The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

I was surprised to realize, in an eye-opening moment, that the discussions here are giving me a better understanding of my reactions to some posts. Especially, why I'm so impatient with certain kinds of posts.

My family was working class. Father was raised on a farm, spent 20 years in the military, then 30 years on his last job. He'd get up at 4 or 5am and walk to work. Got home between 6 and 8 pm. I never heard him complain.

We were expected to work, be responsible for our decisions, and NEVER to touch anything that didn't belong to us.

The worst things we could do were, 1) be a thief. 2) be a liar. 3) be lazy. And feeling sorry for yourself would bring reactions that would make you absolutely cringe.

My sister is about 20 years older than me. She began working when she was 7 years old, and finally "retired" at about 85 years of age.

Where we lived, farmers would drive through with stake bed trucks, yelling for people who wanted to work. They'd fill the trucks with people who were taken out to the farms. They would pick crops, including jalapenos, beans, tomatoes, watermelons, you name it. That's where my sister started working. Early start, late finish, low pay. NO FUCKING WHINING. I never heard her once blame others for her tough times.

She raised 4 fine kids. Bought a couple of homes. And those kids are hard workers, too.

So when I hear our well known whiners wallow in self pity about being so fucking oppressed, and blaming others for their own failures, it makes me want to explode. And, in a verbal sense, I suppose I do sort of explode.

All I have to say to lazy, whining people, is to shove their fucking self pity up their worthless, lazy, asses.

There's my little catharsis. Maybe I'll be more patient in the future.

The Hell I will. Lol...

I think you touched on something that hasn't been discussed here yet, and that is upbringing. How you are brought up has everything to do with what kind of an adult you became.

We moved from Cleveland to the burbs in 1967 thanks to the hard work of my father. I was only seven years old at the time. After my father got home beat and tired from his job, he'd head straight over to the house he was building us after work and weekends.

He'd take us kids with him to give my mother some relief, but we didn't go there just to watch. He gave us meaningless jobs just to help do something as little as it was, and to teach us the value of working. After the house was built and we moved, the teaching didn't stop there. My father once again came home from his full-time job, and went to do side work. I was with him much of the time. He paid me one dollar an hour to mix cement, carry bricks or blocks to the job site, keep the tools clean, and come home full of sand and cement. The only thing I could do at night when we got home was to take a shower and go to bed. This started at the age of 12.

Most kids back then did anything to earn money. The few where the parents just handed their kids money turned out to be failures; always expecting handouts for the rest of their life. They always had an excuse why they quit their job or were fired, and they lived at home for much longer than the rest of us that learned how to use our wings as adults.

I don't think you'd find many that were raised like you, I and Lisa that adopted a victimization stance. The adults that were victims were raised as victims, always being felt sorry for by their families and friends when harder times for them came along. For us, when you got bounced to the ground, you simply had to get up, dust yourself off and go to a new adventure.
It wasn't white privilege, it was a two-parent working family privilege, and it didn't come easy either, but again, thank God I'm from such a family.
But all you doing here is just repeating your point again. A point I have answered. Once again it comes back to the Adolf Hitler tactic. I like a debate to grow. When ppl just keep on repeating what they have already said. Now they are trolling


And here another difference when Channon Christian and Newsome were murdered by black men. No black man or woman justified that. But part of white supremacist culture is always trying to justify why black people deserve to be killed and that's done by repeating the same lie over and over again .

Uh, big difference between guys who carry out a vicious, pre-meditated murder-rape and a cop who in a stressful situation, made a bad judgement call.

But once again and I don't want to repeat what I have wrote you. This does not apply to white people.

The value of white life to you is unconditional. The value of black life is conditional.

And people who think like you are taken seriously. People who think like you are in the Jury, are the Juder etc

Except we convict white people of heinous murders all the time... just like we convict black people of heinous murders.

On another thread, I was discussing the Scot Peterson case. I didn't pay a lot of attention to it in 2003 when it happened, but wow... talk about a guy who got convicted on almost no evidence. And he was white and relatively affluent.

You didn't apply that same rule to the father of Jeremy Mardis whose wife was banging the black guy and who was a wife beater and the reason the two blk cops were at his home was to arrest him for that but he sped off which ended up in a shoot out which his son was shot and killed

Again, haven't heard anyone BUT you insinuate that there was an affair. Or that his father was a wife beater. Or that they were called to the home. (In fact, he had left a bar when the cops started following him.).

