The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

One thing our government has never learned is that if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only end up with one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.

The good never changes the bad. The bad just makes it worse on everybody else. My neighbor charges so much for rent that the only people stupid enough to spend that kind of money are section 8 and HUD people. The government gives them a generous voucher and they work part-time (usually in the afternoons) to make up the difference. Anybody paying cash would opt for a nicer suburb, but finding a HUD house in a nicer suburb is nearly impossible. These houses are on a main street, no garages, and very little room to park. He hasn't rented it in a year because he had to put so much money into the place from the section 8 people that destroyed it the last time.

Now he's finally showing it again, and of course to lowlifes. Last summer when I had my security cameras installed, I put one facing right on his property in the backyard. I'm hoping his potential renters see it and decide they don't want to live where they're being watched 24/7. My camera DVR holds up to seven days of streaming video. The kicker is the landlord isn't even an American. He's from the middle-east somewhere. Hey, if you want to destroy other people's neighborhoods, move back to your own country and destroy them there.
Yup, that’s what they’re trying to do - move poor lowlifes into nice middle class neighborhoods, even affluent ones, because, as it’s been explained to me, it’s better for the POOR people to be among the middle class.

Well, what about the middle class? It certainly isn’t better for them. As you point out, the schools drop in caliber and the property values along with them.

And this is why the Dems are losing - have lost, in fact - the hard-working Americans who saved for years for a down payment for a nice suburban home, where their kids could go to a decent school, as their concern is focused on what’s best for the POOR people who don’t support themselves, and in doing so, make things worse for the middle class.

My parents’ house would be worth around $800,000 if it remained the nice middle (actually upper-middle class) area it was when they first bought it. There was a country club walking distance, and lots of neighbors belonged. But the county built low-income housing on the opposite side of the boulevard, and in the same school district, and the school rating PLUMMETED. (The younger parents in the nice houses, with school kids, moved out, and of course the country club is no longer.) The house price, while still good, is nowhere as good as if it were located on the other side of the county, where they DIDN’T put the low-income housing, and coincidently, where the county government Board members all live.
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Yup, that’s what they’re trying to do - move poor lowlifes into nice middle class neighborhoods, even affluent ones, because, as it’s been explained to me, it’s better for the POOR people to be among the middle class.

Well, what about the middle class? It certainly isn’t better for them. As you point out, the schools drop in caliber and the property values along with them.

And this is why the Dems are losing - have lost, in fact - the hard-working Americans who saved for years for a down payment for a nice suburban home, where their kids could go to a decent school, as their concern is focused on what’s best for the POOR people who don’t support themselves, and in doing so, make things worse for the middle class.

My parents’ house would be worth around $800,000 if it remained the nice middle (actually upper-middle class) area it was when they first bought it. There was a country club walking distance, and lots of neighbors belonged. But the county built low-income housing on the opposite side of the boulevard, and in the same school district, and the school rating PLUMMETED. (The younger parents in the nice houses, with school kids, moved out, and of course the country club is no longer.) The house price, while still good, is nowhere as good as if it were located on the other side of the country, where they DIDN’T put the low-income housing, and coincidently, where the county government Board members all live.

Which is what I told other posters here. Nobody builds a ghetto. They build nice homes, stores, schools, and then people move there and turn it into a ghetto.

Right now my houses are probably only worth a little more than when I bought them nearly 30 years ago. Between the stores closing, robberies, murders, our schools turning into war zones, property values go right down the toilet.
Except the police kill more white people than black people. Check out this chart. in 2020, they shot 457 white people, 241 black people, and 169 Hispanics. 126 people were of race unknown.

And how many of those white people were unarmed ?

We are talking about unarmed people.

The reason why there was so much uproar about George Floyd, Mike Brown, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin Jacob Black, Botham Jean, Tamir Rice and Breaonna Taylor and many more is because they were all unarmed

You dont have cases in the white comunity of the police killing seven year white girls and walking free


Where as a dogs life is considered more valuable than a black life in a system of white supremacy


You don't have the police doing this to young white girls


Police make 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops a year. 1000 of those involve lethal use of force. Way too many, as far as I'm concerned, but also a pretty small number. 1 in 50,000.

How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen in the last year ? ZERO.

How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death ? ZERO.

How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence, 0.5 per state.

