The Quintessential Liberal Commercial

Half the country pays no taxes.

Everyone should have skin in the game.
That is a lie, everyone pays taxes: sales and gas taxes, tariffs, tolls, etc.
So Why Don't They Pay Federal Income Taxes ??
That's What She Was Talking About,
And You Know It
So It's Not A LIE, YOU Are....

Oh, And BTW
Which President Made That TRUE
About How Many Don't Pay Federal Income Tax
BlindBoo said:
Even wage earners who don't make enough to have to pay federal taxes pay SS tax and Medicare tax.
And If They Don't Pay Federal Income Tax
They Can Still Get A Tax Refund
As The Earned Income Tax Credit

So How Much Of Those Two Taxes Are They Really Paying Again ??

2018 Earned Income Tax Credit: 3 Limits You Need to Know -- The Motley Fool
For those with three or more children, the maximum earned income tax credit for 2018 is $6,431.
Families with two qualifying children have a $5,716 maximum credit amount,
while those with one qualifying child face a limit of $3,461.
The credit for those with no children is much smaller, maxing out at just $519
Half the country pays no taxes.

Everyone should have skin in the game.
That is a lie, everyone pays taxes: sales and gas taxes, tariffs, tolls, etc.
So Why Don't They Pay Federal Income Taxes ??
That's What She Was Talking About,
And You Know It
So It's Not A LIE, YOU Are....

Oh, And BTW
Which President Made That TRUE
About How Many Don't Pay Federal Income Tax
You may know what she's means, I only know what she writes.
alang1216 said:
You may know what she's means.
So What, Your Chart
I Pay All Those TOO
The Federal Income Tax
About 47% Of Americans DON'T

With The Earned Income Tax Credit
That's All Covered
I only know what she writes
So Why Aren't You Taking It Up With Her
Government of the Liberal persuasion recognizes no personal responsibility, and promises to coddle, cosset, and swaddle the simpletons who believe same, from cradle to grave.

Well....there is a recent commercial that embodies that same don't have to be responsible for the fiduciary promises you make.

This is the commercial: "There's a secret the credit card companies don't want you to don't have to pay back all of what you owe!"


You signed an agreement, charged up the balances.....and now you're going to steal what you agreed to pay?????

In one way or another, Democrat/Liberal policy is based on theft of this sort, whether progressive taxation, socialism, Occupy Wall Street, or the latest......promising that American workers will pay for healthcare for illegal aliens.

Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'
Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'

Of course you have a right to settle the the full amount or take a hike.!!!!! You must be a conservative!!!!

LOL...should have said "pay the debt or pay the consequences".

Sooo....ya' think government will bail California out when the time comes?
Government of the Liberal persuasion recognizes no personal responsibility, and promises to coddle, cosset, and swaddle the simpletons who believe same, from cradle to grave.

Well....there is a recent commercial that embodies that same don't have to be responsible for the fiduciary promises you make.

This is the commercial: "There's a secret the credit card companies don't want you to don't have to pay back all of what you owe!"


You signed an agreement, charged up the balances.....and now you're going to steal what you agreed to pay?????

In one way or another, Democrat/Liberal policy is based on theft of this sort, whether progressive taxation, socialism, Occupy Wall Street, or the latest......promising that American workers will pay for healthcare for illegal aliens.

Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'
Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'

What the ever loving FUCK does a predatory corporation's commercial making false claims have to do with liberals?

The vulgarity proves you know exactly what it means.....and it hurt.

Government of the Liberal persuasion recognizes no personal responsibility, and promises to coddle, cosset, and swaddle the simpletons who believe same, from cradle to grave.

Well....there is a recent commercial that embodies that same don't have to be responsible for the fiduciary promises you make.

This is the commercial: "There's a secret the credit card companies don't want you to don't have to pay back all of what you owe!"


You signed an agreement, charged up the balances.....and now you're going to steal what you agreed to pay?????

In one way or another, Democrat/Liberal policy is based on theft of this sort, whether progressive taxation, socialism, Occupy Wall Street, or the latest......promising that American workers will pay for healthcare for illegal aliens.

Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'
Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'

Of course you have a right to settle the the full amount or take a hike.!!!!! You must be a conservative!!!!

LOL...should have said "pay the debt or pay the consequences".

Sooo....ya' think government will bail California out when the time comes?

If Trump is still in office at that time there is a hope/chance that won't happen. If the time does come I'm guessing the Democrats have enough irons in the fire to tax the hell out of us Californians.

