The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Lisa, you and Ray deserve medals. For your logic, patience, and endurance.

I've long had im2, essien(sp), and vine on ignore. Their non-stop whining and excuse-making, make me want to puke.

I sometimes wish I could write in gentler terms, but the truth is vitally important - but not always easy to discuss.

Essen and Vine both write long-winded posts. Lots of words, few of value. Always filled with rationalizations, accusations, and blatant excuses. Nothing is EVER the fault of blacks. They have no control over their decisions and actions. They are like mistreated pets, completely controlled by whitey, according to these three.

There's a rather mean old saying that seems to fit perfectly, here. It says that "Blacks can be trained, but not taught."

Many old sayings are based on more than a grain of undeniable truth.

The Iggie list can save users from a lot of needless headaches. Lol...

Thank you very much for the compliment.

I only use the ignore list when people get too repetitive or insulting. I like to have nice adult conversations. The reason I come to this service is to discuss issues with people of opposite views, but usually political views more than race. The only reason I'm in this group is because (as they always do) the mods moved the topic to a different forum.

I do agree with you on these posts that go on forever or those broken up in a dozen pieces. When it takes people ten paragraphs to write something I could write in two and still get every point across, I kind of lose my patience and skip over the thing.

It's always been my opinion that the reason blacks and whites don't get along is because we are so opposite and different in every possible way. That's why I think it's important to discuss those differences. It doesn't mean the other side has to agree with them, but perhaps somewhere down the road when the situation presents itself, people might think of what is discussed here.

I don't buy into this "I'm fine, it's others I worry about" stance. If you're doing fine, why can't others like you do fine as well? It's kind of like all the leftists claiming how successful or wealthy they are, and then preach how our representatives should raise taxes higher on them. It simply defies logic, especially when the governments have no problem with you giving them as much money as you want.

If I were black and did well for myself, then my opinion would be I did it, why can't you? Instead they make excuses for them, and it makes me highly suspicious that they are not doing that well at all. They are not speaking on behalf of anybody else, they are speaking on behalf of themselves.
I said what is was in my OP: it’s the same regardless of race.

1) Having babies as an unwed teen
2) Dropping at of school
In 2017, Demos published a study titled, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.” On page 10 this statement is written: "The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."
Thank you very much for the compliment.

I only use the ignore list when people get too repetitive or insulting. I like to have nice adult conversations. The reason I come to this service is to discuss issues with people of opposite views, but usually political views more than race. The only reason I'm in this group is because (as they always do) the mods moved the topic to a different forum.

I do agree with you on these posts that go on forever or those broken up in a dozen pieces. When it takes people ten paragraphs to write something I could write in two and still get every point across, I kind of lose my patience and skip over the thing.

It's always been my opinion that the reason blacks and whites don't get along is because we are so opposite and different in every possible way. That's why I think it's important to discuss those differences. It doesn't mean the other side has to agree with them, but perhaps somewhere down the road when the situation presents itself, people might think of what is discussed here.

I don't buy into this "I'm fine, it's others I worry about" stance. If you're doing fine, why can't others like you do fine as well? It's kind of like all the leftists claiming how successful or wealthy they are, and then preach how our representatives should raise taxes higher on them. It simply defies logic, especially when the governments have no problem with you giving them as much money as you want.

If I were black and did well for myself, then my opinion would be I did it, why can't you? Instead they make excuses for them, and it makes me highly suspicious that they are not doing that well at all. They are not speaking on behalf of anybody else, they are speaking on behalf of themselves.
Facts are not excuses. But I realize you and monk are uneducated.
Or like Chauvin for that matter, and he had no intention of killing anybody. I've seen police officers use that technique on the show COPS many times. In this case the media buried that story as fast as it came out. It has nothing to do with discrimination either.
If he had no intention of killing, he would have taken his knee off a handcuffed mans neck.
Facts are not excuses. But I realize you and monk are uneducated.

You never present any facts. What you present are results without pointing to what facts caused those results. At that point you make insinuations or conspiracy theories.