Point was, they fired into a car not knowing who was in the car.

Take Nicole Simpson in the OJ case
  • No one belittled the killing of Nicole Simpson by quoting white crime statistics, saying “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?”
  • No one deflected by talking about white parenting or violence in white films.
  • No one made Nicole Simpson posters for target practice.
  • No one pretended to be a dead Nicole Simpson for laughs.
  • No one questioned Nicole Simpson’s character – or her choice in clothing.
Really? I guess I remember that differently. What I remembered were the Dancing Itos and the other ways that the murder of this woman was belittled and turned into a national joke. I remember jokes comparing Nicole to a Pez Dispenser. I remember OJ's legal team talking about her sex life, insinuating she was involved in the drug trade, etc.

Oh, yeah, and a mostly black jury ignored a ton of evidence that OJ did it, and people celebrated. .

Thomas Sowell (another white supremacist ass kisser) was a black man who was a senior fellow at The Hoover Institute which is a white supremacist think tank. This guy was a piece of work. He thought that the book "The Bell Curve" (The white supremacist bible which is a book that basically tries to prove how stupid blk ppl are) is a good well written book.

Good point. The Hoover institute should publish a collection of your posts... that would be FAR more effective in making black people look bad.... or maybe just you.

And what's your point ?

That if you stop whining and actually try to accomplish something, you might get somewhere.
I think you touched on something that hasn't been discussed here yet, and that is upbringing. How you are brought up has everything to do with what kind of an adult you became.

We moved from Cleveland to the burbs in 1967 thanks to the hard work of my father. I was only seven years old at the time. After my father got home beat and tired from his job, he'd head straight over to the house he was building us after work and weekends.

He'd take us kids with him to give my mother some relief, but we didn't go there just to watch. He gave us meaningless jobs just to help do something as little as it was, and to teach us the value of working. After the house was built and we moved, the teaching didn't stop there. My father once again came home from his full-time job, and went to do side work. I was with him much of the time. He paid me one dollar an hour to mix cement, carry bricks or blocks to the job site, keep the tools clean, and come home full of sand and cement. The only thing I could do at night when we got home was to take a shower and go to bed. This started at the age of 12.

Most kids back then did anything to earn money. The few where the parents just handed their kids money turned out to be failures; always expecting handouts for the rest of their life. They always had an excuse why they quit their job or were fired, and they lived at home for much longer than the rest of us that learned how to use our wings as adults.

I don't think you'd find many that were raised like you, I and Lisa that adopted a victimization stance. The adults that were victims were raised as victims, always being felt sorry for by their families and friends when harder times for them came along. For us, when you got bounced to the ground, you simply had to get up, dust yourself off and go to a new adventure.
It wasn't white privilege, it was a two-parent working family privilege, and it didn't come easy either, but again, thank God I'm from such a family.
Your story really took me back.

Sometimes my dad would have a lot of extra work to do, and he'd come home for dinner, then mom and I would go with him back to his workplace. Once or twice a week during busy times. There were small jobs mom or I could handle, and we'd work together for a few hours.

As I got more familiar with the large building, and the work, I could get quite a lot done. I was about 5 or 6 years old when I started 'helping out.'

On Friday, if I wasn't in school, mom and I would go meet my father for lunch on "payday." After lunch, dad went back to work, and mom and went downtown to make payments on bills, utilities, etc., and buy a couple of things we needed. I could also buy a couple of things with the five bucks I had earned for my "work" earlier in the week.

Funny how, when you remember one of those activities, many more memories will follow. I didn't realize it at the time but a lot of learning was taking place at the same time.
Your story really took me back.

Sometimes my dad would have a lot of extra work to do, and he'd come home for dinner, then mom and I would go with him back to his workplace. Once or twice a week during busy times. There were small jobs mom or I could handle, and we'd work together for a few hours.

As I got more familiar with the large building, and the work, I could get quite a lot done. I was about 5 or 6 years old when I started 'helping out.'

On Friday, if I wasn't in school, mom and I would go meet my father for lunch on "payday." After lunch, dad went back to work, and mom and went downtown to make payments on bills, utilities, etc., and buy a couple of things we needed. I could also buy a couple of things with the five bucks I had earned for my "work" earlier in the week.

Funny how, when you remember one of those activities, many more memories will follow. I didn't realize it at the time but a lot of learning was taking place at the same time.

