The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

Here is a damning piece I wrote about sura 111, in which Muhammad condemns his own uncle and aunt because they would not believe in him. I include some material by maududie which is in the public domain and out of copyright.

For those that wish to study the quran and are new to it, I recommend reading the suras in the reverse order, starting from the back at reading sura 114, and continuing through the suras in the reverse order. The shortest suras are at the back, and they are mostly the first verses that were written anyway.
The first verse that leaps out at you in the reverse reading of the quran is sura 111. The following is the five lines of the verse with comments about their meaning by Yusuf Ali.
It would seem to me to be one of the most damning suras in the quran, which tells the whole story of Muhammads real nature, and the source of his knowledge of the bible. He curses his own uncle to death and to burning hell, and his aunt with him.
The reason is because his uncle refused to accept him as a prophet, and that may well be because it was his uncle who taught him the bible stories, therefore he knew Muhammad did not get any information from the angel Gabriel.
sura 111, know as, (the plaited rope) or Al Lahab (the flame)
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

111.1. Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!
111.2. No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains!
111.3. Burnt soon will he be in a fire of blazing flame!
Comment: Abu Lahab, "Father of Flame", was the nick-name of an uncle of the holy Prophet, from his fiery hot temper and his ruddy complexion. He was one of the most inveterate enemies of early Islam. When the holy Prophet called together the Quraish and his own kith and kin to come and listen to his preaching and his warning against the sins of his people, the "Father of Flame" flared up and cursed the holy Prophet, saying "Perdition to thee!" According to the English saying, "the causeless curse will not come". His words were futile, but his power and strength were equally futile. The star of Islam rose higher and higher every day, and its persecuters dwindled in strength and power. Many of the leaders of persecution perished at Badr, and Abu Lahab himself perished a week after Badr, consumed with grief and his own fiery passions. Verse 3 was prophetic of his end in this very life, though it also refers to the Hereafter.

111.4. His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood - As fuel!-
111.5. A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre around her (own) neck!
Comment: Abu Lahab's wife was a woman of equally passionate spite and cruelty against the sacred person of the holy Prophet. She used to tie bundles of thorns with ropes of twisted palm-leaf fibre and carry them and strew them about on dark nights in the paths which the Prophet was expected to take, in order to cause him bodily injury. "To carry firewood" may also be symbolical for carrying tales between people to embroil them. This was also one of her vices. But she was laying up for herself another kind of Fire and another kind of Rope, the Fire of Punishment, and the Rope of Slavery to Evil. Thus does Evil prepare its own fate. This is the general lesson of sustained craft and cruel wrong-doing recoiling on the wrong-doer's head. See also Introduction to this Sura.

The following is from Maududi's comments on sura 111
Wherever the Holy Prophet went to preach his message of Islam, this man followed him and forbade the people to listen to him. Rabiah bin Abbad ad- Dill has related:"I was a young boy when I accompanied my father to the face of Dhul-Majaz. There I saw the Holy Messenger (may peace be upon him) who was exhorting the people, saying: 'O people, say: there is no deity but Allah, you will attain success.'Following behind him I saw a man, who was telling the people; `This fellow is a liar: he has gone astray from his ancestral faith.' I asked; who is he?The people replied: He is his uncle, Abu Lahab." (Musnad Ahmad, Baihaqi). Another tradition from Hadrat Rabiah is to the effect; "I saw that the Holy Prophet went to the halting place of each tribe and said: `O children of so and so, I have been appointed Allah's Messenger to you. I exhort you to worship only Allah and to associate none with Him. So, affirm faith in me and join me so that I may fulfill the mission for which I have been sent.'Following close behind him there was a man who was saying: `O children of so and so, he is leading you astray from Lat and Uzza and inviting you to the religion of error and innovation which he has brought. Do not at all listen to what he says and do not follow him.' I asked my father: who is he?He replied: he is his uncle, Abu Lahab." (Musnad Ahmad, Tabarani). Tariq bin Abdullah al-Muharibi's tradition is similar. He says: "I saw in the fare of Dhul-Majaz that the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace) was exhorting the people, saying: `O people, say La ilaha ill-Allah, you will attain success', and behind him there was a man who was casting stones at him, until his heels bled, and he was telling the people: 'Do not listen to him, he is a liar.' I asked the people who he was. They said he was his uncle, Abu Lahab." (Tirmidhi).
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The entire Quran was memorized by thousands of people during Muhammad's life time. He personally instructed them as to sentence structure and exact pronunciation. And this was passed down from generation to generation until it was finally written down into book form.

