The Reagan lie continues today...

In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was engulfed by a multitude of problems. The economy, especially the agricultural sector, began to fall apart. The country lacked technological advancements and used inefficient factories, all while consumers were buying low-quality products and suffered from a shortage of social freedoms. To reform the distraught Soviet Union, the democratization of the Communist Party was promoted through Party Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev‘s policies of “perestroika” and “glasnost.”

Perestroika refers to the reconstruction of the political and economic system established by the Communist Party. Politically, contested elections were introduced to reflect the democratic practices of Western society and allow citizens to have a slight say in government. Economically, Perestroika called for de-monopolization and some semi-private businesses to function, ending the price controls established by the government for the past seven decades. The goal was to create a semi-free market system, reflecting successful capitalist practices in the economies of Germany, Japan, and the United States. Unfortunately, such an economy took time to thrive, and people found themselves stuck in a worn-out economy, which led to long-lines, strikes, and civil unrest.

Cold War Museum
nothing reagan faced that will ever compare to what oama faced ... the banks failing the car companies failing the market crashing ... and you're trying to say Reagan did a better job then Obama ??? the problem you right wing nut jobs have is you refuse to see democats greatness when you see it ... that would force you to agree ...
I can't speak for the right wing but giving presidents credit for the performance of the economy is moronic.

Very true.

Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause problems, however he wasn't the only one guilty.

He was the only President in US History to call for a tax cut, mostly for the wealthy and going to war at the same time. Then he ordered the military to attack the wrong country....?
Bush's tax cuts were across the board. That's why Obama had to limit the repeal to middle class payers.

the bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. Obama extended them when he could have repealed them, so accurately they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
nothing reagan faced that will ever compare to what oama faced ... the banks failing the car companies failing the market crashing ... and you're trying to say Reagan did a better job then Obama ??? the problem you right wing nut jobs have is you refuse to see democats greatness when you see it ... that would force you to agree ...
I can't speak for the right wing but giving presidents credit for the performance of the economy is moronic.

Very true.

Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause problems, however he wasn't the only one guilty.

He was the only President in US History to call for a tax cut, mostly for the wealthy and going to war at the same time. Then he ordered the military to attack the wrong country....?
Bush's tax cuts were across the board. That's why Obama had to limit the repeal to middle class payers.

the bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. Obama extended them when he could have repealed them, so accurately they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
But as often as this is proven the very next post some idiot from the Left (I repeat myself) says "Bush cut taxes for the rich"
I voted for Reagan, but I was only 18 at the time..Young and dumb.....He did do a good job of telling people tough shit, I got mine, go get yours......Shutting down US military bases instead of over seas bases sure pissed people off...and his progressive attitude about the war on drugs was a totalitarianism view from the nation's past, being harsh and draconian...

Yeah and he won two elections by landslides.
The earned income tax credit. Where a person who works but does not make a lot of money gets money from the government. That was Reagan's doing. Keeping people working is a great idea and great for incentive to work. The poor get the EITC yet whine when people who actually pay for the EITC get a cut in the taxes they pay. The democrats sure know how to sell a dishonest storyline.
I remember when Gaddafi was trying to flex his muscles against the U.S.. Reagan sent in some F-111's and bombed his tent killing his grandchild. He shut up and went dormant for years.
When the Dems take the WH again and name another justice to the Supreme Court, you are really should being taking meds to sleep. Maybe even for to a head doctor?

Dear God, who in their right mind could tolerate another four years of inept incompetence as we've seen under Obama, only to be repeated - if not amplified - by Clinton or that idiot Sanders.
Perhaps you should seek a "head doctor" if you're in that barrel, asshole.

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.

Reagan was a good president. He brought the country together, took down the Berlin wall, and destroyed the soviet union. The Iranians released the American hostages the day Reagan was sworn in.

Good old Ronnie traded weapons for the hostages. Now he is a HERO....???

Look what happens when Republicans take control of congress.


