The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

The law is not written based on race, that is unless you can tell me that all attackers are black.

Prosecutors can still bring a case to court IF they have evidence a person was not in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, or had reason to believe so.

For instance when I was younger, I could never use deadly force against some skinny 5'6 guy who simply made a threat. I'm 6'3" and in a younger day, well built and a black belt in Kempo. Between my size and training, a prosecutor could easily make a valid case I was in no position to believe I was in threat of serious bodily harm or death.

Since you mentioned it, take the Travon Martin case. Zimmerman suffered multiple injuries from the attack including two black eyes, a broken nose and back injuries. Martin showed no intention of stopping. Zimmerman had every reason to believe he suffered serious bodily harm and could be risking death by not using deadly force to stop the attack. The only reason he was arrested and charged later on was because of the public outrage as the media originally lied about the story, but they had no grounds in which to charge him. He followed the letter of the law to a tee. Even the jurors admitted that they had to rule not-guilty because the law was followed perfectly.

Brown was high as a kite. He first tried to disarm the officer in his car resulting in his hand getting shot. He tried to take Brown into custody, but Brown instead ran after the officer. Brown was much larger and younger than the officer, so he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. After all if he didn't stop the attack using his firearm, Brown could have easily disarmed the officer and use his very own gun against him. Plus the fact he apparently didn't even feel the hand injury. That's why he too was found not-guilty.

So as I stated, the big problem with blacks is they don't know the laws of their state. Many are under the impression that it's illegal to use deadly force unless the attacker too is armed. So they get upset thinking it's a race thing and the white guy got off simply because of the color of his skin.
George Zimmerman is a punk who shot Martin because he was getting his ass handed to him in a fist fight that never would have happened had he not been stalking Martin and presented himself as a threat to him.

I have the same damn license that he has and it does not allow any of the things that you all claim it does.
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This is the problem with the black community: Ignorance of the law. A police officer or armed citizen need not be threatened by a subject using deadly force in order to legally use deadly force themselves. Our laws (similar to most if not all states) reads: A CCW holder can legally use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's the law. It applies to citizens as well as police officers.

So if an officer has reason to believe their safety or life is in jeopardy, that gives them the legal right to use a gun against an unarmed attacker. As for your other false claim:

In 2015, the police fatally shot 36 unarmed black males, according to The Washington Post’s typology, and 31 unarmed white males. The Post’s classification of victims as “unarmed” is literally accurate but sometimes misleading. The label can fail to convey the charged situation facing the officer who used deadly force.

At least five “unarmed” black victims had tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. One had the officer on the ground and was beating him on the head so violently, breaking bones and causing other injuries, as to risk the officer’s loss of consciousness. And one individual included in the Post’s “unarmed black male victim” category was a bystander unintentionally struck by an officer’s bullet after an illegal-gun trafficker opened fire at the officer and the officer shot back. If a victim was not the intended target of a police shooting, race could have had no possible role in his death.

Shut the fuck up you ignorant bastard. Whites beat up police and live.
The police kill MORE white people than black people. True, that has more to do with the fact of 70% of the population vs. 13% of the population.
Blacks a more likely to get shot than whites and are killed at triple our population.
Blacks a more likely to get shot than whites and are killed at triple our population.
That's because the police are taught and trained that black people are more prone to violence therefore we are automatically approached as a threat in most cases.

There are Supreme Court cases affirming this. And other cases that say they can make that presumption, now how fucked up is that? And don't expect any help from our alleged "justice" system:

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a Black death-row inmate’s appeal despite one of his Texas jurors believing non-whites are more dangerous than whites.​
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Considering that far more blacks die at the hands of other blacks, I don't think this is something to be happy about.

Far more blacks die from stress caused by living with white racism than by other blacks.

Rav Arora of the NY Post wrote an article titled, “These Black Lives Didn’t Seem To Matter In 2020.” In this article, Arora sings the same racist tune we have all come to know.