There are over 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers and less than one officer per state meets a violent demise, only 100 officers are killed in the line of duty each year (and of that 100 most of those deaths are by vehicles)

So tell me where is the danger? Once again we are talking about unarmed ppl.

Are some cops racist? Yup.

You notice ppl like you never say anything should be done about it ? Start talking about punishment then I'll take you seriously.

And a lot of them are just incompetent.

They're not imcomptent when it comes to white people. They're extremely competent when it comes to dealing with white people even if that white person is a threat to them

Their guns dont wrk when it comes to white.

Yes, we need police reform.

What the does that mean ? This is what you do.

Give cops who unjustly kill unarmed blk ppl minumum 20 year sentences without the possibilty of parole

That will stop it overnight. All of sudden cops won't confuse their tasers for gun.

Instead, you guys demonized the cops, and they just stopped doing their jobs, leaving you to the mercies of the George Floyd's of the world.

No your trolling. We want cops. We want good cops. We don't want white supremacist cops.

The problem is when the good cops try and challenge the bad cops, the bad cops close ranks and make life hell for the good cops ?



Systems operate as they are designed to operate, with or without the approval of who turns the gears of the machine. Sure you can push against the gears if you like, but the machinery is stronger than you.

if you were a “good cops” in the NYPD during the days of widespread stop-and-frisk, what would your goodness be worth?

The system of policing in the city at that time was dedicated to the daily harassment of black ppl, almost none of whom had drugs or weapons on them, very few of them were even issued a citation for any wrongdoing.

As such, a police man's job, every day they walked out the door of the precinct was to fk with people. And solely as a way to assert dominance.

Don't listen to me.

This was official policy

When one New York State Senator, himself formerly a member of the NYPD, challenged Commissioner Ray Kelly on the practice, he was told that the racial targeting within stop-and-frisk was intentional, because the goal was to “instill fear in them, every time they leave their home, that they could be stopped by the police.”

You really think burning down a store that isn't owned by a white person is going to make white people more sympathetic?

Sympathetic ?

You seem to think I'm in the business of telling sob stories to appeal to the pity of whites. As I have made plain elsewhere I think most whites have hearts of stone when it comes to blacks.

Huntington Beach in Cali is White. Every summer the city host the U.S. Open of Surfing. This didn't get much attention from the mainstream media.

These young white folks were upset because an annual tournament ended. There fights and burglaries but the local news didn’t refer to them looters as thugs.




So lighting a whole bus on fire and destroying people’s cars, fighting and shooting guns randomly because a baseball team won the World Series is acceptable, but rioting because of blatant income inequality, lack of opportunity and disregard for black life is not acceptable?

Only a white supremacist can rationalize something like that.

Here's the biggest problem with violence. There's more of us than there are of you.

And ? Is that you trying to talk tough here ? Am I supposed t be scared now ?

But you're correct in fact not only are we outnumbered, we are also severly outgunned and outfinanced too in the USA.

Many whites always talk about race war. But do you really want it ? Had they let Chauvin walk free in the George Floyd case, the race war would have happened and that would have been a good thing.

Most ppl have access to guns. You will always be faced with mass resistance.

Plenty of innocents will be massacred, families wiped out, communities looted and burnt.

This is not an easy win.

There is no shortage of real veterans from blk urban background. Yes the most disproportionately represented group come from white exurban and rural areas.

Yes white supremacists have always Joined the military, to learn to fight in their little Rahowa thing. The flipside to that, is if they do start up their race war, you'll find there's a lot of blk ppl who've had that same training, as well as combat experience.

Black people ain't going anywhere without great tragedy to your own.

Hey, ask the Palestinians how well that's working out for them. They've been fighting the Zionists for what, 70 years now.

That's the point. You want to force your enemy to wipe you out.

Much better to die fighting for something than living for nothing. When you fight especially as black people have done, and we face the most powerful country on the planet. You don't die.

How many KKK leaders from 60 or 70 years ago are known globally today ? All of these Bull Connor's, George Wallace's and George Rockwell's

Nobody remembers them

But the world knows who MLK is, who Muhammad Ali is, who Malcolm x is, who Nelson Mandela is, who Harriet Tubman is.. Even President Trueman who nuked the japs killing half million of them. Nobody remembers him. You don't die when you fight injustice.

You really think burning down a store that isn't owned by a white person is going to make white people more sympathet

Sympathetic ? You seem to think I'm in the business of writng sob stories to appeal to the pity whites.