“Last Thursday, a group of House Republicans filed into Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s Capitol office suite and received a blank piece of paper labeled ‘Agenda 2014.’ ... A Republican aide .... said ... ‘The problem is we don’t know where we are headed...’”
Republicans Have Unveiled Their 2014 Agenda: Do Nothing

A look at the first session of the 113th Congress shows that the Republican-led House of Representatives has not made progress on issues important to the American people. With 8 legislative days remaining in this year, the Republican leadership is poised to leave a long to-do list of critical legislation unfinished. Here’s a look at the dismal Republican record, and how it compares to recent years:
The Do Nothing Republican Congress | The Office of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer

Congress shut down last week to go on their annual 5 week summer vacation, which they call listening sessions. I really don’t know what they are vacationing from, except the swamp-like heat of Washington, D.C. They are certainly not taking a vacation from work, since they haven’t done anything this session.
GoLocalWorcester | Politics | Giorgio: The Republican Do Nothing Congress
we should really push for a law that says: some people shouldn't be allowed to vote. the reasons to hate someone is Pathetic.

Hey, stupid Stephoney......your party has done that already.......every year they come up with some phony baloney reason for making voting harder. You need to keep up....learn to read and maybe you will expand your knowledge.
I guess it must be a slow day for the liberals. Mrs. Tulza Clinton must not be barking out orders today.

The difference between Reagan creating debt and Obama creating debt is that at least we got something for out debt with Reagan. Reagan pulled us out of the Carter malaise and made most of us feel good about being Americans. Reagan wasn't perfect, as no man is perfect, but there was NEVER any doubt what country Reagan loved. Not so much for Obama. As Clinton famously said, a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Not so for Reagan, Obama isn't worthy to serve him coffee.

Are you ignorant or a liar? One or both must be true as you depiction of history is rotten to the core.

Carter used the word "malaise" to describe that which he inherited from the Nixon/Ford economy. For those who are curious look up Ford's effort to overcome "STAGFLATION" (a word made-up to describe the pre-Carter Economy of high unemployment and high inflation) by implementing the WIN Program.

The crazy right wing is both out of touch with reality and mendacious, they are the people who can be fooled all of the time.

You and your ilk use the word lie so freely. Certainly must be projection. I lived through the era, it was a Carter Malaise. Are Democrats ever responsible for anything? But I don't call you folks stupid or liars, you are just damn ignorant. I think you really believe the crap you spew, but you believing it doesn't make it so.

I lived through the nightmare of Carter. I waited in the gas lines. I listened to his Malaise speech. (Crisis in Confidence) His aborted rescue attempt put the nail in Carter's failed reelection. Your ignorance isn't going to change the history I lived.

The only proof you need is the results of the Carter-Reagan election.

I too live through the Carter years, and was an adult in the Navy during the first two years of Nixon. I too remember interest rates over 15% during Ford's term in office, Stagflation and the economic crisis of the mid 70's. The time before the two events which shaped Carter's time in office: OPEC (which created the long lines) and the Iranian Revolution - both of which had nothing to do with Carter's Presidential Decisions.

In fact both had roots back in time, the former created by the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandates, and the latter do to the CIA under the Eisenhower Administration.
we should really push for a law that says: some people shouldn't be allowed to vote. the reasons to hate someone is Pathetic.

Hey, stupid Stephoney......your party has done that already.......every year they come up with some phony baloney reason for making voting harder. You need to keep up....learn to read and maybe you will expand your knowledge.

BS, you have to have an ID to collect your welfare payments and food stamps. Why not use the same one to vote?

The voter ID bullshit is just a dem ploy to allow voter fraud because they know that is the only way their candidates win.
I guess it must be a slow day for the liberals. Mrs. Tulza Clinton must not be barking out orders today.

The difference between Reagan creating debt and Obama creating debt is that at least we got something for out debt with Reagan. Reagan pulled us out of the Carter malaise and made most of us feel good about being Americans. Reagan wasn't perfect, as no man is perfect, but there was NEVER any doubt what country Reagan loved. Not so much for Obama. As Clinton famously said, a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Not so for Reagan, Obama isn't worthy to serve him coffee.

