The Real Resistance to Our Constitutionally Democratically Elected President

The worst digusting USMB stay at home Commie scum would be right there with Antifa flinging bricks and sheeat burning cars and houses all day every day. CC LL RW MATT Franco Jill Care OL LOVE ISSAC Bones many more all hate America and work to fundamentally transform like the 1/2 white socialist prick did to confiscate wealth killing jobs & growth lying every day.

Them vs. Normal people. Time to take them down hard. Hit them wherever they congregate. I don't care if they all die. I hope they suffer. Kill the ones stalling SC hearing also. Cost too much money to babysit commie. Make them hurt then vanish. Do you think asians would put up with this Malarkey?

Then they claim Police brutality when caught and cuffed, the dirty MSM puts it on replay every hour.

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