As I've said many times - Most whites have a heart of stone when it comes to black people. We take care of ourselves and we fight for the things we need and we will fight you till hell freezes over n then fight you on that ice

We fight.

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Which is what I told other posters here. Nobody builds a ghetto. They build nice homes, stores, schools, and then people move there and turn it into a ghetto.

Right now my houses are probably only worth a little more than when I bought them nearly 30 years ago. Between the stores closing, robberies, murders, our schools turning into war zones, property values go right down the toilet.

Same thing with my place in my first neighborhood (as an adult). I purchased my little condo - a starter home - for $80,000 almost 35 years ago, and it was such a nice community that we even had a couple of famous sports stars there. But then, the surrounding area went to shit because of lowlifes moving in, and stores closed, the tennis club I belonged to shuttered its doors, the upscale shopping mall across the street was converted into a discount mall, all the decent restaurants closed, and I was left with nothing but a Walmart type place and a junky pizza place. I sold it 15 years later for exactly $1,400 more than I paid for it. Anywhere else, it would have doubled.
Same thing with my place in my first neighborhood (as an adult). I purchased my little condo - a starter home - for $80,000 almost 35 years ago, and it was such a nice community that we even had a couple of famous sports stars there. But then, the surrounding area went to shit because of lowlifes moving in, and stores closed, the tennis club I belonged to shuttered its doors, the upscale shopping mall across the street was converted into a discount mall, all the decent restaurants closed, and I was left with nothing but a Walmart type place and a junky pizza place. I sold it 15 years later for exactly $1,400 more than I paid for it. Anywhere else, it would have doubled.

Same thing with my city. My hardware store turned into a dollar general store, my doughnut shop into a check cashing place, my bowling ally into a Baptist church, our floor and carpet place into a manpower outlet, my convenient store into one of the dozens of child care centers in the city. And then there are the nail salons or cell phone/ pager places that popped up all over the city.

I'd be happy to have a Walmart nearby. Both of ours in the area had to close down because of all the theft.
Same thing with my city. My hardware store turned into a dollar general store, my doughnut shop into a check cashing place, my bowling ally into a Baptist church, our floor and carpet place into a manpower outlet, my convenient store into one of the dozens of child care centers in the city. And then there are the nail salons or cell phone/ pager places that popped up all over the city.

I'd be happy to have a Walmart nearby. Both of ours in the area had to close down because of all the theft.
Yup. What is it with the nail salons?! Lots of them cropped up as the neighborhood went downhill.

Oh…and about the stores that now have to put bars on their windows due to all the shoplifting? The blacks are complaining it’s racist, and that they’re not putting up bars in the white neighborhoods. Well, duh…..if you dare say that it’s because there’s less shoplifting in the white neighborhoods, you’ll get called a racist.

Are you in Cleveland, Ohio, or that other Cleveland (somewhere in the south)?
And how many of those white people were unarmed ?

We are talking about unarmed people.

The reason why there was so much uproar about George Floyd, Mike Brown, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin Jacob Black, Botham Jean, Tamir Rice and Breaonna Taylor and many more is because they were all unarmed

You dont have cases in the white comunity of the police killing seven year white girls and walking free

This is the problem with the black community: Ignorance of the law. A police officer or armed citizen need not be threatened by a subject using deadly force in order to legally use deadly force themselves. Our laws (similar to most if not all states) reads: A CCW holder can legally use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's the law. It applies to citizens as well as police officers.

So if an officer has reason to believe their safety or life is in jeopardy, that gives them the legal right to use a gun against an unarmed attacker. As for your other false claim:

In 2015, the police fatally shot 36 unarmed black males, according to The Washington Post’s typology, and 31 unarmed white males. The Post’s classification of victims as “unarmed” is literally accurate but sometimes misleading. The label can fail to convey the charged situation facing the officer who used deadly force.

At least five “unarmed” black victims had tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. One had the officer on the ground and was beating him on the head so violently, breaking bones and causing other injuries, as to risk the officer’s loss of consciousness. And one individual included in the Post’s “unarmed black male victim” category was a bystander unintentionally struck by an officer’s bullet after an illegal-gun trafficker opened fire at the officer and the officer shot back. If a victim was not the intended target of a police shooting, race could have had no possible role in his death.

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Yup. What is it with the nail salons?! Lots of them cropped up as the neighborhood went downhill.