How would you handle taxes and how much would there be to spend on the government doing it your way?
Half the country pays no taxes.

Everyone should have skin in the game.

...but what if I am too poor to pay my part of the Federal budget? Shouldn't I get a free ride because I am too damn sorry to make enough money to pay taxes? After all, shouldn't "the rich" be forced to pay my share? Thats fair, isn't it?
PoliticalChic said:
Sooo....ya' think government will bail California out when the time comes?
They'll Get A Credit Negotiator
It'll All Be Forgiven
And We'll All Live Happily Ever After

The End....
Amplifying on the theme of the OP....

Government of the Liberal persuasion recognizes no personal responsibility, and promises to coddle, cosset, and swaddle the simpletons who believe same, from cradle to grave.

....especially as the observation has caused a great deal of angst among our lesser intelligent brethren.....Liberals and Democrats.....I would be remiss not to provide a far more salient example.

Abortion....nearly every one of which is for nothing more than the convenience of the, mother......negates any personal responsibility for one's personal behavior.

The act has become nothing more than post coital birth control.

Interesting nexus, eh?
Democrats/Progressives/Liberals are copacetic with walking away from both the debts they have incurred and the children they have created.

The morality of the jungle.

How would you handle taxes and how much would there be to spend on the government doing it your way?
Half the country pays no taxes.

Everyone should have skin in the game.

...but what if I am too poor to pay my part of the Federal budget? Shouldn't I get a free ride because I am too damn sorry to make enough money to pay taxes? After all, shouldn't "the rich" be forced to pay my share? Thats fair, isn't it?

I get ya' drift, Flashy.....but it will be over the heads of your targets.

The de facto leader of their party put out a white (excuse the expression, Democrats) paper offering "financial security for those who don't care to work."
BlindBoo said:
Even wage earners who don't make enough to have to pay federal taxes pay SS tax and Medicare tax.
And If They Don't Pay Federal Income Tax
They Can Still Get A Tax Refund
As The Earned Income Tax Credit

So How Much Of Those Two Taxes Are They Really Paying Again ??

2018 Earned Income Tax Credit: 3 Limits You Need to Know -- The Motley Fool
For those with three or more children, the maximum earned income tax credit for 2018 is $6,431.
Families with two qualifying children have a $5,716 maximum credit amount,
while those with one qualifying child face a limit of $3,461.
The credit for those with no children is much smaller, maxing out at just $519

You forgot to mention these poverty level households are also eligible for an extra refundable Child Credit too.
Everybody loves that credit. But the EIC now pays even single wage earners with no children that 519 if they make less than 8500 dollar a year and were not claimed as a dependent.

None of that makes the original statement true however.
Amplifying on the theme of the OP....

Government of the Liberal persuasion recognizes no personal responsibility, and promises to coddle, cosset, and swaddle the simpletons who believe same, from cradle to grave.

....especially as the observation has caused a great deal of angst among our lesser intelligent brethren.....Liberals and Democrats.....I would be remiss not to provide a far more salient example.

Abortion....nearly every one of which is for nothing more than the convenience of the, mother......negates any personal responsibility for one's personal behavior.

The act has become nothing more than post coital birth control.

Interesting nexus, eh?
Democrats/Progressives/Liberals are copacetic with walking away from both the debts they have incurred and the children they have created.

The morality of the jungle.
What would you call a businessman who repeatedly declares bankruptcy to avoid paying his debts?
BlindBooYou said:
You forgot to mention these poverty level households are also eligible for an extra refundable Child Credit too.
Then I Guess All Their Taxes Are Covered By These Credits

Ergo....They Don't Pay Taxes
Government of the Liberal persuasion recognizes no personal responsibility, and promises to coddle, cosset, and swaddle the simpletons who believe same, from cradle to grave.

Well....there is a recent commercial that embodies that same don't have to be responsible for the fiduciary promises you make.

This is the commercial: "There's a secret the credit card companies don't want you to don't have to pay back all of what you owe!"


You signed an agreement, charged up the balances.....and now you're going to steal what you agreed to pay?????

In one way or another, Democrat/Liberal policy is based on theft of this sort, whether progressive taxation, socialism, Occupy Wall Street, or the latest......promising that American workers will pay for healthcare for illegal aliens.

Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'
Credit Associates TV Commercial, 'You Have the Right'


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