The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

The law is not written based on race, that is unless you can tell me that all attackers are black.

Prosecutors can still bring a case to court IF they have evidence a person was not in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, or had reason to believe so.

For instance when I was younger, I could never use deadly force against some skinny 5'6 guy who simply made a threat. I'm 6'3" and in a younger day, well built and a black belt in Kempo. Between my size and training, a prosecutor could easily make a valid case I was in no position to believe I was in threat of serious bodily harm or death.

Since you mentioned it, take the Travon Martin case. Zimmerman suffered multiple injuries from the attack including two black eyes, a broken nose and back injuries. Martin showed no intention of stopping. Zimmerman had every reason to believe he suffered serious bodily harm and could be risking death by not using deadly force to stop the attack. The only reason he was arrested and charged later on was because of the public outrage as the media originally lied about the story, but they had no grounds in which to charge him. He followed the letter of the law to a tee. Even the jurors admitted that they had to rule not-guilty because the law was followed perfectly.
Yup. Jury got it right.

Brown was high as a kite. He first tried to disarm the officer in his car resulting in his hand getting shot. He tried to take Brown into custody, but Brown instead ran after the officer. Brown was much larger and younger than the officer, so he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. After all if he didn't stop the attack using his firearm, Brown could have easily disarmed the officer and use his very own gun against him. Plus the fact he apparently didn't even feel the hand injury. That's why he too was found not-guilty.

Yup. Jury got it right again here.
So as I stated, the big problem with blacks is they don't know the laws of their state. Many are under the impression that it's illegal to use deadly force unless the attacker too is armed. So they get upset thinking it's a race thing and the white guy got off simply because of the color of his skin.
So instead of arguing with Welfare Ray who seems to think that there's never been a black person murdered who didn't have it coming, and Paul who thinks everything is a huge fucking conspiracy, let's talk about some SENSIBLE reforms.

My short list.

Every cop should be equipped with a body cam.
Every cop should be equipped with a Taser and be proficient in their use.
Remove police unions from the disciplinary process; every cop involved in a shooting incident usually had a long history of bad behavior leading up to it.
Have a law enforcement license, just like nurses, doctors, lawyers and other professionals.
Qualified Immunity should be eliminated. The police Unions can set up insurance funds to pay out damages instead of the city's that could fire them.
Train all police officers in de-escalation tactics
Make police part of the communities again. If you have cops going home to their enclaves where all their neighbors are also cops, it puts too much of a barrier between the cops and the communities they serve.
As much as I usually disagree with you, those are all good ideas. An even better one that will never be done due to budgetary issues is getting cops out of their cruisers and on foot on specified beats. That way they know the neighborhood and the people and the people know them. Unfortunately that will cost somewhere in excess of ten times the current budgets because police on foot can cover such a small area.
Tasers aren’t magic though. I was on a Criminal Grand Jury, and one of our cases was a drug possession for sale/resisting arrest. One cop was wrestling with the criminal while the other tried to tase him. One lead hit the criminal and the other hit the cop. He said it really lit him up every time his partner hit the trigger, but it wasn’t enough to disable. The darts tasers shoot are very susceptible to wind. That being said, they are an invaluable tool to reduce levels of force that are usually fatal. What cops really need is a Star Trek style stunner so they can safely shoot (stun) first and ask questions later.
Ray From Cleveland
The law is not written based on race, that is unless you can tell me that all attackers are black.

All lawas are racial based.

Ray From Cleveland
Prosecutors can still bring a case to court IF they have evidence a person was not in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, or had reason to believe so.

All lawas are racial based.

Ray From Cleveland
For instance when I was younger, I could never use deadly force against some skinny 5'6 guy who simply made a threat. I'm 6'3" and in a younger day, well built and a black belt in Kempo. Between my size and training, a prosecutor could easily make a valid case I was in no position to believe I was in threat of serious bodily harm or death.

Well he ain't here to give his side of the story.

Since you mentioned it, take the Travon Martin case. Zimmerman suffered multiple injuries from the attack including two black eyes, a broken nose and back injuries. Martin showed no intention of stopping. Zimmerman had every reason to believe he suffered serious bodily harm and could be risking death by not using deadly force to stop the attack.


Ray From Cleveland
The only reason he was arrested and charged later on was because of the public outrage as the media originally lied about the story, but they had no grounds in which to charge him. He followed the letter of the law to a tee. Even the jurors admitted that they had to rule not-guilty because the law was followed perfectly.


