The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

it's not so much that, it's that white suspects are killed by police at a much higher rate than blacks. Furthermore unarmed whites are shot and killed by police at nearly the same rate as blacks. The difference is the media doesn't report on shootings of white suspects, only blacks. That leads the public to believe these shootings never happen to white suspects.

The media is not there to tell the entire story, the media is there to make money. If they reported how a white got shot by a police officer, we whites shrug our shoulders and say "the asshole must have deserved it!" So there is no business sense in making an issue out of it.

If they report on a black getting shot and killed, especially an unarmed black, they stand a chance at making big bucks. Protests could form, riots can break out, stores being burned or looted. It all makes for great advertising dollars.
That too.

If the media reported honestly, though, we’d have President Trump in office right now. EVERYTHING they did for the past two years - from hiding the Hunter laptop story, to hiding everything Trump did in response to COVID (he was looking so good in the daily press conferences that CNN refused to cover them), to making the Floyd death all about racism - was to get Trump out of office.


The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

High school is a white people's thing. So your whole premise is biased suggesting that high school is an altruistic humanity thing. It is not. High school is a white people's social construct to keep non-whites down.

Did black people ever have "high school"?
2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

Community college is a white thing. Vocation is a white thing.

Did black people ever have "community college"? Did black people ever have "vocation"?
That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
You are a racist.
High school is a white people's thing. So your whole premise is biased suggesting that high school is an altruistic humanity thing. It is not. High school is a white people's social construct to keep non-whites down.

Did black people ever have "high school"?

Community college is a white thing. Vocation is a white thing.

Did black people ever have "community college"? Did black people ever have "vocation"?

You are a racist.
Having an education or getting training for a job is a white thing! Oye. With crap being spewed like that, no wonder there remains a black underclass. Getting a high school diploma is a white thing,

You‘re really crazy.
High school is a white people's thing. So your whole premise is biased suggesting that high school is an altruistic humanity thing. It is not. High school is a white people's social construct to keep non-whites down.

Did black people ever have "high school"?

Community college is a white thing. Vocation is a white thing.

Did black people ever have "community college"? Did black people ever have "vocation"?

You are a racist.
You are an idiot.
You are an idiot.
I think that idiot must have been on the Board of the African-American Museum that had an exhibit saying the following attributes were also a white thing: being polite, keeping to a schedule, respecting authority, speaking English well, and working hard.

The real question is: why are liberals trying to deny the very things that would help black people do better in life?
Works on the assumption that other minorities will continue having a pity party like blacks are doing.

Here's the thing. At one point, Jews, Germans, Irish, Poles, Italians, Catholics were considered undesirable minorities. Eventually, they entered the mainstream. I'd argue we still haven't gotten the affluence of the WASP minority. (We've only had TWO Catholic Presidents in our entire history, counting Biden).

From what I've seen, Asians do a pretty good job entering the mainstream. Hispanics struggle, but you get a certain number of generations down the road, and they mainstream as well, intermarry with whites and no one thinks twice about it.
Yeah, we will be a minority to Latinos who hate blacks for more than any white does. We will be slightly less than fifty percent and you will still be thirteen percent to a majority that absolutely despises you and has no guilt for you to play upon. It will really suck to be Black then. Think the Jim Crow South was bad? Just wait for the Latino nation to take over.
And the Nation Of Islam and Louis Farrakhan is someone whose community work with young black men has been constructive where many other efforts to reach them have failed.

Now what you doing ? Tell me.

Farakhan is a thug.

I'm not the one with a problem. It's really not incumbent on me to "fix" a problem I don't have. I think we do need to fix police misconduct and we need police reform...

We also need to fix underlying social problems that the police are often the last line in fixing. There was a whole echelon of family, social services, schools, etc. that failed Laquan McDonald long before he was shot.

Crazy question. Laquan McDonald was killed by a white supremacist cop not because he may or may not have had drug addicted mother

Actually, there's no doubt that McDonald's mother, Tina Hunter (how is it they all have different last names than their mothers?) was into drugs. That's why DCFS took him out of the home. OH, and she was 14 when he was born.

And if you are sick Jesse Jackson always out front whenever white racism pops up.

I live in Chicago, I'm old enough to remember him waiving the bloody shirt, or how he used to brag about spitting in white people's soup and serving it with a smile.

But that’s the problem: most whites do nothing in the face of racism. Most of whites don’t speak up, don’t talk back, don’t challenge family, friends, colleagues. You sit back and remain silent. No wonder black leaders like Jackson end up being the faces of resistance: u aren’t showing up at all, so what are blk ppl supposed to do?