Exactly. Pop is 91 now and I have cancer. I don't know which one of us will make it to the finish line first. But if it's my father, I will always cherish those memories of my father and I working side by side, him teaching me his trade, holding the light bar for him after nightfall (yes, he really did that) to finish up a wall or set of steps. At the moment I thought I was only making money for my musical equipment. I didn't realize at the time we were also making memories.

Even today when the subject comes up, my father would ask me "Remember that one job we did on the west side........."
Exactly. Pop is 91 now and I have cancer. I don't know which one of us will make it to the finish line first. But if it's my father, I will always cherish those memories of my father and I working side by side, him teaching me his trade, holding the light bar for him after nightfall (yes, he really did that) to finish up a wall or set of steps. At the moment I thought I was only making money for my musical equipment. I didn't realize at the time we were also making memories.

Even today when the subject comes up, my father would ask me "Remember that one job we did on the west side........."
Hey Ray,
Where's Lisa been? She hasn't posted for a while.

She's probably taking a well deserved rest. Exhausted...after fighting a brick wall. Lol...
Hey Ray,
Where's Lisa been? She hasn't posted for a while.

She's probably taking a well deserved rest. Exhausted...after fighting a brick wall. Lol...

She's here but probably in a different topic. It gets old repeating the same things over and over again to the same people and they never seem to get it or understand.
What you refuse to acknowledge is that the Irish, Italians, Eastern Europeans, Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Arabs, Greeks, Germans and many other groups were all discriminated against in the past, but are all thriving now and part of society. They all refused to allow discrimination by intolerant people define them.

All the groups you mention are not not black Americans. So of course they have a system to move up the ladder.

The really funny thing about that is I grew up near MacAurther Park near Tommys. Compton was a much nicer area than I lived in then (that was the mid-sixties and early seventies) The last time I was in Compton, about 2008 I think, it was a hell hole of run down houses and small apartment buildings with gang members standing around.

How do you know they are gang members ? And if it's run down then that's fault of the white supremacist.

Ghettoes were designed by white people as holding pens to contain black people.

Generations of housing discrimination created them, as did decade after decade of white riots against black people whenever we would move into white neighbourhoods.

When it comes to racism you don't need to throw a molly through a window when you can knock down the building using a bulldozer with public money. Zoning laws, redlining, predatory lending, stop-and-frisk: all are white violence, they are all white rioting.

And at the same time that black housing was being destroyed, millions of white families were getting government-guaranteed loans (through the FHA and VA loan programs) that were almost entirely off-limits to black people and which allowed whites to hustle it out to the suburbs where only they were allowed to go.
That's bullshit and you know it. Groups of MEN standing around on street corners with gang colors (and yes, a White man can recognize gang colors) in the middle of the day on a week day are gang members. Ghettos AREN'T the result of racism, all the various immigrant communities I listed lived in the ghettos at one time or another. Everything you have are excuses. Most Blacks are as successful as most other people today. The failures have only themselves to blame.
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Wow, this was the best case you could come up with, that a couple who was kidnapped, raped and murdered, the people who did it were given harsh punishments.

Clearly, you really don't understand the law. These five thugs woke up that morning and planned to kidnap and kill them a couple of white people. I doubt Van Dyke or Chauvin woke up that morning and said, "You know what, I'm going to go out and kill a black person today!"

Reading the details of the case, how did they NOT deserve the harshest penalty the law allows.

Robert Purvis was murdered over a car.

Not nearly the same thing as an officer making a split second decision, and making the wrong one.

Again- 10 million arrests every year, 99.99% of them DON'T end in a fatality.

Again - 10 million arrests... and MOST of the time, the cops don't need to shoot. So in 2020, the police shot 457 white people and 241 black people.

I don't think those 241 black people who were killed were the only ones brandishing weapons.

Or Eddie Johnson thought like a cop and put himself in that situation.

Again, the solution the cops might come up with is taking their sweet time responding to a call like that. Then the story becomes, "Crazed teen stabs multiple people at Burger King". Oh, wait' that's what's happening NOW. Crime has spiked in Chicago and NYC because cops don't want to risk prison for doing their jobs.

Yeah, okay.... So what have you done with your life? I'm pretty proud of what I've done with mine.

Which is why I oppose capital punishment, because it is unevenly applied. Not just on the basis of race but the basis of wealth.

