The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Terrific post Lisa! Wish I could give it 10 "Love" ratings.

Some of the more radical BLM members and supporters are becoming absolutely laughable with the extremist nonsense they spout. Sadly, some people still take them seriously.
Thank you! Hugs and kisses back at ya!

Yes, the BLM radicals and overtly angry and racist blacks, a few of whom have graced these pages, are setting race relations back 60 years with their mishegas.
Didn’t read what the racist black wrote, but he obviously had to go back 60 years to show there WAS racism. Since that time, we’ve had programs favoring blacks, and most are not in poverty - due to their taking advantage of America’s opportunities,

What exactly do you think is IM2’s goal in blaming whites for the 25% black poverty rate resulting from their own irresponsible and/or unwise choices - namely OOW babies and failure to complete education?

Answer: they are pushing this false narrative for reparations.

Yep. Sadly, many blacks live only to whine for more free shit.

Self-reliance -earn your own way - are concepts shunned by too many of these (yes,these) folks.
Yep. Sadly, many blacks live only to whine for more free shit.

Self-reliance -earn your own way - are concepts shunned by too many of these (yes,these) folks.
I‘ve said it before and I’ll say it again: what this country is missing is good old-fashioned SHAME. There SHOULD be shame in being unable to support yourself and your family, due largely to one’s own poor decisions. Instead, people proudly beam as they tell how they got in a special program that pays the rent for them.

There‘s one poster here who is especially shameful. (A white leftist.) He brags that although he was a 4.0 undergrad and earned an MBA, he INTENTIONALLY worked as little as possible - to earn as little as possible - so he could qualify all his six kids for welfare! He said his wife did not work at all, and he the minimal. And he brags about it!
I‘ve said it before and I’ll say it again: what this country is missing is good old-fashioned SHAME. There SHOULD be shame in being unable to support yourself and your family, due largely to one’s own poor decisions. Instead, people proudly beam as they tell how they got in a special program that pays the rent for them.

There‘s one poster here who is especially shameful. (A white leftist.) He brags that although he was a 4.0 undergrad and earned an MBA, he INTENTIONALLY worked as little as possible - to earn as little as possible - so he could qualify all his six kids for welfare! He said his wife did not work at all, and he the minimal. And he brags about it!

Absolutely. People have always used food stamps to some degree, but most were embarrassed about it. I heard of some people going to the grocery store at night when nobody was there.

Today they whip out that SNAP'S card like an American Express. If there are any questions on a purchase, they just laugh it off proudly holding their SNAP's card the entire time. Then they proudly leave the line after checking out and go to the head cashier to buy their cigarettes and lottery tickets. No shame whatsoever.
I‘ve said it before and I’ll say it again: what this country is missing is good old-fashioned SHAME. There SHOULD be shame in being unable to support yourself and your family, due largely to one’s own poor decisions. Instead, people proudly beam as they tell how they got in a special program that pays the rent for them.

There‘s one poster here who is especially shameful. (A white leftist.) He brags that although he was a 4.0 undergrad and earned an MBA, he INTENTIONALLY worked as little as possible - to earn as little as possible - so he could qualify all his six kids for welfare! He said his wife did not work at all, and he the minimal. And he brags about it!
No shame is right!

A black woman was interviewed on the nightly television news some time ago.

Under some new Section 8 program, the government had moved her, and her kids (four, if I remember right) into a brand new 3-bedroom home in a fine suburban development.

The pig was gushing with happiness, and said, "I didn't think I would ever make it to such a high place..." The stupid bitch talked as though she had EARNED the home. As if she were paying her own fucking rent - instead of living on handouts taxpaying Americans are FORCED to provide for her lazy, stinking, worthless ass.

That was one of the most disgusting reports I've ever seen. I'll never be able to forget that clueless piece of dogshit.

As you said, lots of these fools have no sense of shame. I doubt most of them even know the meaning of the word. What a fucking total waste of money.
Didn’t read what the racist black wrote, but he obviously had to go back 60 years to show there WAS racism. Since that time, we’ve had programs favoring blacks, and most are not in poverty - due to their taking advantage of America’s opportunities,

What exactly do you think is IM2’s goal in blaming whites for the 25% black poverty rate resulting from their own irresponsible and/or unwise choices - namely OOW babies and failure to complete education?

