The Reagan lie continues today...

You're an idiot. Like that's news. It is well known the arms race presented an unsustainable drain on the Soviets.
In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was engulfed by a multitude of problems. The economy, especially the agricultural sector, began to fall apart. The country lacked technological advancements and used inefficient factories, all while consumers were buying low-quality products and suffered from a shortage of social freedoms. To reform the distraught Soviet Union, the democratization of the Communist Party was promoted through Party Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev‘s policies of “perestroika” and “glasnost.”

Perestroika refers to the reconstruction of the political and economic system established by the Communist Party. Politically, contested elections were introduced to reflect the democratic practices of Western society and allow citizens to have a slight say in government. Economically, Perestroika called for de-monopolization and some semi-private businesses to function, ending the price controls established by the government for the past seven decades. The goal was to create a semi-free market system, reflecting successful capitalist practices in the economies of Germany, Japan, and the United States. Unfortunately, such an economy took time to thrive, and people found themselves stuck in a worn-out economy, which led to long-lines, strikes, and civil unrest.

Cold War Museum
nothing reagan faced that will ever compare to what oama faced ... the banks failing the car companies failing the market crashing ... and you're trying to say Reagan did a better job then Obama ??? the problem you right wing nut jobs have is you refuse to see democats greatness when you see it ... that would force you to agree ...
I can't speak for the right wing but giving presidents credit for the performance of the economy is moronic.

Very true.

Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause problems, however he wasn't the only one guilty.
Amen. It always cracks me up when I listen to people put all the credit or all the blame on presidents. My sister has 2 daughters one was on a high school state championship soccer team in 2007. The younger one played on the same team in 2009-2012 and didn't even win their league. I'll never vote for a dem again.

You'll not vote dem because one of your nieces didn't win the state championship?

Really you shouldn't vote rep or dem again.
Okay. let's talk numbers...

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Reagan increased the national debt 186% from the level that Carter left him
GW Bush increased the national debt 101% from the level that Clinton left him
Obama has increased the national debt 55.4%

So the Republicans talk a good game, but they increase the national debt even more than a Democratic administration. And many of us are still struggling to recover from the mess that GW left us.

You're tarnishing the reverent image conservatives have of the brain addled buffoon......who took guidance from his wife who took guidance from a fortune teller.....need anyone say more?


WASHINGTON, May 3— President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, are both deeply interested in astrology, the White House spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater, said today, and two former White House officials said Mrs. Reagan's concerns had influenced the scheduling of important events.

A California astrologer said she had been consulted by the Reagans regarding key White House decisions, but Mr. Reagan said astrology had not influenced policy.

White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point
You think the Reagans following Astrology is bad? You should see the body count the Clintons have racked up in their quest for power, now THAT is deserving of a horror or a thiller movie. :lmao:
can you give us this body count you speak of... I didn't think so
Bill Clinton Killed 50 People
Not directly, of course.

Bill Clinton Killed 50 People

George W. Bush killed over 7,000 Americans...many more Iraqis, and that's no joke.

Bush's War Dead: One Million

Ten years after Iraq invasion, US troops ask: 'Was it worth it?'
Okay. let's talk numbers...

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Reagan increased the national debt 186% from the level that Carter left him
GW Bush increased the national debt 101% from the level that Clinton left him
Obama has increased the national debt 55.4%

So the Republicans talk a good game, but they increase the national debt even more than a Democratic administration. And many of us are still struggling to recover from the mess that GW left us.

You're tarnishing the reverent image conservatives have of the brain addled buffoon......who took guidance from his wife who took guidance from a fortune teller.....need anyone say more?


WASHINGTON, May 3— President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, are both deeply interested in astrology, the White House spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater, said today, and two former White House officials said Mrs. Reagan's concerns had influenced the scheduling of important events.

A California astrologer said she had been consulted by the Reagans regarding key White House decisions, but Mr. Reagan said astrology had not influenced policy.

White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point
You think the Reagans following Astrology is bad? You should see the body count the Clintons have racked up in their quest for power, now THAT is deserving of a horror or a thiller movie. :lmao:
can you give us this body count you speak of... I didn't think so
Bill Clinton Killed 50 People
Not directly, of course.

Bill Clinton Killed 50 People

George W. Bush killed over 7,000 Americans...many more Iraqis, and that's no joke.

Bush's War Dead: One Million

Ten years after Iraq invasion, US troops ask: 'Was it worth it?'

But the GOP would rather talk about e-mails.
Okay. let's talk numbers...

