The Real Reason Trump is a Threat

But it did take trial and error and months and months of experience before we could see the reality of what actually was amidst the fog of what we were still trying to figure out.

I will not blame Trump for knowing what medical professionals and scientists did not yet know.

I was unwilling to blame Fauci for error in that early going until it was revealed plainly how much he knew that he lied about and how little he followed protocol that he demanded the rest of us follow. By the time all that became crystal clear to the rest of us, Trump was at the end of his term of office. And Biden kept Fauci on and began the most oppressive part of government mandates related to COVID.
I understand your feelings but the medical people who brought those vaccines new a lot about Corona.

They made a mint on those bs vaccines.

Those vaccines could have never got emergency approval if treatments were available.

I just showed Stats from India and Africa..........less than ,800 k deaths with about 2.5 or so people.
I understand your feelings but the medical people who brought those vaccines new a lot about Corona.

They made a mint on those bs vaccines.

Those vaccines could have never got emergency approval if treatments were available.

I just showed Stats from India and Africa..........less than ,800 k deaths with about 2.5 or so people.
But we didn't have those stats starting out. And people in India and Africa are likely nowhere near as mobile as are people in Europe and North America which is identified as one factor to consider. Perhaps ethnicity played a part. I don't know.

The point is, those providing the vaccines may indeed have profited but they didn't cost you or me a dime courtesy of President Trump's order. There was no reason for anyone who wanted the vaccine to not have it.

What price do you put on saving hundreds of millions of lives which the vaccines almost certainly did? If you were dealing with a new virus that nobody knew a whole lot about, what would you have done differently if you had the power to make decisions that would affect hundreds of millions of people?

Evaluating the choices available to them early in 2020 by what we know now is exceedingly unfair. Just as judging people of previous cultures by our 21st century morality is both misguided and unfair.
Actually, here's the Trump I remember..

Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years
First president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss
Worst riots in 50 years.

All caused by Democraps.

It was Democraps that created the fake “pandemic” by outrageously exaggerating and exploiting a common cold.

It was Democraps that deliberately and maliciously used that fake pandemic as a vehicle for all manner iof illegal and illegitimate usurpations and abuses of power, including the willful sabotage of the economy, which caused the recession and job losses.

And it was Democraps that incited mobs of subhuman filth, such as Antifa and Black LIES Matter to engage in massive acts of destruction and violence.

Your side totally owns all of this.
But we didn't have those stats starting out. And people in India and Africa are likely nowhere near as mobile as are people in Europe and North America which is identified as one factor to consider. Perhaps ethnicity played a part. I don't know.

The point is, those providing the vaccines may indeed have profited but they didn't cost you or me a dime courtesy of President Trump's order. There was no reason for anyone who wanted the vaccine to not have it.

What price do you put on saving hundreds of millions of lives which the vaccines almost certainly did? If you were dealing with a new virus that nobody knew a whole lot about, what would you have done differently if you had the power to make decisions that would affect hundreds of millions of people?

Evaluating the choices available to them early in 2020 by what we know now is exceedingly unfair. Just as judging people of previous cultures by our 21st century morality is both misguided and unfair.
I stand by the Thousands of Studies and use world wide of that.

I posted these threads and many more with data while it happened.

I dont back down to anyone on this. I got the posts and dates to prove it.
Of course those things are irrelevant to you commies. The Constitution means nothing to you.

One of the big things that ended up being in very short supply, during the main part of the #CoronaHoax2020, was toilet paper.

Most of the left wrong-wing filth, here, if they had printed copies of the Constitution, would certainly have been very happy to repurpose them for that use.
Foxfyre goes full retard. never go full retard.

Trump can be forgiven in those early weeks of 2020 when NOBODY knew what to expect from this new virus or how to deal with it. Not being a medical person or scientist he prudently looked to the so-called 'experts' to advise him.

Except that he didn't do the prudent thing. We knew that this virus was an issue in December 2020. Trump called it a hoax. He said it would clear up by Easter. He threw out the Pandemic Response plan, disbanded the pandemic response team, and closed the branch office of the CDC in Beijing.

If he had it to do over again he never would have called for that first two-week shut down but at the time he accepted from those 'experts' that it was reasonable advice. Being wrong about something is the human condition and is not necessarily choosing to do wrong. Everybody, including all the medical profession, was doing a a lot of trial and error to find out what worked and what didn't.