Even today their are millions of muslims around the globe who have memorized the entire Quran and can recite it by heart. ...... :cool:

What about the four Qurans that were edited into one by a khalif. who's name I think was Uthman? and what about the pages that were eaten by a goat? And why don't Muslims read the text using their intelligence instead of reciting it parrot fashion? Because anyone who uses their brain to analyse the texts will soon see problems with it.

A goat? are you serious?

yes gravity------goats eat ANYTHING -------I was once cursed by having to accompany some kids to a "petting zoo"-----the GOAT ate my handbag-----DEEP TOOTH MARKS into
the leather. ---------the story is that the Koran was written on bits and pieces of bone. ---------I client of mine who was kinda
into farming told me-----GOATS are better than weed killers---put a goat into an empty lot plagued with weeds-----and they DEMOLISH the weeds----pull them out by the ROOTS
The entire Quran was memorized by thousands of people during Muhammad's life time. He personally instructed them as to sentence structure and exact pronunciation. And this was passed down from generation to generation until it was finally written down into book form.

Even today their are millions of muslims around the globe who have memorized the entire Quran and can recite it by heart. ...... :cool:
No doubt, that is one reason among many why the islamist world is so backward. ...... :cool:
The entire Quran was memorized by thousands of people during Muhammad's life time. He personally instructed them as to sentence structure and exact pronunciation. And this was passed down from generation to generation until it was finally written down into book form.

Even today their are millions of muslims around the globe who have memorized the entire Quran and can recite it by heart. ...... :cool:
No doubt, that is one reason among many why the islamist world is so backward. ...... :cool:

muslims prefer to call it a MIRACLE ----

btw----I can still do the GETTYSBURG ADDRESS-----
uhm------used to be that comeback for that claim was
"that and a dime will get you a cup of coffee
What about the four Qurans that were edited into one by a khalif. who's name I think was Uthman? and what about the pages that were eaten by a goat? And why don't Muslims read the text using their intelligence instead of reciting it parrot fashion? Because anyone who uses their brain to analyse the texts will soon see problems with it.
Islam has 1.2 billion adherents and growing.

We have no problem with the Quran. ...... :cool:
Your still ignoring -->
G-d creates life and G-d can extent it. ..... :cool:

See my post 143 which states that the age of Noah in the bible was a mistake, and the quran copied it.

When translating Genesis they screwed up the numbering system. This shows directly that the Quran copied a translation of Genesis and therefore the Quran didn't come from God.
Again, the Quran was given perfectly and contains no errors or mistakes. ...... :cool:
Except when it copied bad copies of the bible.

My impression of that idiot book is that it was written for an
audience of illiterates ----who would never know what a piece
of crap it is. A "story" that you might appreciate------I was---in my youth a kind of CLASSICIST freak----I read old stuff------so----when a KORAN fell into my lap-------having already read the HINDU GITA and RAMAYANA (and ---of course Kama sudtra) and the bible -----and Euripides and Aristophanes and Homer and Dante and-----Sophocles--
etc-----of course I read the Koran besides---it had lots
of reference to jews. The accounts of the history of the jews-----was so erroneous---that I thought the PICKTHALL
translation was a MISPRINT------so I handed it to a Pakistani
surgeon who was working in the same hospital in which I had a little weekend clerical job----and said "you should
inform the publishers that this book is full of MISPRINTS"----
he took a look and said "no it's fine"

actually----besides having no literary value
(Beowulf has more) it is full of errors
Ignoring nonsense is easy........ :cool:
Not on You Tube, as I am yet to find a video that isn't deliberately provocative on religion i.e. 'Islam will rule the world', 'Atheists are evil', 'Religion is evil', 'Christianity vs Islam', 'Atheism vs Islam', and 'Atheism vs Christianity'. Plenty of themes there that don't really accomplish much but a lot of hot air.
Even today their are millions of muslims around the globe who have memorized the entire Quran and can recite it by heart. ...... :cool:

