanity. Keep trying the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

How much of this and that central planning always leads to more central planning and when it appears that the initial planning failed, well certainly that is grounds for another round of planning.

cookoo cookoo cookoo

Can you name a few nations that do not have mixed economies. What's the Cookoo, you also a clock.

Singapore and Hong Kong do not have mixed economies.
You right wing turds who say you are 'libertarian', then you turn around and support a woman's uterus deemed property of the STATE, the death penalty where the GOVERNMENT exterminates you, the egregious war on drugs, making people piss in a cup and have GOVERNMENT determine your fate.

Most of the Libertarians I know oppose laws banning abortion and the death penalty, as well as the war on drugs.

I never see any of you 'libertarians' posting any of writings of the late great Harry Browne, Barry Goldwater or ANY civil libertarians.

I voted for Harry Browne (twice). I don't recall his views differing substantially from the the libertarian arguments made in this thread, or elsewhere on the board. Did you have something specific in mind?
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We don't need BIG GOVERNMENT to save us from unlicensed doctors. We can figure it out ourselves.

Nah. That's not the argument libertarians are making. It's a false dilemma. It's not a choice between figuring everything out for yourself, or 'big government'. And libertarianism isn't the kind of cartoonish loner-individualism you try to make it out to be.

Here's what I find puzzling about the argument for the regulatory state:

I tend to agree with a preference for doctors who are certified and scrutinized by a trusted third party. I prefer food that is inspect and certified as safe. I'd rather do business with contractors who have a solid track record and hire well-trained union labor.

The thing is, I don't have any desire to force my preferences on others. That's what I don't get about the usual approach of the regulatory state. The regulations don't limit the service providers so much as they do customers' choices. They tell people that, even if they thoroughly trust a doctor (for example) and believe their skills and training are sufficient to provide them with decent health care, they can't hire that doctor unless the state gives them permission. I don't believe that is necessary or moral. What's wrong with the freedom to decide for ourselves how much risk is acceptable and how much quality assurance we want and are willing to pay for?
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We don't need BIG GOVERNMENT to save us from unlicensed doctors. We can figure it out ourselves.

Nah. That's not the argument libertarians are making. It's a false dilemma. It's not a choice between figuring everything out for yourself, or 'big government'. And libertarianism isn't the kind of cartoonish loner-individualism you try to make it out to be.

Here's what I find puzzling about the argument for the regulatory state:

I tend to agree with a preference for doctors who are certified and scrutinized by a trusted third party. I prefer food that is inspect and certified as safe. I'd rather do business with contractors who have a solid track record and hire well-trained union labor.

The thing is, I don't have any desire to force my preferences on others. That's what I don't get about the usual approach of the regulatory state. The regulations don't limit the service providers so much as they do customers' choices. They tell people that, even if they thoroughly trust a doctor (for example) and believe their skills and training are sufficient to provide them with decent health care, they can't hire that doctor unless the state gives them permission. I don't believe that is necessary or moral. What's wrong with the freedom to decide for ourselves how much risk is acceptable and how much quality assurance we want and are willing to pay for?

I believe what libertarians lack is an education in basic civics. What kind of society would this be if anyone could hang a shingle on their door saying 'doctor'?

How about a community with no building codes? You could build a fire trap. WHO shows up to risk his life to save your ass?
We don't need BIG GOVERNMENT to save us from unlicensed doctors. We can figure it out ourselves.

Nah. That's not the argument libertarians are making. It's a false dilemma. It's not a choice between figuring everything out for yourself, or 'big government'. And libertarianism isn't the kind of cartoonish loner-individualism you try to make it out to be.

Here's what I find puzzling about the argument for the regulatory state:

I tend to agree with a preference for doctors who are certified and scrutinized by a trusted third party. I prefer food that is inspect and certified as safe. I'd rather do business with contractors who have a solid track record and hire well-trained union labor.

The thing is, I don't have any desire to force my preferences on others. That's what I don't get about the usual approach of the regulatory state. The regulations don't limit the service providers so much as they do customers' choices. They tell people that, even if they thoroughly trust a doctor (for example) and believe their skills and training are sufficient to provide them with decent health care, they can't hire that doctor unless the state gives them permission. I don't believe that is necessary or moral. What's wrong with the freedom to decide for ourselves how much risk is acceptable and how much quality assurance we want and are willing to pay for?

I believe what libertarians lack is an education in basic civics. What kind of society would this be if anyone could hang a shingle on their door saying 'doctor'?

How about a community with no building codes? You could build a fire trap. WHO shows up to risk his life to save your ass?

