The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty Himself (who is above any sort of humanness) revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Look to how relevant these verses, randomly chosen are:

"But thee We only sent to give glad tidings and admonition.

Say: "No reward do I ask of you for it but this: that each one who will may take a (straight) Path to his Lord."

And put thy trust in Him Who lives and dies not; and celebrate his praise; and enough is He to be acquainted with the faults of His servants;

He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between, in six days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority): Allah Most Gracious: ask thou, then, about Him of any acquainted (with such things).

When it is said to them, "Adore ye (Allah) Most Gracious!", they say, "And what is (Allah) Most Gracious? Shall we adore that which thou commandest us?" And it increases their flight (from the Truth).

Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"

The Criterion -Surah 25- V 56-61
You sure talk a lot for a liar saying nothing.
He's attempting to brainwash you via the internet....
He Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between, in six days, and is firmly established on the Throne (of Authority): Allah Most Gracious: ask thou, then, about Him of any acquainted (with such things).

The Quran says the heaven and earth were created in six days, but this myth was stolen from the bible which says the same thing. But both of them are wrong because creation took billions of years.
Do not tell me that the Arabic word for day means an undetermined period, because the bible was not written in Arabic. It was written in Aramaic and Hebrew, and it says the heaven and earth were created in six days too.

Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light"

The Criterion -Surah 25- V 56-61

The moon does not give light it reflects sunlight, and the above verse shows Muhammad did not know that.

The Bush administration said ''war on terror", the Obama admistration says "terrorists". It does not mean that the Obama administration stole from the Bush administration or copied it. It means they share a vision.

"A Lamp and a moon giving light" is a clear indication, in the 7th century of a scientific truth only discovered fairly recently by the West that the moon is but a satellite of the earth reflecting the light of the sun, which the Qur'an calls a lamp. The Qur'an says the moon does not produce light, it only reflects the light of the lamp.

Again, lying shamelessly as many people do on this board, for some reason; and about religion.
"A Lamp and a moon giving light" is a clear indication, in the 7th century of a scientific truth only discovered fairly recently by the West that the moon is but a satellite of the earth reflecting the light of the sun, which the Qur'an calls a lamp. The Qur'an says the moon does not produce light, it only reflects the light of the lamp.

You are the one distorting the truth. Here is what the Quran actually says about the moon being a light.

sura 25.61 Blessed be he who has placed in the heaven mansions of stars, and has placed therin a great lamp and a moon giving light.

sura 71.16 And has made the Moon a light therein, and made the Sun a lamp.
"A Lamp and a moon giving light" is a clear indication, in the 7th century of a scientific truth only discovered fairly recently by the West that the moon is but a satellite of the earth reflecting the light of the sun, which the Qur'an calls a lamp. The Qur'an says the moon does not produce light, it only reflects the light of the lamp.

You are the one distorting the truth. Here is what the Quran actually says about the moon being a light.

sura 25.61 Blessed be he who has placed in the heaven mansions of stars, and has placed therin a great lamp and a moon giving light.

sura 71.16 And has made the Moon a light therein, and made the Sun a lamp.

You are lying, and you are lying about religion.

As to the verse you mentioned, it is as such:

"See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another; and made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp?" (Noah, -Surah 71- V 15-16)

There is no need to say that in between the skies there is a moon which reflects the light of the sun. It's enough to call the moon "a light."

But when God wants to insist that the moon reflects the light of the sun, not producing its own light, as the West discovered only fairly recently, He says:

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light" (The Criterion -Surah 25- V 61)

Here's a book that said in the 7th century:

"Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers" (The Resurrection -Surah 75- V 4). You live in the 21st century. This verse is supposed to strike you. And if you say the verse does not say this, it can be translated another way, I say no; and I tell you to look at the verse that follows immediately:

"But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time in front of him."

All in all, the Qur'an says (V 4-6):

"Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?

Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers.

But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time in front of him."