Arora writes this mumbo jumbo calling himself mocking Black Lives Matter. But when we look at reality, his opinion is lacking. His beef appears to be with blacks protesting being murdered by police. He is trying to denigrate BLM because he falsely believes there is a lack of concern for the number of blacks not killed by police. He points out that over 8,600 blacks were killed in 2020 and that 90 percent of those were killed by another black. He then goes on to say this: “Since more than 90 percent of black homicide victims are killed by black offenders, the ghost of endemic white supremacy cannot be invoked to push racial grievance narratives. As a result, the media turns a blind eye. Black lives only seem to matter when racism is involved.”

Arora is right; the media, including him, turn a blind eye to the biggest killer of black people. For years we as black people have heard the constant lectures about black-on-black crime. People like Arora, McDonald, Carlson, Shapiro, and others have written extensively on blacks murdering blacks. Arora cites 8,600 homicides of blacks with 90 percent of those homicides committed by other blacks and believes he is making a compelling argument while calling out black organizations such as BLM to take responsibility for what he views as THE problem in the black community. So let me help Mr. Arora and others who hold similar beliefs understand the real problem.

According to the American Heart Association, hypertension-related deaths in the black community increased from 171,259 to 270,839 annually from 2000-2018. These numbers are 20 and 31 times the number of blacks who were murdered in ways that “bother” people like Arora. Most of these people died from hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. Racism was outlawed on paper in 1965. That makes racism a crime. Racism is a crime that continues to be perpetrated against blacks and all people of color in the United States. According to Arora, at least 90 percent of those 8,600 murders of blacks were by blacks. If you use Aroras claim as the basis, at least 7,740 blacks were killed by other blacks in 2020. He and others claim this is a number that blacks must immediately address. More than 270,000 blacks died due to hypertension in 2020, judging by the trends shown by the American Heart Association. If we are generous and conclude that just 10 percent of these deaths are directly attributed to racist actions by whites, over 27,000 such deaths in 2020 were caused by white racism. That means 3.5 times more black people died from stress induced by white racism than blacks murdering each other on the streets of America. That is white-on-black crime, and it’s a real problem that must be solved with by the white community.

So can we please stop bringing up black on black crime to dodge issues?
That's because the police are taught and trained that black people are more prone to violence therefore we are automatically approached as a threat in most cases.

There are Supreme Court cases affirming this. And other cases that say they can make that presumption, now how fucked up is that? And don't expect any help from our alleged "justice" system:
As Richard Pryor said-JUST US.

Be we are whining and blaming poor innocent whitey for "our problems."
The law is not written based on race, that is unless you can tell me that all attackers are black.

Prosecutors can still bring a case to court IF they have evidence a person was not in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, or had reason to believe so.

For instance when I was younger, I could never use deadly force against some skinny 5'6 guy who simply made a threat. I'm 6'3" and in a younger day, well built and a black belt in Kempo. Between my size and training, a prosecutor could easily make a valid case I was in no position to believe I was in threat of serious bodily harm or death.

Since you mentioned it, take the Travon Martin case. Zimmerman suffered multiple injuries from the attack including two black eyes, a broken nose and back injuries. Martin showed no intention of stopping. Zimmerman had every reason to believe he suffered serious bodily harm and could be risking death by not using deadly force to stop the attack. The only reason he was arrested and charged later on was because of the public outrage as the media originally lied about the story, but they had no grounds in which to charge him. He followed the letter of the law to a tee. Even the jurors admitted that they had to rule not-guilty because the law was followed perfectly.

Brown was high as a kite. He first tried to disarm the officer in his car resulting in his hand getting shot. He tried to take Brown into custody, but Brown instead ran after the officer. Brown was much larger and younger than the officer, so he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. After all if he didn't stop the attack using his firearm, Brown could have easily disarmed the officer and use his very own gun against him. Plus the fact he apparently didn't even feel the hand injury. That's why he too was found not-guilty.

