The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

They're actually giving that stupid post "high fives." You're wasting time trying to reason with them. They're determined to remain thick as rocks. I'm beginning to believe it's their natural state.

The answer is in the very first paragraph of her opening post.

Amazing. I hope you're just being a wiseguy. But I think not. Sadly, your question was probably meant as a serious one. 😒
Well apparently most racist don't think they're racists, so I guess it's not surprising that these same people who amusingly call others "thick as rocks" aren't cognizant of the fact that it is they who actually don't have a clue while stubbornly clinging to their false perceptions of themselves as being superior to anyone.
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I have a little more respect for IM2, because he's somewhat rational. You are a guy who seems to enjoy nursing his grudges. Frankly, you sound just as angry as Ray and Lisa, just from the other side.
What I will say to you about this Joe is that Paul is the result of racism he has faced. Lisa and Ray are racists, real live white supremacists who believe blacks are less human. There is a difference. There is only so much so much of the double standards and recognition of the way the system is maintained that a person of color will tolerate. Paul has a right to be angry, so does every black person in this country. It is indeed arrogant for a group of people to have done what whites have done to us, then tell us we are wrong for being angry.

Paul has been correct about the things he has said. We aren't talking about conspiracies. As you are not a racist, perhaps instead of trying to compare Paul to pure white racist trash, that you begin to understand how he has come to feeling that way, because in my experience as a black man, I find that brother Paul Essen has a message you guys need to hear. It's not going to be what you like to hear, but until you guys can understand that we do have the right to be angry, whites will not do everything they need to make racism in the white community irrelevant.
Why is the nasty, angry black woman who refuses to acknowledge that poor blacks are so for the same reasons as poor whites (irresponsible behavior and stupid choices) still addressing me?

I told her that I am not going to condescend to someone who calls me evil simply for pointing out the obvious truth instead of blaming everything on racism.
She doesn't acknowledge what is not true. You are not speaking truth.
Well apparently most racist don't think they're racists, so I guess it's not surprising that these same people who amusingly call others "thick as rocks" aren't cognizant of the fact that it is they who actually don't have a clue while stubbornly clinging to their false perceptions of themselves as being superior to anyone.
Monk is ignorant uneducated white trash. He's a loser.
Well apparently most racist don't think they're racists, so I guess it's not surprising that these same people who amusingly call others "thick as rocks" aren't cognizant of the fact that it is they who actually don't have a clue while stubbornly clinging to their false perceptions of themselves as being superior to anyone.

So why don't you give us a quote by myself or others here where we claimed superiority? Show me where Lisa, I or Monk said we are better because of our skin color.
Why is the nasty, angry black woman who refuses to acknowledge that poor blacks are so for the same reasons as poor whites (irresponsible behavior and stupid choices) still addressing me?

I told her that I am not going to condescend to someone who calls me evil simply for pointing out the obvious truth instead of blaming everything on racism.
I don't think I'm coming across as angry, amused quite often, dubious about many of the things you claim, sure, but your attempt to categorize me as an "angry black woman" is quite hilarious. Let's ask the guys - "Hey guys, do I come across as an 'angry black woman'" LOL? Oh, and if you're not one of my friends here, that question doesn't extend to you. I'm not interested in hearing from the peanut gallery.

Face it Lisa, your premise is FALSE therefore no matter what you say, how many times you say it, how many times you refine the way you say it, it's still going to be FALSE.

So let's give you something better to think about, perhaps how transparent you are and how your upbringing was lacking in certain areas.

We were taught that not only is is not nice, but that it is very ill mannered to mock or deride people who are less fortunate than ourselves. None of us believe for a minute that you have any good intentions at heart with your constant derision of black people especially when there are way more white people living in poverty than us. Why haven't you taken your soapbox over to Appalachia and lectured them on staying in school and not getting pregnant so that they can claw their way out of povert although the alleged opioid crisis there, if accurate, may just cancel out what that good advice might do.

The true give away about your actual intentions though have to do with this - what good does it do, telling people not to do something that they've already done other than to possibly make them feel bad (or worse) about their situation? Surly you can't fault me for believing that this is what all your blathering has been about all along, denigrating people and trying to make others feel badly about their life choices while you allegedly sit on high in judgment of others. You were never taught that being judgmental is a very unattractive trait in a woman? Well in anyone really, but ...