This was said in the 7th century. There can be no doubt about this book whatsoever. You ought to show God gratefulness and rejoice and the greatness of His words.
You are lying, and you are lying about religion.

As to the verse you mentioned, it is as such:

"See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another; and made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp?" (Noah, -Surah 71- V 15-16)

There is no need to say that in between the skies there is a moon which reflects the light of the sun. It's enough to call the moon "a light."

But when God wants to insist that the moon reflects the light of the sun, not producing its own light, as the West discovered only fairly recently, He says:

"Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light" (The Criterion -Surah 25- V 61)

You have shown the verses of the Quran clearly says the moon is a light. So how can you claim it means reflected light?

If you have to admit that the Quran is clearly calling the moon a light your fantasy religion will collapse, so I guess you will continue to clutch at straws and keep making false claims.
There can be no doubt about this book whatsoever. You ought to show God gratefulness and rejoice and the greatness of His words.

The mumblings in the Quran are not worthy of any kind of God. The Quran says Gods curse is on unbelievers, and it says Allah has put a seal on their hearts. So it does not make any difference if you warn them because they cannot believe. It then goes on to describe the horrible things God will do to unbelievers
Burning off their skins and renewing their skins and burning them again. Pouring boiling liquids on their heads that will melt their skins and their insides too. And this is for all eternity.

Even if I thought I could save myself from these things by grovelling on a prayer mat five times a day. I would not do it. Because I could never worship a monster God who would do such things, even to the worst human being.

In any case my heart tells me that God would do no such things, and therefore the Quran is not from God.
The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty (who is High above any form of humanness) revealed to Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family.

The Arabs were very savage, barbarious as evil. They would bury their girls alive. Muhammad recited the chapter "The Star" which was recently revealed to him in the sacred Mosque in Mecca (where there were both believers and non-believers). Everyone was impressed by these words. The last verse asked to prostrate. When Muhammad recited it, everyone prostrated, both believers and non-believers. These barbarious wicked men prostrated, all of them together, acknowledging the greatness and the divine nature of these words. This story is very famous. This is the chapter "The Star" (Surah 53):