Oh…and about the stores that now have to put bars on their windows due to all the shoplifting? The blacks are complaining it’s racist, and that they’re not putting up bars in the white neighborhoods. Well, duh…..if you dare say that it’s because there’s less shoplifting in the white neighborhoods, you’ll get called a racist.

Are you in Cleveland, Ohio, or that other Cleveland (somewhere in the south)?

No, in Ohio unfortunately. There is another Cleveland in Tennessee I believe, but not really a major city.
And how many of those white people were unarmed ?

We are talking about unarmed people.

The reason why there was so much uproar about George Floyd, Mike Brown, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin Jacob Black, Botham Jean, Tamir Rice and Breaonna Taylor and many more is because they were all unarmed

Jacob Blake had a knife. He was about to try to drive off in a vehicle with three children in it.
Tamir Rice was pointing a realistic model gun in a public area.

I do think the cops who shot them overreacted...

But let's look at that... You've listed a whopping 8 people over 10 years

out of 50 million interactions a year.

And, yes, cops do kill unarmed white people. I gave you two examples, Tony Timpa and Daniel Shaver. I could find more if I really wanted to waste a morning looking.

You notice ppl like you never say anything should be done about it ? Start talking about punishment then I'll take you seriously.

For merely being a racist? Are you going to start a "Thought Police".. Shades of Orwell.

What the does that mean ? This is what you do.

Give cops who unjustly kill unarmed blk ppl minumum 20 year sentences without the possibilty of parole

That will stop it overnight. All of sudden cops won't confuse their tasers for gun.

Or they'll just do what they are doing now. Hang back, let the bad guys do whatever damage they are going to do.

No your trolling. We want cops. We want good cops. We don't want white supremacist cops.

The problem is when the good cops try and challenge the bad cops, the bad cops close ranks and make life hell for the good cops ?

Um, doesn't sound like any other profession. no one likes a snitch... No one like the guy who gets his coworkers in trouble.

Systems operate as they are designed to operate, with or without the approval of who turns the gears of the machine. Sure you can push against the gears if you like, but the machinery is stronger than you.

if you were a “good cops” in the NYPD during the days of widespread stop-and-frisk, what would your goodness be worth?

But the question is, WHY did NYC adopt stop and frisk? Oh, that's right, because crime was completely out of control. They ended it, and crime has shot right back up again.

You seem to think I'm in the business of telling sob stories to appeal to the pity of whites. As I have made plain elsewhere I think most whites have hearts of stone when it comes to blacks.

I think you are in the business of being perpetually angry and looking for excuses to be angry.

So lighting a whole bus on fire and destroying people’s cars, fighting and shooting guns randomly because a baseball team won the World Series is acceptable, but rioting because of blatant income inequality, lack of opportunity and disregard for black life is not acceptable?

Were those people charged for property damage? Yes, they were. A lot of people who committed property damage during the 2020 riots never saw a day in jail.

As I've said many times - Most whites have a heart of stone when it comes to black people. We take care of ourselves and we fight for the things we need and we will fight you till hell freezes over n then fight you on that ice

We fight.

Considering that far more blacks die at the hands of other blacks, I don't think this is something to be happy about.

You've gotten the cops to stop doing their jobs, and crime rates in NYC, Chicago, etc. have shot up. Most of the victims are people of color.

You whine about the 223 black people killed by police, even though most of them were armed and threatening someone. What I don't see you getting as concerned about- the 8600 black victims of homicide, most of them at the hands of other black people. The 30,000 black people who've died of drug overdoses because street gangs flood our inner cities with drugs.

Nope. Let's be horribly upset about the cop who panics when threatened by some loon flashing a knife or a gun.
Ray From Cleveland
A CCW holder can legally use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's the law. It applies to citizens as well as police officers.

So basically what you are saying here is that you can kill a black person and use the "I'm white and I say so" That thing were people believe anything whites say.


It'll go like this

White person "I killed that black man because I felt threatened"
Judge "Really. Why ?"
White person "Because I felt threatened"
Judge "What do he do ?"
White person "He was behaving in a threatening manner"
Judge "OK. But what do he actually do"
White person "I just told you. He was behaving in a threatening manner"
Judge "OK. You make some very good points. I gotta let you go, Have a good day


Black Person "I killed that white man because I felt threatened"
Judge "Really ? Negro. Well I feel threatened by you. Life without parole"


In 2015, the police fatally shot 36 unarmed black males, according to The Washington Post’s typology, and 31 unarmed white males. The Post’s classification of victims as “unarmed” is literally accurate but sometimes misleading. The label can fail to convey the charged situation facing the officer who used deadly force.