In closing < :) > I want you to always remember something, aside from the fact that I know what you are, and that you're not fooling anyone with how you like to crow about how your people came here after having escaped being murdered in Europe and then rose up from nothing to middle class status and above in "10 years". Well 10 years was your last assertion, down from your previous claim of 2 generations which is approximately 50 years. Which I know they didn't do without any money or assistance. Anyway, that something is this - my grandfather fought to help free "you and your people". He risked his life along with all of the rest of the Tuskegee Airmen and engaged the German Luftwaffe in direct combat to help ensure you escaped Hitler's plans for you and your family.

The 99th Fighter Squadron was sent to North Africa in April 1943 for combat duty. They were joined by the 100th, 301st, and 302nd African-American fighter squadrons. Together these squadrons formed the 332nd fighter group. The transition from training to actual combat wasn't always smooth given the racial tensions of the time. However, the Airmen overcame the obstacles posed by segregation. Under the able command of Col. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., the well-trained and highly motivated 332nd flew successful missions over Sicily, the Mediterranean, and North Africa.​
Bomber crews named the Tuskegee Airmen "Red-Tail Angels" after the red tail markings on their aircraft. Also known as "Black" or "Lonely Eagles," the German Luftwaffe called them "Black Bird Men." The Tuskegee Airmen flew in the Mediterranean theater of operations. The Airmen completed 15,000 sorties in approximately 1,500 missions, destroyed over 260 enemy aircraft, sank one enemy destroyer, and demolished numerous enemy installations. Several aviators died in combat. The Tuskegee Airmen were awarded numerous high honors, including Distinguished Flying Crosses, Legions of Merit, Silver Stars, Purple Hearts, the Croix de Guerre, and the Red Star of Yugoslavia. A Distinguished Unit Citation was awarded to the 332nd Fighter Group for "outstanding performance and extraordinary heroism" in 1945.​
The Tuskegee Airmen of the 477th Bombardment Group never saw action in WWII. However, they staged a peaceful, non-violent protest for equal rights at Freeman Field, Indiana, in April 1945.
Their achievements proved conclusively that the Tuskegee Airmen were highly disciplined and capable fighters. They earned the respect of fellow bomber crews and of military leaders. Having fought America's enemies abroad, the Tuskegee Airmen returned to America to join the struggle to win equality at home.
Legends of Tuskegee: The Tuskegee Airmen: Airmen in Combat

I have always wondered why a people who have been subjected to such horrors due to "racial" discrimination and bigotry against them could then turn around and do the same to another group of people. That takes a special kind of arrogance to believe that you are inherently better than others to that degree.
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I don't think I'm coming across as angry, amused quite often, dubious about many of the things you claim, sure, but your attempt to categorize me as an "angry black woman" is quite hilarious. Let's ask the guys - "Hey guys, do I come across as an 'angry black woman'" LOL? Oh, and if you're not one of my friends here, that question doesn't extend to you. I'm not interested in hearing from the peanut gallery.

Face it Lisa, your premise is FALSE therefore no matter what you say, how many times you say it, how many times you refine the way you say it, it's still going to be FALSE.

So let's give you something better to think about, perhaps how transparent you are and how your upbringing was lacking in certain areas.

We were taught that not only is is not nice, but that it is very ill mannered to mock or deride people who are less fortunate than ourselves. None of us believe for a minute that you have any good intentions at heart with your constant derision of black people especially when there are way more white people living in poverty than us. Why haven't you taken your soapbox over to Appalachia and lectured them on staying in school and not getting pregnant so that they can claw their way out of povert although the alleged opioid crisis there, if accurate, may just cancel out what that good advice might do.

The true give away about your actual intentions though have to do with this - what good does it do, telling people not to do something that they've already done other than to possibly make them feel bad (or worse) about their situation? Surly you can't fault me for believing that this is what all your blathering has been about all along, denigrating people and trying to make others feel badly about their life choices while you allegedly sit on high in judgment of others. You were never taught that being judgmental is a very unattractive trait in a woman? Well in anyone really, but ...

