the real reason why the south votes for republicans

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
The blue dogs never switched only 3, the rest remained in.

Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill.

The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats.

Remember these new voters were born and most were raised with a dad and a mom, they feared God, loved to work with their hands, they love to work.

Remember these new voters loved to hunt, loved to fish, loved the outdoors, they loved freedom.

Remember these new voters loved the forth of July, loved Christmas, loved life.

Remember they were segregated in schools,they grew up together, most of the racism is gone.

Remember these new voters loved their toys, wave runners, Atvs, pickup trucks and bass boats, but they wanted good paying factory jobs not low paying farm jobs

So out of all this who would you think they would vote for democrat or republican?

On the other end of they spectrum up north...

We have youth now being born to single mothers or not born at all due to abortion.

They were raised to have envy of other peoples things.

They were segregated like up in Chicago the cabrini green, Robert Taylor homes, The lily white North west burbs

They were indoctrinated in union run schools

They grew up with no personal responsibility, always blame others

They grew up not working with their hands, but there mother doing everything for them.

They grew up seeing hand outs are fine, better then work for it.

And on and on and on

So who do you think they vote for?
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This is the fallacy of the above argument: "Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill. // The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats."

The southern GOP made solid strides until Jimmy Carter; the finale of Nixon's debacle and a new Southern hope in Carter blipped that solid movement from Dem to Pub by southern conservatives. The two parties had always existed, depite Bear's insinuation, and the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights.

So before and after Carter conservatives moved into the southern GOP because of ideology and racism.
This is the fallacy of the above argument: "Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill. // The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats."

The southern GOP made solid strides until Jimmy Carter; the finale of Nixon's debacle and a new Southern hope in Carter blipped that solid movement from Dem to Pub by southern conservatives. The two parties had always existed, depite Bear's insinuation, and the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights.

So before and after Carter conservatives moved into the southern GOP because of ideology and racism.

One has to wonder why Carter felt compelled to use a picture of his opponent, Carl Sanders, and black team members of the Atlanta Hawks. Why??
This is the fallacy of the above argument: "Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill. // The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats."

The southern GOP made solid strides until Jimmy Carter; the finale of Nixon's debacle and a new Southern hope in Carter blipped that solid movement from Dem to Pub by southern conservatives. The two parties had always existed, depite Bear's insinuation, and the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights.

So before and after Carter conservatives moved into the southern GOP because of ideology and racism.

One has to wonder why Carter felt compelled to use a picture of his opponent, Carl Sanders, and black team members of the Atlanta Hawks. Why??
Because he was in an election? But he had pictures with plenty of white folks too.
Dude I have been living down here on and off for 10 years , if you don't count the year I lived in Arizona, racism don't exsist Down here except in maybe hell hole states like Mississippi and Virginia, but they still are not as racist as Chicago And Detroit and both cities are so still segregated to this day
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This is the fallacy of the above argument: "Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill. // The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats."

The southern GOP made solid strides until Jimmy Carter; the finale of Nixon's debacle and a new Southern hope in Carter blipped that solid movement from Dem to Pub by southern conservatives. The two parties had always existed, depite Bear's insinuation, and the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights.

So before and after Carter conservatives moved into the southern GOP because of ideology and racism.
The ideology is what I explained in my OP. God damn I know them racism died out in the upstate of south carolina
No one gives a shit where I live , they care about The hunting season, weather, new wheels on their 4 x4 s

That's what I over hear at the local huddle house or ruby Tuesday before I go to work (I always eat out, single 49 year old hate cooking)
Never a word did I hear down here about racism
This is the fallacy of the above argument: "Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill. // The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats."

The southern GOP made solid strides until Jimmy Carter; the finale of Nixon's debacle and a new Southern hope in Carter blipped that solid movement from Dem to Pub by southern conservatives. The two parties had always existed, depite Bear's insinuation, and the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights.

So before and after Carter conservatives moved into the southern GOP because of ideology and racism.

They drag out the Carter exception because that's all they have.

The shift took on steam in 1980 when Reagan fought to defend Bob Jones University's tax exempt status, despite their segregationist/racist policies.
bear I spend almost a month total every year in SC with my in laws, so I know you are lying.
This is the fallacy of the above argument: "Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill. // The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats."

The southern GOP made solid strides until Jimmy Carter; the finale of Nixon's debacle and a new Southern hope in Carter blipped that solid movement from Dem to Pub by southern conservatives. The two parties had always existed, depite Bear's insinuation, and the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights.

So before and after Carter conservatives moved into the southern GOP because of ideology and racism.

The idiotcy of your argument is saying that the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights. The implication is that the Reps weren't always full bore for civil rights. EVERY civil rights bill from the reconstruction was overwhelmingly passed by Republicans, not so much the democrats. Then LBJ realized he had to give the black man, in his terms a little something and even he had to get on board.

Nixon did more for black then has Obama. If people fled the democrat party for Nixon over race they sure didn't get their money's worth.
The blue dogs never switched only 3, the rest remained in.

Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill.

The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats.

Remember these new voters were born and most were raised with a dad and a mom, they feared God, loved to work with their hands, they love to work.

