The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

So you think black people act like rabid animals....right?
I wouldn't but how would you describe this behavior? You do understand what this table is showing, right?

Not just blacks, but other minorities as well. There are people of all races that don't have the background to own a house. They don't understand how expensive it can be and how much maintenance has to be done constantly. I didn't understand it when I bought my first house. Fortunately, I disregarded the realtor's insistence that I buy the most expensive house I could qualify for (this was the beginning of the sub-prime mess) and bought a house well within my ability to pay and I had the money to pay for repairs an upkeep until I learned how to do it myself.
I did the same. The lender was pushing me for the most expensive house I could afford, but I went with one about 15% less expensive that was more than adequate for me. I wanted to be able to still go on nice vacations, cover repairs, AND - this is important - save for my retirement. IOW, I made a responsible choice not to overextend myself.
Congratulations, you found one stupid criminal who not only violated his company's hiring guidelines, but the law as well.
We all know he is not the only one. If you're in his position, you do the same stuff.
Was your cousin a slave? He would have had to been 120 years old or so to have been born a slave. It's more likely he was the son or grandson of sharecroppers working the land for a percentage of the crops grown by them. A lot of poor people of all races sharecropped in the nineteenth century. My uncle's neighbor sharecropped my uncle's farm because while my uncle loved living in the country he wasn't interested in farming. So, he allowed his farmer neighbor to work the land and they split the profits form the crop.

Bullshit. Things were not the same between black and white sharecroppers. Let's stop pretending that slavery was all of it.
Wrong. You have done it to yourself.

Your hate consumes you and makes you ignorant. You must be proud of these recent killings of whites by blacks.
The facts say you are the ignorant one. Your comments prove it even more.
Reality. When you shoot rockets into my yard, don't be surprised when I drop a bomb on your garage.
Um, what does that have to do with your imaginary sky friend, exactly? Oh never mind.

Asians have it the worst because they are the ones who are getting the best grades and scores, and thus they have a target on their back as leftists figure out a way to exclude them from being admitted to prestigious programs. That’s what the SCOTUS case is all about: whether it is fair for Harvard to have designed a “personality test” with questions they could score blacks higher on and Asians lower, and then rejected Asians on the grounds they were unlikeable.
And then Harvard will just find another way to achieve diversity...

I could care less what they believe as long as they stop their crying and demanding change from everybody else, and as long as they quit invading white areas. There are just some people that refuse to acknowledge their own faults. I hear it all the time on my scanner. When there's a shooting or a physical attack, the police tell dispatch nobody will cooperate with them. Hey, if that's the environment you want to live in, fine by me, as long as you don't bring it to where I live which they have.

Given the level of misconduct of the police, no wonder no one cooperates with them...

I got to know a young man through my resume business who spent 10 years in prison because the police beat a confession out of one of his friends. The corrupt DA went along with it, and it wasn't until some kids at Northwestern actually did the hard work and investigated.
Correct. If there is such racism against blacks, how is it some blacks make it just fine and others don't? It's the same in the white community. There are whites that became wealthy, very wealthy, middle-class and poor. It has nothing to do with race, or in our case, ethnic background. It has to do with personal decisions.

For those playing along at home, Welfare Ray is on disability, lives in a slum, and hates his neighbors.

And I asked that question before of our leftists who insist that the blacks who remain poor are so due to race: Why then did most blacks move out of poverty and into the middle class and up?

Wrong question- better question- why did it take close to 150 years after slavery ended for them to even START to climb out.

The answer comes back, “they moved up despite racism.” Then let’s dive deeper. How were they able to succeed despite racism”? The answer is that they made the right choices and took advantage of the opportunities available to them.
But why should they have to work hard to overcome racism? Shit, when they don't make the bad decisions, stay in school, and get slightly lower scores than little Chang, you whine about how poor Chang is being discriminated against if they get into college.
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Um, what does that have to do with your imaginary sky friend, exactly? Oh never mind.

And then Harvard will just find another way to achieve diversity...

Given the level of misconduct of the police, no wonder no one cooperates with them...

I got to know a young man through my resume business who spent 10 years in prison because the police beat a confession out of one of his friends. The corrupt DA went along with it, and it wasn't until some kids at Northwestern actually did the hard work and investigated.
Is it more important for someone to be qualified for a job or position or more important to be the preferred gender or minority to satisfy diversity?
So just to sum up, discriminating against blacks was terribly wrong, which I agree, so we need to discriminate against whites now to makeup for that. Two wrongs equal = right in your world.