In closing < :) > I want you to always remember something, aside from the fact that I know what you are, and that you're not fooling anyone with how you like to crow about how your people came here after having escaped being murdered in Europe and then rose up from nothing to middle class status and above in "10 years". Well 10 years was your last assertion, down from your previous claim of 2 generations which is approximately 50 years. Which I know they didn't do without any money or assistance. Anyway, that something is this - my grandfather fought to help free "you and your people". He risked his life along with all of the rest of the Tuskegee Airmen and engaged the German Luftwaffe in direct combat to help ensure you escaped Hitler's plans for you and your family.

The 99th Fighter Squadron was sent to North Africa in April 1943 for combat duty. They were joined by the 100th, 301st, and 302nd African-American fighter squadrons. Together these squadrons formed the 332nd fighter group. The transition from training to actual combat wasn't always smooth given the racial tensions of the time. However, the Airmen overcame the obstacles posed by segregation. Under the able command of Col. Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., the well-trained and highly motivated 332nd flew successful missions over Sicily, the Mediterranean, and North Africa.​
Bomber crews named the Tuskegee Airmen "Red-Tail Angels" after the red tail markings on their aircraft. Also known as "Black" or "Lonely Eagles," the German Luftwaffe called them "Black Bird Men." The Tuskegee Airmen flew in the Mediterranean theater of operations. The Airmen completed 15,000 sorties in approximately 1,500 missions, destroyed over 260 enemy aircraft, sank one enemy destroyer, and demolished numerous enemy installations. Several aviators died in combat. The Tuskegee Airmen were awarded numerous high honors, including Distinguished Flying Crosses, Legions of Merit, Silver Stars, Purple Hearts, the Croix de Guerre, and the Red Star of Yugoslavia. A Distinguished Unit Citation was awarded to the 332nd Fighter Group for "outstanding performance and extraordinary heroism" in 1945.​
The Tuskegee Airmen of the 477th Bombardment Group never saw action in WWII. However, they staged a peaceful, non-violent protest for equal rights at Freeman Field, Indiana, in April 1945.
Their achievements proved conclusively that the Tuskegee Airmen were highly disciplined and capable fighters. They earned the respect of fellow bomber crews and of military leaders. Having fought America's enemies abroad, the Tuskegee Airmen returned to America to join the struggle to win equality at home.​

I have always wondered why a people who have been subjected to such horrors due to "racial" discrimination and bigotry against them could then turn around and do the same to another group of people. That takes a special kind of arrogance to believe that you are inherently better than others to that degree.
View attachment 638797
And YOU keep saying the same thing over and over, calling me a racist, and asking the same question about why I don’t “lecture” the poor whites in Appalachia. I’ve told you a zillion times that the POINT of this thread is that it isn’t racism that keeps the black subclass poor, but their poor choices - which are the same poor choices as poor whites. The difference is that the whites aren’t blaming racism, and blacks like you are.

And where did I mock black people? You are so deluded with thinking people who refuse to hold black responsible for their own choices are racist or mocking. With that line of thinking, no blacks are ever responsible for the way they turn out because…..racism.

Also, because of your delusions and insistence that people who don’t excuse away every failure among poor blacks are racist, you got mixed up with the years. But yes….10 years to rise from poverty to the middle class in my family. No help. Dad went from being a 20-year-old college student (no babies….) living in a tenement to being the owner of a house in the suburbs at age 30. The two generations refers to the amount of time blacks have had to take advantage of favoritism in college admissions (and plenty have), and if a minority of blacks are still poor after that, that’s their fault.

I’ll end with this. This will be the fifth time I’ve asked, and younahve skirted the question the previous four times: If racism is why 25% of blacks are stuck in poverty, then how are 75% NOT in poverty?

(And stop with your sanctimonious ”I know what you are“ remarks. For someone accusing others of acting superior, you sure hold yourself up to be a better person than I - and you are not.)
So why don't you give us a quote by myself or others here where we claimed superiority? Show me where Lisa, I or Monk said we are better because of our skin color.
Thanks. We’ve said nothing, as far as I know. Vine thinks that pointing out that blacks who are poor are so for the SAME REASONS as poor whites (out of wedlock babies and failure to finish school) makes one a racist. The ONLY way people like her think someone is NOT a racist is if they don’t hold blacks responsible for their own choices and instead blame racism.

