The Real "Victims" in the 2016 Presidential Election


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
I never thought for one moment I would be saying that the real victims in the 2016 Presidential election are the Black people. They definitely are the losers. After 50 years of federal government pandering the Blacks in America continue to remain at the very bottom of the rung in our society. The 2016 Presidential election will see the Blacks in America pushed downward to an even lower rung upon that ladder.

Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton's primary concerns are geared toward the illegal and legal immigrant and the new Middle Eastern refugee. Their call for free college tuition will help the Black very little. Most Blacks of any means at all are already attending college via student loans which they never pay back anyways. All this free college tuition will achieve is to give a step up in society for the illegal immigrants and the Middle Eastern refugees. As a whole, the Black community will see only a very small uptick in the number of Black college graduates. Even the addition of the illegal aliens to the rolls of Obamacare as touted by the Democrat Socialist candidates will not be of any benefit to the Black community.

Ms. Clinton is a strong supporter of Planned Parenthood as she should be since Planned Parenthood has contributed heavily to her campaign using taxpayer monies that they have received from the federal government. Planned Parenthood was designed to provide abortion services and contraceptives to the inner city Black community as a genocide vehicle.

The Socialist Party in the 2016 Presidential election is geared to continue its war on the Black community. They will soon be successful in their quest to reduce 12% of this nation's most backward and uneducated populace to a level of total insignificance or succeed in their original goal of its total genocide.
Dem poo blacks be too stupid to vote for thems who really care for them.

No, the Republican don't really care for the Blacks. The Republican just don't go out of their way to hurt the Blacks the way the Socialist Democrats do.
The real victims will be the American people. Keep voting for one of the two parties b/c this time they'll make good on all those election promises. lol.
African Americans are the real victims of "affirmative action" and racial preferences. After nearly eight years of racial politics by the Obama administration, a new stereotype of uneducated thugs with chips on their shoulders has been created in the minds of many Americans. As a result, African Americans are more likely to be viewed with suspicion as to their motives: Would they join a mob and engage in criminal activity if the opportunity were presented to them?

This is much like the growing suspicion of Muslims in this country. Their failure to denounce criminal/terrorist behavior by some of their members is a valid concern, just as it would be if most Christians tacitly condoned the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's time-limited validation of racial preferences may be ending sooner than the 25 years she envisioned in 2003. Grutter v. Bollinger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For African Americans, the sooner the better.

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