We present facts, but you don't like facts so live in your own bubble instead of looking at anything outside the paradigm you created for your comfort zone.
You never present any facts. What you present are results without pointing to what facts caused those results. At that point you make insinuations or conspiracy theories.

We present facts, but you don't like facts so live in your own bubble instead of looking at anything outside the paradigm you created for your comfort zone.
That's a lie. Everything you said in the second sentence is what you do. You have no facts to present me. I'm black, I speak as an expert on what impacts blacks. Tha'ts because it has impacted me, blacks I know and considering the fact that I have met blacks from all over America, the islands, Europe, Africa, and South America and hear what they have said, you have no other position here but to listen.

Conspiracy theories my ass. I've posted information with links. I know what I say is correct. What you and other racists believe simply is not so. It's not debatable. I'm black, your white and racist. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I say that because I've faced it. You are white racism, people like you are the root cause of our problem.
That's a lie. Everything you said in the second sentence is what you do. You have no facts to present me. I'm black, I speak as an expert on what impacts blacks. Tha'ts because it has impacted me, blacks I know and considering the fact that I have met blacks from all over America, the islands, Europe, Africa, and South America and hear what they have said, you have no other position here but to listen.

Conspiracy theories my ass. I've posted information with links. I know what I say is correct. What you and other racists believe simply is not so. It's not debatable. I'm black, your white and racist. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. I say that because I've faced it. You are white racism, people like you are the root cause of our problem.

And yet successful blacks feel differently. You don't have to be black to know blacks. You don't have to be black to understand their problems, just like you don't have to be a professional athlete to call a play bad, or a politician to be a member on USMB.

Here is your entire argument:

More blacks in jail than whites per capita. Racism.
Whites make more money than blacks. Racism.
Whites do better in school than blacks. Racism.
Blacks lower property values while whites keep them up. Racism.
Blacks lead in all categories of violent crime and theft. Racism.
Blacks get stopped for traffic violations more than whites. Racism.
Blacks have twice the out of wedlock birth rates than whites. Racism.

So there you go. All problems black boil down to one thing for you, racism. How does anybody have an intelligent debate when that's all you have?
Works on the assumption that other minorities will continue having a pity party like blacks are doing.

Here's the thing. At one point, Jews, Germans, Irish, Poles, Italians, Catholics were considered undesirable minorities. Eventually, they entered the mainstream. I'd argue we still haven't gotten the affluence of the WASP minority. (We've only had TWO Catholic Presidents in our entire history, counting Biden).

From what I've seen, Asians do a pretty good job entering the mainstream. Hispanics struggle, but you get a certain number of generations down the road, and they mainstream as well, intermarry with whites and no one thinks twice about it.
Again, for the 51st time, NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE are "people of African descent" AKA "black people", you know the designated whipping boys of the white supremacists who founded the country.
It’s been explained a zillion times, but your deluded thinking won’t allow you to process It:

The original text said nothing about blacks, specifically. But the libs aren’t adhering to that. That’s the problem! The liberal educators have applied bias to it, though, and have been favoring blacks, specifically.

It’s time to rule unconstitutional the way the libs have perverted the application of the EO, and stop favoring some students over others, on the basis of rwce.

You are going to have a meltdown when the SCOTUS comes down hard on the racism the liberals have been employing to reject better scoring whites to make room for lower scoring blacks. The two generations they’ve had of favored treatment is about to end.
It doesn't matter how many times you SAY it, REPEAT it, whatever, it still doesn't change the fact that the very thing that you all have been claiming is not true.

If a bunch of white people misinterpreted the statute to mean something other than what it says, that does not change the intent or the content of the original executive order.

You have consistently wrongly predicted things about me just like you're doing now. Give it a break and admit you were mistaken, there is no shame in being wrong and admitting it.
It doesn't matter how many times you SAY it, REPEAT it, whatever, it still doesn't change the fact that the very thing that you all have been claiming is not true.

If a bunch of white people misinterpreted the statute to mean something other than what it says, that does not change the intent or the content of the original executive order.