Okay, let's look at that. as stated, 241 black people were killed by police in 2020. So we heard about Breonna Taylor. We heard about Geo. Floyd. We heard about that knucklehead who grabbed a cops taser and got shot. So maybe, if you squint really hard, you can find 10 cases of those where the cops overracted or used excessive force.

Which implies that the other 230 probably did something where they seriously threatened the lives of officers or others. And thousand of others who brandished weapons and were arrested peacefully.

Except you really haven't cited a case of an unarmed black child.
Laquan McDonald had a knife
Tamir Rice had a realistic looking gun.

I have stated- in both of those cases, the officers used excessive force. Both show that we need better training, better selection of officers, and better tactics.
Rice deliberately painted the orange tip on the toy gun to make it look real. Incidents like this are why toy guns are mandated to have that orange tip on the barrel.
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Uh, big difference between guys who carry out a vicious, pre-meditated murder-rape and a cop who in a stressful situation, made a bad judgement call.

Except we convict white people of heinous murders all the time... just like we convict black people of heinous murders.

On another thread, I was discussing the Scot Peterson case. I didn't pay a lot of attention to it in 2003 when it happened, but wow... talk about a guy who got convicted on almost no evidence. And he was white and relatively affluent.

Again, haven't heard anyone BUT you insinuate that there was an affair. Or that his father was a wife beater. Or that they were called to the home. (In fact, he had left a bar when the cops started following him.).

Point was, they fired into a car not knowing who was in the car.

Really? I guess I remember that differently. What I remembered were the Dancing Itos and the other ways that the murder of this woman was belittled and turned into a national joke. I remember jokes comparing Nicole to a Pez Dispenser. I remember OJ's legal team talking about her sex life, insinuating she was involved in the drug trade, etc.

Oh, yeah, and a mostly black jury ignored a ton of evidence that OJ did it, and people celebrated. .

Good point. The Hoover institute should publish a collection of your posts... that would be FAR more effective in making black people look bad.... or maybe just you.

That if you stop whining and actually try to accomplish something, you might get somewhere.
A couple of Los Angeles talk show hosts, John and Ken had a lot to do with the Peterson prosecution. They kept the pressure up on the prosecutor for months to do something about the case. They also championed the case of a mentally ill man who was shot by the LAPD who claimed the hose nozzle he was holding was a gun.
Rice deliberately painted the orange tip on the toy gun to make it look real. Incidents like this are why toy guns are mandated to have that orange tip on the barrel.

My understanding it was a rubber tip and it had been removed before Rice got it. Rice traded it for call phone that day.

A couple of Los Angeles talk show hosts, John and Ken had a lot to do with the Peterson prosecution. They kept the pressure up on the prosecutor for months to do something about the case.

My understanding the real culprit was Nancy Grace.
My understanding it was a rubber tip and it had been removed before Rice got it. Rice traded it for call phone that day.

My understanding the real culprit was Nancy Grace.
You could be right about the gun, regardless, it looked exactly like a real gun, not a toy. That's not on the cops who were responding to a call that someone was pointing a gun at people. As for Peterson, based upon the evidence at trial and his actions, the cops got the right guy.
You could be right about the gun, regardless, it looked exactly like a real gun, not a toy. That's not on the cops who were responding to a call that someone was pointing a gun at people. As for Peterson, based upon the evidence at trial and his actions, the cops got the right guy.

I have OCD Joe on ignore, but based on your comment I know all his lies in this case.

It's been told to this mental midget how realistic the gun looked and the officer shot in self-defense. He keeps using the word "toy" because he's a child himself. So as I repeatedly did over, and over, and over again, I'm going to post the air soft gun he had in comparison to the model it was manufactured after.

Tamir Rice.jpeg

As anybody who is not a complete idiot can see, this is an exact replica of the real gun which nobody (especially in one second) could distinguish unless they held it in their hand.
Uh, big difference between guys who carry out a vicious, pre-meditated murder-rape and a cop who in a stressful situation, made a bad judgement call.

How do you know it was pre-mediated ? You don't your guessing.

That if you stop whining and actually try to accomplish something, you might get somewhere.

No whining here. Your pushing 60 and in your case age doesn't breed wisdom. I'm not young myself. I'm in my late 30's but still gotta a good few years on you. Your just angry and in the last chapter of your life and scared bcoz you can see the finishing line.