In The Name of God, The Most Merciful, The Great Merciful

1. By the Star when it goes down,
2. Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled.
3. Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire.
4. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:
5. He was taught by one Mighty in Power,
6. Endued with Wisdom: for he appeared (in stately form);
7. While he was in the highest part of the horizon:
8. Then he approached and came closer,
9. And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer;
10. So did (Allah) convey the inspiration to His Servant- (conveyed) what He (meant) to convey.
11. The (Prophet's) (mind and) heart in no way falsified that which he saw.
12. Will ye then dispute with him concerning what he saw?
13. For indeed he saw him at a second descent,
14. Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may pass:
15. Near it is the Garden of Abode.
16. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!)
17. (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong!
18. For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest!
19. Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza,
20. And another, the third (goddess), Manat?
21. What! for you the male sex, and for Him, the female?
22. Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair!
23. These are nothing but names which ye have devised,- ye and your fathers,- for which Allah has sent down no authority (whatever). They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire!- Even though there has already come to them Guidance from their Lord!
24. Nay, shall man have (just) anything he hankers after?
25. But it is to Allah that the End and the Beginning (of all things) belong.
26. How many-so-ever be the angels in the heavens, their intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He pleases and that he is acceptable to Him.
27. Those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names.
28. But they have no knowledge therein. They follow nothing but conjecture; and conjecture avails nothing against Truth.
29. Therefore shun those who turn away from Our Message and desire nothing but the life of this world.
30. That is as far as knowledge will reach them. Verily thy Lord knoweth best those who stray from His Path, and He knoweth best those who receive guidance.
31. Yea, to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: so that He rewards those who do evil, according to their deeds, and He rewards those who do good, with what is best.
32. Those who avoid great sins and shameful deeds, only (falling into) small faults,- verily thy Lord is ample in forgiveness. He knows you well when He brings you out of the earth, And when ye are hidden in your mothers' wombs. Therefore justify not yourselves: He knows best who it is that guards against evil.
33. Seest thou one who turns back,
34. Gives a little, then hardens (his heart)?
35. What! Has he knowledge of the Unseen so that he can see?
36. Nay, is he not acquainted with what is in the Books of Moses-
37. And of Abraham who fulfilled his engagements?-
38. Namely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another;
39. That man can have nothing but what he strives for;
40. That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight:
41. Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete;
42. That to thy Lord is the final Goal;
43. That it is He Who granteth Laughter and Tears;
44. That it is He Who granteth Death and Life;
45. That He did create in pairs,- male and female,
46. From a seed when lodged (in its place);
47. That He hath promised a Second Creation (Raising of the Dead);
48. That it is He Who giveth wealth and satisfaction;
49. That He is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star);
50. And that it is He Who destroyed the (powerful) ancient 'Ad (people),
51. And the Thamud nor gave them a lease of perpetual life.
52. And before them, the people of Noah, for that they were (all) most unjust and most insolent transgressors,
53. And He destroyed the Overthrown Cities (of Sodom and Gomorrah).
54. So that (ruins unknown) have covered them up.
55. Then which of the gifts of thy Lord, (O man,) wilt thou dispute about?
56. This is a Warner, of the (series of) Warners of old!
57. The (Judgment) ever approaching draws nigh:
58. No (soul) but Allah can lay it bare.
59. Do ye then wonder at this recital?
60. And will ye laugh and not weep,-
61. Wasting your time in vanities?
62. But fall ye down in prostration to Allah, and adore (Him)!
50. And that it is He Who destroyed the (powerful) ancient 'Ad (people),
51. And the Thamud nor gave them a lease of perpetual life.
52. And before them, the people of Noah, for that they were (all) most unjust and most insolent transgressors,
53. And He destroyed the Overthrown Cities (of Sodom and Gomorrah).
54. So that (ruins unknown) have covered them up.

Most of the sura says nothing worth hearing, but these few verses point out Allah is a destructive tyrant.
The Holy Qur'an is the only book in the world that is supposedly from God Almighty Himself (who is above any form of humanness). No other book makes such a claim (unless the book of Judaism also makes that claim). This speaks for itself.

The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It was revealed over a 23 year time-span, revelations came down as events happened; as if God was commenting these events. The revelations put together in one book make the Qur'an.

For those who hold in esteem the beautiful speech of God Almighty, delight in these two wonderful exceprts:

"Therefore be patient with what they say, and celebrate (constantly) the praises of thy Lord, before the rising of the sun, and before its setting; yea, celebrate them for part of the hours of the night, and at the sides of the day: that thou mayest have (spiritual) joy."

Ta Ha (Surah 20, Ta Ha is a name of Muhammad), V 130

"The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His apostles. We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His apostles. And they say: We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.

On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray): Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith."

The Cow (Surah 2, V 285-286)
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the same people who adore the Koran also adore Mein Kampf---the two books
most popular among the meccaists
On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray): Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith."

The Cow (Surah 2, V 285-286)

This verse is not God speaking. It is someone speaking about God and praying to God. The word ( Pray) in brackets is added by the translator. In any case it sounds like a sentiment that comes from the bible.
The Qur'an was very well protected so that it was never changed by people. Its miraculous protection mainly deals with the fact that Islam became a huge kingdom while Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was still alive and a little time after him. This kingdom was perpetuated over time for 1300 years, until about 100 years ago, when it stopped. Thanks to this, we still have the Qur'an in its original form, not corrupted, as God himself promised that this book will never be changed.