You have consistently wrongly predicted things about me just like you're doing now. Give it a break and admit you were mistaken, there is no shame in being wrong and admitting it.

Well what is AA without quotas? This is especially true in government.

Council voted to allow the city to set mandatory goals that go into effect Jan. 1 requiring those with primary city contracts of $50,000 or more to ward certain percentages of their subcontracts to firms owned by white female and black-owned businesses. Those percentages, which can be updated and changed later, are:

  • 17 percent to black-owned companies for construction work
  • 10 percent to white women-owned companies for construction work
  • 14 percent to black-owned companies for professional services
  • 16 percent to white women-owned companies for professional services

"We don't have that many minority companies with the capacity to do the bigger projects," said City Councilwoman Paula Johnson Branch. "That's because over the years minorities were not sought after to work on the bigger contracts, so they weren't able to grow. They remained stagnant."

Baltimore officials are taking a two-pronged approach to changing that. One initiative is aimed at increasing the size of performance bonds for which small businesses can qualify. A second is a push for minority companies to create joint ventures that would provide them with more capital and bigger work forces.

Wilmington At-Large City Councilwoman Rysheema Dixon said she is looking to level the playing field when it comes to businesses the city hires for contracts.

"We want to see an increase in the amount of diversity among businesses that are getting city contracts. We want to be able to showcase that that disparity is no longer there."

City Council approved a $250,000 study to be conducted by Miller³, a national consulting firm, that plans to address and quantify the types of businesses receiving the city's business.

There are countless stories like this because they are happening all across the country, especially in cities with liberal governments. It's not quality of work they seek, best prices, companies of capable size to handle the job. It's all about race, a criteria that even Joe Biden used to nominate the latest Supreme Court judge as flawed as she was.
I use my platform to educate others how to get out of poverty, using my own parents as examples: From cold-water tenements to a house in the suburbs in 10 years:

1. Stay in school and get vocational or career training
2. No babies before marriage and able to financially provide for them

I don’t know why you think people in the black underclass are incapable of this.
Except you don't have a platform here Lisa to "those people" whom you claim to be so concerned about, because if you did, you'd have heard from them by now.

There will always be a percentage of people who live in poverty but your false concern doesn't fool anybody, you simply for some reason, need someone you can condemn and berate who you and society in general consider below you, in social-economic status, in order to feel better about yourself.
I’m singling out poor blacks because poor whites aren’t blaming RACISM for their situation
LOL, what kind of sense would that make? For members of the race who instituted white supremacy as the law of the land to blame their own racism for their inability to get out of poverty?

You're not fooling anyone Lisa, none of you are.
Trust me, I studied the case carefully. Martin was a punk. He was living with his father and his girlfriend because his mother couldn't take him any longer after his second suspension from school.

Zimmerman ran after Martin for about 15 seconds where Martin easily outran Zimmerman. Zimmerman stayed on the phone with police dispatch for another minute. When he hung up the phone, Martin was hiding and waiting for the opportunity to attack him. He didn't bother to try to leave the complex, he didn't even try to walk home, he didn't even try to call police himself, he hid behind the Bushes in the dark.

You don't have any license. If you did you'd know what the laws are. I do have a license, and in our 10 hour class they focused mostly on those laws. The written test had to be passed by 100%. To say the laws don't allow what Zimmerman did clearly exposes you never had a license to carry a gun; either that or your state failed in their curriculum.
Why would you just say something like "you don't have any license" when you don't know if I do or don't?
How stupid and desperate are you that would cause you to say something so idiotic simply because you can't imagine that I ALSO having something coveted that you were able to obtain?

How bout we make a wager? If you're so sure that I don't have a license, let alone a Florida concealed carry permit then bet me. I'll leave this board and never come back with apologies to every single one of you racists before my departure.

What are you willing to bet?

And Zimmerman's still a punk, all day all night. He tried to sue Martin's parents because he had to face trial for killing their son, nothing but a POS.
Why would you just say something like "you don't have any license" when you don't know if I do or don't?
How stupid and desperate are you that would cause you to say something so idiotic simply because you can't imagine that I ALSO having something coveted that you were able to obtain?