Are you ignorant or a liar? One or both must be true as you depiction of history is rotten to the core.

Carter used the word "malaise" to describe that which he inherited from the Nixon/Ford economy. For those who are curious look up Ford's effort to overcome "STAGFLATION" (a word made-up to describe the pre-Carter Economy of high unemployment and high inflation) by implementing the WIN Program.

The crazy right wing is both out of touch with reality and mendacious, they are the people who can be fooled all of the time.

You and your ilk use the word lie so freely. Certainly must be projection. I lived through the era, it was a Carter Malaise. Are Democrats ever responsible for anything? But I don't call you folks stupid or liars, you are just damn ignorant. I think you really believe the crap you spew, but you believing it doesn't make it so.

I lived through the nightmare of Carter. I waited in the gas lines. I listened to his Malaise speech. (Crisis in Confidence) His aborted rescue attempt put the nail in Carter's failed reelection. Your ignorance isn't going to change the history I lived.

The only proof you need is the results of the Carter-Reagan election.

I too live through the Carter years, and was an adult in the Navy during the first two years of Nixon. I too remember interest rates over 15% during Ford's term in office, Stagflation and the economic crisis of the mid 70's. The time before the two events which shaped Carter's time in office: OPEC (which created the long lines) and the Iranian Revolution - both of which had nothing to do with Carter's Presidential Decisions.

In fact both had roots back in time, the former created by the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandates, and the latter do to the CIA under the Eisenhower Administration.
You're a liar and an idiot. Like that's news.
30 year fixed mortgage December 1976: 8.79%
30 year fixed mortgage December 1979: 12.79%
Look what happens when Republicans take control of congress.


“Last Thursday, a group of House Republicans filed into Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s Capitol office suite and received a blank piece of paper labeled ‘Agenda 2014.’ ... A Republican aide .... said ... ‘The problem is we don’t know where we are headed...’”
Republicans Have Unveiled Their 2014 Agenda: Do Nothing

A look at the first session of the 113th Congress shows that the Republican-led House of Representatives has not made progress on issues important to the American people. With 8 legislative days remaining in this year, the Republican leadership is poised to leave a long to-do list of critical legislation unfinished. Here’s a look at the dismal Republican record, and how it compares to recent years:
The Do Nothing Republican Congress | The Office of Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer

Congress shut down last week to go on their annual 5 week summer vacation, which they call listening sessions. I really don’t know what they are vacationing from, except the swamp-like heat of Washington, D.C. They are certainly not taking a vacation from work, since they haven’t done anything this session.
GoLocalWorcester | Politics | Giorgio: The Republican Do Nothing Congress

Laconic and yet adroit ^^^ - nothing more needed to be written.
I can't speak for the right wing but giving presidents credit for the performance of the economy is moronic.

Very true.

Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause problems, however he wasn't the only one guilty.

He was the only President in US History to call for a tax cut, mostly for the wealthy and going to war at the same time. Then he ordered the military to attack the wrong country....?
Bush's tax cuts were across the board. That's why Obama had to limit the repeal to middle class payers.

the bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. Obama extended them when he could have repealed them, so accurately they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
But as often as this is proven the very next post some idiot from the Left (I repeat myself) says "Bush cut taxes for the rich"

It is a true fact........Bush cut taxes for the "rich" - they got a better deal than middle-income people. I know this is very hard for conservatives to admit or acknowledge....maybe they just don't get it, or they could be stupid.

Your attempt at deflection is noted....:badgrin:

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Favor Wealthy
I guess it must be a slow day for the liberals. Mrs. Tulza Clinton must not be barking out orders today.

The difference between Reagan creating debt and Obama creating debt is that at least we got something for out debt with Reagan. Reagan pulled us out of the Carter malaise and made most of us feel good about being Americans. Reagan wasn't perfect, as no man is perfect, but there was NEVER any doubt what country Reagan loved. Not so much for Obama. As Clinton famously said, a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Not so for Reagan, Obama isn't worthy to serve him coffee.

