The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin

Anyway. Placing the exploding heads and infantile tantrums aside, and as I stated elsewhere around the board regarding the topic, I thought that he explained the conundrum in western media rather well here..

Collectively speaking, Americans really have been thoroughly and strategically brainwashed regarding the matter.

Should be an interesting interview.
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Have you told the Russian citizens that 100s of 1000s of their compatriots have been mowed down because of the incompetence of your military?

Do the Russian citizens know you are the richest person in history, because of the money you have stolen from their economy?
Genghis Khan was the richest person in history.
Yes, you are a bad faith poster and a sealion troll. You can always expect me to brush aside your troll exercises. Every time.
You are into sealions I guess... ooooookaaaaayyyy...

Angry Sea Lion GIF by BBC America
When you went to your private dacha with Hillary, did you give her a dirty Sanchez? Or a dirty Rodriguez?

Annotation 2020-04-29 012701.png
“The Questions Carlson Won't Be Asking Putin”

The American right serves you as an important fifth column in Russia’s campaign of misinformation and lies, what role will American conservatives play in undermining democracy in the United States?
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...
I am enjoying how you are making the right wing asslickers bleed from their wherevers.
You dumbass what fucking good would it do to hold that kind of an interview... there is a war going on and frankly the reason it began is foggy at best... Getting Putin's mind set is critical in this interview.... people are dying someone needs to find out why... our president doesn't care... fuck he should be talking to Putin... why isn't he?....
Putin is fuckin war crinal and a kleptocrat....

What the fuck are you on about... He lies, Biden knows that too well...

Only an idiot goes into talks with Putin without fucking humiliating first...
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...
Worried? You bet you are.
Putin is fuckin war crinal and a kleptocrat....

What the fuck are you on about... He lies, Biden knows that too well...

Only an idiot goes into talks with Putin without fucking humiliating first...
Okay lets not try and stop the killing... you are right lets keep the babies in basements as the shelling continues... screw you... you can't be serious.... we do business with the worlds most degusting scum and murderers like Xi... you have another reason for hating Putin... its 2016 isn't it?... you fucking make me sick....
We would love to do so .

But the insane freak Putin threatened the entire world with nukes, if we directly interfere.
Has our president spoken to Putin? at all?... no he has not... you need a deal maker to end this and Joe has no intention of brokering a deal and its going to cost us billions before its over and millions of lives....
Admittedly, the most horrible thing about Putin is that he dared to ride a horse without a shirt.

No, not the horse, Putin!
Russian stooge Walter Duranty Tucker Carlson will be interviewing KGB thug Vladimir Putin.

Here are the questions he won't be asking.


You had Sergei Magnitsky beaten, tortured, and murdered for revealing you and other Russian officials have been stealing from the Russian treasury. Just how many billions have you stolen from the Russian people?


How often are you in touch with Svetlana Krivonogikh?


38 businessmen and oligarchs have died under mysterious circumstances in the past few years. They fell out of windows to their deaths, or fell off a boat and drowned, or "committed suicide". Is this all just a coincidence?


One of your chief critics, Alexei Navalny, was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok, a KGB favorite. When he failed to die, you sentenced him to prison. Another activist, Vladimir Kara-Murza, was just sentenced to 25 years for speaking out against you. Are you thin-skinned, or what?


How many more American elections are you planning on interfering in?


You've been in power for 24 years now. To do so, you had your constitution re-written so you can basically be re-elected as many times as you wish. There's another election in Russia this year. Why do you bother rigging and stealing elections? Why not just declare yourself dictator for life?


You've invaded several countries under false pretenses, including Ukraine. You have mass murdered civilians and forcibly migrated countless thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia where they are being raped by your soldiers. Is child abduction and pedophilia okay if YOU do it?


I'm just asking questions...
I wish you would get the opportunity ask Putin those questions so we would never have to hear your dumbassery again, Moron.

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