The real reason the left is so enamored by BRUCE Jenner's so called "bravery" and so celebrated.

Fox News is deserting fundies on this too. Too bad for haters.
Not 'haters'...

Merely people not afraid to call homosexuality what it is... sexual deviancy and perversion... an aberration in the eyes of God, Man and Nature.

Nothing hateful about that.

Merely truthful.
Sure, fundie hater dupe. Meanwhile, adults recognize homosexuality is a fact forever and is no barrier to family values. Keeping it illicit and secret is...Sunday hypocrite bigots...
Fox News is deserting fundies on this too. Too bad for haters.
Not 'haters'...

Merely people not afraid to call homosexuality what it is... sexual deviancy and perversion... an aberration in the eyes of God, Man and Nature.

Nothing hateful about that.

Merely truthful.
Sure, fundie hater dupe. Meanwhile, adults recognize homosexuality is a fact forever and is no barrier to family values. Keeping it illicit and secret is...Sunday hypocrite bigots...
Fundie hater dupe?

Mind your manners, you vapid, insipid little twit.

Adults who know right from wrong... who understand the difference between goodness and wickedness... know differently.

All your name-calling to the contrary notwithstanding.
LOL, "X is true because there is no proof that X is false."


"You do not know what X is. Therefore we do."

"If the only evidence for something's existence is a lack of evidence for it not existing, then the default position is one of mildskepticism and not credulity. This type of negative proof is common in proofs of God's existence or in pseudosciences where it is used as an attempt to shift the burden of proof onto the skeptic rather than the proponent of the idea. The burden of proof is on the individual proposing existence, not the one questioning existence."

Source: Negative proof - RationalWiki

Or logic 101

I'm just saying the burden of proof is on you because you stated those things to be "not true" so, you need to back up your statement.

I could say there are not such things as ghosts, but I have no proof of that, so I won't say they don't exist.

You are asking me to prove something does not exist?

Nope, I'm saying don't say it doesn't exist when you can't prove it. There are lots of unknowns, doesn't make them false or non-existent

Did I write "it" didn't exist? It being the holy ghost, the ark, etc. I'm an agnostic, I really don't know if there is a god or not. That said, I doubt my behavior would change if the God you believe in exists. Would your behavior change if proof was established that no god exists?

Clearly your behavior wouldn't change, because your behavior hasn't changed.

How do you know my behavior hasn't changed? You don't, and pretending you do is one more proof that you're a liar (and not very bright).
It is just like everything else they celebrate. It is not about how much they respect it, or think it is "brave."

This is yet another clever poignant way they can throw dirt in the eye of the Christian conservative right.

That, is all, this hype, is about.

I often say the left stands for nothing. Well, they don't, with the exception of ONE thing. They are totally and completely unified in finding ways to throw dirt, stick a thumb, and utterly destroy the Christian right conservative. Along with the free market system that provides we the people with choice, but that is about the democrats.

The perverted, pathetic, godless left is more about and totally unified in what I mentioned. That, is really about it.
I'm a Christian and I doubt anyone would accuse me of being anything BUT 'right'.

And I couldn't give a single fuck about Jenner or his twisted sexuality.

The issue is not his mental disorder, its that his mental disorder is NATIONAL "NEWS!".

Who cares if he feels like a woman? I mean seriously... what is at issue is that such has been shoved in our faces and FORCES US to state that it's WEIRD! And that it makes us uncomfortable.

There is absolutely NOTHING abnormal or hateful about recognizing that Jenner's circumstances are abnormal... that he is a twisted individual with serious mental problems. Because... that's reality and as such it's the irrefutable truth.
You care if he feels like a woman.

If you feel like a Dog is it okay to try to make yourself one physically? But seriously, he has a right to do whatever, but, it's not normal, sane, and certainly not newsworthy. Our society has become a bunch of morons. Pitiful

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