Except that isn't what Trump did. Trump downplayed the virus because he didn't want to upset the stock market. In short, he was willing to put Americans at risk to protect the interests of rich people.

On Wednesday, Bob Woodward released audio excerpts of interviews with Donald Trump in which the president said he knew how much deadlier COVID-19 is than the flu, even as he was declaring the opposite in public.

The truth is not that Trump sought to avoid creating a panic among the American people but that he actively downplayed the virus in an effort to avoid panicking the stock market, which he viewed as inextricably tied to his electoral fortunes. It was fine if the American people got sick and died, as long as the public awareness of the threat didn’t rise to a level that would rattle the markets.

Trump was calling for the country to open back up long before most of the governors who enforced lockdowns were willing to do so. Meanwhile he was working with big pharma to get a vaccine out to stop the virus, he was working hard to make sure all medical professionals had what they needed in the way of medical supplies and medications, provided hospital ships and field hospitals for expected massive cases, etc. etc. etc. and had to allow the Democrats billions of dollars in pork barrel waste in order to get them to get cash into the hands of Americans who were deprived of their livelihood during lockdowns.

Okay, the problem with the "Hospital Ships" is that they weren't set up for Covid Patients. This is why no hospital was willing to risk a huge malpractice lawsuit by sending patient there.

Again, none of this would have been necessary had he taken appropriate actions in January and February to prepare.

Mistakes were made yes. But to say Trump 'bungled it' is just wrong and comes from TDS.
Um, no, Trump Bungled it in every way imaginable, compared to other G7 nations which took it seriously early on.

Canada only had 55K Covid deaths compared to our one million. Japan only had 74,000 deaths, and despite that low number, the Japanese PM STILL felt obligated to resign.
All caused by Democraps.

It was Democraps that created the fake “pandemic” by outrageously exaggerating and exploiting a common cold.

Conservatives: Covid Was a Hoax meant to destroy the one True God, Donald Trump.
Also Conservatives: Covid was a devious Chinese Bioweapon meant to destroy the one True God, Donald Trump.

Most of the left wrong-wing filth, here, if they had printed copies of the Constitution, would certainly have been very happy to repurpose them for that use.

Naw, that's what copies of the Book of Mormon are for.
Canada only had 55K Covid deaths compared to our one million.

Even you have to know that one million claim is a massive exaggeration.

And Canaduh has about a tenth of our population, scattered much more sparsely over a larger area. All other things being equal, by population alone, they should have about a tenth of our absolute numbers of anything. I don't know what games they played, compared to here, to exaggerate the number of deaths falsely attributed to COVID-19[84], but surely there's enough room, just on that alone, to account for a difference between the 55,000 that you claim they had, and the 100,000 that they would have if it was a tenth of the million that you're lying that we had in the U.S.

And because Canaduh is much less densely populated, it should be expected that any kind of contagious pathogens would not spread as rapidly or easily; so all other things except population density being equal, it should be expected that the per-capita rate of any effects from any contagion would be lower.
I stand by the Thousands of Studies and use world wide of that.

I posted these threads and many more with data while it happened.

I dont back down to anyone on this. I got the posts and dates to prove it.
There were no stats or studies on what the COVID virus would do or how it would behave before it was unleashed on the public. It was first identified among the citizenry in Wuhan, China in December 2019 but was not contained there. Even its earlier spread did not merit a worldwide alarm of pandemic until it became apparent it was spreading dramatically much faster than expected and world leaders stepped up to deal with it. Trump was first told that there was little risk to people in the USA and not to worry about it. When that advice proved to be entirely wrong, upon advice of the so-called 'experts' he shut down the economy for two weeks in March 2020. Just for two weeks.

The rest is history. But I will not blame Trump for getting the same bad advice everybody else was getting or for making miscalculations and mistakes in those early months. I think he honestly did what he believed was the best course of action to help the most people, and in most cases he was right except that he miscalculated terrible policy instituted by the likes of the mayor and governor of New York City and State et al.

And Trump never called the virus a hoax. In those early months he reasonably took the counsel of the 'experts' that it was not a serious threat and, like 'flu' outbreaks, speculated that it would likely run its course and die out in a matter of months. He of course miscalculated there but it was a reasonable assumption at the time.

When he realized the severity of it, he went into full scale problem solving mode to do everything within his power to do to help the American people deal with it and survive it.
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Even you have to know that one million claim is a massive exaggeration.
No, I don't know that... It's probably an accurate number.