Let me tell you something about white people. Because at this point in my life. I'm expert on how you guys think.

There is not much I respect about white supremacist society but one thing I do respect is that white people have a DEEP "You're not gonna treat us like the negroes" mentality.

The police ain't killing unarmed white men and women and children.

You know why ?

White people would never stand for it. They'd be bombing police stations tomorrow. They'd be finding out where the police officer lived and handing out fatal street justice

And you know what ?

I gotta respect that

There was a Doctor who caught up by the police and he says "Your treating me like a black person"

See when it get's serious. You know the deal. White people know who are the people who are targeted for mistreatment by the police and who ain't and white society gets an ego boost and thrill when they see the police killing black people

That's why in any case were the mistreatment of blk ppl is threatened and it goes to court ? The police officer gets donations from all over the USA, getting close half million in their gofund me account because white society sees the mistreatment of black people as a right



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Wow, a whole page of welfare Ray telling us how he's much better than those other welfare dependents.

40% of families on SNAP have at least one family member with a job. If they have a sense of entitlement, it's because the minimum wage stopped being a living wage some time ago.

Poor people shouldn't be ashamed of being poor. The rest of us should be ashamed that poor people are a thing in this country.

Wow... no wonder you people invented the word "Chutzpah"....

The problem is, a part time job wouldn't cover the cost of Child Care, and you complain about the out-of-wedlock birth rate, but the main reason why poor people don't get married (which is the preferable thing, I guess), is because the government penalizes them.
Minimum wage never was a "living wage" it was a place to start. The only time in my life I made minimum wage was my first job in high school, and even then, I got a raise after a few months. The jobs I held in grade school and junior high paid less than minimum wage (newspaper stand in grade school and paper route in junior high), but I worked because my family needed the money. My grandmother was also too proud to take public assistance.
Considering that far more blacks die at the hands of other blacks, I don't think this is something to be happy about

Are more blk ppl were kiled by blk ppl than by the police ?

Yes that's true.

But that would have been true 100 years ago

But would have that justified the lynching and hangings from the Klan ? No

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around.

You're argument is as stupid as me telling a woman with breast cancer, not worry about it and not focus on it because all the focus is on Lung Cancer because is the biggest cancer killer.

The police are held to a higher standard. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

You whine about the 223 black people killed by police, even though most of them were armed and threatening someone.


What I don't see you getting as concerned about- the 8600 black victims of homicide, most of them at the hands of other black people.

And how does that affect white people ?

Crime is mostly intra-racial. That means there will always be way more black-on-black crime than white-on-black crime. While it is true that 90 of black murders are black-on-black, it is just as true that 90% of white murders are white-on-white. In fact, most crime in America is white-on-white – yet for every web page that mentions “white-on-white crime”, there are 25 that mention “black-on-black crime”.

The 30,000 black people who've died of drug overdoses because street gangs flood our inner cities with drugs.


30,000 ? lol


I think you are in the business of being perpetually angry and looking for excuses to be angry.

Now your projecting. That's when someone realizes that a negative trait applies to them, they then attempts to locate that trait in others,.

Jacob Blake had a knife. He was about to try to drive off in a vehicle with three children in it. Tamir Rice was pointing a realistic model gun in a public area.

Of course he did

You came here as a king of your little sand castle of delightfully white sands. And you know if you answer the questions here, your castle will be washed away by the the waves of curiosity and knowledge.

Poetic, aren’t I?

I do think the cops who shot them overreacted...

No they didn't over-react. Because they don't over react when it comes to white people

But let's look at that... You've listed a whopping 8 people over 10 years

I'd be all day if I listed the blk ppl killed by cops in the last ten years.


Fact is more black people were killed in 2015 by the police than were killed by the police in 1895 and every year following up to 1965 when Jim crow ended.

And, yes, cops do kill unarmed white people. I gave you two examples, Tony Timpa and Daniel Shaver. I could find more if I really wanted to waste a morning looking.