It's easy when you say something like this:

I have the same damn license that he has and it does not allow any of the things that you all claim it does.

Even if you were sleeping during most of the class, you'd still know that yes, having that license does allow those things. That license says you have the right to use deadly force if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death which apparently Zimmerman was in. Two black eyes, an injured back, a broken nose and this hoodlum not stopping gives you every reason to believe this guy caused serious bodily injury and if not stopped, could have easily led to your death. If you can't use deadly force in that situation, then WTF could you use it?

And even if you were sleeping in class, you'd still have to pass a written test stating you know of these laws. That's how I know you never had a firearms license in your life. Those laws are rudimentary in the CCW firearms course. It's the very least you should know because if you didn't know these things, you would have never been able to obtain a license.
You never present any facts. What you present are results without pointing to what facts caused those results. At that point you make insinuations or conspiracy theories.

We present facts, but you don't like facts so live in your own bubble instead of looking at anything outside the paradigm you created for your comfort zone.
Here's some facts for you and the rest of the racists. Compton is where I grew up. Note the differences between how we viewed our neighbors (and were viewed) and how you all view your black neighbors and black people in general. Note also how none of the racists mentioned below considered themselves racist either, just like many of you, though they fought tooth and nail to keep black people out of their neighborhoods:

Before the 1950s, the Whiteness of Compton was Defended Vehemently

When Ellis Cooke moved to Compton in 1962, it was a time when whites and blacks peacefully coexisted. That, however, was a very unique sandwiched-in period for the city. Before the courts struck down racially restrictive covenants--deeds that prohibited blacks and other races from living on a property--in 1948, Compton was white. Really white.

"It's difficult to overstate how white Compton was in the early 50s and late 40s--exclusively white with an extraordinary web of racially restrictive covenants with a very aggressive policing strategy about keeping black people out," explained historian Josh Sides, the director of the Center for Southern California Studies at CSU Northridge. "There was no more effective tool in 20th America than the racially restrictive covenant in terms of keeping neighborhoods white, and Compton was not unique in its application of covenants. There were very few neighborhoods in Los Angeles or Southern California generally in which there was not a restrictive web of covenants established. So in that regard, Compton is unexceptional, but the virulence and the violence in which the Comptonites protected the whiteness of their neighborhood was much more acute than you would have found in the city of Los Angeles for example."

Compton as the Bellwether for Urban America
Richland Farms: An Introduction

Covenants across the country began in the late 1910s and early 1920s in response to the increasing black population in American cities, namely Northern and Western ones that saw the rise during World War I during the so-called great migration from the South. In Los Angeles, however, the move of African Americans was slow until World War II. Still, that slow growth in the 1920s was enough for white homeowners to become concerned about declining property values because of the black influx.

"There's a curious thing about this and that is this: whites believe then, and I think now, that the arrival of black people in their neighborhood will lower property values," said Sides. "And the really troubling reality is, that that is true. The arrival of black people does usually lower property values, but not, of course, because of any material difference, but simply because real estate is all about perception. In fact, if you looked at the FHA--Federal Housing Administration--studies during World War II, they actually found that blacks defaulted at a lower rate on their mortgage than whites did. But it doesn't really matter."

Sides continued: "[The FHA] even had an anecdotal study in L.A. that was kind of colorful that talked about the extent to which blacks planted more flowers and maintained their gardens in better condition than whites did, but, of course, real estate is never really about true value, it's about perceptual value. And in this case, the perception that blacks would lower value meant that in reality, the values did decline. And so white paranoia about that decline, even when whites did not think of themselves as racists. In fact, in L.A., they really distanced themselves from that sort of malicious Southern racism, but, of course, whether they were racists or not was sort of immaterial because they entered into an agreement that kept blacks out of their neighborhoods, and they defended those agreements very vehemently."