Right, because many muslims around the globe are stuck in madrassas reciting verses from the quran and nothing else under threat of violence for 12 hours a day 7 days a week to the point of insanity where they lose the ability to think rationally for themselves and death seems like a better choice than life. By the age of 12 I'd probably be eager to blow myself up too under those circumstances..
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Some words from God Almighty (the Qur'an):

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"

"Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers."

''We made from water every living thing."
Some words from God Almighty (the Qur'an):

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"

"Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers."

''We made from water every living thing."

I speak as someone who is correcting you.

Claiming that you're "quoting" gawd almighty is really dishonest.

In terms of what Uthman eventually cobbled together which eventually became a book called the Koran, we need to understand that Uthman's Koran was entirely a book written by men. I understand your worship of the Koran doesn't allow you a truly objective approach, but you shouldn't presume that others will unquestioningly accept your claims.

Excepting islamist dogma, we have nothing to connect the koran with authorship from anyone except a mere mortal: Uthman. Now this is an obvious problem for you since we know that the author of the koran sutured together material from many sources and did so long after the death of the religions’ inventor. What we don’t know is what was contained in the material excluded from Uthmans’ Koran.
Some words from God Almighty (the Qur'an):

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"

"Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers."

''We made from water every living thing."

sura 25.61 Blessed be he who has placed in the heaven mansions of stars, and has placed therin a great lamp and a moon giving light.
sura 71.16 And has made the Moon a light therein, and made the Sun a lamp.
These verses show Muhammad calls the Moon a light, which makes clear he did not know it was reflecting the Suns light. He clearly regards the Sun and Moon as separate sources of light, one for the day and the other for night.
What passage of the bible did you read that was obviously a lie?
* * * *
The qu'ran is the silly self-contradictory fictional drivel of a lunatic murderous bigoted pedophile.

On it's best day, it is crap.

You don't say this about Hitler or Noriega. That's enough for a reply.

You sir are a butthurt slobbering tool. Hitler, as massive a cuntrash as he was, never founded a fucking religion. Are you suggesting that Noriega did?

And my comment was directed at the topic of this thread, dipshit. I also didn't comment on any other religion or work of fiction ever written.

Islam is a foul, odious, evil religion fit only for cesspools.
Some words from God Almighty (the Qur'an):

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"

"Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers."

''We made from water every living thing."

I speak as someone who is correcting you.

Claiming that you're "quoting" gawd almighty is really dishonest.

In terms of what Uthman eventually cobbled together which eventually became a book called the Koran, we need to understand that Uthman's Koran was entirely a book written by men. I understand your worship of the Koran doesn't allow you a truly objective approach, but you shouldn't presume that others will unquestioningly accept your claims.

Excepting islamist dogma, we have nothing to connect the koran with authorship from anyone except a mere mortal: Uthman. Now this is an obvious problem for you since we know that the author of the koran sutured together material from many sources and did so long after the death of the religions’ inventor. What we don’t know is what was contained in the material excluded from Uthmans’ Koran.

The Qur'an existed before eternity, before creation, it is the uncreated word of Allah Almighty (God Almighty). God revealed to Muhammad step by step, as events occured in his life. When the first revelation came to him, he was 40, peace be upon him and his family. The Qur'an was revealed to him during a timespan of 23 years. It was the Archangel Gabriel who was in charge of bringing the revelation to Muhammad, at each time. Then it was only after Muhammad's death that the Qur'an was assembled and put together to form one single book. It was during the rules of Abu Bakr and Uthman. Both of them were, like Muhammad and all his Companions, holy and heavenly.
Some words from God Almighty (the Qur'an):

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"

"Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers."

''We made from water every living thing."

It is believed in Islam that all the sciences originate fom the Qur'an. One who is accustomed to read from it and ponder on its meanings will be able to derive from it all that he wants.

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