The reality of Chinese Coronavirus, aka COVID-19

And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...
Weird criticizing China for not shutting down international travel when even we didn’t do that with China.
they shut down internal travel, but kept sending people abroad -- pretty damning

and again, yes, we do know this came from a Chinese lab

No. We don’t know this came from a Chinese lab. You make this claim without providing any evidence to support it. Not terribly surprising.

China has full authority to shut down internal travel. Shutting down foreign travel would trap foreign citizens inside the region. Would it not?
. . . and there is no evidence for the claims that it jumped from animals either.

So, given that we have no evidence either way, and we know pathogens have escaped from that lab before?

Only a fool would believe YOUR paradigm.

. . . but most of us have already started to believe you are a fool.
Plenty of evidence. Animal populations are reservoirs of many viruses that occasionally jump to humans. This is consistent with known events from other diseases.

You can’t just say “there is no evidence” without knowing if it’s true or not.

Link to an incident.
This is not a controversial point.

If social distancing decreases the spread of the virus, then abandoning social distancing will surely increase the spread unless we do something different which seems unlikely to happen in the near future.
the data that is coming in shows a 70 day cycle. 40 days to peak and gone in another 30 days -- this is holding true whether measures are taken or not

this thing will not last that much longer for round 1, the big concern is what does round 2 look like? or will there be a round 2?
And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...

You keep saying the evidence shows it was released from a lab, but don’t seem to actually have any knowledge of this evidence.
And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...

You keep saying the evidence shows it was released from a lab, but don’t seem to actually have any knowledge of this evidence.
the horseshoe bat that most agree is responsible for this virus cannot be found any closer than 800 or 900 miles from Wuhan

the Wuhan lab was studying infectious diseases on bats

now, I am not saying it was released fro their lab intentionally, and I don't believe they did (although I do believe they intentionally allowed it to spread)

but it for damn sure came from their lab

we know it, they know it

many in our media are gleefully covering for them, which is insane
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And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...

You keep saying the evidence shows it was released from a lab, but don’t seem to actually have any knowledge of this evidence.
the horseshoe bat that most agree is responsible for this virus cannot be found any closer than 800 or 900 miles from Wuhan

the Wuhan lab was studying infectious diseases on bats

now, I am not saying it was released fro their lab intentionally, and I don't believe they did (although I do believe they intentionally allowed it to spread)

but it for damn sure came from their lab

we know it, they know it

many in our media are gleefully covering fro them, which is insane

We don’t even know the first infection occurred in Wuhan and we don’t know that it jumped directly from a horseshoe bat.

The virus which it most closely resembles came from horseshoe bata but the divergence between this virus and it’s closest known sample is substantial. The thing to remember, is that the number of viruses that we know about is a small proportion of the total number of viruses in the wild.

You’re making very definitive statements based on very little evidence.
And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...
From what I have read about virus mutations is that we are a long way from a designer virus. For example, you might be able select a mutant virus with a stronger protein shell so it would be harder to destroy but that shell is likely to make it harder to invade cells. Scientist have seen untold numbers of mutations over the years but none have proved to be invincible and most of them can not function and thus cease to exit. Even if a mutated virus could be produced that would be more resilient, having a faster incubation period, and other characteristics which would make it more deadly, there is always the problem of containment. If a virus is deadly to your enemies, it also deadly to you and your allies. As we have seen viruses have no problem crossing boarders.

IMHO, accident unleashing a dangerous biological agent is much more probably and dangerous.
And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...

You keep saying the evidence shows it was released from a lab, but don’t seem to actually have any knowledge of this evidence.
the horseshoe bat that most agree is responsible for this virus cannot be found any closer than 800 or 900 miles from Wuhan

the Wuhan lab was studying infectious diseases on bats

now, I am not saying it was released fro their lab intentionally, and I don't believe they did (although I do believe they intentionally allowed it to spread)

but it for damn sure came from their lab

we know it, they know it

many in our media are gleefully covering fro them, which is insane

We don’t even know the first infection occurred in Wuhan and we don’t know that it jumped directly from a horseshoe bat.

The virus which it most closely resembles came from horseshoe bata but the divergence between this virus and it’s closest known sample is substantial. The thing to remember, is that the number of viruses that we know about is a small proportion of the total number of viruses in the wild.

You’re making very definitive statements based on very little evidence.
Well. . . I guess we shall just have to wait and see.

Folks have just about had enough of this shit.

Folks know how lethal this thing is, it is being over blown.

On top of that, you can use ad hominem, and call folks names like "conspiracy theorists," but very fishy things surround this crisis. It is being used to do some things that tyrants have been dreaming about for centuries.

Thousands of CEO's retired sometime before the economy collapsed, many elites in D.C. dumped their investments before the economy tanked, and the FED increased it's balance sheet to a huge amount, on the claim that it is doing it to help main-street, but main-street is completely closed. . .

It is completely a scam. . . . and I believe most folks can see right through it.

