The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

I speak as a Muslim.

Anyone who knows a little about Islam knows about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), him who did the Night Journey.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said God revealed a book to him, the Holy Qur'an.

"Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!"

This is not the word of a human being, not the word of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). This is the word of God Almighty. The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty. He revealed it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) through the intermediary of the Archangel Gabriel.
Everything I need to know about muslims I learned as they mortered my base and shot at my unit. I don't give a fuck what your little book says.
Which is ridiculous given the fact Islam is as much a false religion as Christianity.
Islam cannot be from God because Muhammad's teaching does not pass the second test God gave for a prophet. Deuteronomy 13:1-4says that no prophet will bring a revelation that is in conflict with previous revelation. His revelation must agree with the previous revelation of God.
Islam is not 'from god' because there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, the same reason Christianity isn't 'from god.'

All religions are equally false and devoid of merit – making the killing of other human beings over religion that much more obscene.
Islam cannot be from God because Muhammad's teaching does not pass the second test God gave for a prophet. Deuteronomy 13:1-4says that no prophet will bring a revelation that is in conflict with previous revelation. His revelation must agree with the previous revelation of God.
Islam is not 'from god' because there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, the same reason Christianity isn't 'from god.'

All religions are equally false and devoid of merit – making the killing of other human beings over religion that much more obscene.
All religions, even deistic religions that aren't concerned with gods, according to you.
And in the End Times the prophet Jesus will stand behind Muhammad, along with the other jewish prophets like Moses and Abraham.

And they will follow Muhammad's lead and bow down in the Islamic prayer to worship G-d. ..... :cool:

I don't think any sane person would follow someone who ordered good muslims to wipe his or her ass with an uneven number of rocks, and who married a 9 year old. I feel somewhat sorry for muslims that their brains and standards aren't a little higher.
Islam cannot be from God because Muhammad's teaching does not pass the second test God gave for a prophet. Deuteronomy 13:1-4says that no prophet will bring a revelation that is in conflict with previous revelation. His revelation must agree with the previous revelation of God.
The revelation's of Muhammad are in agreement with the previous one's given by G-d.

Which proves that Muhammad is the true and final Prophet of G-d.

And I would like to extend an invitation to anyone reading this post to submit to Allah and accept Islam as your personal religion. ..... :cool:
And I would like to extend an invitation to anyone reading this post to submit to Allah and accept Islam as your personal religion. ..... :cool:
And wipe my ass with rocks? No thanks. :lol:
Islam cannot be from God because Muhammad's teaching does not pass the second test God gave for a prophet. Deuteronomy 13:1-4says that no prophet will bring a revelation that is in conflict with previous revelation. His revelation must agree with the previous revelation of God.
The revelation's of Muhammad are in agreement with the previous one's given by G-d.

Which proves that Muhammad is the true and final Prophet of G-d.

And I would like to extend an invitation to anyone reading this post to submit to Allah and accept Islam as your personal religion. ..... :cool:
Proves nothing. Allah is satan and moooooohamut was a liar.
Which is ridiculous given the fact Islam is as much a false religion as Christianity.
God doesn't need to be real for the religion to be real or radicalism to be real or violent drug-reinforced indoctrination to be real. God can be a lie and that bomb will still kill you.

Google "Thomas Theorem" and realize that arguing against the existance of any god is pointles if not a harmful distraction because that bullet fired "in Allah's blessed name" will kill you either way.
Wait a minute, you said in another thread that you need the saints of Islam to interpret the Quran for you, and you should not read it for yourself.

This is not so when what it means is obvious.

The other Abrahamic faiths existed prior to Muhammud. But Islam clearly did not.

All the prophets brought pretty much the same divine messages, in the contents. That's why these religions look alike somewhat.

the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

It was the Nile and the Euphrates. Look at the history at these places and you will understand why Muhammad said the Nile and the Euphrates were rivers of Paradise, peace be upon him and his family.
What the Quran really says the earth is flat and the sun orbits it in a semi circle, the sun is then reset at dawn under the earth. See verse 36.38 and the hadith Bukhari vol4, book 54, no 421

The Qur'an indicates that the earth is round, in the 7th century. Many centuries later the church still believed the earth was flat.

If the Creator of the Universe had shared Holy insights with Mohamud via an archangel, there wouldn't be so many inconsistencies and mistakes in the qu'ran.

There are no mistakes in the Qur'an. There is only your unwillingness to look at it with an open mind.

Islam cannot be from God because the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, did not pass God's first test for a prophet. Deuteronomy 18:21-22 tells us that God will authenticate those He sends as a prophet by having them perform signs. Muhammad gave no sign as required by God.

The devil is subtle and is found in the small details. God never said that about signs, what He says looks similar but is completely different.

Muhammad was the prophet chosen by G-d to give mankind the Quran. ...... :cool:

The Qur'an is an honor from God to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), not to humans.

Both Holy Books can be be useful to one who seeks to walk a path of peace, virtue, humility, and/ or unconditional love.

From my perspective, the Bible does not increase except one's illusions and one's greed.

