The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

What does it take to make you see the obvious truth that the Quran is a book of lies?

When you see a black wall, you may say it's a white wall and earn recognition. You just need to be fully convinced of what you are saying.

Are you suggesting that one only has to be convincing about a lie to receive recognition?

Is that what you are looking for? Recognition.... as a liar?

Congratulations. I'm convinced.
What does it take to make you see the obvious truth that the Quran is a book of lies?

When you see a black wall, you may say it's a white wall and earn recognition. You just need to be fully convinced of what you are saying.

Are you suggesting that one only has to be convincing about a lie to receive recognition?

Is that what you are looking for? Recognition.... as a liar?

Congratulations. I'm convinced.

You make an interesting point------my very first observation about muslims is that they talk with CONVICTION.
no matter how idiotic the propostion. There have been
times that I have been so annoyed with "THE BEAUTY OF ISLAAAAAM" BS----that I have actually told people in "mixed ---kinda genteel---gatherings" 'stating your faith based beliefs as FACT ----is rude when in mixed company'-----
it never works
The koran cannot give any assurance of Salvation.
The koran is internally contradictory.
The koran says things about history and historical figures that are inaccurate. (Bible personalities.)
The koran does not reveal a personal God.
The koran does not speak about Prophetic matters, it cannot tell what is coming.
The koran is just another man oriented religion, based on what man must do, rather than The Bible which tells us what God has done.
The koran is nothing like the Bible in it's content, it is the writing of a man, verses the Bible having some 40 authors writing over a millennium, yet it is historically accurate and internally accurate

I read the Koran in my youth----at a time that I was ADDICTED to old writings------the greek classics----
Dante's inferno, the hindu Gita, ----so when a Koran fell on me (picthall version) I read that too. It is really a lousy bit of literature. -----------Beowulf is better. The bible----on the other hand is SUBLIME (with the exception of some of obvious propaganda found in NICEA NT-----crap
like "john"

Yes, its blatantly obvious to me that the Quran is poorly written. One could call it an incoherent mumble.
I wrote a piece on sura 12 which is an attempt to tell the story of Joseph from genesis in the bible. But the Quranic version is a quarter of the length of the bible story of Joseph, and it leaves out all the important details that make the bible story understandable. I do not think anyone who did not know the bible story of Joseph could possibly make sense of sura 12.
When it comes to religions, I put Islam in a special category all by itself. Kind of hybrid nihilists- anti Semites over the rainbow.

The single most FASCINATING aspect of the
"message" of muhummad is his very own declaration

"I AM THE GREATEST" (yeah----me too)
A "prophet" is not a predictor of the future----he is
defined as a person who had communication with
"GOD" and who reveals that communication. -----
Muhummad is the only one of the hundreds of thousands
of persons who "communicated" -----and of the few
hundred credited with such an experience-----who opened his mouth and said "I AM SO GREAT THAT NO ONE WILL
EVER DO IT AGAIN"--------allahuakbarr- and muhummadhu

Jesus never made such a claim----nor moses, nor jeremiah,
nor amos nor Ezekiel -----------they are not the
"I AM THE GREATEST" kinda people

bigbadbagdaddy shows signs of an illness
something like that which afflicted muhummad.---
So did Al Capone-----and-----"little ceasar"
If the Creator of the Universe had shared Holy insights with Mohamud via an archangel, there wouldn't be so many inconsistencies and mistakes in the qu'ran.

There are no mistakes in the Qur'an. There is only your unwillingness to look at it with an open mind.


Of course there are mistakes in the qur'an. To deny that is to deny obvious reality.

The qur'an is a very poor work of fiction written not by God but by some mental midget like Mohamud.
The koran cannot give any assurance of Salvation.
The koran is internally contradictory.
The koran says things about history and historical figures that are inaccurate. (Bible personalities.)
The koran does not reveal a personal God.
The koran does not speak about Prophetic matters, it cannot tell what is coming.
The koran is just another man oriented religion, based on what man must do, rather than The Bible which tells us what God has done.
The koran is nothing like the Bible in it's content, it is the writing of a man, verses the Bible having some 40 authors writing over a millennium, yet it is historically accurate and internally accurate

I read the Koran in my youth----at a time that I was ADDICTED to old writings------the greek classics----
Dante's inferno, the hindu Gita, ----so when a Koran fell on me (picthall version) I read that too. It is really a lousy bit of literature. -----------Beowulf is better. The bible----on the other hand is SUBLIME (with the exception of some of obvious propaganda found in NICEA NT-----crap
like "john"

Yes, its blatantly obvious to me that the Quran is poorly written. One could call it an incoherent mumble.
I wrote a piece on sura 12 which is an attempt to tell the story of Joseph from genesis in the bible. But the Quranic version is a quarter of the length of the bible story of Joseph, and it leaves out all the important details that make the bible story understandable. I do not think anyone who did not know the bible story of Joseph could possibly make sense of sura 12.

so true----and comically it is presented as something that
"corrects" the bible
If the Creator of the Universe had shared Holy insights with Mohamud via an archangel, there wouldn't be so many inconsistencies and mistakes in the qu'ran.