And Canaduh has about a tenth of our population, scattered much more sparsely over a larger area.
They also had a unified response, and universal health care. But even if you take your bizarre math at face value, they still had half our per capita mortality rate.

Also, Japan has 1/3 our population, but they had a vastly lower mortality rate? Why? Well, they wore masks without complaining. (in fact, mask wearing in Japan was common before Covid). They canceled the 2020 Olympics, despite the cost. The locked down early as quickly as possible and stayed locked down as much as possible.

And the PM STILL Felt obligated to resign over the failures that did happen.
There were no stats or studies on what the COVID virus would do or how it would behave before it was unleashed on the public. It was first identified among the citizenry in Wuhan, China in December 2019 but was not contained there. Even its earlier spread did not merit a worldwide alarm of pandemic until it became apparent it was spreading dramatically much faster than expected and world leaders stepped up to deal with it. Trump was first told that there was little risk to people in the USA and not to worry about it. When that advice proved to be entirely wrong, upon advice of the so-called 'experts' he shut down the economy for two weeks in March 2020. Just for two weeks.

The rest is history. But I will not blame Trump for getting the same bad advice everybody else was getting or for making miscalculations and mistakes in those early months. I think he honestly did what he believed was the best course of action to help the most people, and in most cases he was right except that he miscalculated terrible policy instituted by the likes of the mayor and governor of New York City and State et al.

And Trump never called the virus a hoax. In those early months he reasonably took the counsel of the 'experts' that it was not a serious threat and, like 'flu' outbreaks, speculated that it would likely run its course and die out in a matter of months. He of course miscalculated there but it was a reasonable assumption at the time.

When he realized the severity of it, he went into full scale problem solving mode to do everything within his power to do to help the American people deal with it and survive it.
Corona has been around forever. This is the 7th Strain. I did all that and found studies. Fauci and Pharma knew them.
A lot of this was done in order to push through a total mail-election, allowing for ballot harvesting and other shenangians.

Eight states did all mail elections before Covid, it turned out to be just fine.

Personally, I like voting by mail. I can take the time to internet search the down ballot races and make a better decision.
Corona has been around forever. This is the 7th Strain. I did all that and found studies. Fauci and Pharma knew them.
Yes it has. But not corona enhanced by gain of function that was being done in the Wuhan lab. That was the unknown re this virus that we were dealing with. And it was a learning experience for everybody as nobody had dealt with it before.
A lot of this was done in order to push through a total mail-election, allowing for ballot harvesting and other shenangians.

That was certainly of of several obvious motives. Another, of course, was to damage the economy, and cause as much as possible of the voting public to blame Trump for it.

And then there's just a lust for power. I know that there are some types of people who, for no rational reason, want very much to control other people; and politics; tends to attract those types. The #CoronaHoax2020 was a tremendous vehicle for power-hungry politicians to seize and abuse extraordinary levels of illegitimate power to control others.
Corona has been around forever. This is the 7th Strain. I did all that and found studies. Fauci and Pharma knew them.

It's been around about as long as Mankind has. Until a recent strain was hyperbolized and exploited for political purposes, we simply knew it as the common cold.
However, there aren’t your jobs there. With Bidenomics the gas prices would eat up the lower rents in the lower class rents.
You are wrong about the credit card use. Many of those people are eating primarily beans and burritos every day. And, why is anyone making $190,000 joint income having to rent? Oh ya, high Gavin taxes, runaway spending (giving illegals healthcare but not the homeless and Veterans) and his bullet train to nowhere. Now, inflation and high interest rates.
Maybe. Maybe not. I know people that commute 2 hours per day. One way. That way on the weekends they can have a nice life with their families.
This is what I've been saying for literally 7 years now....Trump can't be allowed to succeed because he represents a threat to the collectivism that progs yearn for....So, this election the decision will be upon us....Do we want a central authority telling us what to do, and how to live? I say no....
You cannot make logical appeals to democrats because most of them ( women, blacks) are primarily EMOTIONAL DECISION MAKERS: They Act First and Think Later. This is why Deep State Democrat run citys are being destroyed. If you try to point out their errors ( like legalizing theft ), their mental illness rears its ugly head and they scream at you.
This is what I've been saying for literally 7 years now....Trump can't be allowed to succeed because he represents a threat to the collectivism that progs yearn for....So, this election the decision will be upon us....Do we want a central authority telling us what to do, and how to live? I say no....

How fucked up that you belive this.

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