Whoever wants to. But I'd appreciate an answer to the specific question I'm asking. I can understand concern over someone's decisions about personal risk spilling over on to others (building a firetrap in the midst of row-homes, for example). But I think I that's a bit of a red-herring. The core of the regulation approach isn't about protecting other people from someone's bad decisions. It's about protecting a person from their own bad decisions. That doesn't seem right to me. As long as I'm not asking anyone else to suffer the consequences, why should the state override my decisions about personal risk and safety?
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Nah. That's not the argument libertarians are making. It's a false dilemma. It's not a choice between figuring everything out for yourself, or 'big government'. And libertarianism isn't the kind of cartoonish loner-individualism you try to make it out to be.

Here's what I find puzzling about the argument for the regulatory state:

I tend to agree with a preference for doctors who are certified and scrutinized by a trusted third party. I prefer food that is inspect and certified as safe. I'd rather do business with contractors who have a solid track record and hire well-trained union labor.

The thing is, I don't have any desire to force my preferences on others. That's what I don't get about the usual approach of the regulatory state. The regulations don't limit the service providers so much as they do customers' choices. They tell people that, even if they thoroughly trust a doctor (for example) and believe their skills and training are sufficient to provide them with decent health care, they can't hire that doctor unless the state gives them permission. I don't believe that is necessary or moral. What's wrong with the freedom to decide for ourselves how much risk is acceptable and how much quality assurance we want and are willing to pay for?

I believe what libertarians lack is an education in basic civics. What kind of society would this be if anyone could hang a shingle on their door saying 'doctor'?

How about a community with no building codes? You could build a fire trap. WHO shows up to risk his life to save your ass?

Whoever wants to. But I'd appreciate an answer to the specific question I'm asking. I can understand concern over someone's decisions about personal risk spilling over on to others (building a firetrap in the midst of row-homes, for example). But I think I that's a bit of a red-herring. The core of the regulation approach isn't about protecting other people from someone's bad decisions. It's about protecting a person from their own bad decisions. That doesn't seem right to me. As long as I'm not asking anyone else to suffer the consequences, why should the state override my decisions about personal risk and safety?

Totally false assumption. Are drunk driving laws to protect the drunk or the innocent victim?
We don't need BIG GOVERNMENT to save us from unlicensed doctors. We can figure it out ourselves.

Nah. That's not the argument libertarians are making. It's a false dilemma. It's not a choice between figuring everything out for yourself, or 'big government'. And libertarianism isn't the kind of cartoonish loner-individualism you try to make it out to be.

Here's what I find puzzling about the argument for the regulatory state:

I tend to agree with a preference for doctors who are certified and scrutinized by a trusted third party. I prefer food that is inspect and certified as safe. I'd rather do business with contractors who have a solid track record and hire well-trained union labor.

The thing is, I don't have any desire to force my preferences on others. That's what I don't get about the usual approach of the regulatory state. The regulations don't limit the service providers so much as they do customers' choices. They tell people that, even if they thoroughly trust a doctor (for example) and believe their skills and training are sufficient to provide them with decent health care, they can't hire that doctor unless the state gives them permission. I don't believe that is necessary or moral. What's wrong with the freedom to decide for ourselves how much risk is acceptable and how much quality assurance we want and are willing to pay for?

I believe what libertarians lack is an education in basic civics. What kind of society would this be if anyone could hang a shingle on their door saying 'doctor'?

How about a community with no building codes? You could build a fire trap. WHO shows up to risk his life to save your ass?
What about complete ignoramus moonbats who construct straw man argument after straw man argument?
Nah. That's not the argument libertarians are making. It's a false dilemma. It's not a choice between figuring everything out for yourself, or 'big government'. And libertarianism isn't the kind of cartoonish loner-individualism you try to make it out to be.

Here's what I find puzzling about the argument for the regulatory state:

I tend to agree with a preference for doctors who are certified and scrutinized by a trusted third party. I prefer food that is inspect and certified as safe. I'd rather do business with contractors who have a solid track record and hire well-trained union labor.

The thing is, I don't have any desire to force my preferences on others. That's what I don't get about the usual approach of the regulatory state. The regulations don't limit the service providers so much as they do customers' choices. They tell people that, even if they thoroughly trust a doctor (for example) and believe their skills and training are sufficient to provide them with decent health care, they can't hire that doctor unless the state gives them permission. I don't believe that is necessary or moral. What's wrong with the freedom to decide for ourselves how much risk is acceptable and how much quality assurance we want and are willing to pay for?

I believe what libertarians lack is an education in basic civics. What kind of society would this be if anyone could hang a shingle on their door saying 'doctor'?

How about a community with no building codes? You could build a fire trap. WHO shows up to risk his life to save your ass?
What about complete ignoramus moonbats who construct straw man argument after straw man argument?

Yea Jethro, all this adult shit is beyond your age group.

Have the butler read up on actuarial risk. And then have him draw pictures.

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