So as I stated, the big problem with blacks is they don't know the laws of their state. Many are under the impression that it's illegal to use deadly force unless the attacker too is armed. So they get upset thinking it's a race thing and the white guy got off simply because of the color of his skin.
Would you please shut your retarded ass up? You're lying about Mike Brown, you falsely claim blacks don't know laws, your posts are nothing but ignorant racist jibberish.
10 Facts About Beula Mae Donald, The Mom Who Took Down The Klan
On March 21, 1981, in Mobile, Alabama, 19-year-old Michael Donald was kidnapped, brutally beaten, and lynched by James Knowles and Henry Francis Hays, members of the United Klans of America—an Alabama faction of the KKK, and (at the time) one of the organization's largest, and most violent, groups.​
In many ways, the brutal attack on Donald was the result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the week leading up to his murder, Mobile had become a hotbed of Klan activity due to the trial of Josephus Anderson, a Black man accused of killing a white police officer during an armed robbery in nearby Birmingham. Though the jury was still in deliberations at the time of Donald's murder, the fact that some of the jury members on Anderson's trial were Black didn't sit well with the KKK. Earlier in the week, according to one of his fellow Klansmen, Hays—worried that Anderson would be allowed to walk free—had even stated that, "If a Black man can get away with killing a white man, we ought to be able to get away with killing a Black man." And with that, a plan was set in motion.​
It was late at night and Donald was walking home when he crossed paths with Knowles and Hays, who were on the hunt for a victim. They ordered Donald into their vehicle and proceeded to carry out an extremely brutal, and hours-long attack on the teen. It ended with Hays and Knowles hanging Donald's body from a tree on Herndon Avenue, just across the street from Hays's home. But it wasn't the end of Donald's story.​
The People v. The Klan, a four-part CNN Original Series produced by Blumhouse Television, tells the courageous story of Michael's mother, Beulah Mae Donald, who would stop at nothing to get justice for the senseless killing of her son. Here are 10 facts about the woman behind the bravery.

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You boys are really jumping up and down today. Somehow you think blacks are only failures in the US. The US has by far more successful blacks than anywhere else in the world. It's a very low bar indeed, but it's a fact all-the-same.
Funny how you encourage the use of 'per capita' here but scoff at it in another thread about crime rates by race.
Good to have options, isn't it?
PS - putting "period" at the end of your statement doesn't make you right.
I don't encourage per capita, I'm pointing out where you guys won't use per capita. Putting a period at the end of my comment makes me right when the information in my sentence is right. Whites commit the most crime. And the fact more white are here make whites the greatest threat for committing crimes. Furthermore whites have more money, own more things and have access to more services to prevent crime but still commit the most. So your use of per capita is just a dodge.
Yep. Sadly, many blacks live only to whine for more free shit.

Self-reliance -earn your own way - are concepts shunned by too many of these (yes,these) folks.
Here we read some racist crap from a member of a race that would have little to nothing without what the government gave them.

"At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land, through an act of Congress our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the Midwest, which meant it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor."

"But not only did they give them land, they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms."

"Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to farm, and they are the very people telling the black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And this is what we are faced with, and this is the reality."
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
He was fking her. What do you want me to say ? There are recorded facebook messages between them.

Do you have proof of that?

He didn't know the kids was in there. It wasn't murder
Legal principle- intent follows the bullet. When this cop fired into the car, he was responsible for anyone he hit.

The police are not killing unarmed white men women and children.

Except Justine Damond and Jeremy Mardis.

Oh, wait, here are some others.

I'm not interest in changing hearts and minds. I'm about punishment. Unless you are talking about punishment. That means life with parole or minnumum 20 year sentences then don't talk.

I'm sure you want revenge for every white person who didn't put up with your shit, but really, we need to change policies and procedures to keep future events from happening. The reality is, all things being equal, juries WILL give a police officer the benefit of the doubt.

White supremacist don't get fired. they get transferred..

Except Loehmann wasn't transferred. He has not worked in law enforcement since.

He is now outta jail and only served 3 years in prison. A sentence which is far less than many people face for selling a nickle bag of weed.

I believe the judge abused his sentencing authority, but the prosecutors and jury did their job in that case.

Also, I noticed you danced around the point that all the community activists couldn't care less about the victims of police violence until they became victims of police violence.

I'll ask again, where was Jesse Jackson when Laquan McDonald was being abused by his drug addict mother? When he was bounced around by DCFS? When he was sleeping on a grate.

If McDonald hadn't been shot by Van Dyke, today he'd be that scary homeless dude that you cross the street to avoid.

Which the white supremacist cops will switch off. Eric Garner was on cam. They don't care.