Did you miss the part where I said my brother and I haven't been on speaking terms for five years because of the McDonald Case. Or how I challenge Ray and Lisa on their racism on a regular basis. I'm starting to wonder if it is worth it to challenge people, or even take your side, given I get very little gratitude for doing so. I'd rather focus my efforts on where they ARE appreciated, thank you.

They do anyway and we are tax payers. We or I pay for the police.

It's about punishing that's how you get them tact right and if the police know that if they unjustly kill black people they'll spend 20 or 30 years in jail means they're gonna act like a child and do the "It's my ball...I'm going home" routine then they are not the types of cops I want in black commmunityies

If punishment was a 'deterrent', then how do we have 2 million people in prison?

The risk of 20 years of prison might make them a lot less likely to engage a suspect.

What are babbling about ? The police are not all that interested in protecting or saving the lives and property of poor black people. Not as interested as they are in protecting rich white people or even not-all-that-rich white people. They will even protect white foreigners over black Americans.

White foreigners don't need to be protected from each other when they visit, that's the thing.

Cleveland wasn't desparate. Killing black people especially innocent blk ppl get's respect in law enforcement.

Loehmann fully decided and intended to murder Tamir Rice for sport. He get's out of his care and starts blasting within two seconds. The thousand or so different white supremacist hate groups operating in the U.S. (the number more than doubled after Obama was elected) have had the agenda of infiltrating law enforcement which already attracts the ‘Archie Bunker’ mentality. I

First, how do you know what was in Lohmann's mind? I've been arguing the Rice case with Ray for years here. Frankly, I haven't found one shred of evidence the man (Lohmann, not Ray) had animosity towards black people. All the evidence we do have is that he was emotionally immature and unfit to be a police officer. Which if Cleveland had bothered to do even a minimal background check, they'd have found out.

Oh, Cleveland does have a police shortage.

Had that been a black female cop who shot a scared white teenager she would have been given 25 years.

Do you have an actual case where a black police officer accidently shot a white suspect because she mistook her gun for a taser?

16 months in jail ?

About the same amount of time one of the cops who shot Jeremy Mardis got.

During a struggle, she mistook a gun for a taser. If Duante Wrights' full criminal record had been shown to the court, I doubt she have gotten that long. They didn't get to see the four file boxes of juvenile records for Laquan McDonald, they didn't get to hear about the woman who George Floyd robbed at gunpoint during a home invasion.

Yeah, we will be a minority to Latinos who hate blacks for more than any white does. We will be slightly less than fifty percent and you will still be thirteen percent to a majority that absolutely despises you and has no guilt for you to play upon. It will really suck to be Black then. Think the Jim Crow South was bad? Just wait for the Latino nation to take over.

I wouldn't go that far. I've always felt "Latino/Hispanic" was a largely artificial racial classification to start with. Are you still "Hispanic" if no one in your family speaks Spanish anymore?

I put it out there because when my Grandparents came to this country from Germany because their little village was occupied by the hated French between the World Wars, it was pretty much the height of anti-German sentiment.

My dad married a non-German woman, largely forgot how to speak German, I attempted to learn it in college and frankly gave myself a headache. So am I a German-American, or just plain old American?

This is why I don't worry so much about "Latinos" pushing white into the minority. Or Asians, that much. Heck, I worked in an office with three Asian women, and two of them were married to white dudes.
Stopped with your disgusting “you are evil” remark. You’re a disgusting racist, who ignores what is being explained to you because it doesn’t fit your biased narrative.

I’m not going to waste any more time on a resentful black woman who calls whites “evil” because they won’t go Along with the falsehood that racism is the reason for poor blacks. If it were, there won’t be all these middle class and affluent blacks.

And P.S. Calling white people “evil” because they point out that racism doesn’t explain black poverty, but rather points out that it is poor choices, isn’t going to win whites over to your side. And you NEED whites on your side.
Lisa, you and Ray deserve medals. For your logic, patience, and endurance.

I've long had im2, essien(sp), and vine on ignore. Their non-stop whining and excuse-making, make me want to puke.

I sometimes wish I could write in gentler terms, but the truth is vitally important - but not always easy to discuss.

Essen and Vine both write long-winded posts. Lots of words, few of value. Always filled with rationalizations, accusations, and blatant excuses. Nothing is EVER the fault of blacks. They have no control over their decisions and actions. They are like mistreated pets, completely controlled by whitey, according to these three.