Answer: they are pushing this false narrative for reparations.

Last I looked it was 18%. In any case one doesn't have to be considered legally poor to be poor. For instance nationwide, you are considered poor if you make 12K a year. If you make 15K a year, you're technically not poor, but you sure as hell are not doing very well, and that's what we're really talking about here.

Cost of living varies as well. Here if you are making 20 bucks an hour, you can live in a decent apartment or even able to buy a house. In NYC or NJ, you're living under a bridge at 20 bucks an hour.

It's easy to say it's somebody else's fault. It takes a lot of work when you come to terms it's your own fault and need to make life adjustments. It takes admitting your mistakes, making sacrifices to change your situation, get off the dope if that's what's been holding you back, maybe go back and finish high school. It's not easy. Easy is saying none of my problems are my doing.

To be honest, in spite of the constant hate and racist accusations, I really want to see people like IM2 and SuperBadBreath do better. I'd like to see them pass the word to their brothers and sisters who also fell for leftist brainwashing. For instance I can stop all police shootings of black people this minute: Just do whatever a police officer instructs you to do, and nobody gets hurt. But that's a lot of work; actually being black and having the balls to offer this pragmatic and successful solutions to other people. It's more fun to riot, destroy public and private property, steal whatever your arms can hold. Forget about what the laws say, act on what you personally think the problem is.
"All my problems were caused by somebody else!!" Better believe it...

That should be BLM and the entire black movement's official slogan. Catchy, ain't it?

Sharpton, Jackson, and all the other worthless race hustlers will love it.
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Here's a wonderful example of why our country is going down the shitter. The woman in question is hispanic, but loads of black women are just as stupid, and also drop loads of kids they cannot, and do not, support.

The pig in question has been sitting on death row for years. This brainless twat has FOURTEEN fucking kids!!! Imagine how much this pig has cost taxpayers over the years.

And Traitor Biden wants to send these whores a monthly check for every stinking kid they drop. Under Biden's plan, this piece of dogshit would nearly be rich, come the first of each month.

Your tax dollars at work.

Watch Judge Judy, or the other TV-court shows and you'll see loads of black men and women who have done the same stupid shit: dropped kids just about like dogs dropping litters.

These whores should be sterilized before getting welfare for their first little bastard.

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Absolutely. People have always used food stamps to some degree, but most were embarrassed about it. I heard of some people going to the grocery store at night when nobody was there.

Today they whip out that SNAP'S card like an American Express. If there are any questions on a purchase, they just laugh it off proudly holding their SNAP's card the entire time. Then they proudly leave the line after checking out and go to the head cashier to buy their cigarettes and lottery tickets. No shame whatsoever.
Yup. My grandparents could have gotten “Relief” (the old name for welfare) during the Depression - both my grandfathers were WWII vets - and the extra money would have enabled them to move to a nicer apartment, and not have to have a “lodger” to help them make ends meet. But they didn’t want charity from the government.

Nowadays, there’s no shame. The contrary - there’s a sense of entitlement that it should be provided, and despite the fact that they wouldn’t need it if they got a job (or another adult in their family got a job). There should be NO government welfare, for example, where there is a married couple with children of school age, and where the mother refuses to get a part-time job to help with the family income.

Edit to correct: Both grandfathers were WWI vets, not II.
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No shame is right!

A black woman was interviewed on the nightly television news some time ago.

Under some new Section 8 program, the government had moved her, and her kids (four, if I remember right) into a brand new 3-bedroom home in a fine suburban development.

The pig was gushing with happiness, and said, "I didn't think I would ever make it to such a high place..." The stupid bitch talked as though she had EARNED the home. As if she were paying her own fucking rent - instead of living on handouts taxpaying Americans are FORCED to provide for her lazy, stinking, worthless ass.

That was one of the most disgusting reports I've ever seen. I'll never be able to forget that clueless piece of dogshit.

As you said, lots of these fools have no sense of shame. I doubt most of them even know the meaning of the word. What a fucking total waste of money.
That’s horrible - and you’re right. There’s such a sense of entitlement that people on welfare can’t distinguish between EARNING what they have and being GIVEN what they have.

And they really need to ramp down on welfare. It’s so generous, or so prone to cheating, by the time you add in housing subsidies, food stamps, Medicaid, free this, free that, that a welfare recipient can live better than a young college graduate!