You're better off using the time you left by healing the bad blood with your brother. I assume your mother and father have gone to the other side. So what u have left ? Kids ? Considering how much time you spend arguing with me they probably don't even speak to your ass.

By the time I'm your age I won't be wasting my time on internet forums, angry at the world and life. I'll be chilling

Again, haven't heard anyone BUT you insinuate that there was an affair. Or that his father was a wife beater. Or that they were called to the home. (In fact, he had left a bar when the cops started following him.).Point was, they fired into a car not knowing who was in the car.



Click on the pictures to read rest of story. He was fking her and she was druggie.

Except we convict white people of heinous murders all the time... just like we convict black people of heinous murders.

And what has that got to do with the fact that to you, white life is unconditional, where as black life is conditional

On another thread, I was discussing the Scot Peterson case. I didn't pay a lot of attention to it in 2003 when it happened, but wow... talk about a guy who got convicted on almost no evidence. And he was white and relatively affluent.

Scot who ? I'm more concerned about the tons of black men who have been PROVEN to have not done their crime not some white dude who you think "probably" didn't do it.......but probably did. A rich white dude going to Shawshank ? He MUST have done it

That's bullshit and you know it. Groups of MEN standing around on street corners with gang colors (and yes, a White man can recognize gang colors) in the middle of the day on a week day are gang members.

That's just "I'm white and I say so"

"Hey there's a bunch of blks, hanging around and I think they're gang members"


Ghettos AREN'T the result of racism,

Yes they are and I pretty sure you know that.

all the various immigrant communities I listed lived in the ghettos at one time or another.

All immigrants are allowed to prosper over blk ppl and these immigrants get right in line with dominant society and they all practice anti black racism. They're not the same as us. It's the world against against black Americans.

Everything you have are excuses. Most Blacks are as successful as most other people today.

There were successful black people 50, 60, 70 years ago. Muhammad Ali, Lena Horne, Nat King Cole, Joe Louis, Sidney Poiter.. What are you talking about ?
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You could be right about the gun, regardless, it looked exactly like a real gun, not a toy. That's not on the cops who were responding to a call that someone was pointing a gun at people. As for Peterson, based upon the evidence at trial and his actions, the cops got the right guy.

No, actually, it was on the cop to NOT go in shooting until he determined what was going on. Especially since the person who called it in thought it was a kid with a toy.

As for Peterson...

Based on the evidence? What fucking evidence.

There were no forensics. No witnesses. No weapon. A timeline that was questionable, at best. Witnesses who saw her walking her dog at the time he was supposedly driving to dispose of the body. A completely plausible alternative explanation - that there were people robbing the house across the street the same day she disappeared.

The evidence was -
1) He was lying about an affair. Most guys would under those circumstances. The cops tried to get the girlfriend to get him to incriminate himself on tape and he didn't.
2) The body was found where he had been fishing, but the police announced almost immediately what his alibi was, which gave the real killers ample time to dump the body there.

I have OCD Joe on ignore, but based on your comment I know all his lies in this case.

It's been told to this mental midget how realistic the gun looked and the officer shot in self-defense. He keeps using the word "toy" because he's a child himself. So as I repeatedly did over, and over, and over again, I'm going to post the air soft gun he had in comparison to the model it was manufactured after.

Dude, we've got the picture of crazy cop shooting the kid. the TOY was under his coat when he was shot. Quit wanking off over the murder of this black child... it's unseemly.
Uh, big difference between guys who carry out a vicious, pre-meditated murder-rape and a cop who in a stressful situation, made a bad judgement call.

How do you know it was pre-mediated ? You don't your guessing.

That if you stop whining and actually try to accomplish something, you might get somewhere.

No whining here. Your pushing 60 and in your case age doesn't breed wisdom. I'm not young myself. I'm in my late 30's but still gotta a good few years on you. Your just angry and in the last chapter of your life and scared bcoz you can see the finishing line.

You're better off using the time you left by healing the bad blood with your brother. I assume your mother and father have gone to the other side. So what u have left ? Kids ? Considering how much time you spend arguing with me they probably don't even speak to your ass.

By the time I'm your age I won't be wasting my time on internet forums, angry at the world and life. I'll be chilling

Again, haven't heard anyone BUT you insinuate that there was an affair. Or that his father was a wife beater. Or that they were called to the home. (In fact, he had left a bar when the cops started following him.).Point was, they fired into a car not knowing who was in the car.