More About Redlining and Restrictive Covenants

The Legacy of Racially Restrictive Covenants

When the legality of racially restrictive covenants was destroyed, white developers with the primary goal of turning a profit looked to creating affordable housing for aspiring middle-class African Americans who wanted to move to Compton. And in 1952 with a series of new developments, the demographics change almost overnight. "There's a moment in time, which as a historian to me I find so interesting because it was really kind of a window of opportunity, where blacks and whites coexisted quite peacefully in Compton" from the early 1950s to the Watts riots of 1965, said Sides.

During that time, the landscape, physically speaking, was also considerably different. "We had a lot of open space to do horseback riding at that time," Cooke said, reminiscing about his five-hour morning rides. He even knew people who could ride to Pasadena and back.

The Departures Richland Farms series is broken down into two parts as interactive murals: The Past and The Present. The above information is based on The Past's fourth mural hotspot, where two additional video interviews with Cooke and another resident, Marie Hollis, can be found. Additionally, a photo slide show, " From the South to Compton," can be viewed there.

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It's easy when you say something like this:

Even if you were sleeping during most of the class, you'd still know that yes, having that license does allow those things. That license says you have the right to use deadly force if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death which apparently Zimmerman was in. Two black eyes, an injured back, a broken nose and this hoodlum not stopping gives you every reason to believe this guy caused serious bodily injury and if not stopped, could have easily led to your death. If you can't use deadly force in that situation, then WTF could you use it?

And even if you were sleeping in class, you'd still have to pass a written test stating you know of these laws. That's how I know you never had a firearms license in your life. Those laws are rudimentary in the CCW firearms course. It's the very least you should know because if you didn't know these things, you would have never been able to obtain a license.
So you're not willing to bet anything huh, figures you'd punk out just like your heroes, who wouldn't have had to shoot their way out of a situation had they not inserted themselves into it.

I no longer a copy of the webpage on this computer but I'd say about 10 years ago the state of Florida actually had a statement on it's website where you apply for concealed carry that stated (paraphrased) "A permit to carry a concealed weapon does not grant permission to use your weapon". It then went on to advise anyone applying for or with a permit to familiarize themselves with the Florida statues governing lawful self-defense and other applicable statutes (such as prohibited places for example).

You have no idea how very amusing it is to observe your white male mansplaining especially when you are so very wrong about practically every salient point. And don't go attributing all of the bad habits and ignorance of your particular demographic to me. Even if I had slept through the course although I'm not sure how I would have gotten through the shooting portion had I not been awake, I would still be able to easily tell that YOU are the one who doesn't know what they're talking about.

I'm not going to argue with you about the case because it's water under the bridge but I will tell you exactly what you said that gives you away.

A concealed carry permit has NOTHING to do with the circumstances under which you can LAWFULLY use your firearm, for self-defense, The aforementioned Florida website even mentioned that a concealed carry permit does not grant police powers, it only grants permission from the government for you to carry it on your person. That's it.

So since you don't make to make a wager I guess you're conceding the fact that you are full of it and just talking out of your rear?
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More about the city of Compton:

Compton, California (1867- )​

Posted on August 20, 2017by contributed by: Ayala Feder-Haugabook

Ariel view of Compton, ca. 1935​
Public domain image
Compton is a city in Southern California, located in south Los Angeles County. Compton was settled in 1867 by thirty pioneer families led by Griffith Dickenson Compton, after whom the city was named. The first black families came to the city just before World War II. Throughout the twentieth century, Compton was a middle-class suburb with relatively inexpensive housing.
Prior to World War II, Compton was 95 percent white. The city adopted racially restrictive covenants in 1921 to bar African Americans and other people of color from the municipality. Civic leaders, real-estate agents, and law-enforcement agencies perpetuated this racial exclusion with their own practices.​
Compton’s demographics began to change during the late 1940s and early 1950s. Many African Americans in south central Los Angeles were now prosperous enough to move to Compton. They took advantage of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ban on restrictive covenants in 1948 and began to purchase houses in Compton. Some of the first black families entering Compton neighborhoods were met with violence, vandalism, and terror.​
By the mid-1950s, white flight—the process of white families rapidly leaving a neighborhood due to changing racial demographics—was spreading in Compton. Real-estate brokers accelerated this process by scaring white families with threats of low property values due to the new racially integrated neighborhoods. The black population in Compton rose from 5 percent in 1940 to 40 percent in 1960. The Watts Riots of 1965 accelerated black flight from Los Angeles and in turn increased white flight from Compton. By 1970, Compton had become 65 percent African American.
In the early 1960s, while whites still controlled politics and law enforcement, blacks began to make political progress. In 1969, Douglas Dollarhide was elected the first black mayor of Compton. By the 1980s, Compton’s “ghetto” image had emerged as unemployment among black men rose to 10 percent, almost twice the national average for all unemployment.​
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I said what is was in my OP: it’s the same regardless of race.