The problem is, there’s no stigma for anything these days. A 20-year-old has three children, with different fathers, and none are contributing? The mother AND the fathers should all be ashamed of themselves! But no…..that’s bad for self-esteem. So we coddle and excuse what SHOULD be inexcusable behavior.

And worse…..if that inexcusable behavior is done by blacks, and it results in poverty, the leftists blame racism (while simultaneously referring to poor whites as trash and morons).
That’s horrible - and you’re right. There’s such a sense of entitlement that people on welfare can’t distinguish between EARNING what they have and being GIVEN what they have.

And they really need to ramp down on welfare. It’s so generous, or so prone to cheating, by the time you add in housing subsidies, food stamps, Medicaid, free this, free that, that a welfare recipient can live better than a young college graduate!

The problem is, there’s no stigma for anything these days. A 20-year-old has three children, with different fathers, and none are contributing? The mother AND the fathers should all be ashamed of themselves! But no…..that’s bad for self-esteem. So we coddle and excuse what SHOULD be inexcusable behavior.

And worse…..if that inexcusable behavior is done by blacks, and it results in poverty, the leftists blame racism (while simultaneously referring to poor whites as trash and morons).

My biggest problem are the Section 8 people. If our tax dollars have to support you, we'll support you over there, not over here. People work six days a week to afford a home in the suburbs, then the Democrats come along and insert their lowlifes into a once great neighborhood and they ruin it.

These lowlifes are up all night, throwing parties, keeping working people up who have to get to work early in the morning. Not only are they not thankful for what our tax money provided them, they don't have the courtesy to let people sleep at night so they can make that tax money for them. Call the cops? It doesn't even phase them.

HUD and Section 8 pay way too much. If we have to support these people, it should be in the lowest housing areas of the city, not in the suburbs. All they do is bring down property value, bring in crime, and destroy our schools. That's what needs to stop in this country.
Yup. My grandparents could have gotten “Relief” (the old name for welfare) during the Depression - both my grandfathers were WWII vets - and the extra money would have enabled them to move to a nicer apartment, and not have to have a “lodger” to help them make ends meet. But they didn’t want charity from the government.

Nowadays, there’s no shame. The contrary - there’s a sense of entitlement that it should be provided, and despite the fact that they wouldn’t need it if they got a job (or another adult in their family got a job). There should be NO government welfare, for example, where there is a married couple with children of school age, and where the mother refuses to get a part-time job to help with the family income.

That's what happened here years ago. I rented to a couple with two children, one in her early teens and the other about three or four years old. They were getting behind on the rent, so I told them we needed to discuss the problem. He refused to work one hour past 40 a week. She stayed home supposedly to home school the kids even though she was a dumb as a rock herself.

My solution to their financial problems was for her to work part-time on the weekends, perhaps 2 ten hour days. Since he's home anyway, he could watch the kids.

They didn't even consider my perfect solution. She was getting close to $300.00 a month on food stamps. Since they were not married, the government seen her as a single jobless mother with two kids. And of course they had the large dog and several cats.

I told them they'd have to leave which they didn't. I had to evict them in court. They didn't leave until the day the bailiff was going to come over to forcibly remove them. And for what? A few hundred bucks in food stamps.
Wow, a whole page of welfare Ray telling us how he's much better than those other welfare dependents.

Absolutely. People have always used food stamps to some degree, but most were embarrassed about it. I heard of some people going to the grocery store at night when nobody was there.

Today they whip out that SNAP'S card like an American Express. If there are any questions on a purchase, they just laugh it off proudly holding their SNAP's card the entire time. Then they proudly leave the line after checking out and go to the head cashier to buy their cigarettes and lottery tickets. No shame whatsoever.

40% of families on SNAP have at least one family member with a job. If they have a sense of entitlement, it's because the minimum wage stopped being a living wage some time ago.

Poor people shouldn't be ashamed of being poor. The rest of us should be ashamed that poor people are a thing in this country.

Yup. My grandparents could have gotten “Relief” (the old name for welfare) during the Depression - both my grandfathers were WWII vets - and the extra money would have enabled them to move to a nicer apartment, and not have to have a “lodger” to help them make ends meet. But they didn’t want charity from the government.