The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty Himself, who is above any form of humanness. For those who hold in esteem the beauty of God's magnificent word, these are excerpts from this grand Qur'an, God Almighty Himself speaking, our Creator and Sustainer:

1. Ta-Ha. (Ta Ha is a name of Muhammad, according to the knowledge of the saints of Islam)
2. We have not sent down the Qur'an to thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress,
3. But only as an admonition to those who fear (Allah),-
4. A revelation from Him Who created the earth and the heavens on high.
5. (Allah) Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne (of authority).
6. To Him belongs what is in the heavens and on earth, and all between them, and all beneath the soil.
7. If thou pronounce the word aloud, (it is no matter): for verily He knoweth what is secret and what is yet more hidden.
8. Allah. there is no god but He! To Him belong the most Beautiful Names.
9. Has the story of Moses reached thee?

Ta Ha (Surah 20), V 1-9

171. Already has Our Word been passed before (this) to our Servants sent (by Us),
172. That they would certainly be assisted,
173. And that Our forces,- they surely must conquer.
174. So turn thou away from them for a little while,
175. And watch them (how they fare), and they soon shall see (how thou farest)!
176. Do they wish (indeed) to hurry on our Punishment?
177. But when it descends into the open space before them, evil will be the morning for those who were warned (and heeded not)!
178. So turn thou away from them for a little while,
179. And watch (how they fare) and they soon shall see (how thou farest)!
180. Glory to thy Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! (He is free) from what they ascribe (to Him)!
181. And Peace on the apostles!
182. And Praise to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds.

Those who range themselves in ranks (Surah 37) V 171-182

24. To Us are known those of you who hasten forward, and those who lag behind.
25. Assuredly it is thy Lord Who will gather them together: for He is perfect in Wisdom and Knowledge.
26. We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;
27. And the Jinn race, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind.
28. Behold! thy Lord said to the angels: "I am about to create man, from sounding clay from mud moulded into shape;
29. "When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him."
30. So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:
31. Not so Iblis: he refused to be among those who prostrated themselves.
32. (Allah) said: "O Iblis! what is your reason for not being among those who prostrated themselves?"
33. (Iblis) said: "I am not one to prostrate myself to man, whom Thou didst create from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape."
34. (Allah) said: "Then get thee out from here; for thou art rejected, accursed.
35. "And the curse shall be on thee till the day of Judgment."

Al Hijr (Surah 15), V 24-35
Muslim75, tell it to the talking ant in the Quran, sura 27.18

27.18 At length, when they came to a (lowly) valley of ants, one of the ants said:
"O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his hosts crush you (under
foot) without knowing it."

27.19 So he smiled, amused at her speech; and he said: "O my Lord! so order me
that I may be grateful for Thy favours, which thou hast bestowed on me and on my
parents, and that I may work the righteousness that will please Thee: And admit me,
by Thy Grace, to the ranks of Thy righteous Servants."
I have a very old superman comic book------it is all about clark kent and and lois lang---
his girl friend, It is a silly book like the Koran and has never been changed
The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty Himself (who is above any form of humanness), revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It has been kept authentic for 1400 years and was never changed. This is mainly because Islam became a huge kingdom while Muhammad was still alive, and a little time after him. This kingdom has been perpetuated for 1300 years, until about 100 years ago when it stopped. hence the Qur'an has been protected from being changed, as God promised.

Many scientists have read the Qur'an (or have been invited to read the Qur'an, which they did). They are scientists from the United States, Germany, Japan, India and so on... none of them are Muslims. One of them is Alfred Croning, of the United States.

These scientists refuse to believe that the Qur'an is written by a human being. They say that it must be God, a force beyond the capacity of a human being. They say that these words come from God Almighty. They say it is impossible that a human being would have known this in the 7th century. They say it is impossible to be so precise. They say that they are convinced that whatever has been said in the Qur'an can surely be proven scientifically, without a doubt. They say that all these things the Qur'an said in the 7th century, science is only discovering it now.

I am not a scientist but among the verses that struck me personally as to its scientific truth (not even talking about what these scientists said), is this one:

"Nay, We are able to put in perfect order the very tips of his fingers" (fingerprints).

The Resurrection (Surah 75), V 4
"Nay, We are able to put in perfect order the very tips of his fingers" (fingerprints).

