The re-location of the West Coast Japanese during WWII...what really happened.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Very few know the truth.....the media, liberals, academia and the entertainment industry concocted a myth that endures to this day and it needs to be debunked.

What Really Happened?

A conviction that we should be ashamed about the treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II is part of the conventional wisdom of our time. Columnist Myriam Marquez wrote recently in an entirely typical op-ed piece of the “injustices” and the “abominations” of the “internment camps for Americans of Japanese descent during World War II.”1 Americans believe with an almost religious conviction that their country committed a heinous act, and many take pride in denouncing the actions of their fathers and grandfathers. What actually happened, and why? Before entering into details, here is an outline of the facts: As a war-time measure, the federal government required all JapaneseAmericans to evacuate a large part of the American Pacific coast. They were free to move from the exclusion zone on their own, and to resettle anywhere else in the United States. Those who did not were taken first to assembly centers and then to ten relocation centers built for them as far east as Arkansas. They could stay in the centers if they wished or they could take jobs or attend college anywhere in the United States except the West Coast. The centers were therefore not internment camps, but living facilities offered by the government to those who were forbidden to live in the exclusion area and who did not make other arrangements. The centers, though built in the same austere style as American Army barracks, had many amenities and were run by Japanese-Americans. By the end of 1944, with eight months of war still to go, several thousand people had already left the camps to find homes and jobs in the central and eastern United States. The US Army was careful to look after the evacuees’ property, and Congress appropriated several million dollars soon after the war to compensate Japanese-Americans for losses that did occur. Were there any forcible internments? Immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Department of Justice incarcerated about 3,000 Japanese aliens who had been on a “danger” list since 1939.2 There were also some Japanese-Americans in the relocation centers who openly supported Japan in the war. They and their families (since no families were split), were sent to a real internment camp behind barbed wire, where for the duration of the war they paraded with rising-sun armbands and celebrated December 7 as a holiday. The government actually locked up only a small minority of Japanese-Americans—those who posed a genuine war-time security risk. The Sequence of Events On February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, authorizing the establishment of military exclusion areas. The next month, Lt. General John L. DeWitt declared a major portion of the West Coast (approximately the western halves of Washington, Oregon and California, and the southern third of Arizona) a military area from which all people of Japanese descent would have to move. There was no effect on Japanese-Americans living elsewhere, other than that they could not go to the West Coast. The evacuation was put in the hands of Col. Karl R. Bendetsen, and Roosevelt created the War Relocation Authority (WRA) under the direction of Milton Eisenhower, brother of Dwight Eisenhower, to help the evacuees. Congress voted to approve the relocation, and the US Supreme Court considered and upheld relocation no fewer than three times.3 Civil liberties groups were silent or supported evacuation, and there was no opposition in Congress.4 For a short time, the plan was to help the Japanese-Americans move inland on their own. Col. Bendetsen, who managed the evacuation, later testified that “funds were provided for them [and] we informed them . . . where there were safe motels in which they could stay overnight.”5 Most families were not able to move quickly, however, and governors of states east of the exclusion zone complained about the prospect of thousands of people of Japanese descent moving into their states without oversigh




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I'll take the word of someone who was there. George Takei
There were US citizens, not foreign nationals and many native born.

Mr. Sulu tends to be a bit of a drama queen. He's still whining Shatner was mean to him 55 years later.

A lot of the points in the OP are correct. It was nowhere near comparable to what the Germans did in Europe. It was, however, still wrong.
I'll take the word of someone who was there. George Takei
There were US citizens, not foreign nationals and many native born.
Every Jew or Pole in Europe would have felt they were in hog heaven in an American
"concentration" camp rather than being in a German concentration camp.

War happens and shit happened.

Better than being nuked, wasn't it?
Mr. Sulu tends to be a bit of a drama queen. He's still whining Shatner was mean to him 55 years later.

A lot of the points in the OP are correct. It was nowhere near comparable to what the Germans did in Europe. It was, however, still wrong.
Shatner? SPEAKING of drama queen ham sandwiches!!!

BUT, no matter the sugar coating, this was racism and bigotry and should never have been allowed to happen to American citizens.
Every Jew or Pole in Europe would have felt they were in hog heaven in an American
"concentration" camp rather than being in a German concentration camp.

War happens and shit happened.

Better than being nuked, wasn't it?
So maybe it would have been better to follow Hitler's plan and just gas them all? Use them as slave labor till they drop dead?

NAZIs never fail to defend the worst.
So maybe it would have been better to follow Hitler's plan and just gas them all? Use them as slave labor till they drop dead?