1) Having babies as an unwed teen
2) Dropping at of school
They're actually giving that stupid post "high fives." You're wasting time trying to reason with them. They're determined to remain thick as rocks. I'm beginning to believe it's their natural state.

What's the reason for poverty in whites?

The answer is in the very first paragraph of her opening post.

Amazing. I hope you're just being a wiseguy. But I think not. Sadly, your question was probably meant as a serious one. 😒
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Cops don't handle white people with an iron fist based on preconceived notions of them being drug crazed, naturally stronger thugs with a tendency towards criminality and violence.

What I can say is, if a black cop did shoot an unarmed white person (without valid justification), it would definitely make the news; if only to use the one incident as a way of discrediting the thousand white cop/dead black man cases we've heard about over the years.

Except we've already given you two cases - Justine Damond and Jeremy Mardis, innocent white people shot by black cops, who got NOWHERE near the coverage of McDonald, Floyd, or Wright. Mardis' case was so obscure I had to google it.

Whatever they may have done in their lives had no bearing on their encounters at the given moment with the officers.

All that matters is what they are doing at that moment, and whether it endangered the lives of the officer or another person — something that should be evaluated by independent fact-finders, not D.A.s who work hand-in-glove with police every day.

If their actions did endanger the officer’s life or that of another person, then you would'nt need to look into old arrests and troubles.


McDonald had a knife and was running down a busy street.
Floyd was operating a vehicle stoned out of his mind on PCP
Wright was attempting to flee in his vehicle

The police had every right to restrain them or attempt to place them under arrest because the WERE breaking the law. My issue was that excessive force was used.

The search for the perfect victim is as impossible.

It is impossible because few who get to adulthood make it there without having done something about which they'd prefer others not know.

But unless some one has a relatively spotless record, they should'nt expect safety or even the luxury of another breath ?

Hey, funny thing. I'm going to hit the Big Six-O next week.
In sixty-years, I've never been arrested.
Never had an encounter with the police more serious than a moving violation
Served my country for 11 years in the US Army.
Worked my way through college
Own my own home, have been gainfully employed since I was 16 in some capacity or another.

Now, if you want to tell me, that, yeah, I've had a good life because of white privilege, absolutely, I have.

Is that how low the bar is for white people ?

You're not supposed to shoot unarmed blk ppl who pose no threat to you16 times. I'm not gonna give credit to a person for doing something they're not supposed to do.

You still try to justify Macdonald's death with the usual white character assainations and then you ask for gratitude ?

Facts are character assassination? He was on drugs. He did have a history of mental illness. on the night of the shooting, he was breaking into trucks and brandishing a knife.

Trying to take him into custody was perfectly justified. Shooting him 16 times was not. If Van Dyke only shot him once, he probably wouldn't have had an issue.

I'll go one further, and maybe this is part of the problem. The top brass reviewed the infamous tape, including deputy chief Eddie Johnson, and ruled it justified. Johnson became the Police Superintendent after Rahm decided to throw McCarthy under the bus. Did I mention that Johnson is black?

The city tried to make it go away by paying McDonald's family 5 Million dollars, which they happily took and signed an NDA. (It only became public after the coroners' office disputed the official police version and the press demanded the tape under the FOI act.)

