The Real Reason Trump is a Threat

This is what I've been saying for literally 7 years now....Trump can't be allowed to succeed because he represents a threat to the collectivism that progs yearn for....So, this election the decision will be upon us....Do we want a central authority telling us what to do, and how to live? I say no....
The people voting for Trump are motivated because they think someone took their shit. They may not be totally wrong, but to complain that they are different from others wallowing up to the trough is bs.
Like when he sent out billions of dollars in "free" money?

Or maybe you're talking about when he illegally told every renter in America they didn't have to pay.

Or maybe you're referring to the farm subsidies he handed out after his Chinese tariffs?
/——/ The president can’t spend any money. Only Congress can. So why didn’t they stop it when they had the chance?
Link where Trump said not to pay rent.
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So you claim to believe in science, but you can't define what a woman is. You're a Democrat, huh.
Sure I can.. you seem to be the one who is confused. I'm sure you've probably picked up a tranny or two at the bar.
Your memory is incredibly selective. The dems controlled the spending. Either Trump gave them what they wanted, or nothing would happen and people would die.
Trumps biggest mistake was not realizing that the dems were happy to kill people to get what they wanted.
He simply didn't believe that they were evil.
He was proven wrong.

Congress holds nearly all the real power, but the President almost always gets blamed or credited with whatever happens on his watch.

Everyone gives credit to Bill Clinton for the economic boom of the late 1990s; and nobody remembers or cares that for the first two years of his term, he promoted policies that everyone with any faint grasp of economics surely knew would be very harmful to the economy. It was the backlash against those policies that led to both houses of Congress becoming dominated by Republicans, and for the rest of Clinton time in the Presidency, it was the Republican-controlled Congress that was calling all the shots, with Clinton just cowering before them and rubberstamping almost every Republican policy that came along.
Science? What is the definition of a woman?
See, you are making my point. Science is that simplistic. We know that gender identity is more complex than just DNA or genitalia.

To those of us that understand genuine science, and not the twisted left wrong-wing mockery thereof to which you adhere, it is not complicated at all. Sane people have no trouble at all defining what a woman is; only mentally-fucked-up nutcases such as yourself find that at all confusing.

A woman is an adult human that is biologically female. There's nothing at all confusing about that.
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Maybe you need to advance beyond that minimum wage job.

More people died because Trump allowed the virus to saturate the country. Biden is the one who got the vaccine distribution running and got it under control. No help from Republicans, who all spread lies about the vaccine's being dangerous, because they just couldn't stand giving Biden credit for anything.
And what about those with minimum wage jobs? I thought you Democrats were all for the poor and the needy. Guess not. The fact is, people cannot live anymore with Bidenomics and all the other garbage. Now, New York and other Democrat run cities are dropping their rat control departments and reducing garbage pick ups by 40%. There's already lots of garbage on the streets and now there will be lots more. That means more garbage for rats to multiply and really fat. I hope one of the eats you up. It's name will be Ben. And, you know what Adams is doing this? Because they are a sanctuary city and the illegals want to go to New York. So, Adams thinks it's more important to use the money for them rather than keep the city clean and help the veterans and the U.S. homeless first. Democrats are sick people.

How did Trump allow the virus to saturate the country? Explain how you stop a virus that is airborne. You are an idiot. Trump went along step by step with Fauci and the other Nazis. He did exactly what they said to do. Then, Biden followed suit for much longer than Trump. By the way, Trump is the one that got the vaccine fast tracked so you stupid people who thought it would work (it didn't do a thing) could have your vaccine. Then, you elected Biden so how do you think Trump could have distributed the vaccine since he wasn't President when the vaccine was able to be distributed to the entire country. It didn't work. Oh, and Trump also gave New York what they wanted, hospitals on boats and they refused to use them. He streamlined ventilators as well. Biden walked in and had all this stuff and the virus continued to mutate and go all over.

One thing we knew early on is that children did not catch the virus much and if they did, it had little affect on them. Yet, your stupid Biden forced them to where masks and would not allow them to go to school. Some Governors fought this and their students did not lose 2 years of schooling because of the disasterous Biden's puppet, Fauci.

The virus is still going around and stupid Democrats want people to mask up again and shut down schools. Well, now that the people know the scam Biden pulled on the American people, that isn't going to happen.
Congress holds nearly all the real power, but the President almost always gets blamed or credited with whatever happens on his watch.

Everyone gives credit to Bill Clinton for the economic boom of the late 1990s; and nobody remembers or cares that for the first two years of his term, he promoted policies that everyone with any faint grasp of economics surely knew would be very harmful to the economy. It was the backlash against those policies that led to both houses of Congress becoming dominated by Republicans, and for the rest of Clinton time in the Presidency, it was the Republican-controlled Congress that was calling all the shots, with Clinton just cowering before them and rubberstamping almost every Republican policy that came along.

Newt was a clown, and he got thrown out by his own caucus.

Dole had to quit the Senate to try to get attention, and it failed, miserably.
And what about those with minimum wage jobs? I thought you Democrats were all for the poor and the needy. Guess not. The fact is, people cannot live anymore with Bidenomics and all the other garbage. Now, New York and other Democrat run cities are dropping their rat control departments and reducing garbage pick ups by 40%. There's already lots of garbage on the streets and now there will be lots more. That means more garbage for rats to multiply and really fat. I hope one of the eats you up. It's name will be Ben. And, you know what Adams is doing this? Because they are a sanctuary city and the illegals want to go to New York. So, Adams thinks it's more important to use the money for them rather than keep the city clean and help the veterans and the U.S. homeless first. Democrats are sick people.

The guy claimed he couldn't afford toilet paper, that's why he deserved mockery.

Your babbling about garbage pickup sounds like you spend too much time listening to Fox News.

NYC is reducing trash pickup by 3%. It's hardly a catastrophe.

How did Trump allow the virus to saturate the country? Explain how you stop a virus that is airborne. You are an idiot. Trump went along step by step with Fauci and the other Nazis. He did exactly what they said to do. Then, Biden followed suit for much longer than Trump. By the way, Trump is the one that got the vaccine fast tracked so you stupid people who thought it would work (it didn't do a thing) could have your vaccine. Then, you elected Biden so how do you think Trump could have distributed the vaccine since he wasn't President when the vaccine was able to be distributed to the entire country. It didn't work. Oh, and Trump also gave New York what they wanted, hospitals on boats and they refused to use them. He streamlined ventilators as well. Biden walked in and had all this stuff and the virus continued to mutate and go all over.

Trump fought attempts to contain the virus at every step of the way. Other countries DID contain the virus, the US did not.

Sure, the vaccine was fast tracked, and then Trump screwed up the rollout. They were supposed to have 10 million injections by Dec 31, 2020. They had less than 1 million.

One thing we knew early on is that children did not catch the virus much and if they did, it had little affect on them. Yet, your stupid Biden forced them to where masks and would not allow them to go to school. Some Governors fought this and their students did not lose 2 years of schooling because of the disasterous Biden's puppet, Fauci.

Again, it wasn't that the kids would suffer from it, it was that they'd bring the germs home with them and kill Nana.
To those of us that understand genuine science, and not the twisted left wrong-wing mockery thereof to which you adhere, it is not complicated at all. Sane people have no trouble at all defining what a woman is; only mentally-fucked-up nutcases such as yourself find that at all confusing.

A woman is an adult human that is biologically female. There's nothing at all confusing about that.

Your religious bigotry isn't science.

Science has already proven that the brains of transgendered people match their identified gender rather than their biological one.

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