The Resurrection (Surah 75), V 4

Fingerprints is in brackets, because it is not in the Quran.

As for scientists claiming the Quran is Gods words, ask Richard Dawkins what he thinks of it.

The Quran is full of falsehoods stolen from the bible, like the heaven and earth were created in six days. It also says the stars are missiles to throw at devils.
The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty Himself (who is above any form of humanness), revealed to His beloved, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). It has been kept authentic for 1400 years and was never changed. This is mainly because Islam became a huge kingdom while Muhammad was still alive, and a little time after him. This kingdom has been perpetuated for 1300 years, until about 100 years ago when it stopped. hence the Qur'an has been protected from being changed, as God promised.

Many scientists have read the Qur'an (or have been invited to read the Qur'an, which they did). They are scientists from the United States, Germany, Japan, India and so on... none of them are Muslims. One of them is Alfred Croning, of the United States.

These scientists refuse to believe that the Qur'an is written by a human being. They say that it must be God, a force beyond the capacity of a human being. They say that these words come from God Almighty. They say it is impossible that a human being would have known this in the 7th century. They say it is impossible to be so precise. They say that they are convinced that whatever has been said in the Qur'an can surely be proven scientifically, without a doubt. They say that all these things the Qur'an said in the 7th century, science is only discovering it now.

I am not a scientist but among the verses that struck me personally as to its scientific truth (not even talking about what these scientists said), is this one:

"Nay, We are able to put in perfect order the very tips of his fingers" (fingerprints).

The Resurrection (Surah 75), V 4

there are Saudi princes with too much money in their hands who pay marginal
"scientists" to write justifications of the book of nonsense---the Koran. One case that interests me for its utter dishonesty involves EMBRYOLOGY as ---
putatively described in the Koran. -----the review is a pile of shit and the person
who wrote it-----is in my opinion-----A STINKING WHORE. I am ----by training
---a biologist and neuroscientist-------my first areas of expertise were embryology---
and genetics. the piece of filth who wrote in support of the Koran and its putative
-----is a "person" with the last name "moore'' The Koran contains nothing
of any level of insight that did not exist in the KNOWN science that precedes the writing of the Koran. It included "insights" into embryology that are obvious to
all midwives and MOST OF ALL to the keen scientist GALEN----who was CERTAINLY NOT a muslim. Muslims pay idiots to endorse the koran
You don't pay scientists to speak on the Qur'an. Scientists who speak about the Qur'an do so because they feel the need to declare that they agree with the Muslims who believe in the Qur'an.

If the Saudis paid scientists and corrupted them, the next step would be to have former Western scientists trained and made Imams in the Mosques in the Middle East or elsewhere. This, no one would do.
Surah Yusuf (Yusuf means Joseph). This is the Surah 12 (Chapter 12) of the Holy Qur'an.

It starts with the usual "In the Name of God, the Most merciful, the Great Merciful" and after that the first verse is:

"A.L.R. These are the symbols (or Verses) of the perspicuous Book."

A L R mean endless things, but one of the things it means is that you are about to read something magnificent and extraordinary, superb and wonderful.

The 3rd verse starts with: "We reveal to thee the most beautiful of stories" (they may be translation mistakes, I did not verify the contents of the website where I took the translation from). This chapter beautifully talks about the wonderful life of Joseph. It features family, trust, jealousy, love (a favourite of today's western movies), tragedy, human marvelousness, heroism, power and kingdom, passionate love, becoming someone in society, just ruling, purity, strategy and tactics, divine intervention, family prestige and glory, triumph, strong friendship with God Almighty and love and intimacy with Him, Allah Almighty (God Almighty).

One of the beauties in this story is the love relationship between Joseph and Zuleikha (her name is not mentioned however in the story).