Nowadays, there’s no shame. The contrary - there’s a sense of entitlement that it should be provided, and despite the fact that they wouldn’t need it if they got a job (or another adult in their family got a job). There should be NO government welfare, for example, where there is a married couple with children of school age, and where the mother refuses to get a part-time job to help with the family income.

Wow... no wonder you people invented the word "Chutzpah"....

The problem is, a part time job wouldn't cover the cost of Child Care, and you complain about the out-of-wedlock birth rate, but the main reason why poor people don't get married (which is the preferable thing, I guess), is because the government penalizes them.
My biggest problem are the Section 8 people. If our tax dollars have to support you, we'll support you over there, not over here. People work six days a week to afford a home in the suburbs, then the Democrats come along and insert their lowlifes into a once great neighborhood and they ruin it.

These lowlifes are up all night, throwing parties, keeping working people up who have to get to work early in the morning. Not only are they not thankful for what our tax money provided them, they don't have the courtesy to let people sleep at night so they can make that tax money for them. Call the cops? It doesn't even phase them.

HUD and Section 8 pay way too much. If we have to support these people, it should be in the lowest housing areas of the city, not in the suburbs. All they do is bring down property value, bring in crime, and destroy our schools. That's what needs to stop in this country.
I agree completely. It‘s the fault of the liberals who, in their pursuit of “equity,” think that poor people should get to live in as nice an area as the hard-working people who EARNED the ability to live in a nice area.

I live in the affluent part of town, where townhouses start at $600,000 and go above $1 million. (It took me until my 40s, after 10 years of running my business working round the clock to afford it.) Our liberal government put in a subsidized townhouse complex a few blocks away, and the older teen boys of the single mothers who live there - all black - meander around the town all day and evening. Why don’t they have jobs?

When they talked about building a new 90-bed homeless shelter about a block from there, which means the men living there ALSO would meander around the town all day - I asked (at the Board meeting), why the government has to buy the expensive land in the affluent part of town for this, and why not in the working class area a couple of miles away where land is cheaper. The answer came back, with that liberal sense of superiority we all know well, that “poor people deserve to live in as nice a place as the rich people.”
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That's what happened here years ago. I rented to a couple with two children, one in her early teens and the other about three or four years old. They were getting behind on the rent, so I told them we needed to discuss the problem. He refused to work one hour past 40 a week. She stayed home supposedly to home school the kids even though she was a dumb as a rock herself.

My solution to their financial problems was for her to work part-time on the weekends, perhaps 2 ten hour days. Since he's home anyway, he could watch the kids.

They didn't even consider my perfect solution. She was getting close to $300.00 a month on food stamps. Since they were not married, the government seen her as a single jobless mother with two kids. And of course they had the large dog and several cats.

I told them they'd have to leave which they didn't. I had to evict them in court. They didn't leave until the day the bailiff was going to come over to forcibly remove them. And for what? A few hundred bucks in food stamps.
That’s another common thing I’ve noticed: the homeschooling. The very mothers who could use the time their kids are in school to get a friggin’ job are the ones who barely got through high school themselves and now insist on remaining home with the kids to homeschool them - and this they have no time for a job.

Everyone suffers for that. The taxpayers having to make up the diffeeence with welfare, the mother who could start getting some job experience and even work her way up, and most of all, the kids being deprived of an education.

There needs to be a rule that once there are no kids under 4, the mother needs to get a job or there will be NO government assistance.
That’s another common thing I’ve noticed: the homeschooling. The very mothers who could use the time their kids are in school to get a friggin’ job are the ones who barely got through high school themselves and now insist on remaining home with the kids to homeschool them - and this they have no time for a job.

Everyone suffers for that. The taxpayers having to make up the diffeeence with welfare, the mother who could start getting some job experience and even work her way up, and most of all, the kids being deprived of an education.

There needs to be a rule that once there are no kids under 4, the mother needs to get a job or there will be NO government assistance.

We could eliminate a lot of it by having a requirement of being fixed first before receiving welfare. The more kids, the more government goodies. It's like we're rewarding lowlifes to have large families, just like we are rewarding failures by providing housing in suburban areas.
I agree completely. It‘s the fault of the liberals who, in their pursuit of “equity,” think that poor people should get to live in as nice an area as the hard-working people who EARNED the ability to live in a nice area.

