The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

And you are trying to tell us that we have white privilege. Funny that black people are allowed this insight about white people but white people are not allowed to provide insight about black people.
That's because you have provided "insight" for nearly 246 years and your "insight" has been wrong.
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Of course it's because of what blacks have done to themselves. You don't need much documentation for a lawsuit. All you need is the qualifications of the white person that got the job over you. That can be subpoenaed by a court.

One person does not indicate systemic racism. That's besides the fact we are on the internet. You can tell any story you want here and there's no way to prove it pro or con. You can believe it or not believe it. You said you experienced it. I think you are FOS. Every black person on USMB has made similar claims, and in spite of the laws heavily guarding against it, none of you ever sued anybody to rectify your situation.

I can refute your stories and you can refute mine, but statistics tell the truth all the time. As I said earlier, your race will never get anywhere if you people don't come to terms with the fact that much of your hardships you brought on yourselves. I can tell by the fact you call anybody that disagrees with you a racist, that if you did lose a job or court case, you dismissed every other possibility except racism.

This is not about one person. This matter is not debatable. I'm telling you how it is and the way I tell you is exactly how it is. Nothing you say is true. You can't refute shit.
What makes it even sadder is when a black man DOES acknowledge that the problems within the poor black community are due to their own poor choices, the leftists who rage against racism call him an Uncle Tom.

Correct. If there is such racism against blacks, how is it some blacks make it just fine and others don't? It's the same in the white community. There are whites that became wealthy, very wealthy, middle-class and poor. It has nothing to do with race, or in our case, ethnic background. It has to do with personal decisions.
This discussion is not about successful people, it's about failures, that's why.

Yes, we do bring evidence that you obviously ignored. I posted studies yesterday that revealed black teen pregnancy is well over twice the rate of white girls. I also posted a study that found 33% of black males had a criminal record. People with felonies (regardless of race) have to work lower paying jobs as better paying jobs have a felon restriction.

With 25% of black female teens having kids, and 33% of black men having criminal records, it's not a wonder why they are held back. It has nothing to do with discrimination or anything whitie did.

It's sad, and so-oo predictable.

All they have is excuses. Never-ending excuses. It's painful to listen to the whining, it's gone on for so long.

Why do they refuse to look, honestly, at their own bad choices and awful behavior?
This is not about one person. This matter is not debatable. I'm telling you how it is and the way I tell you is exactly how it is. Nothing you say is true. You can't refute shit.

The difference between us is you offer opinion, and I offer fact. It's like rock, paper scissors. Facts and statistics beat opinion every single time.
It's sad, and so-oo predictable.

All they have is excuses. Never-ending excuses. It's painful to listen to the whining, it's gone on for so long.

Why do they refuse to look, honestly, at their own bad choices and awful behavior?

Why? Because it's so easy, that's why. It's like that story I told about an immediate family member that became an alcoholic. It's just easy to say I don't have a problem. Because if you come to terms that you do have a problem, it's a long and hard fight to defeat it.
The Lesson continues.

Payscale did a two-year study from 2017 to 2019, and this is their conclusion: "we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality." They studied the earnings of white men and men of color using data from 1.8 million employees. They found that no matter how far they advanced, black men made less than white men with the same qualifications. According to the study, “black men were the only racial/ethnic group not achieving pay parity with white men at some level." The study showed that black men had the most significant "uncontrolled pay gap" relative to white men and that on average, black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. The Payscale study showed that black men are paid less compared to all other men.

Even when black and white men had the same job, experience, education, and worked at the same geographic location, the study shows a controlled pay gap whereby black men earned less. Executive-level black men still earn less than white men at that same level. At that level, black men are paid 97 cents for every dollar a white man is paid but face the same executive responsibilities and are expected to produce the same or superior results.