There's a rather mean old saying that seems to fit perfectly, here. It says that "Blacks can be trained, but not taught."

Many old sayings are based on more than a grain of undeniable truth.

The Iggie list can save users from a lot of needless headaches. Lol...
That's likely because blacks mostly kill blacks and whites mostly kill whites.

Let's look at the largest domestic terror attack of last year. A black guy and renown racist BLM supporter drove to an all white area where a parade was being held. He used his car to hit over 50 white people, killing 6 of them including an 8 year old white child. It disappeared from the news in less than a week. Unless you really look around, nobody even knows what happened to this terrorist.

Do you think he will be charged with a hate crime? Do you think he will even face the death penalty? It will be such a buried story we will probably never know. Now can you put your hand on the Holy Bible and swear to me that if this was a white attacker that went to an all black area to kill as many blacks as possible, it would be ignored like this story is?
I guarantee you they won’t be televising the trial, like they did with Kyle Rittenhouse - to make an example of the white boy who interfered with BLM’s destruction.
Lisa, you and Ray deserve medals. For your logic, patience, and endurance.

I've long had im2, essien(sp), and vine on ignore. Their non-stop whining and excuse-making, make me want to puke.

I sometimes wish I could write in gentler terms, but the truth is vitally important - but not always easy to discuss.

Essen and Vine both write long-winded posts. Lots of words, few of value. Always filled with rationalizations, accusations, and blatant excuses. Nothing is EVER the fault of blacks. They have no control over their decisions and actions. They are like mistreated pets, completely controlled by whitey, according to these three.

There's a rather mean old saying that seems to fit perfectly, here. It says that "Blacks can be trained, but not taught."

Many old sayings are based on more than a grain of undeniable truth.

The Iggie list can save users from a lot of needless headaches. Lol...
Thanks. I’ve had IM2 and Eisen on ignore for a while, but I was trying to make some headway with Vine. Her latest tantrum, in which she called me “evil” was the last straw, and I‘m not wasting any more time on such a nasty libtard.
Lisa, you and Ray deserve medals. For your logic, patience, and endurance.

I've long had im2, essien(sp), and vine on ignore. Their non-stop whining and excuse-making, make me want to puke.

I sometimes wish I could write in gentler terms, but the truth is vitally important - but not always easy to discuss.

Essen and Vine both write long-winded posts. Lots of words, few of value. Always filled with rationalizations, accusations, and blatant excuses. Nothing is EVER the fault of blacks. They have no control over their decisions and actions. They are like mistreated pets, completely controlled by whitey, according to these three.

There's a rather mean old saying that seems to fit perfectly, here. It says that "Blacks can be trained, but not taught."

Many old sayings are based on more than a grain of undeniable truth.

The Iggie list can save users from a lot of needless headaches. Lol...
Also… notice how she won’t answer the question: if racism “causes” a subset of blacks to remain in poverty, why then are most blacks NOT in poverty?
Do you have an actual case where a black police officer accidently shot a white suspect because she mistook her gun for a taser?

Cops don't handle white people with an iron fist based on preconceived notions of them being drug crazed, naturally stronger thugs with a tendency towards criminality and violence.

What I can say is, if a black cop did shoot an unarmed white person (without valid justification), it would definitely make the news; if only to use the one incident as a way of discrediting the thousand white cop/dead black man cases we've heard about over the years.

Here's a few things we wouldn't see
  • The cop automatically heralded as a hero in the news
  • The white guy automatically portrayed as a villain
  • The white guys rap sheet listed on the front page news to use his previous transgressions as an excuse for his current death
  • GoFundMe accounts filled overnight with hundreds of thousands of dollars. For the black cop
  • Fox news reports calling the white guy a thug
  • All Lives Matters groups protesting just to shut down any conversation about the senseless killing
  • Fake news of a different white person committing a crime to explain why this one had to be put down
  • Talk of the 80% white-on-white crime rate as a justification for the cop's actions
  • Withheld footage of the shooting
  • Preemptive use of military forces to stifle the First Amendment right to protest
  • DOJ findings of numerous violations against whites by black police officers
  • Thousands of black people protesting in favor of the black cop
  • Blue Lives Matter protesting in favor of the Black cop
During a struggle, she mistook a gun for a taser. If Duante Wrights' full criminal record had been shown to the court, I doubt she have gotten that long. They didn't get to see the four file boxes of juvenile records for Laquan McDonald, they didn't get to hear about the woman who George Floyd robbed at gunpoint during a home invasion.
  • Daunte Wright was killed because he was black.
  • Laquan MdDonald was killed because he was black.
  • George Floyd was killed because he was black
Everything else is irrelevant.