There are no mistakes in the Qur'an. There is only your unwillingness to look at it with an open mind.


Of course there are mistakes in the qur'an. To deny that is to deny obvious reality.

The qur'an is a very poor work of fiction written not by God but by some mental midget like Mohamud.

"like muhummad" ----but not muhummad himself------it was
written more than 100 years after he had died and is so
FULL of justification for PROFITABLE IMPERIALISM ----
attained by brutal violence------it is not at all difficult to understand the motivations of the writers
But the Quranic version is a quarter of the length of the bible story of Joseph, and it leaves out all the important details that make the bible story understandable. I do not think anyone who did not know the bible story of Joseph could possibly make sense of sura 12.
What dilettante's like you don't understand is that Muslims are well aware of the story of Joseph in the Torah, so there wasn't any need for the Quran to repeat the entire story. What the Quran does is highlight the essentials of the story and correct any errors in the bible's version. ....... :cool:
If the Creator of the Universe had shared Holy insights with Mohamud via an archangel, there wouldn't be so many inconsistencies and mistakes in the qu'ran.

There are no mistakes in the Qur'an. There is only your unwillingness to look at it with an open mind.


Of course there are mistakes in the qur'an. To deny that is to deny obvious reality.

The qur'an is a very poor work of fiction written not by God but by some mental midget like Mohamud.

Here is a web site devoted to listing 1000 mistakes in the Quran
1000 Mistakes and errors in the Quran
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But the Quranic version is a quarter of the length of the bible story of Joseph, and it leaves out all the important details that make the bible story understandable. I do not think anyone who did not know the bible story of Joseph could possibly make sense of sura 12.
What dilettante's like you don't understand is that Muslims are well aware of the story of Joseph in the Torah, so there wasn't any need for the Quran to repeat the entire story. What the Quran does is highlight the essentials of the story and correct any errors in the bible's version. ....... :cool:

Contrary wise the Quran leaves out vital details of the story.

Having compared the bible story of Joseph in the bibles Genesis with the Quran, I can just about follow the story as described in sura 12. But as far as I can see, anyone who did not know the Genesis story could not possibly make sense of the tale of Joseph, as told in the Quran.
In the bible books of Genesis from chapter thirty seven to chapter fifty. the entire fourteen chapters are about Joseph. There are four hundred and fifty verses about the story in the bible, but in the quran sura 12 there are only one hundred and eleven verses.
The quranic version of the bible story of Joseph is a mumbling, incoherent, ill considered, and inaccurate muddle, and it does not even tell you who Joseph is. It just launches into Josephs dream at verse 4, after three verses that attempt to explain the story is being revealed in Arabic, presumably to make it available to Arabs.
The entire sura is peppered with completely unnecessary references to Allah which clutter the narrative, if you can call it a narrative. Because the bible story is clear and lucid, and rich in detail, and it has a comprehensible flow to it.

Sura 12.4 launches into a description of Josephs dream, with no explanation of who he is or how many brothers he has. What is more the dream described is the second of two dreams that are told in Genesis. But the entire point of the dream is that the eleven stars bowing down to Joseph are his eleven brothers. Genesis explains Josephs family tree so you can realize this, but the Quran says nothing about the matter. The Genesis story also says that Jacob made a coat of many colours for Joseph, and that is why his brothers were jealous of him, but the quran gives no reason or motives for Josephs brothers to hate him. Nor does it explain that Joseph has one other brother named Benjamin who had the same mother as himself, but the other ten brothers are step brothers. Nor does sura 12 explain this issue at any time, including when Joseph sends for him from Egypt.
So when Josephs brothers state at sura 12.8 When they said:" Verily Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, many though we be. Lo! our father is in plain aberration":
This makes absolutely no sense whatever to anyone that has not read the full account in Genesis.
Later in the story Joseph is put in power in Egypt, but sura 12 says nothing about him filling the granaries for seven years, it simply changes the subject to when his brothers amble into Egypt to trade, (sura 12.58) and it does not explain they are there because it is now during the seven years of famine. Then Joseph ask his brothers to send for a brother of who is a son of their father, this again makes no sense without an explanation of the family background.
How much more obvious can it be that the Quran is plagiarism, and it was taken from the Bible and other earlier sources. It is clear to me that Muhammad had Genesis read to him and sura 12 is his half remembered rehash of the story of Joseph.
But the Quranic version is a quarter of the length of the bible story of Joseph, and it leaves out all the important details that make the bible story understandable. I do not think anyone who did not know the bible story of Joseph could possibly make sense of sura 12.
What dilettante's like you don't understand is that Muslims are well aware of the story of Joseph in the Torah, so there wasn't any need for the Quran to repeat the entire story. What the Quran does is highlight the essentials of the story and correct any errors in the bible's version. ....... :cool:

anyone out for a bit of fun-----find a muslim and ask him to recount
the bible stories I have known lots of educated muslims-----
just about all of them medical school graduates------they know
absolutely nothing about the bible------. In Pakistan memorizing
the Koran virtually guarantees a place in medical schools

my son attended a jewish day school for grammar school and then at age 14 went to a "magnet high school"----one of those
special places with entry exams--------his first friend----based on
the fact that they were assigned to each other as chemistry
lab partners was SIDDIQUE-----son of one of them diplomats.