And P.S. That was another sanctimonious slap when you said my upbringing was lacking. Maybe YOU need to look in the mirror. I don’t go around calling people “evil” for wanting to abolish race-based admissions policies or pointing out the two simple steps to move from poverty.

I was raised well, with good values. One of the things I learned (besides not to call people “evil” for disagreeing with me) is that you don’t go around making excuses for poor choices and blaming other people for one’s own actions.

I would suggest you take a good, hard look at yourself. Clearly, something in your upbringing was lacking, or you wouldn’t attack decent people with horrific accusations for making valid points.

Now we are done. We can discuss the correct decision the SCOTUS makes next year when it determines that “gerrymandering” admissions processes to arrive at a certain racial outcome is a violation of the equal protection clause. It’s as clear as black and white.
How are you going to wager something you can't prove? Nobody on the internet gives their names, dates or SS numbers to strange people on a blog. What evidence could you present? Hey, here is my CCW license from Florida:

View attachment 637914
:auiqs.jpg: :badgrin::laughing0301::badgrin::badgrin:

Now Mrs CCW holder, can you explain to me what good a CCW license is if you can only carry a gun and never use it? :eusa_shhh:

Oh, and for the parts you slept through in class:

The 2021 Florida Statutes

Title XLVI
Chapter 776
View Entire Chapter
776.012 Use or threatened use of force in defense of person.—

(1) A person is justified in using or threatening to use force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. A person who uses or threatens to use force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat before using or threatening to use such force.

(2) A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. A person who uses or threatens to use deadly force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be.

History.—s. 13, ch. 74-383; s. 1188, ch. 97-102; s. 2, ch. 2005-27; s. 3, ch. 2014-195.

As I said earlier, Florida laws reflect most other states including mine as to the legal use of deadly force. In the Zimmerman/ Martin case, Zimmerman was well within the laws to use his firearm as you can see in this statute.
Wow Ray, that's a lot of excuses for someone who claims to have all of the answers. Here's a scan of my Florida permit:

If you Google the phone number above it will take you to this page:


Why would I have a Florida concealed carry permit in my possession if it hadn't been issued to me?

This is the funny part though
Now Mrs CCW holder, can you explain to me what good a CCW license is if you can only carry a gun and never use it? :eusa_shhh:
That's "Mrs Ms. CCWs holder numbering 5"

I'll go you one better. By YOUR logic and the way you erroneously tied having a CCW license with the right to self defense, if we use the inverse of this situation, people WITHOUT a CCW license would have NO right to self defense. And everyone knows that's not true, so you want to rethink your position or at least your explanation BEFORE you start working on your legal analysis as a non-attorney?

The REASON you believe what you do, that Martin's killing falls within the lawful parameters of the self-defense laws and that Zimmerman was somehow justified in his reaction, is because our alleged "justice" system has sanctioned not just this killing but millions prior to it. That's why you believe it's okay for the police and others to kill black people for disobedience instead of because a valid imminent threat of grievous bodily harm or death was made. It is also why black people are automatically viewed as threats to grease the skids for the allegations that will ultimately be made that "I was in fear for my life". And our courts have said this is okay.

In the three years I have been here I have given you all a lot of leeway when it comes to your beliefs, rancor and open hostilities towards the black people here and apparently elsewhere. There is no reason not to believe that if you are so mistaken about one thing and cling so fervently to said belief IN SPITE of being shown information to the contrary, that you will do so as well in other areas as well.
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This barely took me 5 minutes.
So why don't you give us a quote by myself or others here where we claimed superiority? Show me where Lisa, I or Monk said we are better because of our skin color.

