The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

The koran cannot give any assurance of Salvation.
The koran is internally contradictory.
The koran says things about history and historical figures that are inaccurate. (Bible personalities.)
The koran does not reveal a personal God.
The koran does not speak about Prophetic matters, it cannot tell what is coming.
The koran is just another man oriented religion, based on what man must do, rather than The Bible which tells us what God has done.
The koran is nothing like the Bible in it's content, it is the writing of a man, verses the Bible having some 40 authors writing over a millennium, yet it is historically accurate and internally accurate
Two excellent reasons why the Bible is reliable and not the koran: First, fulfilled prophecies. There are 100's in the Bible that have been fulfilled and there are many being fulfilled right now about Israel. The koran cannot make that claim. One particularly important prophecy is the "nation born in one day" prophecy. If God had abandoned Israel in favor of Ishmael, this prophecy would have never come true.

Second, the Paul said that "every word must be established at the mouths of two or three witnesses". Moses himself said that "matter shall be established at the mouths of two or three witnesses". The koran was given to and written, in its entirety, by Mohammad alone. There was no one else with him, it was him on his own. This goes against the admonition by Moses, an accepted prophet by muslims.

Over and over in the Bible, different prophets give the same prophecies, establishing those matters. The prophecies come true, showing the prophets are true prophets of the Lord. Again, Mohamad and the quran cannot make those claims.
If I had a pair of sandals, I'd beat the Koran to a pulp, then fry it bacon grease.
Provable man made documents and provable man made laws.
Prove your imaginary old man did shit.

All that can be proven is that Mohammed was a pedophile suffering from auditory and visual hallucinations not to mention a megalomaniac and a misogynist.

The Koran that he said came to him from God is about violence, warfare, and how to properly beat your women to attain peace, a reflection of his mental illness.

some gift to mankind......

Long before muhummad was born----it was already decided
that comments such as your ABOUT him-----is a capital crime-----your head must be removed------
Moooohamid was a lying pedophile murdering bastard.
And in the End Times the prophet Jesus will stand behind Muhammad, along with the other jewish prophets like Moses and Abraham.

And they will follow Muhammad's lead and bow down in the Islamic prayer to worship G-d. ..... :cool:

Horse shit. The pedophile Mohamud's religion says that the very trees and rocks will cry out against any Jews found hiding there.

There is zero chance that any Jewish people will stand with the pedophile Mohamud.
The Quran also says Allah is a liar.
The koran cannot give any assurance of Salvation.
The koran is internally contradictory.
The koran says things about history and historical figures that are inaccurate. (Bible personalities.)
The koran does not reveal a personal God.
The koran does not speak about Prophetic matters, it cannot tell what is coming.
The koran is just another man oriented religion, based on what man must do, rather than The Bible which tells us what God has done.
The koran is nothing like the Bible in it's content, it is the writing of a man, verses the Bible having some 40 authors writing over a millennium, yet it is historically accurate and internally accurate
Two excellent reasons why the Bible is reliable and not the koran: First, fulfilled prophecies. There are 100's in the Bible that have been fulfilled and there are many being fulfilled right now about Israel. The koran cannot make that claim. One particularly important prophecy is the "nation born in one day" prophecy. If God had abandoned Israel in favor of Ishmael, this prophecy would have never come true.

Second, the Paul said that "every word must be established at the mouths of two or three witnesses". Moses himself said that "matter shall be established at the mouths of two or three witnesses". The koran was given to and written, in its entirety, by Mohammad alone. There was no one else with him, it was him on his own. This goes against the admonition by Moses, an accepted prophet by muslims.

Over and over in the Bible, different prophets give the same prophecies, establishing those matters. The prophecies come true, showing the prophets are true prophets of the Lord. Again, Mohamad and the quran cannot make those claims.
Prove it. Come on now, people, we all want to see the proof. Islam isn't made up deluded crapola because of....What, again? You bet your eternal souls on a pig in a poke, because it's your "culture"? Well alrighty then! Zeus, and the invisible pink unicorn must also be valid theologically, too. God bless the flying spaghetti monster, thy will be done...
Prove it. Come on now, people, we all want to see the proof. Islam isn't a quack made up deluded crapola because of....What, again? You bet your eternal souls on a pig in a poke, because it's your "culture"? Well alrighty then! Zeus, and the invisible pink unicorn must also be valid theologically, too. God bless the flying spaghetti monster, thy will be done...

Some religions are simply far more noxious than others. Islam is like pig shit floating in a tub of ebola infested blood. It might make you puke, it might make you sick, but it could easily kill ya.

Fuck Islam. Mohamud was a child rapist piece of rabid hateful murderous shit. And those were not even his worst points.
When it comes to religions, I put Islam in a special category all by itself. Kind of hybrid nihilists- anti Semites over the rainbow.
what idiot "sent" an illiterate thief, rapist, murderer?
The same G-d of the Torah who sent Moses the murderer and King David the adulter and murderer.

Yes,...... Muhammad was illiterate, but he never raped, stole, or murdered anyone. ..... :cool:
That's a LIE!!!

Mohammad was a mass-murderin', hysterically insane pedophile... .
Among other vile things.
And in the End Times the prophet Jesus will stand behind Muhammad, along with the other jewish prophets like Moses and Abraham.

And they will follow Muhammad's lead and bow down in the Islamic prayer to worship G-d. ..... :cool:
These are the ravings are a true LUNATIC.
The Koran is a terrorist's handbook.

So is the Bible, obviously.

Ever wonder what IDIOCY looks like ? You just saw it with this. >> "So is the Bible, obviously."

The Bible has just as much potential to be used for terror as the Quran.

Both Holy Books can be be useful to one who seeks to walk a path of peace, virtue, humility, and/ or unconditional love.

Both Holy Books can also be useful to one who seeks to walk a path of war, hate, murder, vengeance, fear, corruption, deception, and/ or manipulation, and yes, even "terrorism".

That's a major reason why both books are so EPIC! You can go Light Side or Dark Side and still find great Power in the Bible or the Quran!​
1. The Koran is NOT a "Holy Book". Islam is not a religion. It is a joke.

2. Neither the New Testament or the Koran is an interpretive entity. The NT has clear-cut solid positions that stand only for goodness. The vile Koran is just the opposite. It is a collection of every despicable evil one could ever think of.
I speak as a Muslim.

Anyone who knows a little about Islam knows about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), him who did the Night Journey.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said God revealed a book to him, the Holy Qur'an.

"Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!"

This is not the word of a human being, not the word of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). This is the word of God Almighty. The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty. He revealed it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) through the intermediary of the Archangel Gabriel.
Everything I need to know about muslims I learned as they mortered my base and shot at my unit. I don't give a fuck what your little book says.
Islam cannot be from God because Muhammad's teaching does not pass the second test God gave for a prophet. Deuteronomy 13:1-4says that no prophet will bring a revelation that is in conflict with previous revelation. His revelation must agree with the previous revelation of God.

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