That's as stupid as saying "Well Walmart throws out food. So they can't make money"

This Tony Timpa and Shaver. That's the cost of doing business. Racism is war and when a country goes to war. They estimate how many casualties they will lose. Timpa n Shaver were casualties of war

And from what read about Timpa. It was an accidental dealth. They didn't just go in at him blasting


As for Shaver ? I'll let all lives matter deal with that one.

A lot of people who committed property damage during the 2020 riots never saw a day in jail.

Because most them were white


Were those people charged for property damage? Yes, they were.

Are you serious They're white. White men can be rapists and not spend a day in prison.


And let's be clear. This guy raped multiple women, one was a pastors daughter and another rape victim died.

Please show me one case where a black person raped multiple women didn’t have to spend a day in prison or register as a sex offender.

I’ll wait.


  • 1651082738651.png
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Let me tell you something about white people. Because at this point in my life. I'm expert on how you guys think.

There is not much I respect about white supremacist society but one thing I do respect is that white people have a DEEP "You're not gonna treat us like the negroes" mentality.

The police ain't killing unarmed white men and women and children.

You know why ?

White people would never stand for it. They'd be bombing police stations tomorrow. They'd be finding out where the police officer lived and handing out fatal street justice

Hey, check this out... Jeremy Mardis, a white six year old child killed by police.

Nobody had to firebomb a police department... amazing. Nobody firebombed a police station over Justine Damond, either.

I've already pointed out that there have been numerous cases of police killing unarmed white people, and frankly, we aren't seeing that much of a complaint about it. Why, because usually if you are killed by the cops- no matter what your race- you were usually engaging in some variety of dumbass.

See when it get's serious. You know the deal. White people know who are the people who are targeted for mistreatment by the police and who ain't and white society gets an ego boost and thrill when they see the police killing black people

That's why in any case were the mistreatment of blk ppl is threatened and it goes to court ? The police officer gets donations from all over the USA, getting close half million in their gofund me account because white society sees the mistreatment of black people as a right

We should also point out that rioters got millions in their GoFundMe accounts to pay for bail... You get on the news, someone will send you money for a Go-Fund Me account.

The major difference, as I have said, is that when a white person is mistreated by the police, they are usually the person

And let's be clear. This guy raped multiple women, one was a pastors daughter and another rape victim died.

Please show me one case where a black person raped multiple women didn’t have to spend a day in prison or register as a sex offender.

97% of rapists never go to jail.

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Funny how you don't use per capita here. These are more bullshit excuses. This is not open to debate. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Period.
Funny how you encourage the use of 'per capita' here but scoff at it in another thread about crime rates by race.
Good to have options, isn't it?
PS - putting "period" at the end of your statement doesn't make you right.
Of course he did

You came here as a king of your little sand castle of delightfully white sands. And you know if you answer the questions here, your castle will be washed away by the the waves of curiosity and knowledge.

Poetic, aren’t I?

Nuts, aren't you? That Blake had a knife isn't really in dispute. The question was it in his hand or inside the car. Now, I completely think the police overreacted, but the man was about to get into a car with three kids in it that he didn't have custody of.

No they didn't over-react. Because they don't over react when it comes to white people

Really? Tell that to Sadler and Timpa.

I'd be all day if I listed the blk ppl killed by cops in the last ten years.

Yes, but how many of them were armed? how many of them were in the process of committing crimes.

Again, the police execute 10 million arrests and make 40 million traffic stops ever year.
Of those, 1000 end up with loss of life.
Of those, only a fraction didn't involve some idiot pulling a gun or a knife.

Do we need to train officers better in de-escalation tactics? Yup.
Do we need to train them in using non-lethal force? Yup.

This Tony Timpa and Shaver. That's the cost of doing business. Racism is war and when a country goes to war. They estimate how many casualties they will lose. Timpa n Shaver were casualties of war

And from what read about Timpa. It was an accidental dealth. They didn't just go in at him blasting

Actually, Timpa's case was remarkably similar to Geo. Floyd. The police used force to restrain an emotionally disturbed person, and he died.

Because most them were white
Wow, white people protesting in response to the deaths of black people... um.... okay. Maybe more of them should talk to you, they probably wouldn't bother.
Hey, check this out... Jeremy Mardis, a white six year old child killed by police.


