The Reagan lie continues today...

The OP is ignorant at best. FACT the GAO identified over $200 billion dollars a year in waste and fraud, that's over $2 trillion in the next 10 years people. Lets see the OP try to make a case that the GAO is lying.
Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause proble
So the record number of people on welfare and food stamps means.....

food stamps are the new era breadline

today the breadline is the longest the nation has ever seen

That's actually a great point!
The line would have been just as long had the administration allowed folks to have food stamps like they do today...

expand on that
PHRUMP IS NOW THE FACE OF THE GOP. Gotta just thrill the true conservatives out there. He will balance the budget when he cut the Dept of Education and EPA...RIIIIIGGHHHHHTTTT.....:banana:
Carter was an idiot; even Obama would have looked good following him...............until about year two!!!

The Ronald was a GREAT pres; it's why the left are so set on rewriting History!!! And frankly the only decent thing Bill did was chase skirt and leave the running of the country to those with a few brains. Even then he managed to fuck up the Tech and Housing industries.


The reality is Reagan was a great president for you because you wanted him to be.

Obama had scandals, that's why he's a bad president, Reagan had scandals, that's why he was a good president. That kind of fucked up argument.
The reality is Reagan was a great President because he was.

You don't get reelected by winning 49 States without people judging your last 4 years.

You get re-elected with 49 states because you're either running against someone nobody likes, or you've managed to act your way through the previous four years.

I mean, Walter WHO????

VP under an unpopular president.

He was appointed Attorney General in Minnesota, he was appointed to a Senate seat too.

He was narrowly elected as VP, but really people voted for Carter, and then he lost presidential elections to Reagan TWICE.

In elections he did well in his first as Attorney General 2 years after having the job. In his second for Senate he got 53% of the vote.

Stood in the primaries for President in 1972 and got 0.03% of the votes and again in 1980.

He got 38.32% in 1984 primaries, a few ahead of Gary Hart.

This is hardly a guy who set the political world alight.

Reagan was a populist, it's hard to run against them if you look like a drab man and you're simply not a populist.
Reagan was a uniter and negotiated with the Soviets to end the Cold War. He called evil evil and good good. He turned the economy around and saw one million jobs created in a month, and interest rates plummet so people didn't have to pay 19% for a home loan. He worked well with Democrats on the Hill and America became respected in the world again.

Exactly what is it that makes the left of today hate him?

Of course he did. He turned the economy around with a 186% increase in the national debt. GOOD JOB!
...with the help of Democrats. And Carter, like Clinton and obama cut the military. Libs hate the military and like to downsize them.

But like has been said numerous times, the economy went UP.

The OP is a lie anyway, Reagan never said the budget could be balanced by cutting waste and fraud. Their deranged hatred of Reagan requires them to lie about him.

REAGAN NEVER SAID REMOVING WASTE AND FRAUD WOULD BALANCE THE BUDGET. The OP never said that. But Phrump is saying that now. he is taking the Reagan lie and putting it on steroids.
You lied Reagan never made that claim. Your Reagan butt hurt is really troubling you this Monday.
The OP is ignorant at best. FACT the GAO identified over $200 billion dollars a year in waste and fraud, that's over $2 trillion in the next 10 years people. Lets see the OP try to make a case that the GAO is lying.

So Phrump is right when he says he can balance the budget by cutting waste and fraud? REALLY?
The OP is a lie anyway, Reagan never said the budget could be balanced by cutting waste and fraud. Their deranged hatred of Reagan requires them to lie about him.

REAGAN NEVER SAID REMOVING WASTE AND FRAUD WOULD BALANCE THE BUDGET. The OP never said that. But Phrump is saying that now. he is taking the Reagan lie and putting it on steroids.
You lied Reagan never made that claim. Your Reagan butt hurt is really troubling you this Monday.

Obama for eight years and Clinton for another eight. Now that will kill you! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The OP is a lie anyway, Reagan never said the budget could be balanced by cutting waste and fraud. Their deranged hatred of Reagan requires them to lie about him.

REAGAN NEVER SAID REMOVING WASTE AND FRAUD WOULD BALANCE THE BUDGET. The OP never said that. But Phrump is saying that now. he is taking the Reagan lie and putting it on steroids.
You lied Reagan never made that claim. Your Reagan butt hurt is really troubling you this Monday.

Do drugs much?
I see a big war coming with Trump as America's leader. Just remember all the crap is said about him before he is in office. That's if and for how long.
The OP is a lie anyway, Reagan never said the budget could be balanced by cutting waste and fraud. Their deranged hatred of Reagan requires them to lie about him.

REAGAN NEVER SAID REMOVING WASTE AND FRAUD WOULD BALANCE THE BUDGET. The OP never said that. But Phrump is saying that now. he is taking the Reagan lie and putting it on steroids.
You lied Reagan never made that claim. Your Reagan butt hurt is really troubling you this Monday.

Do drugs much?
You're the one flailing your arms screaming on a street corner about Reagan. You going to yell at kids to stay off your lawn next?
The OP is ignorant at best. FACT the GAO identified over $200 billion dollars a year in waste and fraud, that's over $2 trillion in the next 10 years people. Lets see the OP try to make a case that the GAO is lying.

So Phrump is right when he says he can balance the budget by cutting waste and fraud? REALLY?