Ray From Cleveland
Brown was high as a kite. He first tried to disarm the officer in his car resulting in his hand getting shot. He tried to take Brown into custody, but Brown instead ran after the officer. Brown was much larger and younger than the officer, so he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. After all if he didn't stop the attack using his firearm, Brown could have easily disarmed the officer and use his very own gun against him. Plus the fact he apparently didn't even feel the hand injury. That's why he too was found not-guilty.


That's what happens with white supremacists. They just use the "I'm white and say so"


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Every cop should be equipped with a body cam.

Which the white supremacist cops will switch off. Eric Garner was on cam. They don't care.

Every cop should be equipped with a Taser and be proficient in their use.

And there will just be a truck load of lying white supremacist cops who will claim they mistook their taser for a gun. That's what happened to Kim Potter in the Daunte Wright killing


Remove police unions from the disciplinary process; every cop involved in a shooting incident usually had a long history of bad behavior leading up to it.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

Have a law enforcement license, just like nurses, doctors, lawyers and other professionals.
Qualified Immunity should be eliminated. The police Unions can set up insurance funds to pay out damages instead of the city's that could fire them.

Your babbling. All you do is give them 20 or 30 years in prison without parole. That will stop it overnnight. All this legalize talk that you're doing where your trying to sound intelligence is pointless.

Train all police officers in de-escalation tactics

They only use de-escalation tactics when they are white.

Make police part of the communities again. If you have cops going home to their enclaves where all their neighbors are also cops, it puts too much of a barrier between the cops and the communities they serve.

OK. That's not bad one. That's the only suggestion that'd I agree with
How many of the political opportunists and community activists who insisted on Jason van Dyke's scalp cared when McDonald was being routinely abused by his drug addict mother? How many of them cared when he was living on the streets? Or when he started running with a street gang. Or did he only become useful, like Floyd, when he became a tool in an anti-police agenda?


You know what, your arguments would be a lot more compelling if you could spell properly. It makes me wonder if you are illiterate or if you are a Russian Troll trying to stir up shit.

What makes sense to the wolf is not going to make sense to the sheep.

Besides your bizarre conspiracy theory of an affair between Mardis' mother and one of the officers, most of the case was pretty cut and dried.

He was fking her. What do you want me to say ? There are recorded facebook messages between them.

The officer involved fired into a car after the driver had given up. It was all cut on tape. Add to that the officers involved had previous records of excessive force.

He didn't know the kids was in there. It wasn't murder

The police kill MORE white people than black people. True, that has more to do with the fact of 70% of the population vs. 13% of the population.

The police are not killing unarmed white men women and children.

You see, I agree with you that the police are too quick to use lethal force, and far too quick to use it on people of color. I believe there is a need for a lot of reform of our police department.

I'm not interest in changing hearts and minds. I'm about punishment. Unless you are talking about punishment. That means life with parole or minnumum 20 year sentences then don't talk.

Actually, no, he was fired from the Cleveland PD years ago, despite being acquitted of all charges.

White supremacist don't get fired. they get transferred..

st, Jason van Dyke had to serve 3 1/2 years for shooting Laquan McDonald.

He is now outta jail and only served 3 years in prison. A sentence which is far less than many people face for selling a nickle bag of weed.
Not sure what you’re talking about with 24 years, but the point is that blacks have had TWO full generations to move out of poverty via anti-white racist admissions policies - and most have - but for those who remain mired in the underclass, it’s in THEM to get out with responsible choices. It’s not whitey’s fault that they keep having babies they can’t afford and then don’t complete their education.
Not 24 years Lisa, 24 DECADES, in other words 240 years.

You're complaining because in your opinion, black people haven't done enough in two generations which is approximately 50 years out of over 240 years since the U.S. declared it's independence, 190 of those years in which we were legally segregated and lawfully discriminated against.

That's stupid and ridiculous.
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Blah, blah, blah. None of that matters when you see how poor people can move here and become middle class in ONE generation. They also started well behind the starting line. You’re perpetrating the myth - the excuse - that whites are ahead of blacks because had all these generations to make money.

And slavery deprived blacks of an education? Well, the impoverished Jews moving here two generations AFTER slavery weren't educated, either. All it took was one generation in this country to make uo the lost ground, and move into the middle class.

You are hurting your own people by refusing to acknowledge that the oath from poverty to the middle class is within themselves, through the own choices, and instead instilling s sense of victimhood.