The koran is just another man oriented religion, based on what man must do, rather than The Bible which tells us what God has done.

The Qur'an is a book from God, miraculously kept authentic to this day. The Bible is a book fully corrupted by men who had their own agenda.

Two excellent reasons why the Bible is reliable and not the koran: First, fulfilled prophecies. There are 100's in the Bible that have been fulfilled and there are many being fulfilled right now about Israel. The koran cannot make that claim.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) and Islam are the summation of all prophecies. The plan of God was that he be the very last prophet to come down on earth.

Second, the Paul said that "every word must be established at the mouths of two or three witnesses". Moses himself said that "matter shall be established at the mouths of two or three witnesses". The koran was given to and written, in its entirety, by Mohammad alone.

You know well, I hope you do, that the Bible and all books of religions, except the Qur'an of course can not be authentic today, in the 21st century. What is said in those books can not be trusted.
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Muhammad was the prophet chosen by G-d to give mankind the Quran. ...... :cool:

Not a mad poet, would you believe. Its strange how Muhammad uses the Quran for personal grudges like stating the wives of a prophet deserve twice the punishment of other wives, and the fact he devotes an entire sura to cursing his own uncle and aunt for not believing in him.

What does it take to make you see the obvious truth that the Quran is a book of lies?
Muhammad was the prophet chosen by G-d to give mankind the Quran. ...... :cool:

Not a mad poet, would you believe. Its strange how Muhammad uses the Quran for personal grudges like stating the wives of a prophet deserve twice the punishment of other wives, and the fact he devotes an entire sura to cursing his own uncle and aunt for not believing in him.

What does it take to make you see the obvious truth that the Quran is a book of lies?

When you see a black wall, you may say it's a white wall and earn recognition. You just need to be fully convinced of what you are saying.
he devotes an entire sura to cursing his own uncle and aunt for not believing in him.

"Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he."

The Qur'an says that, not Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God curses Himself that uncle of Muhammad for what he did to Muhammad.
Here is a clear indication from the Quran and hadiths that Muhammad made up his message based upon the ideas of his time. He clearly states the sun goes to a resting place, and that should be enough for any thinking person to see he was not getting a message from God.

Quran sura 36.38 And the Sun runs on unto a resting place for him, That is the measuring of the mighty and wise.

The following from Hadith Bukhari confirms that Muhammad thought the sun went to a resting place and gives details that cannot be interpreted any other way.

Hadith Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421:
Narrated Abu Dhar:
The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing." (36.38)

As can be seen it says that if the sun changed direction it would rise in the west. Muslims say that where the Quran says the sun swims in an orbit, it means the sun orbits the galaxy But if the sun changed direction in its orbit in the galaxy it would make no difference to the sun rising in the east, because it is the rotation of the earth that causes the appearance of the sun in the east. The hadith is clearly saying the sun orbits the earth, and it is a fuller explanation of verse 36.38 in the Quran.

muslim75, did you miss this post. Try reading it using your brain and you will see it proves the Quran says the sun orbits the earth.
muslim75, did you miss this post. Try reading it using your brain and you will see it proves the Quran says the sun orbits the earth.
Your idiotic statement that the Quran says the sun orbits the earth has be refuted and debunked by me many times.

And yet you continue to spread your nonsense lie. ..... :cool:
I cannot see how you can debunk the hadith which is a fuller explanation of the Quran verse 36.38 when I have clearly shown it says the sun orbits the earth. You cannot dispute that the Quran says several times that the sun and the moon both swim in an orbit. The fact is that the hadith makes plain that it is Imams that are lying when they claim this means the Quran says the sun orbits the galaxy.
And in the End Times the prophet Jesus will stand behind Muhammad, along with the other jewish prophets like Moses and Abraham.

And they will follow Muhammad's lead and bow down in the Islamic prayer to worship G-d. ..... :cool:
These are the ravings are a true LUNATIC.

hundreds of millions parrot the same shit-----they think like they "pray"-----sing song group recitation ----without thought.
In fact-----most muslims do not even understand the Arabic
they are parroting-----I do not mean that they are not fluent in
Arabic------they actually do not understand a single word
The koran cannot give any assurance of Salvation.
The koran is internally contradictory.
The koran says things about history and historical figures that are inaccurate. (Bible personalities.)
The koran does not reveal a personal God.
The koran does not speak about Prophetic matters, it cannot tell what is coming.
The koran is just another man oriented religion, based on what man must do, rather than The Bible which tells us what God has done.
The koran is nothing like the Bible in it's content, it is the writing of a man, verses the Bible having some 40 authors writing over a millennium, yet it is historically accurate and internally accurate

I read the Koran in my youth----at a time that I was ADDICTED to old writings------the greek classics----
Dante's inferno, the hindu Gita, ----so when a Koran fell on me (picthall version) I read that too. It is really a lousy bit of literature. -----------Beowulf is better. The bible----on the other hand is SUBLIME (with the exception of some of obvious propaganda found in NICEA NT-----crap
like "john"

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