GAO says $200 billion a year, suck on it.
The OP is ignorant at best. FACT the GAO identified over $200 billion dollars a year in waste and fraud, that's over $2 trillion in the next 10 years people. Lets see the OP try to make a case that the GAO is lying.
Are your referring to the 2010-2011 report that used that $200 billion number? Most of that were considered waste caused by congress's failure to control duplicate programs and overlapping. In other words, the bulk of the waste can only be addressed by Congress doing its job.
Trump will not get all those congress people to give up all the programs that give special benefits to their states and districts.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Is that the best response that you have? Yes, he talked about waste and fraud and then told America that eliminating it would remove the national debt. Then he turned and tripled it. THE REAGAN LIE!
Reagan had the Soviets to deal with and spent a lot of money building up our military forcing them to eventually go broke trying to keep up with us in military weaponry/ technology and economically. It was something that had to be done in order to defeat communism and in the end, he was successful.
US defense spending in no way cause the fall of the USSR....that was a job by insiders, and Reagan was no Kremlin insider...
You're an idiot. Like that's news. It is well known the arms race presented an unsustainable drain on the Soviets.
In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was engulfed by a multitude of problems. The economy, especially the agricultural sector, began to fall apart. The country lacked technological advancements and used inefficient factories, all while consumers were buying low-quality products and suffered from a shortage of social freedoms. To reform the distraught Soviet Union, the democratization of the Communist Party was promoted through Party Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev‘s policies of “perestroika” and “glasnost.”

Perestroika refers to the reconstruction of the political and economic system established by the Communist Party. Politically, contested elections were introduced to reflect the democratic practices of Western society and allow citizens to have a slight say in government. Economically, Perestroika called for de-monopolization and some semi-private businesses to function, ending the price controls established by the government for the past seven decades. The goal was to create a semi-free market system, reflecting successful capitalist practices in the economies of Germany, Japan, and the United States. Unfortunately, such an economy took time to thrive, and people found themselves stuck in a worn-out economy, which led to long-lines, strikes, and civil unrest.

Cold War Museum
The Soviet economy had those same problems starting in the 1920s. They had to institute perestroika in the 1980s because Reagan's increase in military spending demanded comparable increases in the Soviet Union and htey could not afford them.
Unlike you I was actually alive then and remember it well.
PHRUMP IS NOW THE FACE OF THE GOP. Gotta just thrill the true conservatives out there. He will balance the budget when he cut the Dept of Education and EPA...RIIIIIGGHHHHHTTTT.....:banana:

Department of Education is a demonstrable Failure. Time for it to go the way of the horse and buggy
You're an idiot. Like that's news. It is well known the arms race presented an unsustainable drain on the Soviets.
In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was engulfed by a multitude of problems. The economy, especially the agricultural sector, began to fall apart. The country lacked technological advancements and used inefficient factories, all while consumers were buying low-quality products and suffered from a shortage of social freedoms. To reform the distraught Soviet Union, the democratization of the Communist Party was promoted through Party Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev‘s policies of “perestroika” and “glasnost.”

Perestroika refers to the reconstruction of the political and economic system established by the Communist Party. Politically, contested elections were introduced to reflect the democratic practices of Western society and allow citizens to have a slight say in government. Economically, Perestroika called for de-monopolization and some semi-private businesses to function, ending the price controls established by the government for the past seven decades. The goal was to create a semi-free market system, reflecting successful capitalist practices in the economies of Germany, Japan, and the United States. Unfortunately, such an economy took time to thrive, and people found themselves stuck in a worn-out economy, which led to long-lines, strikes, and civil unrest.

Cold War Museum
nothing reagan faced that will ever compare to what oama faced ... the banks failing the car companies failing the market crashing ... and you're trying to say Reagan did a better job then Obama ??? the problem you right wing nut jobs have is you refuse to see democats greatness when you see it ... that would force you to agree ...
I can't speak for the right wing but giving presidents credit for the performance of the economy is moronic.

Very true.

Basically a president can do two things. Keep the economy ticking along as it should, or he has the potential to destroy it. Bush's policies such as warring, helped to cause problems, however he wasn't the only one guilty.

He was the only President in US History to call for a tax cut, mostly for the wealthy and going to war at the same time. Then he ordered the military to attack the wrong country....?
Bush's tax cuts were across the board. That's why Obama had to limit the repeal to middle class payers.

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.
Wow prior to Reagan no one talked about waste and fraud in government. Who knew?

Is that the best response that you have? Yes, he talked about waste and fraud and then told America that eliminating it would remove the national debt. Then he turned and tripled it. THE REAGAN LIE!

He never said that, douche bag. If you claim he did, then produce a quote of him saying it.

For one thing, decades of rhetoric about waste in Washington—one of Reagan’s favorite talking points—have skewed voter perceptions. “People think that there are a lot of ways to end fraud that would help balance the budget,” Nyhan says. Forty-nine per cent of those surveyed in a 2013 Fox News poll agreed that cutting “waste and fraud” could eliminate the national debt. In addition, voters have a poor sense of how government money is spent. When Trump says that he wants to close the Department of Education and the E.P.A., it might sound like a big saving. Yet their combined budgets amount to a small fraction of his proposed tax cut. Likewise with foreign aid: polls show that Americans think as much as a quarter of the federal budget goes to other countries, when it’s actually less than one per cent of total spending.

The Republicans learned from Reagan that a HUGE LIE can be forgiven if your party keeps telling the work how wonderful a President that you were, as the GOP does Reagan. Now, all the GOP hopefuls, especially the fraud Phrump, have also taken to heart the Great Reagan Lie.

The other fact that the article points out in that FOX news viewers are very to fool. They believe most anything FOX swears is true.

Reagan was a good president. He brought the country together, took down the Berlin wall, and destroyed the soviet union. The Iranians released the American hostages the day Reagan was sworn in.

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