Whatever they may have done in their lives had no bearing on their encounters at the given moment with the officers.

All that matters is what they are doing at that moment, and whether it endangered the lives of the officer or another person — something that should be evaluated by independent fact-finders, not D.A.s who work hand-in-glove with police every day.

If their actions did endanger the officer’s life or that of another person, then you would'nt need to look into old arrests and troubles.

The search for the perfect victim is as impossible.

It is impossible because few who get to adulthood make it there without having done something about which they'd prefer others not know.

But unless some one has a relatively spotless record, they should'nt expect safety or even the luxury of another breath ?

Then why even have trials ?

By your logic, we should simply check to see if people arrested have a record already, and if so, pronounce them guilty on the spot.

But you only hold out such impossible standards for black people. Don't you ?

Did you miss the part where I said my brother and I haven't been on speaking terms for five years because of the McDonald Case.


Is that how low the bar is for white people ?

You're not supposed to shoot unarmed blk ppl who pose no threat to you16 times. I'm not gonna give credit to a person for doing something they're not supposed to do.

You still try to justify Macdonald's death with the usual white character assainations and then you ask for gratitude ?


And then you go into protective mode about Van Dyke.


is there a handgun that can fire 16 rounds w/o reloading. I’ll have to ask gun owning friends.

Or how I challenge Ray and Lisa on their racism on a regular basis.

All I know this. If I'm in court and you Lisa558 and Ray From Cleveland are on the jury ?

I'm fked.

Sure you'll beef with each other but when it comes to mistreating blk ppl ? You'll drop your swords and be on the same page.

I'm starting to wonder if it is worth it to challenge people, or even take your side

So you're gonna wimp out ?

There was a white guy called Joshua Solomon who in 1999 changed himself from black to white.
He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was like you and a lot of ppl on USMB. He was one of those "racism explainers".

He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown.

He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. and he had the same money and education.

This is him.


But by the second day he was in tears.

He was going to do it for about 4 months around the country.

The police would stop him for walking down the street. Restaurants would tell him they were full, even when they were not. Whites viewed him with 24-7 hostility.

After one week he was done.

It was just too much! He went back home to let the pills wear off and turn white again. *Clicks heels three times.*


Oprah did a programme about it.

Like you he wimped out when it got too much.

given I get very little gratitude for doing so. I'd rather focus my efforts on where they ARE appreciated, thank you

You don't get gratitude for trying to justify why a 10 year black kid deserved to die


You'd get gratitude if you could show me receipts of the work you have done to assist in the black liberation struggle that works within your OWN white community where the main decisions are made that negatively affects black people.

The decisions that bring about the bias, the discrimination that affects blacks; all those decision are not made in the ghettoes of black America. They are made in the burbs because it is the people who look like you who makes those decisions

You'd get gratitude if you were prepared to show humility and be ready to get the brunt of the criticism. You may have to listen to the angry black voices and be prepared to be criticized and rejected and not trusted.

That's part of the price of the ticket back to justice.

Instesd you spend all your time disagreeing with me and IM2 on everything and you wonder we think your full of shit


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Also… notice how she won’t answer the question: if racism “causes” a subset of blacks to remain in poverty, why then are most blacks NOT in poverty?

Because we achieve IN SPITE of racism not because of it. But the system itself should not be there.
The reason for poverty among blacks who remain poor (most are working class or above) is the same reason that whites in poverty remain poor. It is due to having babies while still in one’s teens, without a husband, and often without completing high school as a result.

Anyone can break free of poverty by doing the following, at a minimum:

1) If you have sex while in high school (not everyone does, by the way), use birth control consistently. Double up, even, because a pregnancy at this stage of life will likely result in a life of financial struggle. Thus, your chance of an unwanted pregnancy drops from “probably” to about 1 in 200.

2) Unencumbered by a baby, complete high school and then use a Pell Grant to get a free community college education focused on a vocational track. That right there moves you into the lower-middle class.

That’s it. Race is not a factor. In fact, the only two poor people I interact with on a consistent basis are white women both had babies (one at 15 and one at 17) and did not complete high school.
What's the reason for poverty in whites?
I guarantee you they won’t be televising the trial, like they did with Kyle Rittenhouse - to make an example of the white boy who interfered with BLM’s destruction.

Or like Chauvin for that matter, and he had no intention of killing anybody. I've seen police officers use that technique on the show COPS many times. In this case the media buried that story as fast as it came out. It has nothing to do with discrimination either.

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