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Reagan increased the national debt 186% from the level that Carter left him
GW Bush increased the national debt 101% from the level that Clinton left him
Obama has increased the national debt 55.4%

So the Republicans talk a good game, but they increase the national debt even more than a Democratic administration. And many of us are still struggling to recover from the mess that GW left us.

You're tarnishing the reverent image conservatives have of the brain addled buffoon......who took guidance from his wife who took guidance from a fortune teller.....need anyone say more?


WASHINGTON, May 3— President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, are both deeply interested in astrology, the White House spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater, said today, and two former White House officials said Mrs. Reagan's concerns had influenced the scheduling of important events.

A California astrologer said she had been consulted by the Reagans regarding key White House decisions, but Mr. Reagan said astrology had not influenced policy.

White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point
You think the Reagans following Astrology is bad? You should see the body count the Clintons have racked up in their quest for power, now THAT is deserving of a horror or a thiller movie. :lmao:
can you give us this body count you speak of... I didn't think so
Bill Clinton Killed 50 People
Not directly, of course.

Bill Clinton Killed 50 People

George W. Bush killed over 7,000 Americans...many more Iraqis, and that's no joke.

Bush's War Dead: One Million

Ten years after Iraq invasion, US troops ask: 'Was it worth it?'

. . . and the Clintons fully supported that tragedy.


Both families are shit bags.

Anyone that votes for either needs to have their head examined.

Another Clinton Associate Found DEAD, Bill & Hillary’s Body Count Increases!
Another Clinton Associate Found DEAD, Bill & Hillary's Body Count Increases! - The Political Insider
Lie number one it said there was no cause of death it implied that Clinton was his they only president he worked for ... so like always you lie...

Former White House executive chef Walter Scheib, whose body was discovered near a New Mexico mountain hiking trail this week, died of an accidental drowning, police confirmed Tuesday.

Scheib, 61 the former top chef for Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, was found on Sunday near the Yerba Canyon Trailhead, north of Taos, N.M., several days after he had gone missing. as you can see cause of death he drown ... as you can see he was George W. Bush's chief too .. kind of forgot those HUH ...
Okay. let's talk numbers...

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Reagan increased the national debt 186% from the level that Carter left him
GW Bush increased the national debt 101% from the level that Clinton left him
Obama has increased the national debt 55.4%

So the Republicans talk a good game, but they increase the national debt even more than a Democratic administration. And many of us are still struggling to recover from the mess that GW left us.

You're tarnishing the reverent image conservatives have of the brain addled buffoon......who took guidance from his wife who took guidance from a fortune teller.....need anyone say more?


WASHINGTON, May 3— President Reagan and his wife, Nancy, are both deeply interested in astrology, the White House spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater, said today, and two former White House officials said Mrs. Reagan's concerns had influenced the scheduling of important events.

A California astrologer said she had been consulted by the Reagans regarding key White House decisions, but Mr. Reagan said astrology had not influenced policy.

White House Confirms Reagans Follow Astrology, Up to a Point
You think the Reagans following Astrology is bad? You should see the body count the Clintons have racked up in their quest for power, now THAT is deserving of a horror or a thiller movie. :lmao:
again stop your lying

Clinton Body Bags

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Is that the best response that you have? Yes, he talked about waste and fraud and then told America that eliminating it would remove the national debt. Then he turned and tripled it. THE REAGAN LIE!

The best response I have is you are a fucking hypocritical piece of shit pawn. You are nothing. If only you were flushed, swallowed or wiped off your mothers chest with a damp cloth.

We would have all been better off. Especially me, since I would not need to read your utter fucking bullshit.

Now, go fucking vote for hillary as you attempt to call republicans corrupt.

How is that for a response you fucking loser?

Gee, I must be hurting your saintly impression of Reagan....

Reagan was a Great man; hence you cannot stand him. Tough shit, buttboil!!

coming from the boards dumb fuck really does't mean much
Left wing logic>>>don't bother cutting waste and fraud because it won't lower the National Debit.
like you know what a liberal thinks
A fucking liberal (every last one of you pieces of shit) are nothing but double talking cocksucking hypocritical bloviated morons.

You all take on both sides of every fucking issue. You stand for nothing, other than finding ways to try and kick dirt in the eyes of America, white people or Christians.

You stand for absolutely nothing else. Nothing.

Every fucking day you pieces of shit prove ALL of my claims 100% right. Your two stupid fucking posts today, prove it again.

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