Dana M Peterson, Catherine L Mann, Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps, The Economic Cost of Black Inequality in the U.S., pg. 4, Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps - CitiGPS

Stephen Miller, Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts,

The “conservative” judgment of the single parent, unwed mother, and fatherless home because of irresponsible black men has problems. The National Women’s Law Center also showed that black women are paid less than other women. Black women are paid 63 cents for every dollar paid to white men based on calculations used in the study. Where this impacts black single mothers is this study shows a pay difference of over 20,000 dollars per year. "Black women have to work more than 19 months—until the very last day of July—to make as much as white, non-Hispanic men did in the previous 12-month calendar year." Black women in high-wage occupations earn 64 cents for every dollar a white man earns. On average, that is 40,000 dollars per year less than white men in those same occupations. This renders the unwed mother, fatherless home opinion meritless relative to income and poverty because a black couple can get married, daddy lives at home, and the family still makes less than whites. This is not about lack of education. Nor is it about the field of study.

Brandie Temple and Jasmine Tucker, Equal Pay for Black Women, Equal Pay for Black Women - National Women's Law Center,

"Even after completing undergraduate and graduate degrees, black and Hispanic workers earned less than non-Hispanic white workers with the same, or often less, education."
- Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, ThinkNow Research

Kokoyachuck found that blacks and Hispanics with college degrees were paid less than whites and Asians with comparable education. His study showed that blacks and Hispanics who graduated in S.T.E.M majors earned less than whites and Asians with degrees in those same majors. "Even when Blacks and Hispanics go the extra mile and earn professional degrees, their incomes still don’t break six figures. Whites and Asians, however, double their incomes by earning professional degrees, allowing them to make well over $100,000 a year."

Roy Eduardo Kokoyachuk, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap, Education Alone Can't Close The Racial Wage Gap
The difference between us is you offer opinion, and I offer fact. It's like rock, paper scissors. Facts and statistics beat opinion every single time.
I am showing fact. You are not. Nothing you have posted was anything but your opinion or information that supports your opinion. I live with this shit white boy. You look at it from the outside and with your own personal racism. Nothing you say has anything to do with black poverty. You cite felony rates, but the criminal justice system has been shown to be racist by studies done by professionals in the field. So your citing that by itself shows how racism creates poverty for black people.
Because they have racist views about black people
That may be true.

But many of the negative views whites might hold about black people come into being as a direct result of the horrible behavior many, especially younger, blacks engage in. Thievery, all kinds of crime, brainless riots, smash and grabs, senseless murders, demanding free shit they HAVEN'T EARNED.

How can people be expected to hold positive views about people who insist on acting like rabid animals - and then try to blame others for their self-created problems? Fuck them.
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That may be true.

But many of the negative views whites might hold about black people come into being as a direct result of the horrible behavior blacks engage in. Thievery, all kinds of crime, brainless riots, smash and grabs, senseless murders, demand in free shit they HAVEN'T EARNED.

How can people be expected to hold positive views about people who insist on acting like rabid animals - and then trying to blame others for their problems? Fuck them.
So you think black people act like rabid animals....right?
No, he is a person who has decided not to make excuses. Everyone can make excuses, it is those that choose not to let them hinder their progress that are successful.
Everyone has challenges and obstacles to overcome. Winners get up when knocked down. Losers whine and blame others.
Correct. If there is such racism against blacks, how is it some blacks make it just fine and others don't? It's the same in the white community. There are whites that became wealthy, very wealthy, middle-class and poor. It has nothing to do with race, or in our case, ethnic background. It has to do with personal decisions.
Yes, so obvious.

And I asked that question before of our leftists who insist that the blacks who remain poor are so due to race: Why then did most blacks move out of poverty and into the middle class and up?

The answer comes back, “they moved up despite racism.” Then let’s dive deeper. How were they able to succeed despite racism”? The answer is that they made the right choices and took advantage of the opportunities available to them.
Why? Because it's so easy, that's why. It's like that story I told about an immediate family member that became an alcoholic. It's just easy to say I don't have a problem. Because if you come to terms that you do have a problem, it's a long and hard fight to defeat it.
It’s like when adults still blame their parents when they have problems. At some point, you’ve got to grow up and admit that you make your own choices.

I just spoke with a 60-year-old man who complained to me that his parents should have encouraged him to go to law school. Grow up!

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