Remember these new voters loved to hunt, loved to fish, loved the outdoors, they loved freedom.

Remember these new voters loved the forth of July, loved Christmas, loved life.

Remember they were segregated in schools,they grew up together, most of the racism is gone.

Remember these new voters loved their toys, wave runners, Atvs, pickup trucks and bass boats, but they wanted good paying factory jobs not low paying farm jobs

So out of all this who would you think they would vote for democrat or republican?

On the other end of they spectrum up north...

We have youth now being born to single mothers or not born at all due to abortion.

They were raised to have envy of other peoples things.

They were segregated like up in Chicago the cabrini green, Robert Taylor homes, The lily white North west burbs

They were indoctrinated in union run schools

They grew up with no personal responsibility, always blame others

They grew up not working with their hands, but there mother doing everything for them.

They grew up seeing hand outs are fine, better then work for it.

And on and on and on

So who do you think they vote for?

The truth is there is nothing that Republicans have to apologize for concerning civil rights, nothing since the before the Civil war. That certainly isn't true for the hood wearing democrats. they have lots to apologize for but fail to do so. Certainly their tune changed with LBJ when he knew he had to give them a little something, just not enough to make a difference.
This is the fallacy of the above argument: "Jimmy Carter won the South, so that's a lie that the South switched after the civil rights Bill. // The reason why they switched wasn't because of racism, the reason why is because the old started to die out and the new voters had only two choice Republicans or democrats."

The southern GOP made solid strides until Jimmy Carter; the finale of Nixon's debacle and a new Southern hope in Carter blipped that solid movement from Dem to Pub by southern conservatives. The two parties had always existed, depite Bear's insinuation, and the Dems were going full bore Civil Rights.

So before and after Carter conservatives moved into the southern GOP because of ideology and racism.

They drag out the Carter exception because that's all they have.

The shift took on steam in 1980 when Reagan fought to defend Bob Jones University's tax exempt status, despite their segregationist/racist policies.

NYC is a racist shit hole pretending to be a liberal nirvana.
The lies and deflections of Freewill and jwoodie fail. Yes, the southern Dems after 1968 were committed to CR, the southern GOP not so much, at least not then.

We were talking about the shift of southern conservatives to the GOP and the blip of Carter's solid victory in 1976. Once the remaining southern conservatives democrats realized that the CR wing in it the Party was continuing, they moved into the GOP.

The GOP willingly accepted them because it needed votes.

And those of us who were good Pubs and people as well spent the next thirty years doing our best to keep the racists down.

In the end, we accomplished it. The GOP in the South is as much racist now as the Dems in the South.
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The lies and deflections of Freewill and jwoodie fail. Yes, the southern Dems after 1968 were committed to CR, the southern GOP not so much, at least not then.

We were talking about the shift of southern conservatives to the GOP and the blip of Carter's solid victory in 1976. Once the remaining southern conservatives democrats realized that the CR wing in it the Party was continuing, they moved into the GOP.

The GOP willingly accepted them because it needed votes.

And those of us who were good Pubs and people as well spent the next thirty years doing our best to keep the racists down.

In the end, we accomplished it. The GOP in the South is as much racist now as the Dems in the South.

Liar. Show a southern run GOP state that sanctions Jim Crow, lynchings blacks sitting in the backs of buses etc. Put up or shut up.
The lies and deflections of Freewill and jwoodie fail. Yes, the southern Dems after 1968 were committed to CR, the southern GOP not so much, at least not then.

We were talking about the shift of southern conservatives to the GOP and the blip of Carter's solid victory in 1976. Once the remaining southern conservatives democrats realized that the CR wing in it the Party was continuing, they moved into the GOP.

The GOP willingly accepted them because it needed votes.

And those of us who were good Pubs and people as well spent the next thirty years doing our best to keep the racists down.

In the end, we accomplished it. The GOP in the South is as much racist now as the Dems in the South.

Liar. Show a southern run GOP state that sanctions Jim Crow, lynchings blacks sitting in the backs of buses etc. Put up or shut up.
eagle7, shut your beak if you are going to prevaricate. We are talking 40 years ago, not now. Thus your criteria of today is false for a standard.

And you missed, and I will keep jamming it down your beak until you throw up an admission, that I covered your complaint with "And those of us who were good Pubs and people as well spent the next thirty years doing our best to keep the racists down.

In the end, we accomplished it. The GOP in the South is as much racist now [perhaps I should say "no more racist"] as the Dems in the South."
Ya know, I never put 2 +2 together before and realized Goldwater was a Jew and opposed part of the civil rights bill on regards to states rights , it was a double whammy for ignorant republicans back then, blacks hate Jews for some reason and along came the master mind LBJ of the democrat party , he smoked the republicans for generations That dude.was smart.
bear I spend almost a month total every year in SC with my in laws, so I know you are lying.
where? I never fucking lie, to old, don't give a fuck. I live a mile or so by boat to Clemson death valley football stadium, 6 miles by my pick up trucks, do you want me to post a picture tonight on my way to work?


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Then you are running in a very small circle.

My in laws live near Lexington, and the neighbors that I have witnessed in more than twenty years are bigoted sons of guns. I have also met a few black south kakalakians in the Army who were bigoted.

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