Are you ignorant or a liar? One or both must be true as you depiction of history is rotten to the core.

Carter used the word "malaise" to describe that which he inherited from the Nixon/Ford economy. For those who are curious look up Ford's effort to overcome "STAGFLATION" (a word made-up to describe the pre-Carter Economy of high unemployment and high inflation) by implementing the WIN Program.

The crazy right wing is both out of touch with reality and mendacious, they are the people who can be fooled all of the time.

You and your ilk use the word lie so freely. Certainly must be projection. I lived through the era, it was a Carter Malaise. Are Democrats ever responsible for anything? But I don't call you folks stupid or liars, you are just damn ignorant. I think you really believe the crap you spew, but you believing it doesn't make it so.

I lived through the nightmare of Carter. I waited in the gas lines. I listened to his Malaise speech. (Crisis in Confidence) His aborted rescue attempt put the nail in Carter's failed reelection. Your ignorance isn't going to change the history I lived.

The only proof you need is the results of the Carter-Reagan election.

I too live through the Carter years, and was an adult in the Navy during the first two years of Nixon. I too remember interest rates over 15% during Ford's term in office, Stagflation and the economic crisis of the mid 70's. The time before the two events which shaped Carter's time in office: OPEC (which created the long lines) and the Iranian Revolution - both of which had nothing to do with Carter's Presidential Decisions.

In fact both had roots back in time, the former created by the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandates, and the latter do to the CIA under the Eisenhower Administration.
You're a liar and an idiot. Like that's news.
30 year fixed mortgage December 1976: 8.79%
30 year fixed mortgage December 1979: 12.79%

Mea culpa here are the rates:

United States Prime Rate History

The fact remains, Stagflation was a product of the previous administration and increased during the Carter years until Reagan spent us out of the Malaise, which along with the Iranian and OPEC situations sunk Carter.
Very true.

Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause problems, however he wasn't the only one guilty.

He was the only President in US History to call for a tax cut, mostly for the wealthy and going to war at the same time. Then he ordered the military to attack the wrong country....?
Bush's tax cuts were across the board. That's why Obama had to limit the repeal to middle class payers.

the bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. Obama extended them when he could have repealed them, so accurately they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
But as often as this is proven the very next post some idiot from the Left (I repeat myself) says "Bush cut taxes for the rich"

It is a true fact........Bush cut taxes for the "rich" - they got a better deal than middle-income people. I know this is very hard for conservatives to admit or acknowledge....maybe they just don't get it, or they could be stupid.

Your attempt at deflection is noted....:badgrin:

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Favor Wealthy

the Bush/Obama tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. Yes, the rich saved more. 5% of $100,000 is more than 5% of $10,000. BFD.

Guess what, the 47% who pay no taxes (actually they pay negative taxes due to EIC) did not get a tax cut. Duh----------------
Very true.

Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause problems, however he wasn't the only one guilty.

He was the only President in US History to call for a tax cut, mostly for the wealthy and going to war at the same time. Then he ordered the military to attack the wrong country....?
Bush's tax cuts were across the board. That's why Obama had to limit the repeal to middle class payers.

the bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. Obama extended them when he could have repealed them, so accurately they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
But as often as this is proven the very next post some idiot from the Left (I repeat myself) says "Bush cut taxes for the rich"

It is a true fact........Bush cut taxes for the "rich" - they got a better deal than middle-income people. I know this is very hard for conservatives to admit or acknowledge....maybe they just don't get it, or they could be stupid.