Well yes I know this story. To give you some contect the cops were gonna arrest the JEREMY Mardis dad for somestic abuse but the Dad took off, and sirens blaring the cops gave chase, it ended up in a stand off where the cop pumped 18 shots into the vehicle not knowing that Jermy Mardis (the 6 year old kid) was in the car oo. So it was an unintentiinak shooting, totally different from when black kids are shot and killed. So not very good attempt at your trying to draw parrell with black victims

Nobody had to firebomb a police department... amazing. Nobody firebombed a police station over Justine Damond, either

Because the cops who shot and killed kid (Above) looked like this Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse


Within 72 hours, they were arrested and charged with second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder. They were in jail on a $1 million bond.

From what I hear and read on forums and media Greenhouse was enchanted with the child's White mama, in fact they were having an affair.

The mother initiated the confrontation by calling the police after she and the father had an argument. This was not a random traffic stop. In my opinion this has nothing to do with police brutality, but more of a 3way love triangle.


Greenhouse and the boy's father had a previous encounter about a month before the shooting took place, according to the boy's father's fiance. The boy's father told the officer to stay away from the fiance or he would hurt him. Apparently, the boy's father and Greenhouse had gone to high school together. This was a crime of passion rather

The fact that they were even prosecuted speaks volumes. I watched the system work as it was intended.

  • No one said, “wait for all the facts to come in.”
  • No one said, “Not all cops are bad.”
  • No one called a grand jury.
  • No one blamed Mardis for his death. Even though his father decided on cop cahse rather hand him self over
  • No one demonized his parents.
  • No one searched his school records.
  • No one said Mardis was “no angel”. Instead they said he was “a special gift from God.”
  • No one talked about White-on-White crime.
  • No one had to march or protest.
  • No one had to pay for an independent autopsy.
  • No one had to call the Justice Department.
  • And no one had to say, “White lives matter.”
Result ?


And Norris Greenhouse (who never fired a shot)


Meanwhile, Tamir Rice’s killer, almost a year later, is still enjoying a paid vacation.


I've already pointed out that there have been numerous cases of police killing unarmed white people, and frankly, we aren't seeing that much of a complaint about it.

No you haven't. Jeremy Mardis wasn't shot and killed because he was white. He was unlucky to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and truth be told it's his father who should be blame if anything. Not saying the cops were right though

The police are not shooting and killed unarmed white peple. Finding one case from ten years ago doesn't prove anything. The same way Stevie Wonder's money doesn't disprove thea fact that it's an advantage to have your eye sight.


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So basically what you are saying here is that you can kill a black person and use the "I'm white and I say so" That thing were people believe anything whites say.

The law is not written based on race, that is unless you can tell me that all attackers are black.

Prosecutors can still bring a case to court IF they have evidence a person was not in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, or had reason to believe so.

For instance when I was younger, I could never use deadly force against some skinny 5'6 guy who simply made a threat. I'm 6'3" and in a younger day, well built and a black belt in Kempo. Between my size and training, a prosecutor could easily make a valid case I was in no position to believe I was in threat of serious bodily harm or death.

Since you mentioned it, take the Travon Martin case. Zimmerman suffered multiple injuries from the attack including two black eyes, a broken nose and back injuries. Martin showed no intention of stopping. Zimmerman had every reason to believe he suffered serious bodily harm and could be risking death by not using deadly force to stop the attack. The only reason he was arrested and charged later on was because of the public outrage as the media originally lied about the story, but they had no grounds in which to charge him. He followed the letter of the law to a tee. Even the jurors admitted that they had to rule not-guilty because the law was followed perfectly.

Brown was high as a kite. He first tried to disarm the officer in his car resulting in his hand getting shot. He tried to take Brown into custody, but Brown instead ran after the officer. Brown was much larger and younger than the officer, so he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. After all if he didn't stop the attack using his firearm, Brown could have easily disarmed the officer and use his very own gun against him. Plus the fact he apparently didn't even feel the hand injury. That's why he too was found not-guilty.

So as I stated, the big problem with blacks is they don't know the laws of their state. Many are under the impression that it's illegal to use deadly force unless the attacker too is armed. So they get upset thinking it's a race thing and the white guy got off simply because of the color of his skin.
Well yes I know this story. To give you some contect the cops were gonna arrest the JEREMY Mardis dad for somestic abuse but the Dad took off, and sirens blaring the cops gave chase, it ended up in a stand off where the cop pumped 18 shots into the vehicle not knowing that Jermy Mardis (the 6 year old kid) was in the car oo. So it was an unintentiinak shooting, totally different from when black kids are shot and killed. So not very good attempt at your trying to draw parrell with black victims

You know what, your arguments would be a lot more compelling if you could spell properly. It makes me wonder if you are illiterate or if you are a Russian Troll trying to stir up shit.