And shame on you for calling me evil. You libs sure do resort to the nastiest accusations when your argument keeps getting refuted.

1. No babies before marriage
2. Stay in school
You are are evil because you knowingly present lies as facts in order to hurt others. Even though you have been shown where you have been mistaken, you ignore that information and continue on with you crusade against poor black.
If you didn’t read what I wrote, and then argue back showing a complete lack of understanding as to how the EO went from its original text to WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW, then there’s no point in continuing this debate. You choose to remain ignorant, defiant, and arrogant.

Hoe many years have YOU worked in admissions? Like zero?
I'm a software developer, why would I be interested in working in "admissions". But I do work with data and a lot of the government agencies will send you their unclassified data so that you can query and analyze it yourself in order to discover how they derive the data that they publish on some of their websites.

Anytime an organization or agency accepts money from the government they have to report back to them how they spent it and generally provide demographic data on those served or were recipients of the funds. That's one of the ways we know that white women are the largest beneficiaries because of the tracking that the agencies are so fond of doing in order to make sure that the funding for their budgets continue (and increase).

Oh and by the way, if the original EO did not explicitly state that black people are to be given preference over white people nor any other minority, then it's still incorrect to CLAIM that affirmative actions instructs anyone to give black people preference at the expense of white people.
What IS an accomplishment is being born to poor, uneducated parents who immigrated here without a penny to escape Jewish persecution, and then live through half your family being killed back in Europe, and despite this, graduating from college along with every single one of your siblings.
Well color me unimpressed then. That's not a personal accomplishment, as I stated it's merely the circumstances of your birth.

I was born into a middle class family however I have the humility to realize that a lot of people made innumerable sacrifices for us to be able to live as we did. We were not wealthy but we had enough and enough for extras.

There is a movie show casing on Prime Video currently called 'Them' about a black family who moved from the south to Compton California back in the '50s or early '60s (probably the '50s). It is nauseating how what this family experienced is depicted but YOU would brush being subjected to this kind of terrorization as NOTHING compared to the persecution of the Jewish people in Europe.

I have never discounted what the Jewish people endured at the hands of the Axis and am very cognizant of the horror of it all but the difference between you and I is that I can easily acknowledge the wrong that was done to both groups of people but what was done to each group was not the same thing. The Jewish was the subject of a genocidal attempt by Hitler and many had to flee for their lives but there were countries who welcomed them with open arms. Black people in this country were subjected to being held in slavery and if any were fortunate enough to escape there was no where in the country they could go where there would be warm welcome and help for them because our entire country was a white supremacist country (by law).

When slavery ended, there still was not a warm welcome anywhere, in fact the country was openly hostile to people of "African decent" aka "black people". Black people who served in WWII reported that the German prisoners of war were treated better than they were, many of whom were officer, simply because they were white.

Jewish people entering the U.S. seeking escape from annihilation by Hitler were met very differently than the black people who were already here and still live here and who still are dealt with in hostility in many situations. You keep wanting to whitewash this core difference between the Jewish people and black people in the U.S. and at this point all of the evidence points to you doing this willfully and intentionally.

I dislike what you do because you're a racist, not because you're Jewish, that's just incidental as far as I am concerned although I never could understand why someone who is Jewish and knows what it's like to be treated with hatred and have been discriminated against would then turn around and do the same thing to another group.
Are you kidding? People get defensive when they are unfairly called racist and other nasty things. I believe your latest was to call me evil.

Why are you getting so nasty all of a sudden? Could it be because all your points are proving false?
I don't know why you bother to deny it. Why do you single out poor black people for censure Lisa? Why are you so judgmental?
That's not what it said in the Wiki link. What it said is they had to review the case repeatedly to see if charges were even appropriate. Again, innocent until proven guilty. What the video showed was the officer screaming at the subject repeatedly not to go near his gun. After several warnings, the officer fired in self-defense.

As a CCW holder in our state, we have strict instructions to keep your hands on top of the steering wheel until instructed otherwise when carrying a firearm so things like this don't happen. Nearly every single one of these police shootings have one thing in common: the black subject didn't listen to the orders of the police officers. A problem that has such a simple solution an 8 year old could solve.
Are we talking about Philando Castile? The asshole cop had just asked him to hand him his papers (license, registration, insurance). Then for whatever reason he had a memory lapse, forgot what he had just requested/demanded and thought Castile was reaching for his weapon.