White Separatism​

White separatism is a form of white supremacy that emphasizes the idea that white people should exist separately from all inferior, non-white races, whether by establishing an all-white community somewhere or removing non-whites from their midst. Some white supremacists also use the phrase because they believe it may be more benignly perceived by others than the term “white supremacist.
White Separatism

Link to original posting is here:
Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?
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Look, you always go back to times when you weren't even on this planet yet. Talk about today, ten years ago, twenty years ago. I'll be the first to admit racism was strong and widespread in the past. I was a child of the 60s. I know what went on even back then. But times have changed, quite a bit actually. Talking about the past doesn't do you or anybody else any good since, was the past.
Why in the hell do you get to talk about your dad, and Lisa gets to talk about her family escaping the Nazi's during the mid 1940s, but God forbid I talk about where my parents lived and where I grew up in the 50s onward.

Times may have changed but some habits die hard, including the resentment that many whites STILL have against black people. I understand you all don't want to talk about that, however I really couldn't care less what you all WANT BECAUSE I do want to talk about WHY the white racists are STILL doing the things they always have.

Lisa feels it's her right to point out repeatedly, and erroneously I might add, that the reasons for the black people living in poverty are identical to the reasons that white people are living in poverty in the United States. Did you all not see the parts of the Compton article I bolded and highlighted in red text that talked about the racially restrictive covenants that white racists in Compton used to keep black people out? How are you supposed to get out of poverty if no one will allow you to move somewhere that's not poverty stricken because the white supremacists created laws that said "no black people"?

What I'm discussing happened during my lifetime, my parent's lifetime so it's not some ancient history like you all would like everyone to believe. And while the laws may have changed, attitudes have not as demonstrated most recently by you Ray. You a self-proclaimed white separatist which makes you a white racist.

You're part of the problem and unlike Lisa and her imaginary soap box, some of us have an audience who are interested in the comments you all make. And quite frankly some of them are very appalled and have stated that none of you speak for white people, only other white racist.
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This barely took me 5 minutes.

White Separatism​

White separatism is a form of white supremacy that emphasizes the idea that white people should exist separately from all inferior, non-white races, whether by establishing an all-white community somewhere or removing non-whites from their midst. Some white supremacists also use the phrase because they believe it may be more benignly perceived by others than the term “white supremacist.
White Separatism

Link to original posting is here:
Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?
View attachment 638823

So where do you see racism in my comment? Stating what's going on in this country is no more racist than posting facts about crime, imprisonment or educational failure. Facts can't be racist, they are merely facts. Racism (or white supremacy as you people like to call it) is stating whites are more intelligent than blacks, or more talented in entertainment, or whites are the only race that can reach economic achievements.

I'd sure like to know your source for white supremacy. Here's mine from

the belief, theory, or doctrine that white people are inherently superior to people from all other racial and ethnic groups, especially Black people, and are therefore rightfully the dominant group in any society.

I don't see anywhere in this definition where it states the desire of living separately is supremacy. How can wanting to live with your own kind be an act of supremacy? If you search my posts you'd also see I'm in favor of dividing our country into two countries instead: one side for leftists and the other side for righties. Does that make me a right supremacist?
And I would think at 62, at some point you were aware of and perhaps attended a segregated school.
No, we didn't have them in the panhandle of Florida in the 70s. Black people don't care about being parents much less school. I work for a athletic program at a major college, very few black athletes have 2 parents that give a crap about them. The majority are feral
Why in the hell do you get to talk about your dad, and Lisa gets to talk about her family escaping the Nazi's during the mid 1940s, but God forbid I talk about where my parents lived and where I grew up in the 50s onward.

Times may have changed but some habits die hard, including the resentment that many whites STILL have against black people. I understand you all don't want to talk about that, however I really couldn't care less what you all WANT BECAUSE I do want to talk about WHY the white racists are STILL doing the things they always have.

Lisa feels it's her right to point out repeatedly, and erroneously I might add, that the reasons for the black people living in poverty are identical to the reasons that white people are living in poverty in the United States. Did you all not see the parts of the Compton article I bolded and highlighted in red text that talked about the racially restrictive covenants that white racists in Compton used to keep black people out? How are you supposed to get out of poverty if no one will allow you to move somewhere that's not poverty stricken because the white supremacists created laws that said "no black people"?

What I'm discussing happened during my lifetime, my parent's lifetime so it's not some ancient history like you all would like everyone to believe. And while the laws may have changed, attitudes have not as demonstrated most recently by you Ray. You a self-proclaimed white separatist which makes you a white racist.