Just about every day my kid told me
"Ma, you won't believe what Siddique said today"

Try again sunni--------sadly some people might believe your
I used a black marker to cross out all the violent and intolerant pages in the Koran, and was left with a total of two pages that weren't crossed out. :rofl:
According to the Koran, Jesus wasn't crucified, the Jooooos made that up to save his life. Muslims believe that Jesus suffered only some broken bones.
I used a black marker to cross out all the violent and intolerant pages in the Koran, and was left with a total of two pages that weren't crossed out. :rofl:

You can't do that in Pakistan. It is punishable by death. I have a copy of the Quran I have written comments throughout in the margins, and underlined many verses. I shall not be showing that to Muslims any time soon.
According to the Koran, Jesus wasn't crucified, the Jooooos made that up to save his life. Muslims believe that Jesus suffered only some broken bones.

Yes, and since all four books of the apostles have lengthy accounts of the crucifixion Muslims are saying that the bible is all made up.
I speak as a Muslim.

Anyone who knows a little about Islam knows about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), him who did the Night Journey.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said God revealed a book to him, the Holy Qur'an.

"Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!"

This is not the word of a human being, not the word of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). This is the word of God Almighty. The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty. He revealed it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) through the intermediary of the Archangel Gabriel.

The Koran and entire religion of a islam is built in a total lie.

Abraham was never asked to sacrifice Ishmael, it was clearly ISSAC. But, but, since your prophet was an illiterate terrorist, he couldn't read where it says that many times. He also didn't read where G-d called Ishmael wild man, and asked Abraham to kick him out of his house, to let him roam in the desert like a jackass.

No, your prophet, even though Abraham lived 2500 years before him, made himself a relative of Ishmael, the one G-d cursed, and totally mutilated the story of Abraham.

And since the Koran couldn't even copy the story of Abraham properly because it's prophet was busy terorising and stealing, the entire religion is crap from top to bottom. True story. :cool:
According to the Koran, Jesus wasn't crucified, the Jooooos made that up to save his life. Muslims believe that Jesus suffered only some broken bones.

Yes, and since all four books of the apostles have lengthy accounts of the crucifixion Muslims are saying that the bible is all made up.

I heard the muslim version of the story in a mosque----the "IMAM" who delivered the KHUTBAH JUMAAT on that ---
GOOD FRIDAY----was a visting genius----I believe from
AL AZHAR U. ----the muslim version is that the NEW TESTAMENT was written by PERVERSE LYING CHRISTIANS
because of their motivation to DESTROY ISLAAAAM.

not kidding------on Good Friday no less. In New York City----
walking distance from the site where the World Trade Center
would later be built By happenstance I was in New York City on 9-11-01 -----I watched the towers burn----first one---then
came the second plane-------then they collapsed-------the brave
mujahadeen -----might just as well have crushed a bunny rabbit for their GLORIOUS ALLAH--in case you may imagine that stories of their "despair" are true On Atlantic ave. Brooklyn Happy sluts wiggled their fat asses and ululated for joy.
I finally understood "THE BEAUTY OF ISLAAAAAM"

as to the putative Christian motivation to "destroy islaaaam"
I grew up amongst Christians----still harbor happy memories
of giant chocolate bunnies------I doubt that there was a single
Christian in my town who had any idea what "ISLAM"
is-----------they were standard WASPS-----the survivors of
Syria and Lebanon ----were in a different town----later I learned
that they had a fair idea
I speak as a Muslim.

Anyone who knows a little about Islam knows about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), him who did the Night Journey.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said God revealed a book to him, the Holy Qur'an.

"Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!"

This is not the word of a human being, not the word of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). This is the word of God Almighty. The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty. He revealed it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) through the intermediary of the Archangel Gabriel.

The Koran and entire religion of a islam is built in a total lie.

Abraham was never asked to sacrifice Ishmael, it was clearly ISSAC. But, but, since your prophet was an illiterate terrorist, he couldn't read where it says that many times. He also didn't read where G-d called Ishmael wild man, and asked Abraham to kick him out of his house, to let him roam in the desert like a jackass.

No, your prophet, even though Abraham lived 2500 years before him, made himself a relative of Ishmael, the one G-d cursed, and totally mutilated the story of Abraham.

And since the Koran couldn't even copy the story of Abraham properly because it's prophet was busy terorising and stealing, the entire religion is crap from top to bottom. True story. :cool:

the arabs, back then-----tribal primitives that they were ---were
HEAVY into issues of FAMILY LINEAGE-------muhummad needed a LINEAGE (he was actually-----probably born on the wrong side of the bed---and was given over to an uncle to being up ---
the kid of questionable parentage). My theory is that he heard some jews
call him an "ISHMAELITE" which ---is a word-----I have been told by Talmud saavy hubby-----which means "DANGEROUS
CRIMINAL----MAURAUDERS IN THE WASTELANDS who are always illiterate----do not have permanent homes and generally of unfortunately neglectful personal hygiene

so...... he made-up a lineage

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