The cop totally panicked.
Dang those Jews! They had to come here impoverished and uneducated to escape European antisemitism, settle into cold-water city tenements, lose their families to Hitler, still face Jew-hate here in America (”we don’t want those Jew refugees…..send them back to Hitler”), and despite all this, a generation later their kids are all college graduates, and living out in the suburbs with a house of their own.

How DARE they show that people can experience horrible bigotry and recover in a single generation, and despite anti-Jew quotas keeping them from the best colleges? They’re making blacks look bad! Why couldn’t they still have a big chunk of them living in the ghetto, to prove that bigotry holds one down for generations? Some nerve they have being successful!

And the Asians aren’t much better. They also come here with nothing, set up a little shop, and a generation later - their kids all college graduates too! It’s so bad that Harvard is design personality tests to keep them out.
And still, none of you are designated as "people of African descent" aka "black people".

In spite of all of that patting yourself on the back for having escaped the plight of the black race, you're still complete dense when it comes to this glaringly obvious fact.
Yep. Sadly, many blacks live only to whine for more free shit.

Self-reliance -earn your own way - are concepts shunned by too many of these (yes,these) folks.
Bottom of the barrel racists complaining about everyone else's business instead of minding their own.

You all are useless. At least I used my platform to help others. All you cretins do is criticize and sit in judgement of others while not being able to do any better.

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And he was correct.........back in the mid 60's. But you don't live in the mid 60's today. You live in 2022. The study I posted did use per capita. If you actually read it you'd know that.
Fuck you. That tired ass dodge has no merit. What King said then can be said now. And fuck the per capita crap, you racists only use it to deny that whites have the biggest problems. You pussies talk that I am an individual shit then argue about something using per 100,000. You are a grown ass man with an infant mentality. The root cause of the problems we face is white racism. I will not be blaming blacks for things I have seen white racism cause. And nobody white can tell me shit.

Do you understand?

Tell me again how Blacks are paying their fair share in Federal Income taxes.

How much are they paying in real estate taxes, which is where school funding in primarily based? Not much, I'd wager. And "urban" schools spend more per student than others, while getting deplorable results, academically speaking.

Losers blame others for their failures in life. Always have; always will. Invariably, others from the same circumstances succeeded.

Yes white losers blame others. But since we have documented evidence of what whites have done, your dumb ass comments show that you are ignorant.

Everything you say is wrong. So I have 3 words for you:

Shut up, racist.
The law is not written based on race, that is unless you can tell me that all attackers are black.
That's what you say, but you all SWEAR that the law that created affirmative action gives preference to black people when there is NOTHING in the text that says that.

It's selective enforcement of the laws. That's pretty much why they were written in the first place, in order to target certain segments of the population but as we all know, that laws were routinely ignored, especially down south when the perpetrator was white and the victim black but were enforced with gusto when the SUSPECT was black and the victim was white.

I believe it's only within the last 50 to 60 years that a white man was executed for the first time in the U.S. for killing a black man. I don't have the citation at my fingertips but I believe that's correct.
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Thank you! Hugs and kisses back at ya!

Yes, the BLM radicals and overtly angry and racist blacks, a few of whom have graced these pages, are setting race relations back 60 years with their mishegas.
No Mrs Affirmative action racist jew. We aren't setting squat back. You will recognize or get run over. Whites will soon be a minority so it's best that you adjust your little attitude.
One thing our government has never learned is that if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only end up with one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.

The good never changes the bad. The bad just makes it worse on everybody else. My neighbor charges so much for rent that the only people stupid enough to spend that kind of money are section 8 and HUD people. The government gives them a generous voucher and they work part-time (usually in the afternoons) to make up the difference. Anybody paying cash would opt for a nicer suburb, but finding a HUD house in a nicer suburb is nearly impossible. These houses are on a main street, no garages, and very little room to park. He hasn't rented it in a year because he had to put so much money into the place from the section 8 people that destroyed it the last time.

Now he's finally showing it again, and of course to lowlifes. Last summer when I had my security cameras installed, I put one facing right on his property in the backyard. I'm hoping his potential renters see it and decide they don't want to live where they're being watched 24/7. My camera DVR holds up to seven days of streaming video. The kicker is the landlord isn't even an American. He's from the middle-east somewhere. Hey, if you want to destroy other people's neighborhoods, move back to your own country and destroy them there.
Shut the fuck up idiot.

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