You're part of the problem and unlike Lisa and her imaginary soap box, some of us have an audience who are interested in the comments you all make. And quite frankly some of them are very appalled and have stated that none of you speak for white people, only other white racist.
Black people are much more racist than whites. I see young blacks with attitudes towards us all the time. It's a free country though, you have the right to hate people because of the color of your skin. I don't whine about it, I just don't support black businesses. Free country
Why in the hell do you get to talk about your dad, and Lisa gets to talk about her family escaping the Nazi's during the mid 1940s, but God forbid I talk about where my parents lived and where I grew up in the 50s onward.

Times may have changed but some habits die hard, including the resentment that many whites STILL have against black people. I understand you all don't want to talk about that, however I really couldn't care less what you all WANT BECAUSE I do want to talk about WHY the white racists are STILL doing the things they always have.

Lisa feels it's her right to point out repeatedly, and erroneously I might add, that the reasons for the black people living in poverty are identical to the reasons that white people are living in poverty in the United States. Did you all not see the parts of the Compton article I bolded and highlighted in red text that talked about the racially restrictive covenants that white racists in Compton used to keep black people out? How are you supposed to get out of poverty if no one will allow you to move somewhere that's not poverty stricken because the white supremacists created laws that said "no black people"?

What I'm discussing happened during my lifetime, my parent's lifetime so it's not some ancient history like you all would like everyone to believe. And while the laws may have changed, attitudes have not as demonstrated most recently by you Ray. You a self-proclaimed white separatist which makes you a white racist.

You're part of the problem and unlike Lisa and her imaginary soap box, some of us have an audience who are interested in the comments you all make. And quite frankly some of them are very appalled and have stated that none of you speak for white people, only other white racist.

The only reason we bring up our family and history is to demonstrate how what happened to our parents or grandparents have nothing to do with our lives today. You bring up your past to excuse your failures. Big difference. You have never seen me or any white member here say that they are victims based on what happened to their ancestors.

You want to talk about resentment some whites have? I'll be glad to talk about it. So first question: do you think this resentment comes from skin color? A simple yes or no answer will suffice. Do you think this resentment would exist if most blacks were renown for keeping their neighborhood clean and safe, supportive of our police, renown for being law abiding citizens, hell bent against theft and violence, keeping up the academic standards of our schools, being quiet and coy people?

People of different races can live together in peace. People of different cultures can't. This is why whites can successfully live together with all kinds of different people with no problems. We can live with Asians, we can live with people of middle-east decent, we can live with people of Hispanic decent. Why is that? Because these other groups of people don't move in and close our stores down with theft. They don't move in and destroy our schools. They don't move in and toss garbage all over the sidewalks and streets. They don't make it unsafe to walk to your convenient store at night. They don't destroy our property values. They don't force cities to close down public events because you can't assemble any number of these people without it breaking out into gang fights or riots.

So if you say that the resentment is because of skin color, it's just as much of a lie as saying your failures are because of your skin color. But if you say the resentment comes from how blacks conduct themselves, then you are dead on. How can anybody not be resentful when their property lost value instead of gaining value in the past 20 years or so? How can anybody not be resentful when they have to travel to the other side of town where it's white just to go shopping at a major store?

And P.S. That was another sanctimonious slap when you said my upbringing was lacking. Maybe YOU need to look in the mirror. I don’t go around calling people “evil” for wanting to abolish race-based admissions policies or pointing out the two simple steps to move from poverty.

I was raised well, with good values. One of the things I learned (besides not to call people “evil” for disagreeing with me) is that you don’t go around making excuses for poor choices and blaming other people for one’s own actions.

I would suggest you take a good, hard look at yourself. Clearly, something in your upbringing was lacking, or you wouldn’t attack decent people with horrific accusations for making valid points.

Now we are done. We can discuss the correct decision the SCOTUS makes next year when it determines that “gerrymandering” admissions processes to arrive at a certain racial outcome is a violation of the equal protection clause. It’s as clear as black and white.
You're not a decent person Lisa, why can't you just admit that you don't think much of black people. It's not like we don't know it. And I'm not saying that you should or have to but when it shows in you the way it does, I don''t understand the point of denying it.

