The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

Jesus was a great prophet of G-d.

Muhammad was sent to finish the work of Jesus and the other Jewish prophets of the Bible. ...... :cool:

Muhammad was not "sent" by anybody, to do anything. He was a cheap, two-bit. illiterate, good-for nothing, worthless criminal, who created a SCAM known as Islam, for no reason other then to shield him and his merry men from criticism for all the immoral things they were doing. This is the world's longest running, 1400 year old con job, and you either fall for it, or you push it from some vested interest in it.

And all the people in the world today who call themselves Muslims are a JOKE. Probably 90% of them are Muslim only because their ancestors were forced to become part of this idiotic lunacy, at the point of a sword. Hell of a way for someone to call himself a Muslim.
And in the End Times the prophet Jesus will stand behind Muhammad, along with the other jewish prophets like Moses and Abraham.

And they will follow Muhammad's lead and bow down in the Islamic prayer to worship G-d. ..... :cool:
what idiot "sent" an illiterate thief, rapist, murderer?
The same G-d of the Torah who sent Moses the murderer and King David the adulter and murderer.

Yes,...... Muhammad was illiterate, but he never raped, stole, or murdered anyone. ..... :cool:
Actually, Muhammud lead wars of aggression wherein he created the circumstances for his murderous barbarian hoardes to rape, steal from and murder the people he waged war against. .......:cool:
And in the End Times the prophet Jesus will stand behind Muhammad, along with the other jewish prophets like Moses and Abraham.

And they will follow Muhammad's lead and bow down in the Islamic prayer to worship G-d. ..... :cool:

Horse shit. The pedophile Mohamud's religion says that the very trees and rocks will cry out against any Jews found hiding there.

There is zero chance that any Jewish people will stand with the pedophile Mohamud.
Jesus was a great prophet of G-d.

Muhammad was sent to finish the work of Jesus and the other Jewish prophets of the Bible. ...... :cool:
I noticed you didn't write 'peace be upon him' after Muhammad.

Does that mean you can't go to heaven?
what idiot "sent" an illiterate thief, rapist, murderer?
The same G-d of the Torah who sent Moses the murderer and King David the adulter and murderer.

Yes,...... Muhammad was illiterate, but he never raped, stole, or murdered anyone. ..... :cool:

right-----the women just asked for it. I've heard that one lots of times------from jerks handcuffed to their hospital bedrails----
what idiot "sent" an illiterate thief, rapist, murderer?
The same G-d of the Torah who sent Moses the murderer and King David the adulter and murderer.

Yes,...... Muhammad was illiterate, but he never raped, stole, or murdered anyone. ..... :cool:
Actually, Muhammud lead wars of aggression wherein he created the circumstances for his murderous barbarian hoardes to rape, steal from and murder the people he waged war against. .......:cool:

Adolf Hitler did not murder anyone either
The Koran is just another fairy tale for adults. There isn't any proof that God exists let alone what flavor religion God is. Deluded people might think they know god's mind, and that might be construed as either insanity or heresy, take your pick.
The Koran is just another fairy tale for adults. There isn't any proof that God exists let alone what flavor religion God is. Deluded people might think they know god's mind, and that might be construed as either insanity or heresy, take your pick.

sometimes it is infection----- eg -tertiary syphilis
Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet of a long list of prophets; Adam, Moses, Noah, Abraham, David, and many others. ...... :cool:
Mo' wasn't a "prophet". He may have called himself one but that was just another of the delusions he held. .........:cool:
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

Ever wonder what IDIOCY looks like ? You just saw it with this. >> "So is the Bible, obviously."

The Bible has just as much potential to be used for terror as the Quran.

Both Holy Books can be be useful to one who seeks to walk a path of peace, virtue, humility, and/ or unconditional love.

Both Holy Books can also be useful to one who seeks to walk a path of war, hate, murder, vengeance, fear, corruption, deception, and/ or manipulation, and yes, even "terrorism".

That's a major reason why both books are so EPIC! You can go Light Side or Dark Side and still find great Power in the Bible or the Quran!​
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

Ever wonder what IDIOCY looks like ? You just saw it with this. >> "So is the Bible, obviously."

The Bible has just as much potential to be used for terror as the Quran.

Both Holy Books can be be useful to one who seeks to walk a path of peace, virtue, humility, and/ or unconditional love.

Both Holy Books can also be useful to one who seeks to walk a path of war, hate, murder, vengeance, fear, corruption, deception, and/ or manipulation, and yes, even "terrorism".

That's a major reason why both books are so EPIC! You can go Light Side or Dark Side and still find great Power in the Bible or the Quran!​

Some deserve beheading.... are on the Dark Side.....let us see your head roll....
And in the End Times the prophet Jesus will stand behind Muhammad, along with the other jewish prophets like Moses and Abraham.

And they will follow Muhammad's lead and bow down in the Islamic prayer to worship G-d. ..... :cool:

Nonsense. . I heard that when Jesus appears a second time he will throw the false prophet and all those who follow him, and all those who worship the beast and have received the mark or number of his name into the lake of fire alive.

The Jesus I know would tell you that it is a violation of divine law under penalty of death to eat the flesh of teeming vermin who go down on all fours and would never follow Mohammad's lead and worship in the Islamic way.

The sad part is the damned probably will never even notice that they are under divine condemnation as they waste the rest of their pointless lives crawling on their bellies, eating dust, praising a pedophile and profaning the name of God by claiming that Mohammed was sent by Him to spread violence lies and corruption, beating women and killing and maiming the innocent along the way to their glorious quest for worldwide Islamic chaos.... at least until they die and discover they have no place in the world to come that has been reserved from the beginning of time for the righteous..

It may be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for someone who has invested so much time and money in a false religion to do what scripture requires to save their soul but it is possible for the Muslim with even the least intelligence and the least faith in the goodness and mercy of God to open their eyes and see the fact that they have been blinded and deceived since birth and are on the road to perpetual disaster in this world and permanent destruction in the next. Whether any have the faith and love for God and truth required to actually do something about it is another matter entirely.

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