The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

LOL, you see black racism EVERYWHERE!

What was there before the Civil Rights Act? Almost 200 years of affirmative action giving preference to whites BY LAW. I bet you or any of yours didn't have a problem with THAT did you? What about the legacy admissions and schools who refused to allow black students to attend. Do you know that one school district in Virginia I think it was, shut down the entire district rather than desegregate after the landmark Supreme Court ruling Brown v Board of Education. They knew the white parents would put their children in private schools while the black parents couldn't afford to do so. So the black students were unable to attend school for something like 3 years that that move got straightened out in court. They hated black people so much that they rather shut down the district that have their children in the same classroom with them. That's really vile however you seem to be unaware of a lot of the racial history of the U.S.

The neighborhoods were segregated and thus the schools. The only way to desegregate the schools was busing.

That happened in my city. When it started whites moved out of the city into the suburbs. Back then, few women drove and most all households were one car families that the father took to work everyday. In the event of a problem a woman couldn't just hop in a car and drive across town to get her child, so the people with money left. The people who didn't have the money were forced to stay.

So what happens to a city when all the people with money leave and the only people left are those with no money? The legacy of busing still haunts our city until this day.
LOL, you see black racism EVERYWHERE!

What was there before the Civil Rights Act? Almost 200 years of affirmative action giving preference to whites BY LAW. I bet you or any of yours didn't have a problem with THAT did you? What about the legacy admissions and schools who refused to allow black students to attend. Do you know that one school district in Virginia I think it was, shut down the entire district rather than desegregate after the landmark Supreme Court ruling Brown v Board of Education. They knew the white parents would put their children in private schools while the black parents couldn't afford to do so. So the black students were unable to attend school for something like 3 years that that move got straightened out in court. They hated black people so much that they rather shut down the district that have their children in the same classroom with them. That's really vile however you seem to be unaware of a lot of the racial history of the U.S

So just to sum up, discriminating against blacks was terribly wrong, which I agree, so we need to discriminate against whites now to makeup for that. Two wrongs equal = right in your world.
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No, to refute my claim that you black posters will never blame yourselves for your situation. I knew you couldn't which is why I asked.

What makes it even sadder is when a black man DOES acknowledge that the problems within the poor black community are due to their own poor choices, the leftists who rage against racism call him an Uncle Tom.
Not at all. It happens all the time. In any case my point (that obviously flew over your head) is that in many cases, it's actions of black people that keep them back, not discrimination or racism. You posted some phony story about discrepancies between the success of whites and blacks as a whole. I posted facts with links as to why. Your article just came to some unproven conclusion where as mine are about statistics.

Like the lottery tickets, I see it all the time here. Kids with kids. Bottom line is when 25% of your girls are getting impregnated and 33% of your guys have felonies, it's not a wonder why they are being held back in society, but whites are not responsible for that, blacks do this to themselves. Now you post another phony story about employment discrimination. We've had laws against that the last couple of generations. Again, that study isn't an apples to apples comparison.

Any proven accusation of racism by employers NNcarries a very heavy penalty. Besides the legality of it, no company wants to be accused yet alone convicted of racial discrimination. It's just not worth the risk. But just to humor you, let's say that this claim is true. Would you think that employers don't hire people of color because of their skin tone, or how they are known to do the job? It's like that story I told about last summer. In case you missed it, I'll tell you about it if you really want to read it.
Ray, I posted a testimony from a person who hired people. I've been part of a class-action suit against a U.S Corporation for racial discrimination. I'm not going to going to argue with your racist ass based on your selected use of statistics that validate your racism. I'm black and have lived it. What you say is not so. Just because a law is made doesn't mean it is followed. Racism must be heavily documented, any missing documentation ends the case. So again, the way you see things is not how they work in reality. The reason blacks are living at double the rate of poverty is racism. A bunch of racists with opinions don't change that reality. I posted poverty stats from 1959 until 2020 and black poverty has never been less than double the white poverty rate. This is not because of what blacks have done to ourselves.
No, to refute my claim that you black posters will never blame yourselves for your situation. I knew you couldn't which is why I asked.
I can't because it's not the reason. You can't face the reason and that is why we keep seeing threads like this from losers like you and Lisa, queen of affirmative action.
What makes it even sadder is when a black man DOES acknowledge that the problems within the poor black community are due to their own poor choices, the leftists who rage against racism call him an Uncle Tom.
That's because he is an uncle tom.

This afternoons lesson is titled:

The point being that the examples of racism, horrible as it was, was generations ago. In today’s climate, and even going back 40 years in some areas, blacks are prioritized over whites.