NAZIs never fail to defend the worst.
The Democrat administration rounded up Americans and put them in concentration camps. They would love to do it again now. Only this time it wouldn't be Japs. It would be any American that opposed their agenda to turn the US into a Socialist Shithole.
You have to consider that the FDR regime absorbed the media into the government during WW2 and no criticism of the administration would be allowed. Chances are that most Americans had no idea of what was happening. Factor in the former KKK member, Justice Black, appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR, who wrote the majority opinion exonerating the FDR administration and you have an understanding of how atrocities can happen in a free country.
The Democrat administration rounded up Americans and put them in concentration camps. They would love to do it again now. Only this time it wouldn't be Japs. It would be any American that opposed their agenda to turn the US into a Socialist Shithole.
Not about Dem v Rep.
It's about right and wrong.
Not surprising MAGADUMIANS end up in the wrong.
I'll take the word of someone who was there. George Takei
There were US citizens, not foreign nationals and many native born.

And a democrat President, Roosevelt, did this with an executive order....racism has been the heart of the democrat party since it was created by slave owners....
And a democrat President, Roosevelt, did this with an executive order....racism has been the heart of the democrat party since it was created by slave owners....
The re-location of the west coast japanese had nothing to do with was a matter of national security.

The west coast was the home of some very vital defense plants, bases etc.

FDR knew about the west coast Japanese Spies

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The re-location of the west coast japanese had nothing to do with was a matter of national security.

The west coast was the home of some very vital defense plants, bases etc.
The treatment of the Japanese who were put in internment camps in the USA also hardly begins to compare with the way American citizens in the south Pacific were treated by the Japanese as they invaded various islands and part of China before the USA got into the war.
It just needs to be said, and it also needs to be said that the Japanese were racist towards Americans (and all white people including Germans) before we went to war with them. One of the things that contributed to the falling out Stalin had with Hitler was over this very issue.
The treatment of the Japanese who were put in internment camps in the USA also hardly begins to compare with the way American citizens in the south Pacific were treated by the Japanese as they invaded various islands and part of China before the USA got into the war.
It just needs to be said, and it also needs to be said that the Japanese were racist towards Americans (and all white people including Germans) before we went to war with them. One of the things that contributed to the falling out Stalin had with Hitler was over this very issue.
If you read the actual facts regarding this is revealed that very,very few west coast japanese were forced into internmnent....only the hard core japanese aliens who hated America and supported Japan were forced into the camps..........the great majority of the Japanese who were in the camps went there voluntarily as in they could have left the west coast and lived anywhere else in the U.S. rether than on the west coast.

All the japanese did have to leave the west coast but again most were not forced into the camps....they chose to go there instead of moving to other locations.

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In late 1940 members of the U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service broke Japan's highest level diplomatic code and then constructed a machine that was an analog of the one used by the Japanese. This allowed the U.S. to read Japan's diplomatic traffic from then until after the end of the war. Intelligence thus gained was cover named MAGIC because it seemed that only magicians could have produced it.
Among the decoded messages of 1941 were a number detailing espionage planning and operations involving Japanese-Americans along the West Coast. In February 1942 President Roosevelt authorized the evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry.

In 1983 a congressional commission, ignoring available declassified intelligence and ignorant of MAGIC revelations, concluded the President's action was the result of racism, war hysteria and lack of political will.

Now for the first time David D. Lowman, using MAGIC messages and declassified Army, Navy and FBI reports, presents the real reasons for the evacuation. As a former high level officer in the National Security Agency and a witness before congressional committees dealing with the evacuation he was uniquely qualified to tell this story. Those who could never quite believe the base motives attributed to our wartime leaders and our country will find Lowman's story compelling.

Magic: The Untold Story of U.S. Intelligence and the Evacuation of Japanese Residents from the West Coast During Ww II​

Not many are knowledgeable about the facts of that time, or understand the actions that were taken. Perhaps your thread will cause some to study those events and times, and understand them within the context of the time in which they happened. I am sure that would be pleasing to you, and more importantly, to them.
Not many are knowledgeable about the facts of that time, or understand the actions that were taken. Perhaps your thread will cause some to study those events and times, and understand them within the context of the time in which they happened. I am sure that would be pleasing to you, and more importantly, to them.
The real truth about the relocation of the west coast japanese has been hidden, censored and denied for generations.....when I first became interested in this topic a few years ago there was much information available on it....but now it is very difficult to find the truth as in the liberal establishment has deemed it politicallg incorrect and have used their influence to censor and or remove the truth

Even Ronald Reagan was misled about it and as a result made the huge mistake of paying reparations to Calfornias Japanese.
The real truth about the relocation of the west coast japanese has been hidden, censored and denied for generations.....when I first became interested in this topic a few years ago there was much information available on it....but now it is very difficult to find the truth as in the liberal establishment has deemed it politicallg incorrect and have used their influence to censor and or remove the truth

Even Ronald Reagan was misled about it and as a result made the huge mistake of paying reparations to Calfornias Japanese.
Gorbachev chided Reagan over what he called "victor's remorse" for this very issue.
Truth will always remain for those such as yourself who seek it no matter how much the weak-minded and the evil attempt to conceal it.
Gorbachev chided Reagan over what he called "victor's remorse" for this very issue.
Truth will always remain for those such as yourself who seek it no matter how much the weak-minded and the evil attempt to conceal it.
For those who seek a more conservative search engine (not perfect) but much better than google or even duckduckgo.....................Brave Search

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