There were no real "Good guys" in this scenario. Not Van Dyke, not McDonald. Not McDonald's family, looking to cash in, not Rahm Emmanual, or the CPD, or Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez, who got voted out of office and replaced by Kim Foxx. Heck, even Obama didn't make a big deal about this case (Unlike Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin) because he didn't want to jam up his buddy Rahm.

is there a handgun that can fire 16 rounds w/o reloading. I’ll have to ask gun owning friends.

Yes, that's standard issue for Chicago PD. A Smith and Wesson 9 MM. Maybe you need to learn the facts of a case before you express an opinion.

Sure you'll beef with each other but when it comes to mistreating blk ppl ? You'll drop your swords and be on the same page.

Well, I'd like to think it depends on what the evidence is. I suspect that if you ever found yourself in court, your attitude would go a long way in convicting you as your advocate rolls his eyes.

So you're gonna wimp out ?

There was a white guy called Joshua Solomon who in 1999 changed himself from black to white.
He felt that many black people used racism as an an excuse. He was like you and a lot of ppl on USMB. He was one of those "racism explainers".

He went to a doctor who gave him pills to turn his white skin brown.

He shaved the hair off his head but dressed the same, acted the same, talked the same. and he had the same money and education.

Wasn't that the plot for Soul Man?


You don't get gratitude for trying to justify why a 10 year black kid deserved to die

Well, that's a good thing, because I didn't do that. If you are talking about Tamir Rice, he was 12, and brandishing a realistic looking model gun in a public place. He was 5'8" and weighed 185 lbs.

You'd get gratitude if you could show me receipts of the work you have done to assist in the black liberation struggle that works within your OWN white community where the main decisions are made that negatively affects black people.

The decisions that bring about the bias, the discrimination that affects blacks; all those decision are not made in the ghettoes of black America. They are made in the burbs because it is the people who look like you who makes those decisions

You'd get gratitude if you were prepared to show humility and be ready to get the brunt of the criticism. You may have to listen to the angry black voices and be prepared to be criticized and rejected and not trusted.

Yeah, funny thing. No, not really. When I was a sergeant in the Army, I helped develop and promote black soldiers in my unit. When I've been a supervisor, I've helped along black people on my team. Even kept one from getting fired by my Jewish boss. In my current business, (I write resumes), I've helped hundreds of people of color find better jobs or get their careers on the right track.

Instesd you spend all your time disagreeing with me and @IM2 on everything and you wonder we think your full of shit

I have a little more respect for IM2, because he's somewhat rational. You are a guy who seems to enjoy nursing his grudges. Frankly, you sound just as angry as Ray and Lisa, just from the other side.
Ray From Cleveland
Why would it matter what race I was? I am white.

And that shapes how you think.

Ray From Cleveland
but don't use my race as a crutch like the rest of you do here.

That's because white people are not crutches. You live in a system of racism - white supremacy

Ray From Cleveland
I'm talking about law

And who creates the law ?

Ray From Cleveland
and you're talking about race since you have no argument of the laws even with your six page replies.

Look at the arrogance.
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET.

English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Global Talking Machine. Y
You have sites like n*ggermania, chimpmania. No one is taken them down. You you can talk sh*t about black people all day. You have Nick Fuentes. You have Richard Spencer. You have Tucker Carlson. You have Ben Shapiro. You have Jared Taylor. You have Matt Heimbach.

White supremacist are allowed to run a muck on here, and now Elon Musk has took over Twitter that's gonna be like Klan rally, run a muck on facebook, run a muck on reddit, run a muck on 4chan.

You have stormfront. You have AmericanRennsance. We just finished two terms of Trump the most pro white POTUS ever. You EVEN have black ppl like Cndace Owens and Larry Elder speaking like a white supremacist

White people also have the world's strongest publishing industry statistically supporting them more than any other group where you can read books like the Bell Curve which tries to prove how stupid black people are.

The white supremacist male male opinion is rammed down everyone's throats 24-7

And you still complain ?

That my and other blk ppl posts are such an affront to certain you speaks VOLUMES about the privilege you posses, where even a single small instance of contrary opinions are a threat to u. And causes you to erupt like a hilarious volcano (lol)

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