Besides your bizarre conspiracy theory of an affair between Mardis' mother and one of the officers, most of the case was pretty cut and dried. The officer involved fired into a car after the driver had given up. It was all cut on tape. Add to that the officers involved had previous records of excessive force.

  • No one said, “wait for all the facts to come in.”
  • No one said, “Not all cops are bad.”
  • No one called a grand jury.
  • No one blamed Mardis for his death. Even though his father decided on cop cahse rather hand him self over
  • No one demonized his parents.
  • No one searched his school records.
  • No one said Mardis was “no angel”. Instead they said he was “a special gift from God.”
  • No one talked about White-on-White crime.
  • No one had to march or protest.
  • No one had to pay for an independent autopsy.
  • No one had to call the Justice Department.
  • And no one had to say, “White lives matter.”

Most of those things didn't happen because the officers involved plead guilty. As far as your claim about "no one checking his school records", it was reported that the child was on the Autism spectrum.

Also, you list a bunch of grievances of what should have been done when black teens or adults have been killed (sometimes not even by police), by cherry picking offenses in various cases.

I agree, some of these cases HAVE been bad.

Now, I have not been on speaking terms with certain family members for years because I stated my belief the officer who shot Laquan McDonald should have been held accountable.

But I'll turn it around. How many of the political opportunists and community activists who insisted on Jason van Dyke's scalp cared when McDonald was being routinely abused by his drug addict mother? How many of them cared when he was living on the streets? Or when he started running with a street gang. Or did he only become useful, like Floyd, when he became a tool in an anti-police agenda?

And Norris Greenhouse (who never fired a shot)
You left out the part where Greenhouse only served a year and a half of that seven year sentence. By contrast, Jason van Dyke had to serve 3 1/2 years for shooting Laquan McDonald.

Meanwhile, Tamir Rice’s killer, almost a year later, is still enjoying a paid vacation.

Actually, no, he was fired from the Cleveland PD years ago, despite being acquitted of all charges.

No you haven't. Jeremy Mardis wasn't shot and killed because he was white. He was unlucky to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and truth be told it's his father who should be blame if anything. Not saying the cops were right though

The police are not shooting and killed unarmed white peple. Finding one case from ten years ago doesn't prove anything. The same way Stevie Wonder's money doesn't disprove thea fact that it's an advantage to have your eye sight.

Um... wow, you suck at analogy.

The police kill MORE white people than black people. True, that has more to do with the fact of 70% of the population vs. 13% of the population.

You see, I agree with you that the police are too quick to use lethal force, and far too quick to use it on people of color. I believe there is a need for a lot of reform of our police department.

But I don't try to pretend that George Floyd was on the same moral plane as Jeremy Mardis.
Brown was high as a kite. He first tried to disarm the officer in his car resulting in his hand getting shot. He tried to take Brown into custody, but Brown instead ran after the officer. Brown was much larger and younger than the officer, so he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. After all if he didn't stop the attack using his firearm, Brown could have easily disarmed the officer and use his very own gun against him. Plus the fact he apparently didn't even feel the hand injury. That's why he too was found not-guilty.

You left out the part where brown ran 152 feet away from the police cruiser where the altercation started, lost both of his sandals, turned around and according to 14 witnesses, has his hands up trying to give up when he was shot.
So instead of arguing with Welfare Ray who seems to think that there's never been a black person murdered who didn't have it coming, and Paul who thinks everything is a huge fucking conspiracy, let's talk about some SENSIBLE reforms.

My short list.

Every cop should be equipped with a body cam.
Every cop should be equipped with a Taser and be proficient in their use.
Remove police unions from the disciplinary process; every cop involved in a shooting incident usually had a long history of bad behavior leading up to it.
Have a law enforcement license, just like nurses, doctors, lawyers and other professionals.
Qualified Immunity should be eliminated. The police Unions can set up insurance funds to pay out damages instead of the city's that could fire them.
Train all police officers in de-escalation tactics
Make police part of the communities again. If you have cops going home to their enclaves where all their neighbors are also cops, it puts too much of a barrier between the cops and the communities they serve.

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