The real face of voter fraud

The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..
Please tell us how Voter ID would have prevented the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You tards always manage to find sacks of votes that were lost..

Just ask al frankenstine...

Voter ID's would stop the vast majority of the cheating by the left.
In other words, you cannot explain how Voter ID would have stopped the Republican fraud in North Carolina.

Just like none of you tards have ever been able to explain how Voter ID could stop the voter frauds which have been brought up for the past eight years on this forum.

You never learn!

See you in the next voter fraud topic, and I will ask you the same question and watch you flail about. It never gets old. :lol:

The fact is Republican voter fraud is miniscule

when compared to the fraud on the left…..

If you on the left were truly concerned with

fair elections you would be for voter id’s.

We all know you libtards are all about cheating…….
Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..

How would Voter ID have stopped this from happening?
Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..

How would Voter ID have stopped this from happening?

What happened here was a fart in the wind

when compared to the massive voter fraud

due to lack of voter id’s.

If libtards were really concerned about fair

and honest elections they would be for voter id’s.
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..
Please tell us how Voter ID would have prevented the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina.

You tards always manage to find sacks of votes that were lost..

Just ask al frankenstine...

Voter ID's would stop the vast majority of the cheating by the left.
how? explain it....

It would keep dead people and Illegal aliens from voting democrat....
Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..

How would Voter ID have stopped this from happening?

who said it would have???
Several people at the beginning of this topic screamed for Voter ID in response to the Republican fraud in North Carolina.

That's who.

Open your eyes, dipshit.

Hey dick brain

We are talking about cheating in all it's forms....
Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..

How would Voter ID have stopped this from happening?

who said it would have???
Several people at the beginning of this topic screamed for Voter ID in response to the Republican fraud in North Carolina.

That's who.

Open your eyes, dipshit.

thats called expanding on the topic. at no time that I see were they connected

its only you that made that connection
Horseshit. These tards actually believe Voter ID can stop the types of voter fraud which occur. They do this every time.

Like I said, I'll see you in the next voter fraud topic and watch you flail about again trying to explain how Voter ID could have stopped it.

Rave on you idiot...….
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..

The question is not IDs. It is about demanding a special photo ID that 10-12% of eligible voters do not have.

Those not having them are disproportionately Democrat voters.

It is called voter suppression.

Pure libtarded bull shit....
I stated the results of an extensive study.

When the PA legislature passed photo voter ID & the Republican gov. signed it, the head GOP in the legislature bragged howthey just won PA for Romney.

You libtards always find a way to cheat...
Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..

How would Voter ID have stopped this from happening?

who said it would have???

Then why ask the question?
To pove the only reason you want voter photo ID is to suppress the vote. Thank you for doing so,.

Spoken like a real Nazi...
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..
They think black people are to stupid to get an id.
It is called voter suppression because it erects hurdle that only some people need top cross in order to vote 7 they know not everyone will.

In the county in PA where I live, there is only one location to get a photo ID and there is no public transportation for most.

If you assfucks were concerned with the IDs, they would have been made more easily obtainable.

You are so full of Shit...

You tards just want to cheat like always.
It would keep dead people and Illegal aliens from voting democrat....'re "right".......Its getting difficult dragging those dead bodies to the polling booths.......

(what a fucking moron who gets all of his "education" from FOX......LMAO)
Thank you for proving you are too stupid to understand how that works..

Yes, you surely are........are constantly being picked on by us are a VICTIM and the best you can do is hide under your bed.....

Laughing my ass off at your fucking STUPIDITY......
The real face of voter fraud is red, not blue. More details emerge in the North Carolina election case.

North Carolina 9th District voter fraud scandal: new evidence emerges - Vox

Just like a cheating spouse, republicans are prone to accusing others of crimes they commit themselves.

Why are you libtards against voter id's?

There is only one reason as we all know....

You tards want to cheat...…..
They think black people are to stupid to get an id.
It is called voter suppression because it erects hurdle that only some people need top cross in order to vote 7 they know not everyone will.

In the county in PA where I live, there is only one location to get a photo ID and there is no public transportation for most.

If you assfucks were concerned with the IDs, they would have been made more easily obtainable.
Keep that up. I've seen videos, when blacks are asked you loons say they can't get an id. It actually pisses them off. Keep up the good work!
Yeah, they cant get an ID until they need their ripple wine or lotto tickets and smokes. Oh, yeah, when they cash their SS checks also. Funny how they lose their minds(if they ever had one) when it comes time to vote...Some black people cannot leave the liberal plantation ever...

The White liberal Political Plantation owners use their perceived

ignorance of Blacks and other minorities as an excuse to continue cheating….

If you want someone to prove who they are before they vote,

You are a racist don’t you know………………….

liberals are all so very full of SHIT……..

We all know they just want to cheat…

The libtards that try and defend this bull shit are lying socialist scum……
voter ID will solve voter fraud ,as much as firearms ID will stop criminals from owning one.....~S~

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