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Click on the pictures to read rest of story. He was fking her and she was druggie.

Except we convict white people of heinous murders all the time... just like we convict black people of heinous murders.

And what has that got to do with the fact that to you, white life is unconditional, where as black life is conditional

On another thread, I was discussing the Scot Peterson case. I didn't pay a lot of attention to it in 2003 when it happened, but wow... talk about a guy who got convicted on almost no evidence. And he was white and relatively affluent.

Scot who ? I'm more concerned about the tons of black men who have been PROVEN to have not done their crime not some white dude who you think "probably" didn't do it.......but probably did. A rich white dude going to Shawshank ? He MUST have done it

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Joey is absolutely bonkers, but at least he can write.
How do you know it was pre-mediated ? You don't your guessing.

On person commits a crime on the spur of the moment. Five thugs have a plan.

No whining here. Your pushing 60 and in your case age doesn't breed wisdom. I'm not young myself. I'm in my late 30's but still gotta a good few years on you. Your just angry and in the last chapter of your life and scared bcoz you can see the finishing line.

Not really. More frustrated we haven't fixed many of the problems in this country. Part of it because of racists like Ray and Lisa, part of it because of people like you who want to excuse bad behavior. You whine that the cops had to deal with people like Floyd and McDonald because you failed to do so yourself.

You're better off using the time you left by healing the bad blood with your brother. I assume your mother and father have gone to the other side. So what u have left ? Kids ? Considering how much time you spend arguing with me they probably don't even speak to your ass.

Don't have kids. I do have three other siblings, (one of whom passed away), and a bunch of nieces and nephews. As far as my brother, he's always been a racist douchenoodle. (He called one of my friends the n-word because he thought it was funny once. I had to snap him back for that.)

By the time I'm your age I won't be wasting my time on internet forums, angry at the world and life. I'll be chilling

By the time you're my age, you'll still be whining about how white people did you wrong for your failures as a man.

Click on the pictures to read rest of story. He was fking her and she was druggie.

Okay- I clicked on the story... um... it's the Daily Mail, which isn't exactly a credible news source. But if you take the source at face value... Greenhouse was a bad cop with a long history of corruption who instigated a situation where a white child was caught in a crossfire, and he was released after a year and a half in a seven year sentence.

Van Dyke was an officer with a spotty record (both commendations and a lot of complaints) who got 7 years for shooting a black teen brandishing a knife and spent 3 years in prison.

Both sound like cases where someone was given a lot more leeway for a crime because they were cops. If anything, it seems like Greenhouse was a much worse actor than Van Dyke was.

And what has that got to do with the fact that to you, white life is unconditional, where as black life is conditional

Since no one said that, you are attacking a straw man. More white people are shot than black people by police. Far more black people are shot by other black people than by cops. So congrats, you got the cops to back off and the murder rate shot through the roof. Um... yeah.

"Well, at least I wasn't shot by a cop... Gasp... gurgle...death rattle!"

Scot who ? I'm more concerned about the tons of black men who have been PROVEN to have not done their crime not some white dude who you think "probably" didn't do it.......but probably did. A rich white dude going to Shawshank ? He MUST have done it

Actually, I don't think he did it at all.. based on the evidence. No forensics, no witnesses, no weapon, no timeline, etc. He was purely convicted on emotion whipped up by a media circus. (I think there was also a feeling, a mere 8 years after the Simpson Travesty, that they weren't going to let THIS one get away with it.) A man with NO criminal record, a business owner, and could afford a good lawyer could be railroaded by the system.

Now, just picking the first one of your whining complaints.

You had a witness who picked Strickland out of a lineup. He was an associate of the two guys who DID do it. The two guys who did do it claimed he didn't help, but refused to identify the third accomplice. Oh, yeah, and Strickland had a previous arrest for a shooting.

The officers who interviewed Strickland at the police station would later note that he was “uncooperative and combative.” In the written report, the officers said that Strickland told them he already knew about the triple homicide. He also said that he had been with Bell and Adkins at about 5 p.m., a few hours before the murders.

According to the police report, Strickland said a friend of his called him after the shooting and said that the “girl that was shot in the leg” knew who had shot her and was going to tell the police. He declined to name this friend. The police report also said that Strickland said he received a call at around 9 a.m. on April 26 from Bell and Adkins, asking whether the police were looking for him. Strickland said he told them they were; the police were at his mother’s house.