Uh, Wait. Checking my skin tone. Yup, still the same pasty-white it's been for the last 60 years.
Nobody whipped me today.. nobody is going to whip me tomorrow.
Nobody refused to give me a job because of my skin color
No cops pulled me over because of my skin color.
Nobody looked at me with suspicion because I went into a store.

Sorry, setting a few jobs or seats in college aside for black folks is NOWHERE NEAR what white people did to them for the last 400 years.
Not just blacks, but other minorities as well. There are people of all races that don't have the background to own a house. They don't understand how expensive it can be and how much maintenance has to be done constantly. I didn't understand it when I bought my first house. Fortunately, I disregarded the realtor's insistence that I buy the most expensive house I could qualify for (this was the beginning of the sub-prime mess) and bought a house well within my ability to pay and I had the money to pay for repairs an upkeep until I learned how to do it myself.

They didn't have the financial experience either. They had no idea how much their mortgage would go up by 2% or so since most of the loans were on an ARM. They also didn't have the intelligence to hire somebody to explain it to them.

The trend since then has been renting. Great for me as a landlord, but now other landlords are taking advantage of this, and charging outrageous prices for their rental units. No matter what they charge, people are too happy just to find a place. In fact California has limits on how high they can charge for rents.

The last time I had an open unit was over 6 years ago. Nobody leaves. When I put the ad out in the middle of winter, I had over 14 replies the next day; some saying they'd take the place sight unseen. Others saying they would pay me more rent than I was asking, or offered double security deposit. It was nuts.
They didn't have the financial experience either. They had no idea how much their mortgage would go up by 2% or so since most of the loans were on an ARM. They also didn't have the intelligence to hire somebody to explain it to them.

The trend since then has been renting. Great for me as a landlord, but now other landlords are taking advantage of this, and charging outrageous prices for their rental units. No matter what they charge, people are too happy just to find a place. In fact California has limits on how high they can charge for rents.

The last time I had an open unit was over 6 years ago. Nobody leaves. When I put the ad out in the middle of winter, I had over 14 replies the next day; some saying they'd take the place sight unseen. Others saying they would pay me more rent than I was asking, or offered double security deposit. It was nuts.
I think ARMs should be abolished. Ignorant and/or greedy homebuyers chop off more than they can chew, and then run into problems as interest rates rise.

I say that if you don’t qualify for a loan with a fixed rate, and that your loan-to-income ratio is so borderline that the only way you buy the house is with an ARM a percentage point less, you have no business closing on that loan.

Is it more important for someone to be qualified for a job or position or more important to be the preferred gender or minority to satisfy diversity?

This looks like a job for Resume-Man!

You work on the assumption that those two things are mutually exclusive. When you get a job posting, you have hundreds of resumes that come in. There would be NO PROBLEM finding a person who both fulfills a diversity quota AND meets the bare minimum requirements of the job.

I've known ONE person who I believe was hired as an affirmative Action hire who wasn't qualified for her job, and frankly, her resume was pretty darned good. (in practice, she was kind of out of her depth).

On the other hand, I have seen jobs given to people who were relatives, friends or lovers of managers who were in no way, shape or form qualified for their positions. No way to fire them, you had to work around them.

Of course, assuming you are dealing with a legitimate job search, and not one where they've found an internal candidate and they are just going through the motions (Happens way too often), the only thing a resume proves is who hired the best resume writer. And, yes, a white person is more likely to be able to spend the $300.00 or so to hire a resume writer who knows how to beat the Applicant Tracking Software and make them eye-catching enough for the 30 seconds a real human might read them.

Now, we've already discussed surveys that have shown that in blind tests, resumes with identical qualifications, but were split between "White" and "Black" names, the white names get 50% more responses.

White privilege creeps into other sections, as well. White people are more likely to be able to buy nice suits for an interview, while a poorer person is going to buy something off the rack. They are more likely to have connections, as I've said.
Is it more important for someone to be qualified for a job or position or more important to be the preferred gender or minority to satisfy diversity?
Why do whites like you ask this question? Do you not understand the real way things have happened?

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