IMHO, accident unleashing a dangerous biological agent is much more probably and dangerous.
thx for the info

I freely admit that I have no idea whether it was engineered or enhanced in their lab

but it certainly looks like the outbreak came from their lab
Why is it politicized? Because the fuckup in the white house claimed the pandemic was really just the flu and a dem hoax out to get him.

he never said the virus was a lie or hoax; he called the reaction to him a hoax

also, EVERYONE was saying this looked like a bad flu early on; Trump was one of the 1st world leaders to take action & he was called a racist for doing so

you either know this and are lying or just really stupid
No dummy. Not everyone was saying it was the flu. Intelligent people were sounding the alarm and saying it definitely was not the flu. Drumpf walked around with his finger up his ass for at least 3 weeks claiming it was all a hoax to make him look bad. His dumb attempt to keep Chinese people from coming never worked anyway. Almost 40K of them came after he supposedly restricted travel. You dumb fucks buy Drumpfs bullshit hook, line and sinker everytime. No wonder he said he likes stupid people.
Why didn’t you warn him? It’s all your fault!
On top of that, you can use ad hominem, and call folks names like "conspiracy theorists," but very fishy things surround this crisis. It is being used to do some things that tyrants have been dreaming about for centuries.
You just accused scientists analyzing the genome of Coronavirus as working for spooks. Sorry if you don’t like to be labeled as a conspiracy theorist but that’s what you’re doing. A spade is a spade.
And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...
From what I have read about virus mutations is that we are a long way from a designer virus. For example, you might be able select a mutant virus with a stronger protein shell so it would be harder to destroy but that shell is likely to make it harder to invade cells. Scientist have seen untold numbers of mutations over the years but none have proved to be invincible and most of them can not function and thus cease to exit. Even if a mutated virus could be produced that would be more resilient, having a faster incubation period, and other characteristics which would make it more deadly, there is always the problem of containment. If a virus is deadly to your enemies, it also deadly to you and your allies. As we have seen viruses have no problem crossing boarders.

IMHO, accident unleashing a dangerous biological agent is much more probably and dangerous.
You are making some faulty assumptions there.

You're assumption is that one nation or the other would make this to attack this nation or that, sure, then such thinking would not make sense.

On the other hand, what if all the elites, of every nation were in on it? What if the only thing they wanted to do was to create a one world government where there would no longer be any say for the little people on how they would have control over their lives, and the people in charge of their own nations would forever have their families in charge of them?

If the only purpose is to slightly sicken folks, to make them dependent, frightened, and enslaved to the elites healthcare systems? I think this virus has done precisely what it was meant to do.

This is a bio-weapon targeted at the world's productive citizen and free citizen, no matter which nation they live in.
On top of that, you can use ad hominem, and call folks names like "conspiracy theorists," but very fishy things surround this crisis. It is being used to do some things that tyrants have been dreaming about for centuries.
You just accused scientists analyzing the genome of Coronavirus as working for spooks. Sorry if you don’t like to be labeled as a conspiracy theorist but that’s what you’re doing. A spade is a spade.
If scientists are paid to find certain conclusions, they will find them.

And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...

You keep saying the evidence shows it was released from a lab, but don’t seem to actually have any knowledge of this evidence.
the horseshoe bat that most agree is responsible for this virus cannot be found any closer than 800 or 900 miles from Wuhan

the Wuhan lab was studying infectious diseases on bats

now, I am not saying it was released fro their lab intentionally, and I don't believe they did (although I do believe they intentionally allowed it to spread)

but it for damn sure came from their lab

we know it, they know it

many in our media are gleefully covering fro them, which is insane

We don’t even know the first infection occurred in Wuhan and we don’t know that it jumped directly from a horseshoe bat.

The virus which it most closely resembles came from horseshoe bata but the divergence between this virus and it’s closest known sample is substantial. The thing to remember, is that the number of viruses that we know about is a small proportion of the total number of viruses in the wild.

You’re making very definitive statements based on very little evidence.

What is often accepted today by the public as an accepted scientific fact is typically SWAG, (a scientific wide ass guess). Correlation is accepted as Cause and Effect, an observation becomes proof, and anecdotal evidence proves it to be true.
And why do they believe that?
not 100% sure, but the evidence suggests that they did

I do know they were working on it

did they mutate it to make it more dangerous? probably, but we are unlikely to ever know for sure

did it come from there lab? absolutely

did they lie about it and its effects? 100% yes

the main reason I think they did engineer this disease (IE - mutate it to make it more dangerous) is the fact that they accused us and Italy of engineering it

why would they do that unless they are worried that someone will prove it was man-made or at least man-enhanced?sure looks like they were trying to get ahead of the issue and create uncertainty about who to blame...
From what I have read about virus mutations is that we are a long way from a designer virus. For example, you might be able select a mutant virus with a stronger protein shell so it would be harder to destroy but that shell is likely to make it harder to invade cells. Scientist have seen untold numbers of mutations over the years but none have proved to be invincible and most of them can not function and thus cease to exit. Even if a mutated virus could be produced that would be more resilient, having a faster incubation period, and other characteristics which would make it more deadly, there is always the problem of containment. If a virus is deadly to your enemies, it also deadly to you and your allies. As we have seen viruses have no problem crossing boarders.

IMHO, accident unleashing a dangerous biological agent is much more probably and dangerous.
You are making some faulty assumptions there.

You're assumption is that one nation or the other would make this to attack this nation or that, sure, then such thinking would not make sense.

On the other hand, what if all the elites, of every nation were in on it? What if the only thing they wanted to do was to create a one world government where there would no longer be any say for the little people on how they would have control over their lives, and the people in charge of their own nations would forever have their families in charge of them?

If the only purpose is to slightly sicken folks, to make them dependent, frightened, and enslaved to the elites healthcare systems? I think this virus has done precisely what it was meant to do.

This is a bio-weapon targeted at the world's productive citizen and free citizen, no matter which nation they live in.
The only assumption I made was that the virus would be just as dangerous to the creating nation and their allies as the enemy.
Your assumptions are base on what if all the elites of the world were part of this and they all wanted a one world government and sought to control and enslave everyone. I think I saw a grade B scifi movie some years ago with this plot. It wasn't believable then and certainly isn't now.

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