Garner was a 400 lb bloat with a bad heart, who decided he could wrestle six cops. It was stupid of the cops to arrest him for selling smokes, but it was equally stupid of him to get into a fight with them given his underlying medical conditions.

And there will just be a truck load of lying white supremacist cops who will claim they mistook their taser for a gun. That's what happened to Kim Potter in the Daunte Wright killing

Except Kim Potter is going to jail.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

Which would be eliminated by cop licensing... going back to Loehmann, the guy who shot Tamir Rice, he had been rejected by three other police departments, and a fourth was in the process of firing him, when Cleveland picked him up. Now, maybe someone failed to do proper background checks, or maybe Cleveland is so desperate for cops that they will hire anyone.

Your babbling. All you do is give them 20 or 30 years in prison without parole. That will stop it overnnight. All this legalize talk that you're doing where your trying to sound intelligence is pointless.

And then you'll have a bunch of cops who will take their sweet time responding to domestic violence and shooting incidents. As stated, COPS ARE UNDER NO LEGAL OBLIGATION TO TRY TO SAVE YOU! So you think they are going to rush out and try to protect people if they might end in prison if it escalates to lethal force? Nope. Better to wait until it's over and fill out a report.
According to the American Heart Association, hypertension-related deaths in the black community increased from 171,259 to 270,839 annually from 2000-2018. These numbers are 20 and 31 times the number of blacks who were murdered in ways that “bother” people like Arora. Most of these people died from hypertension caused by the stress of living with white racism. Racism was outlawed on paper in 1965. That makes racism a crime. Racism is a crime that continues to be perpetrated against blacks and all people of color in the United States. According to Arora, at least 90 percent of those 8,600 murders of blacks were by blacks. If you use Aroras claim as the basis, at least 7,740 blacks were killed by other blacks in 2020. He and others claim this is a number that blacks must immediately address. More than 270,000 blacks died due to hypertension in 2020, judging by the trends shown by the American Heart Association. If we are generous and conclude that just 10 percent of these deaths are directly attributed to racist actions by whites, over 27,000 such deaths in 2020 were caused by white racism. That means 3.5 times more black people died from stress induced by white racism than blacks murdering each other on the streets of America. That is white-on-black crime, and it’s a real problem that must be solved with by the white community.

Um... okay, simple enough solution to that. Stop selling cigarettes and fried chicken in the black community, as these are obviously part of a racist conspiracy to kill black people.


Yeah, look at this white supremacist bastard... we know what you are up to! Secret Recipe indeed!


As Richard Pryor said-JUST US.

Be we are whining and blaming poor innocent whitey for "our problems."

In another skit, Pryor said, "I've been to the prisons. I've met the brothers. I'M GLAD WE HAVE PRISONS! I asked, 'why did you kill everyone in the house', and he answered "Because they was home!' "

Shut the fuck up you ignorant bastard. Whites beat up police and live.

And so do a lot of black people. My nieces' husband is a suburban cop, and spent weeks on medical leave with a back injury because a suspect he and his partner arrested threw a fit in the back of their police car and started kicking the seats.

Again- totally with you on the need for police reform, but the police make 10 million arrests a year and 40 million traffic stops. Yet there are only 1000 incidents a year of lethal force being used, and MOST of those involved someone proving Darwin right by pulling a knife or a gun.
No Mrs Affirmative action racist jew. We aren't setting squat back. You will recognize or get run over. Whites will soon be a minority so it's best that you adjust your little attitude.

Works on the assumption that other minorities will continue having a pity party like blacks are doing.

Here's the thing. At one point, Jews, Germans, Irish, Poles, Italians, Catholics were considered undesirable minorities. Eventually, they entered the mainstream. I'd argue we still haven't gotten the affluence of the WASP minority. (We've only had TWO Catholic Presidents in our entire history, counting Biden).

From what I've seen, Asians do a pretty good job entering the mainstream. Hispanics struggle, but you get a certain number of generations down the road, and they mainstream as well, intermarry with whites and no one thinks twice about it.
Not 24 years Lisa, 24 DECADES, in other words 240 years.

You're complaining because in your opinion, black people haven't done enough in two generations which is approximately 50 years out of over 240 years since the U.S. declared it's independence, 190 of those years in which we were legally segregated and lawfully discriminated against.

