The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

You dumbass what fucking good would it do to hold that kind of an interview... there is a war going on and frankly the reason it began is foggy at best... Getting Putin's mind set is critical in this interview.... people are dying someone needs to find out why... our president doesn't care... fuck he should be talking to Putin... why isn't he?....
So the only kind of interview Tuckems can do is one where he jerks Vlad off under the table?

Oh well.
Then this war won't end until America has a real leader in the white house...
Who is going to do or say this: ________

Oops, you forgot that part. You always do.

Biden, much to the surprise and chagrin of both Trump and Putin, quickly gathered, lead, and still leads a large alliance of our western allies. That's leadership. That's what a real leader does.

A self interested conman without any interest in leading anything but a golf tournament or a criminal conspiracy isn't going to be a real leader.

It's all so obvious, to anyone outside of the cult.
Who is going to do or say this: ________

Oops, you forgot that part. You always do.

Biden, much to the surprise and chagrin of both Trump and Putin, quickly gathered, lead, and still leads a large alliance of our western allies. That's leadership. That's what a real leader does.

A self interested conman without any interest in leading anything but a golf tournament or a criminal conspiracy isn't going to be a real leader.

It's all so obvious, to anyone outside of the cult.
Keep shooting or start talking... no one is talking.... why is that so hard for you?...
Keep shooting or start talking... no one is talking.... why is that so hard for you?...
Yes they are. Ukraine is talking. Russia must get off their land immediately.

Russia is talking back. They say they will not only keep that land, but will also seize more Ukrainian land for themselves.

So again... your imaginary "real leader" would do... what?

Funny, this sounds a LOT like Trump. He says he would end it right away. He just always forgets to say how.

What a coincidence that the two of you talk so similarly.
Putin is more of an American then WEF/Democrats.

Democrats have sold America, and the world out to globalist and their loyalties lie with the WEF.
Good to see that Neville Chamberlain has reincarnated. I was wondering when he would come back.
Indeed, Joey Xi does act quite like the old fool Chamberlain (The Appeaser) that died in infamy...
Acts like a communist, seizes businesses like a communist, idolizes communist dictators from history....controls everything from elections to your employment like a communist.

But he is a freedom loving leader?

Not exactly logical....
You dumbass what fucking good would it do to hold that kind of an interview... there is a war going on and frankly the reason it began is foggy at best... Getting Putin's mind set is critical in this interview.... people are dying someone needs to find out why... our president doesn't care... fuck he should be talking to Putin... why isn't he?....
Want to get Putin's mind set? He's a murderous psychopath.

There, fixed it for ya.
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...

Well, let’s think about this for a second…do you go TO Russia and insult its leader to his face, and expect you’re going to not suffer consequence? Of course he probably won’t ask those questions, because I’m sure he doesn’t have a death wish.
Collectively speaking, Americans really have been thoroughly and strategically brainwashed regarding the matter.
I wonder how many Russians have actually been brainwashed? My guess is very, very few. Most have long ago figured out who Putin is and never believed for a second that the murders of civilians in Ukraine are justified, to say nothing of his critics being murdered.
I wonder how many Russians have actually been brainwashed? My guess is very, very few. Most have long ago figured out who Putin is and never believed for a second that the murders of civilians in Ukraine are justified, to say nothing of his critics being murdered.
Russians haven't been brainwashed.

They aren't giving kids hormone blockers and sex changes
Well, let’s think about this for a second…do you go TO Russia and insult its leader to his face, and expect you’re going to not suffer consequence? Of course he probably won’t ask those questions, because I’m sure he doesn’t have a death wish.
You don't interview Putin, you spread his propaganda. Just watch the upcoming interview and see if I'm right.

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