The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

Muhammad was the prophet chosen by G-d to give mankind the Quran. ...... :cool:
Mo' was a self promoter who invented a politico-religious ideology that was largely stolen from other religions. ...... :cool:

well----mostly ----in the field of POLITICS----he did arab
plus CONSTANTINE. Constantine was such a bastard
that many eastern orthodox clerics prefer to claim that he
never converted to Christianity-----his mom (Helen) did---
but not bloody constantine
Muhammad was the prophet chosen by G-d to give mankind the Quran. ...... :cool:
Mo' was a self promoter who invented a politico-religious ideology that was largely stolen from other religions. ...... :cool:

And Christianity before that and Judaism before that – all religions are a creation of man, imbued with man's fear, ignorance, hate, flaws, and failings, rendering all religions false and unworthy of adherence.
And Christianity before that and Judaism before that – all religions are a creation of man, imbued with man's fear, ignorance, hate, flaws, and failings, rendering all religions false and unworthy of adherence.
And yet you worship at the altar of the flawed Constitution and constitutional law. Which are all man made documents and man made rulings. ..... :cool:
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And Christianity before that and Judaism before that – all religions are a creation of man, imbued with man's fear, ignorance, hate, flaws, and failings, rendering all religions false and unworthy of adherence.
And yet you worship at the alter of the flawed Constitution and constitutional law. Which are all man made documents and man made rulings. ..... :cool:

Tell the prayer leader at your madrassah he's fired.
And Christianity before that and Judaism before that – all religions are a creation of man, imbued with man's fear, ignorance, hate, flaws, and failings, rendering all religions false and unworthy of adherence.
And yet you worship at the altar of the flawed Constitution and constitutional law. Which are all man made documents and man made rulings. ..... :cool:
Provable man made documents and provable man made laws.
Prove your imaginary old man did shit.
Provable man made documents and provable man made laws.
Prove your imaginary old man did shit.

All that can be proven is that Mohammed was a pedophile suffering from auditory and visual hallucinations not to mention a megalomaniac and a misogynist.

The Koran that he said came to him from God is about violence, warfare, and how to properly beat your women to attain peace, a reflection of his mental illness.

some gift to mankind......
Provable man made documents and provable man made laws.
Prove your imaginary old man did shit.

All that can be proven is that Mohammed was a pedophile suffering from auditory and visual hallucinations not to mention a megalomaniac and a misogynist.

The Koran that he said came to him from God is about violence, warfare, and how to properly beat your women to attain peace, a reflection of his mental illness.

some gift to mankind......

Long before muhummad was born----it was already decided
that comments such as your ABOUT him-----is a capital crime-----your head must be removed------
The Quran is a guide to satans,Allah, religion. Muhammad was a pedophile and a liar. One true God, Jehovah, his Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

That very young girl you talk about is known to all Muslims as the Mother of the Believers (like all wives of Muhammad). In addition she is one of those in history who have said the most wonderful things about Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). There were women who cut their hands when they saw Joseph, because he was so beautiful. She said that if those women saw Muhammad, it is their hearts that they would have cut out. She also said that all the deeds of Muhammad were wonderful.

As to being a liar, even the pagan arabs who knew Muhammad as a youth before revelation agreed to call him "the trustworthy and the truthful". And these were people so wicked that they would bury their daughters alive.
Jesus Christ was the best individual who has ever lived. Mohammed was the worst. Had he not been born and started the cancer of Islam, 270 million people around the would have been saved from vicious murder, millions more women would have not been mutilated, tortured, discriminated against, beaten, billions of animals would have been spared, billions of children would have been spared from sexual assault, billions of people would have been spared from slavery, and the world would have been a much, much, much better place.
Provable man made documents and provable man made laws. Prove your imaginary old man did shit.

Of what 'imaginary old man' are ya speaking?

the old man who declared ------rape of war captives is an excellent idea------HELPS THE JIHAD

So you're imagining an old man declaring that those captured in war should be raped?

Have you considered talking to someone about that?

You should know that you're presenting with delusion... and that's not good.

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