Your attempt at deflection is noted....:badgrin:

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Favor Wealthy

They really, REALLY don't want to talk about Booooosh.
He was the only President in US History to call for a tax cut, mostly for the wealthy and going to war at the same time. Then he ordered the military to attack the wrong country....?
Bush's tax cuts were across the board. That's why Obama had to limit the repeal to middle class payers.

the bush tax cuts cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes. Obama extended them when he could have repealed them, so accurately they are the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
But as often as this is proven the very next post some idiot from the Left (I repeat myself) says "Bush cut taxes for the rich"

It is a true fact........Bush cut taxes for the "rich" - they got a better deal than middle-income people. I know this is very hard for conservatives to admit or acknowledge....maybe they just don't get it, or they could be stupid.

Your attempt at deflection is noted....:badgrin:

Study: Bush Tax Cuts Favor Wealthy

They really, REALLY don't want to talk about Booooosh.

bullshit, lets talk about him. Bring it on. Bush was not a great president, he made some serious mistakes. But, and its a significant but, he loved the USA and wanted to do what was best for the country. Unlike Obama, who hates this country and is determined to "punish" it for its success, wealth, and power. Oh, and lets not forget, slavery. Gotta punish people who oppose slavery and never owned slaves and would never support any kind of slavery, and give reparations to people who were never enslaved.

the liberal mind is totally illogical.
I guess it must be a slow day for the liberals. Mrs. Tulza Clinton must not be barking out orders today.

The difference between Reagan creating debt and Obama creating debt is that at least we got something for out debt with Reagan. Reagan pulled us out of the Carter malaise and made most of us feel good about being Americans. Reagan wasn't perfect, as no man is perfect, but there was NEVER any doubt what country Reagan loved. Not so much for Obama. As Clinton famously said, a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Not so for Reagan, Obama isn't worthy to serve him coffee.

Are you ignorant or a liar? One or both must be true as you depiction of history is rotten to the core.

Carter used the word "malaise" to describe that which he inherited from the Nixon/Ford economy. For those who are curious look up Ford's effort to overcome "STAGFLATION" (a word made-up to describe the pre-Carter Economy of high unemployment and high inflation) by implementing the WIN Program.

The crazy right wing is both out of touch with reality and mendacious, they are the people who can be fooled all of the time.

You and your ilk use the word lie so freely. Certainly must be projection. I lived through the era, it was a Carter Malaise. Are Democrats ever responsible for anything? But I don't call you folks stupid or liars, you are just damn ignorant. I think you really believe the crap you spew, but you believing it doesn't make it so.

I lived through the nightmare of Carter. I waited in the gas lines. I listened to his Malaise speech. (Crisis in Confidence) His aborted rescue attempt put the nail in Carter's failed reelection. Your ignorance isn't going to change the history I lived.

The only proof you need is the results of the Carter-Reagan election.

I too live through the Carter years, and was an adult in the Navy during the first two years of Nixon. I too remember interest rates over 15% during Ford's term in office, Stagflation and the economic crisis of the mid 70's. The time before the two events which shaped Carter's time in office: OPEC (which created the long lines) and the Iranian Revolution - both of which had nothing to do with Carter's Presidential Decisions.

In fact both had roots back in time, the former created by the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandates, and the latter do to the CIA under the Eisenhower Administration.
You're a liar and an idiot. Like that's news.
30 year fixed mortgage December 1976: 8.79%
30 year fixed mortgage December 1979: 12.79%

Mea culpa here are the rates:

United States Prime Rate History

The fact remains, Stagflation was a product of the previous administration and increased during the Carter years until Reagan spent us out of the Malaise, which along with the Iranian and OPEC situations sunk Carter.
Kudos for admitting you were wrong. It's progress.
True stagflation was building for a long time, starting with Johnson's spending on both Vietnam and Great Society. Nixon upped it by adding layers of bureaucracy and bad tax policies. Ford was ineffectual. And so was Carter.
Carter could have "spent us out of the malaise" as well. Why didnt he?
Because that wasnt the solution. The solution was, then as now, tax and regulatory reform that removed "regime uncertainty" so businesses would feel confident enough to invest and grow.
That is exactly our problem today. No industry knows if they will be targeted by the administration next. Look at broadband. The administration forced the FCC to adopt restrictive rules to regulate broadband. Who knows what will be next?

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