I live in the affluent part of town, where townhouses start at $600,000 and go above $1 million. (It took me until my 40s, after 10 years of running my business working round the clock to afford it.) Our liberal government put in a subsidized townhouse complex a few blocks away, and the older teen boys of the single mothers who live there - all black - meander around the town all day and evening. Why don’t they have jobs?

When they talked about building a new 90-bed homeless shelter about a block from there, which means the men living there ALSO would meander around the town all day - I asked (at the Board meeting), why the government has to buy the expensive land in the affluent part of town for this, and why not in the working class area a couple of miles away where land is cheaper. The answer came back, with that liberal sense of superiority we all know well, that “poor people deserve to live in as nice a place as the rich people.”

One thing our government has never learned is that if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only end up with one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.

The good never changes the bad. The bad just makes it worse on everybody else. My neighbor charges so much for rent that the only people stupid enough to spend that kind of money are section 8 and HUD people. The government gives them a generous voucher and they work part-time (usually in the afternoons) to make up the difference. Anybody paying cash would opt for a nicer suburb, but finding a HUD house in a nicer suburb is nearly impossible. These houses are on a main street, no garages, and very little room to park. He hasn't rented it in a year because he had to put so much money into the place from the section 8 people that destroyed it the last time.

Now he's finally showing it again, and of course to lowlifes. Last summer when I had my security cameras installed, I put one facing right on his property in the backyard. I'm hoping his potential renters see it and decide they don't want to live where they're being watched 24/7. My camera DVR holds up to seven days of streaming video. The kicker is the landlord isn't even an American. He's from the middle-east somewhere. Hey, if you want to destroy other people's neighborhoods, move back to your own country and destroy them there.
I agree completely. It‘s the fault of the liberals who, in their pursuit of “equity,” think that poor people should get to live in as nice an area as the hard-working people who EARNED the ability to live in a nice area.

I live in the affluent part of town, where townhouses start at $600,000 and go above $1 million. (It took me until my 40s, after 10 years of running my business working round the clock to afford it.) Our liberal government put in a subsidized townhouse complex a few blocks away, and the older teen boys of the single mothers who live there - all black - meander around the town all day and evening. Why don’t they have jobs?

When they talked about building a new 90-bed homeless shelter about a block from there, which means the men living there ALSO would meander around the town all day - I asked (at the Board meeting), why the government has to buy the expensive land in the affluent part of town for this, and why not in the working class area a couple of miles away where land is cheaper. The answer came back, with that liberal sense of superiority we all know well, that “poor people deserve to live in as nice a place as the rich people.”

Wow, so the rich might actually have to look the poor people they exploit in the eye! How horrible for them.

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One thing our government has never learned is that if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only end up with one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.

I'm sure someone would look at your welfare collecting ass and think you are ruining the neighborhood. I would be very worried if I had a gun nut sticking cameras over the building while he doesn't have a job.

The good never changes the bad. The bad just makes it worse on everybody else. My neighbor charges so much for rent that the only people stupid enough to spend that kind of money are section 8 and HUD people. The government gives them a generous voucher and they work part-time (usually in the afternoons) to make up the difference. Anybody paying cash would opt for a nicer suburb, but finding a HUD house in a nicer suburb is nearly impossible. These houses are on a main street, no garages, and very little room to park. He hasn't rented it in a year because he had to put so much money into the place from the section 8 people that destroyed it the last time.

Having visited Cleveland, you can get why no one wants to live there if they don't have to.

The last condo complex I lived in has section 8 families... Frankly, you'd never know the difference, because we have HOA rules.

If homes are impossible to find, it's because we haven't kept up with building affordable housing in this country.

Now he's finally showing it again, and of course to lowlifes. Last summer when I had my security cameras installed, I put one facing right on his property in the backyard. I'm hoping his potential renters see it and decide they don't want to live where they're being watched 24/7. My camera DVR holds up to seven days of streaming video. The kicker is the landlord isn't even an American. He's from the middle-east somewhere. Hey, if you want to destroy other people's neighborhoods, move back to your own country and destroy them there.

Oh, noes, Ray is going to have more neighbors he hates! We knew it was only a matter of time.

Has it occurred to you that your neighborhood sucks because people like you live in it? Honestly, if I saw a house with a crazy neighbor who puts cameras up to watch everything, I'd be reluctant to live there.
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