Strickland told the police that he might have handled Bell’s shotgun a few days before the shooting and that he had given Bell some shells.

Later, Strickland told the officers he wasn’t talking any more. “Book me or turn me loose, but if you do, next time you come after me, draw first or I’ll kill you,” he said. He denied any involvement in the shooting, but said that if he had been involved, he would have been shooting with everyone else, because “I love to shoot my gun. I’m a good shot, and I love to kill people.”

Yeah, sounds like a model citizen. Can't see why the police suspected this guy at all. :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm sure I could pick apart the other two, but frankly, I have a busy morning helping people who actually want to improve their lives.
On person commits a crime on the spur of the moment. Five thugs have a plan.

So you can read people's minds then ?

Like all white supremacists you put forward arguments that are the opposite of social science, the scientific method begins with a hypothesis and then examines all the evidence, for and against that hypothesis, without presuming to know what the data will suggest in the end. White supremacists, begin with an unshakeable belief - black people are dangerous and out to harm whites and then find any evidence they can that fits their hypothesis.

Not really. More frustrated we haven't fixed many of the problems in this country. Part of it because of racists like Ray and Lisa

You're just like Ray From Cleveland and Lisa558 in fact your worse, at least they're kinda upfront and honest about.

Your just one of those white supreamacist I used to debate with in college, the ones that try so hard to sound and come across as intelligent but in reality they just masquerade their internal chaos into a form of rationality

You're not proud of what you are: A white racist defending the rights of the white race.

Why you try to deny it ? When at the same time you're trying to prove your racist point “factually

part of it because of people like you who want to excuse bad behavior.

Says the person who excuses cops killing 10 year old blk kids.

You whine that the cops had to deal with people like Floyd and McDonald because you failed to do so yourself.

We face the most powerful miltary on the planet. The most powerful country on earth.

We are out numbered, out gunned and out financed but we get out fight white and non blk ppl till hell freezes over and then we will fight you on that fkin ice.

No race of ppl hae that kinda heart.

Our history is FULL of freedom fighters. From MLK, to Malcom x, to Black Panthers, To Mandela. No race of people on this planet has the heart and courage black people have shown. Our courage is written in history.

The reason why immigrants can come to this country is because of the fighting black Americans have fought for. That's why the arrows of racism is aimed at black people. We have no friends. That's why I hate the term "People of Color" Because we are the only people fighting you. Asians and Latinos are white ass lickers who have the same anti blk contempt.

Don't have kids.

So you are gonna die on your own. At your age. You should be welcoming in your first grandson. Maybe going to daughter or sons wedding. Not arguing with some ppl on internet forums.

I do have three other siblings, (one of whom passed away), and a bunch of nieces and nephews.

Who probably don't speak to you.

As far as my brother, he's always been a racist douchenoodle. (He called one of my friends the n-word because he thought it was funny once. I had to snap him back for that.)

Is that supposed to impress me ?

By the time you're my age, you'll still be whining about how white people did you wrong for your failures as a man

There is no area of American life where white men are not entirely in charge — executive suites, politics, professional sports, religion, the media, and the judiciary.

And yet to listen to you whiny white guys on here, you would believe that white men are inches from being lined up against the wall and shot.

And by the time I get to your age. I'll probably be going to my daughters wedding or with my grandkids. I'll have been to my son's graduation. Things that you (A 60 year old white man with no kids) will never get to do (ouch does that hurt)

And I do very well. Black wife. Black child. Nice house. Nice car. Own my business. But I don't get fooled by that. I'm not "I 'm doinhg very well. Why can't these others blacks do it ?" Because for one the white supremacists can take it all away, and two I still do with white supremacy, maybe even more than most, because when you try to build and grow, buy real estate, even cash in hand, u still deal with the white supremacists

Okay- I clicked on the story... um... it's the Daily Mail, which isn't exactly a credible news source.

Just take the L dude
Actually, I don't think he did it at all.. based on the evidence. No forensics, no witnesses, no weapon, no timeline, etc. He was purely convicted on emotion whipped up by a media circus

Bothing to do witb that. Just the jury was filled with white supremacist, like you who simply stayed on code.It's a bit like if you were in court and if the black man was innocent, you'd still give him life without parole. Nothing to do with emotion. It's once again, you staying on code.

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