That's stupid and ridiculous.
No. I’m saying stop going back 200 years to blame the current poverty rate among blacks on racism. it’s history. All the black underclass has to do is 1) stay in school, and 2) delay babies, and the poverty rate would drop to almost nothing.

All the excuses are hurting your people. And lest you forget - the underclass is a minority among blacks. Most are living like either the white working class (not a lot of disposable income but they get by) or the comfortable middle class, and about 10% are quite affluent. That’s why the inheritance (I’ve quoted it above) between blacks and whites is virtually identical.

That there remains a small underclass of blacks is THEIR fault - not whites.

And if you think all this insistence that blacks are pulling up the rear because whites are oppressing them and are aiming for reparations, forget it. You will never see a dime.
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You boys are really jumping up and down today. Somehow you think blacks are only failures in the US. The US has by far more successful blacks than anywhere else in the world. It's a very low bar indeed, but it's a fact all-the-same.
For sure! There’s a very upscale mall near me, and I stop in occasionally for a lunch. I really can’t afford to buy anything there. The stores are Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Ferragamo, etc., etc, and there are TONS of black people shopping there.

My family and I splurged on an upscale steakhouse when the COVID restrictions first lifted - after a year without going out to eat - and there were tons of blacks there.

I live in an upscale area, with expensive homes, and there are plenty of black homeowners here too. (Of course, the liberals plopped a subsidized townhouse community right in the middle, and it is all poor blacks, but that’s certainly not whites’ fault. All the women there have multiple children without husbands - their doing, not whitey’s.)
That's what you say, but you all SWEAR that the law that created affirmative action gives preference to black people when there is NOTHING in the text that says that.

It's selective enforcement of the laws. That's pretty much why they were written in the first place, in order to target certain segments of the population but as we all know, that laws were routinely ignored, especially down south when the perpetrator was white and the victim black but were enforced with gusto when the SUSPECT was black and the victim was white.

I believe it's only within the last 50 to 60 years that a white man was executed for the first time in the U.S. for killing a black man. I don't have the citation at my fingertips but I believe that's correct.
It’s been explained a zillion times, but your deluded thinking won’t allow you to process It:

The original text said nothing about blacks, specifically. But the libs aren’t adhering to that. That’s the problem! The liberal educators have applied bias to it, though, and have been favoring blacks, specifically.

It’s time to rule unconstitutional the way the libs have perverted the application of the EO, and stop favoring some students over others, on the basis of rwce.

You are going to have a meltdown when the SCOTUS comes down hard on the racism the liberals have been employing to reject better scoring whites to make room for lower scoring blacks. The two generations they’ve had of favored treatment is about to end.
Oh look Lisa, they did EXACTLY what you wanted and you're still bitching.
I have no idea what that poster said. He has said disgusting things about Jews, and I don’t listen to bigots. He‘s on ignore, but based on his earlier comments, I suspect that what the antisemite said has no relation to the truth
Bottom of the barrel racists complaining about everyone else's business instead of minding their own.

You all are useless. At least I used my platform to help others. All you cretins do is criticize and sit in judgement of others while not being able to do any better.

I use my platform to educate others how to get out of poverty, using my own parents as examples: From cold-water tenements to a house in the suburbs in 10 years:

1. Stay in school and get vocational or career training
2. No babies before marriage and able to financially provide for them

I don’t know why you think people in the black underclass are incapable of this.
I don't know why you bother to deny it. Why do you single out poor black people for censure Lisa? Why are you so judgmental?
I’m singling out poor blacks because poor whites aren’t blaming RACISM for their situation. That‘s point of the thread! I said in the OP that blacks and whites in poverty are so for the same reasons.

As far as being judgmental, whites don’t like being blamed for something that isn’t their fault. The blacks who remain in poverty are so due to their own choices they’ve made TODAY, and TEN YEARS ago, and TWENTY years ago, and THIRTY years ago.

You say it’s “judgmental” for whites to object when they are being unfairly blamed for blacks being poor (of the minority who are)? That’s just correcting a false accusation.

Why do YOU demand that whites sit by quietly and accept blame for nothing they’ve caused In TODAY’s environment?

1) Stay in school
2) No babies before marriage

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