It’s past time for leftists to stop blaming racism for why some blacks remain poor. It is the same reason some whites remain poor: they have babies they can’t afford when they’re still teens and acquire no career or job training.
YOUA are a racist now. Yet you are trying to tell somebody that racism is gone. STFU.

This afternoons lesson is titled:


In 1959 the poverty rate for all American families was 20.8 percent. For white families, it was 16.5 percent. For black families, 54.9 percent. During the time people declare that black families were “intact,” black family poverty was 3.33 times that of white ones. In 1966, the American poverty rate was 13.1 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 9.7 percent, and for black families, 40.9 percent. In 1966, black family poverty was 4.2 times that of white families. In 1974 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.9 percent. Poverty for Black families was 29.3 percent. For Whites 7.3 percent. Black family poverty was four times that of whites ten years after Civil Rights was passed. In 1984, the poverty rate for all American families was 13.1 percent. For Black families, it was 33.3 percent, Whites 10.1 percent. Black family poverty was 3.29 times that of whites 20 years after Civil Rights was signed into law.

In 2004 the poverty rate for all American families was 11 percent. For white families, it was 9 percent. Black families, 23.8 percent. We are now 40 years past Johnson's signing of the Civil Rights Act. These numbers are well within our lifetimes. In 2004 black family poverty was 2.64 times that of a white family. In 2014, the American poverty rate was 12.7 percent. For white families, the poverty rate was 10.7 percent, and for black families, 24.6 percent. 50 years had passed since the Civil Rights Act, and black families still had at least double the white family poverty rate. In 2014 black family poverty was 2.3 times that of white families. In 2020 the poverty rate for all American families was 9.5 percent. Poverty for black families was 17.4 percent, white families 8.2 percent. Despite increases in educational attainment and breakthroughs at every level of American society, in 2020, black family poverty remained two times that of white families. No matter how it is measured, poverty for whites is lower than the national average, and black poverty is consistently double the national average. Since 1959 no matter how low or high poverty has been, blacks have continued living at double the white and overall American poverty rate. Increased high school and college graduation rates have not changed this discrepancy.

At no time from 1959 through 2020 have whites and blacks come close to having equal income. It has not mattered whether America was practicing segregation. It has not mattered that blacks have become better educated. It has not mattered if black households were traditional two parent, two cars, a dog, two children having, good church-going members of American society. We have had two terms of a black president, and still, the median income for blacks has been less than whites. Most certainly, if a black man can manage a nation, he can run a corporation. If a black woman can run the second-largest Department of Justice in America and serve as Vice President, she can manage your local Wal-Mart. Sixty-eight years ago, Brown v. Topeka ended segregation in schools. Fifty-eight years ago, Civil Rights for everyone became law. This situation is not about the failure of “black culture” or so-called liberal handout policies. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is continuing white racism.

U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 1960 to 2021 Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC). Table 2. Poverty Status of People by Family Relationship, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 1959 to 2020
No, he is a person who has decided not to make excuses. Everyone can make excuses, it is those that choose not to let them hinder their progress that are successful.
Whites like you make excuses. I am stating the facts.
Ray, I posted a testimony from a person who hired people. I've been part of a class-action suit against a U.S Corporation for racial discrimination. I'm not going to going to argue with your racist ass based on your selected use of statistics that validate your racism. I'm black and have lived it. What you say is not so. Just because a law is made doesn't mean it is followed. Racism must be heavily documented, any missing documentation ends the case. So again, the way you see things is not how they work in reality. The reason blacks are living at double the rate of poverty is racism. A bunch of racists with opinions don't change that reality. I posted poverty stats from 1959 until 2020 and black poverty has never been less than double the white poverty rate. This is not because of what blacks have done to ourselves.

Of course it's because of what blacks have done to themselves. You don't need much documentation for a lawsuit. All you need is the qualifications of the white person that got the job over you. That can be subpoenaed by a court.

One person does not indicate systemic racism. That's besides the fact we are on the internet. You can tell any story you want here and there's no way to prove it pro or con. You can believe it or not believe it. You said you experienced it. I think you are FOS. Every black person on USMB has made similar claims, and in spite of the laws heavily guarding against it, none of you ever sued anybody to rectify your situation.

I can refute your stories and you can refute mine, but statistics tell the truth all the time. As I said earlier, your race will never get anywhere if you people don't come to terms with the fact that much of your hardships you brought on yourselves. I can tell by the fact you call anybody that disagrees with you a racist, that if you did lose a job or court case, you dismissed every other possibility except racism.

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