The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

That’s the only thing we can do. However, you have to know that if you interview the leader of another country, ANY country, you don’t go in there with the intent of making accusations and insulting them. There is a certain level of decorum and professional courtesy that all journalists will extend to world leaders.

Yes, I would expect Carlson would not ask any of the question that the poster mentioned.

Beyond that, we will just have to wait for the interview to see if it’s a fluff piece or not.

I will make this prediction though, no matter what questions that Carlson asks of Putin, the democrats will reject it all and paint it as a fluff piece. I’d dare say your lefty “news” outlets probably already have the stories written, and will run them, no matter how hard of questions Tucker asks him. Hell, Tucker could ask him ALL of the questions that the OP suggested, and the left would STILL come out and say Carlson asked him softball question.

It’s just the nature of our political divide.
It's fluff.
WEF shills/bots like this will lead you straight to ww3 and nuclear war America!

Democrats = WEF

They want both America and Russia to burn.
You sound exactly like the limp-wristed commsymp appeasers of the 1970 and 1980s.

When Reagan moved MX missiles into Europe and ramped up our defense posture ("Peace Through Strength"), all your red fellow travelers whined he was going to start WWIII.

What a good little boot-licking simp you are.
Do any of you honestly believe any reporter who got an interview with Putin or any world leader would ask questions like that?

Carlson "just ask questions" to manufacture bullshit about Biden. Why not confront Putin with the truth?

Do you believe that even if he could, Carlson would?

Never in a million years would that cocksucking appeaser do that.
That’s the only thing we can do. However, you have to know that if you interview the leader of another country, ANY country, you don’t go in there with the intent of making accusations and insulting them. There is a certain level of decorum and professional courtesy that all journalists will extend to world leaders.
So you would apply that horseshit to an interview with Hitler?!?
Putin is the other half of a war we are funding on both sides... we are sending money and weapons to Ukraine as we are still honoring oil purchase contracts from Russia we made 6 years ago...
If you don't talk to both leaders you will never stop the killing..
We are talking to Putin. With bombs.

And we have diplomats in Russia. Do you think they are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses?

When it comes to child abductors and child rapists, there is only one-way communication. "Die, motherfucker."
Funny, is something holding CBS, Fox, NBC, NYT, WaPo, CNN or anyone else from going over asking these questions, stooge?

Thank God for Tucker for finally doing their jobs!

NOW we will find out the real truth that Biden and his democrat henchmen have bee hiding from us for two years and what Zelenskyy knows about Biden that Joe has been covered up that they impeached a president over to try to hide!!!
Another useful idiot FSB Kool-Aid drinker who thinks a man carrying out child abduction and child rape and murders his critics is the truth teller in this picture.

You don't interview Putin, you spread his propaganda. Just watch the upcoming interview and see if I'm right.

Exactly, Tucker supports Russia and the weapons they give to Iran and the Houthis to kill Americans with.
Democrats leaning left enough groveled to Stalin, Mao, Castro and such. Our magazines even made some despots into heroes. In recent decades we found out they were left leaning also. Just like our TV media and entertainers. It is sickening for they will disappear when things get real nasty.
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...
Pardom me Moi'd ... less than Sir.Tucker explained in plain
english with clarity exactly why and what his upcoming Putin
interview will accomplish.It is not being used to delight any
political party.It was about Journalism.There is no current Journalism
in the U.S. regarding any understanding of Putin.
Just Jolly Roger pap regarding Zelensky ... Bub.
Americans need to get a viewpoint.Like how Trump operated.
Sure Trump had a viewpoint on Terrorists.But he also had a viewpoint
of those who Run entire Country's.
We had No problemo whatever from Putin while Master Potus
Trump was at the helm.
No Threats of another World WAr or use of Nukes.
Under Biden everything Diplomatic is going in the toilet.
Biden is rewarding Iran.And wholly backing this Joke
of a guy { Zelensky } in Ukraine.Tucker as usual is
Doing the Right Thing.And as usual those on the left don't
give 2 shits about doing the right thing.Tucker will get
answers that have never been afforded Russia's Putin.
And it won't be insultingly juvenile like from
MSNBC,CNN or the Networks.
Tucker is a real and experienced Journalist.
Last edited:
Democrats leaning left enough groveled to Stalin, Mao, Castro and such. Our magazines even made some despots into heroes. In recent decades we found out they were left leaning also. Just like our TV media and entertainers. It is sickening for they will disappear when things get real nasty.
There's only a Book by FAmed Conservative author Mark Levin
- Unfreedom of the Press -
We are talking to Putin. With bombs.

And we have diplomats in Russia. Do you think they are sitting around with their thumbs up their asses?

When it comes to child abductors and child rapists, there is only one-way communication. "Die, motherfucker."
Idiot war monger.... you have a lot of blood on your hands... all due to TDS....
To highlight just how missing in action Biden is Tucker will speak with Putin and Trump should give the pre game speech at the super bowl...
And maybe Jill can find some new meds for Joe so he looks coherent...
No reporter should give a platform to a mass murdering war criminal who perpetrates child abduction and child rape.

Got it?
Now give me ten min and I'll find you a hundred examples of it....
Another useful idiot FSB Kool-Aid drinker who thinks a man carrying out child abduction and child rape and murders his critics is the truth teller in this picture.

You are the kool aid drinker... you have a senile old man you are defending dupe....

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