"With passion did she desire him, and he would have desired her, except that he saw the evidence from his Lord"

"Now is the truth manifest (....) no evil do we know against him (...) he is indeed of those who are ever true and virtous"

God leaves it like this, leaving place for us to think, rather to know that God will unite them, undoubtedly. There did come a time (this is not in the Qur'an), when they married. After that, on one occasion, Joseph called Zuleikha to him, and she was his wife, but she objected. SHe said she love him before she acquired the knowledge of God; but now that she has knowledge of God, what can she possibly have to do with Joseph. Joseph then informed her that there was still greater spiritual benefit in being with him.

Strong friendship with God Almighty, and love and intimacy with Him is also one of the beauties of this Surah.

"For he was one of our servants, sincere and purified"

"When Joseph attained His full manhood, We gave him power and knowledge; thus do We reward those who do right."

"Thus did We give established power to Joseph in the land, to take possession therein as, when, or where he pleased. We bestow of our Mercy on whom We please, and We suffer not, to be lost, the reward of those who do good."

"I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah (God), and I know from Allah that which ye know not"

"He cast the shirt over his face, and he forthwith regained clear sight. He said: "Did I not say to you, I know from Allah that which ye know not?"

"O my Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on me some power, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams and events, O Thou Creator of the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Take my soul as one submitting to Thy will (as a Muslim), and unite me with the righteous."

But before all of this, at the beginning of this chapter God tells Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) that He loves him more than anyone else, that He loves him very greatly, that He loves him like no other.

"We relate to thee the most beautiful of stories, in that We reveal to thee this (portion of the) Qur'an"
We find in the magninificent Holy Qur'an:

"The wife of Pharaoh said: "(Here is) joy of the eye, for me and for thee: slay him not. It may be that he will be use to us, or we may adopt him as a son."

The Stories (Surah 28), V 9

"Afterwards one of the (damsels) came (back) to him, walking bashfully. She said: My father invites thee that he may reward thee for having watered (our flocks) for us. So when he came to him and narrated the story, he said: fear thou not: (well) hast thou escaped from unjust people."

Said one of the (damsels): "O my (dear) father! engage him on wages: truly the best of men for thee to employ is the (man) who is strong and trusty"

The Stories (Surah 28), V 25-26

"Behold! Thou didst say to one who had received the grace of Allah (the grace of God) and thy favour: "Retain thou (in wedlock) thy wife, and fear Allah." But thou didst hide in thy heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We joined her in marriage to thee: in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the Believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah's command must be fulfilled."

The Confederates (Surah 33), V 37

"Behold! a woman of 'Imran said: O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: So accept this of me: For Thou hearest and knowest all things.

When she was delivered, she said: "O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child! And Allah knew best what she brought forth "and no wise is the male like the female. I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the Evil One, the Rejected."

The Family of Imran (Surah 3), V 35-36

"He (Zakariyya) said: O Mary! Whence (comes) this (sustenance he found her supplied with) to you? She said: "From Allah (God). for Allah provides sustenance to whom He pleases without measure."

The Family of Imran (Surah 3), V 37

"The man in Egypt who bought him (Joseph), said to his wife: make his stay (among us) honourable: may be he will bring us much good, or we shall adopt him as a son."

Yusuf (Joseph in english, Surah 12), V 21

"Ladies said in the City: the wife of the (great) 'Aziz is seeking to seduce her slave from his (true) self: Truly hath he inspired her with violent love: we see she is evidently going astray."

Yusuf (Surah 12), V 30

"When she heard of their malicious talk, she sent for them and prepared a banquet for them: she gave each of them a knife: and she said (to Joseph), Come out before them. When they saw him, they did extol him, and (in their amazement) cut their hands: they said, "(Allah, God) preserve us! no mortal is this! this is none other than a noble angel!"

Yusuf (Surah 12), V 31

"The ladies said: (Allah) preserve us! no evil know we against him! Said the 'Aziz's wife: now is the truth manifest (to all): it was I who sought to seduce him from his (true) self: He is indeed of those who are (ever) true (and virtuous)."

Yusuf (Surah 12), V 51

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