And spare me the bullshit about how you were well raised with good values. If that is true how has it escaped your attention that your constant denigration of black people, especially those less fortunate than you shows your true colors and they are not "beautiful".

If you don't like being called evil then maybe you should check yourself and quit telling lies about others as if they were the gospel truth. I have shown you repeatedly how and why the circumstances which result in people living in poverty are not exact between white people and black people in the United States of America yet your inability to even examine what I'm telling you or to read any of the historical documentation I've provided says you're either stubborn, a fake persona who enjoys being hostile towards black people or stupid. Quite likely all of the above.

And by the way, you lost what little credibility you had left when you attempted to color me as an "angry black woman":

Close your eyes and picture an angry Black woman. It only took an instant to visualize her, right? The image is ready-made: one hand on her hip, one finger pointed in your face, head and neck swiveling. You can probably hear her Black English. She probably strikes you as intimidating. She's overly sensitive and mannish. She's easy to piss off and difficult to calm down. She's aggressive and irrational, too loud and too much.​
She's also not real. Let me repeat: The image of the angry Black woman (ABW) that surfaced so easily in your mind is as fake as a fairy tale. She's imaginary, but she's by no means an accident. She — the trope — is meant to control and undermine Black women, to punish us when we express even slight and reasonable indignation, pain, or irritation (let alone rage), and to protect a status quo in which Black women and girls are often treated as interchangeable, irrational problems instead of human beings with very reasonable complaints.​
The angry Black woman character goes way back. I see its roots in chattel slavery, when expressions of Black female anger, particularly toward white people, were profoundly justified but also impermissible. With a culture and economy that depended on viciously controlling Black women's bodies and lives, it made good economic sense to portray Black female anger as unreasonable and ugly instead of as a rational response to subordination and humiliation.
Once we're seen as angry, the "Angry Black Woman" stereotype deems that anger as explosive, irrational, and scary.​
The trope found its way into minstrel shows, where white men donned blackface and fatsuits to play boorish and brooding caricatures of Black women. It moved from that 18th- and 19th-century white imagination to 20th-century entertainment, showing up in dramas such as Gone with the Wind and comedies such as Amos 'n Andy. Popular entertainment from the 1990s, including The Jerry Springer Show and Ricki Lake — which I consumed as a child — helped reinforce the stereotype.​
In recent years, our culture has stapled the belittling ABW label to Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, Kamala Harris, Shonda Rhimes, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Meghan Markle, Jemele Hill, and many others in response to the kind of truth-telling, creativity, and demand for self-respect we frequently applaud in others. Each of these women has hard-won power and an authoritative voice — but we, as a culture, don't often want to hear what Black women have to say.
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Black people are much more racist than whites. I see young blacks with attitudes towards us all the time. It's a free country though, you have the right to hate people because of the color of your skin. I don't whine about it, I just don't support black businesses. Free country
Your opinion, however worthless, is noted.
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I can only thank God I'm not of that mentality; to say all my problems are in the control of another person, person(s), or group of people, especially when so many like me have done much better all on their own. What's the point of living in a free country then? Might as well move to Cuba or North Korea where you can actually blame others for your inability to advance yourself.

People come here from all over the world, and yes, including black countries because they had no opportunity where they were born. Those people do have legitimate excuses. Even if they only had a 5% chance at advancing themselves, it's worth it to them because 5% is better than 0%. But the truth is they have a much greater chance at advancement and even becoming successful. It's why they spend the time, money, and effort to get here legally.

When I thank God for the things I have, the top two on my list are a good family and being born in the greatest country in the world. If you can't avoid being a failure here, you are a total loser because there isn't a country in the world where you won't be a failure. At that point you have to come to the conclusion it's inherent, and not bad luck, race, or poverty.
Quit patting yourselves on the backs, you all aren't special and certainly no better than anyone else, in spite of your white supremacist erroneous beliefs.
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So why don't you give us a quote by myself or others here where we claimed superiority? Show me where Lisa, I or Monk said we are better because of our skin color.
Considering that you think you can tell blacks what they have lived through is not so, or the reason for a problem cannot be what blacks say they are, but can only be the way you, lisa or monk say is pretty much telling us that you're better because of your skin color.

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