The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

And they're not black are they?

Did you know our government gives money to people who come to our country to help them get started? You think maybe that helps?
They do?? My impoverished grandparents sure didn’t get a dime to help them get started. Their kids still managed to all graduate from college, and some even had the motivation to get a grad degree.

From drinking watered-down soup and day-old bread for dinner to the middle class in a single generation!
Vine needs to stop calling people racist for refusing to submit to the false blame of racism for the black underclass.

Thats so typical of leftists today - and not just blacks. To them, no criticism of blacks is allowed, including pointing out ways the underclass could improve their situation. The only thing they permit is some version of “it’s because whites have oppressed blacks and blacks are victims.”

All the blacks I see at the expensive steakhouses and upscale stores near where I live sure don’t feel like victims! They are probably embarrassed when they hear “racism from 200 years ago is why blacks ar e poor!” GMAFB.
Here we read some racist crap from a member of a race that would have little to nothing without what the government gave them.

"At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land, through an act of Congress our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the Midwest, which meant it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor."

"But not only did they give them land, they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms."

"Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to farm, and they are the very people telling the black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And this is what we are faced with, and this is the reality."

-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

You are not making any points when you have to go back a few generations to make them. Talk about today, like when the Communists wanted to bailout minority farmers only and to hell with the white farmers.

I don't encourage per capita, I'm pointing out where you guys won't use per capita. Putting a period at the end of my comment makes me right when the information in my sentence is right. Whites commit the most crime. And the fact more white are here make whites the greatest threat for committing crimes. Furthermore whites have more money, own more things and have access to more services to prevent crime but still commit the most. So your use of per capita is just a dodge.

A lie as always from you leftists. Blacks commit the most crime on every level, and using our population size doesn't change that.
Would you please shut your retarded ass up? You're lying about Mike Brown, you falsely claim blacks don't know laws, your posts are nothing but ignorant racist jibberish.

If blacks knew the laws there wouldn't have been any riots. The comment made by your buddy Paul insinuated that unarmed blacks that got killed by police (and armed citizens) was because they were white. No, the reason they got away with it is because there was nothing to get away with. Our laws state you can use deadly force against an armed or unarmed attacker or suspect.
George Zimmerman is a punk who shot Martin because he was getting his ass handed to him in a fist fight that never would have happened had he not been stalking Martin and presented himself as a threat to him.

I have the same damn license that he has and it does not allow any of the things that you all claim it does.

Trust me, I studied the case carefully. Martin was a punk. He was living with his father and his girlfriend because his mother couldn't take him any longer after his second suspension from school.

Zimmerman ran after Martin for about 15 seconds where Martin easily outran Zimmerman. Zimmerman stayed on the phone with police dispatch for another minute. When he hung up the phone, Martin was hiding and waiting for the opportunity to attack him. He didn't bother to try to leave the complex, he didn't even try to walk home, he didn't even try to call police himself, he hid behind the Bushes in the dark.

You don't have any license. If you did you'd know what the laws are. I do have a license, and in our 10 hour class they focused mostly on those laws. The written test had to be passed by 100%. To say the laws don't allow what Zimmerman did clearly exposes you never had a license to carry a gun; either that or your state failed in their curriculum.
That's what you say, but you all SWEAR that the law that created affirmative action gives preference to black people when there is NOTHING in the text that says that.

It's selective enforcement of the laws. That's pretty much why they were written in the first place, in order to target certain segments of the population but as we all know, that laws were routinely ignored, especially down south when the perpetrator was white and the victim black but were enforced with gusto when the SUSPECT was black and the victim was white.

I believe it's only within the last 50 to 60 years that a white man was executed for the first time in the U.S. for killing a black man. I don't have the citation at my fingertips but I believe that's correct.

That's likely because blacks mostly kill blacks and whites mostly kill whites.

Let's look at the largest domestic terror attack of last year. A black guy and renown racist BLM supporter drove to an all white area where a parade was being held. He used his car to hit over 50 white people, killing 6 of them including an 8 year old white child. It disappeared from the news in less than a week. Unless you really look around, nobody even knows what happened to this terrorist.

Do you think he will be charged with a hate crime? Do you think he will even face the death penalty? It will be such a buried story we will probably never know. Now can you put your hand on the Holy Bible and swear to me that if this was a white attacker that went to an all black area to kill as many blacks as possible, it would be ignored like this story is?
Fuck you. That tired ass dodge has no merit. What King said then can be said now. And fuck the per capita crap, you racists only use it to deny that whites have the biggest problems. You pussies talk that I am an individual shit then argue about something using per 100,000. You are a grown ass man with an infant mentality. The root cause of the problems we face is white racism. I will not be blaming blacks for things I have seen white racism cause. And nobody white can tell me shit.

Do you understand?

What I understand is that you are very angry. This happens to a lot of people when they are proven wrong and have no defense of the argument. No, what was said 60 years ago does not apply today because so many things have changed since then.
And they're not black are they?

Did you know our government gives money to people who come to our country to help them get started? You think maybe that helps?

No I don't. I talked to these people. Government doesn't just hand them money because they're foreigners. What drives them is they actually know what poverty is. They came from countries where if you were born poor, that's exactly how you're going to stay no matter what you do. They came from countries where they had to dig a hole in the ground to take a shit. They didn't have big screens, smart phones, internet and cable like our so-called poor have in this country.

When they came here they did so because you can work your way to success. You can work as many hours as you like, have several jobs, safe places you can keep the money you earn, and the availability to borrow money you need to make your dreams come true. You can use that money for education, to make financial investments, to open up your own business which many do. They don't need the newest smart phone, the latest car model, or the highest price apartment or house they can afford. They grew up without any of those things.

The difference between being born here and born in another country is like the difference between being born in a rich family or born in a working class family. When you're born rich, you don't value money as much. If you were born working class and hit the lottery for 5 million dollars, it changes your entire life. We are born here so we take everything and every opportunity for granted. When people come from countries where there were no opportunities, they hit the lottery, value everything they never had before, and take advantage of every second of it.

Are we talking about Philando Castile? The asshole cop had just asked him to hand him his papers (license, registration, insurance). Then for whatever reason he had a memory lapse, forgot what he had just requested/demanded and thought Castile was reaching for his weapon.

The cop totally panicked.

No, apparently he asked for his license and then seen a gun, told him to stay away from it, and when he put his hand near the gun, the officer shot. At that point the guy should have just stopped moving or put his hands on top of the steering wheel, but he insisted he was going to get his license (if that's what he was really reaching for) in spite of the officers concern and a gun pointed right at him.
Ray From Cleveland
The law is not written based on race, that is unless you can tell me that all attackers are black.

All lawas are racial based.

Ray From Cleveland
Prosecutors can still bring a case to court IF they have evidence a person was not in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death, or had reason to believe so.

All lawas are racial based.

Ray From Cleveland
For instance when I was younger, I could never use deadly force against some skinny 5'6 guy who simply made a threat. I'm 6'3" and in a younger day, well built and a black belt in Kempo. Between my size and training, a prosecutor could easily make a valid case I was in no position to believe I was in threat of serious bodily harm or death.

Well he ain't here to give his side of the story.

Since you mentioned it, take the Travon Martin case. Zimmerman suffered multiple injuries from the attack including two black eyes, a broken nose and back injuries. Martin showed no intention of stopping. Zimmerman had every reason to believe he suffered serious bodily harm and could be risking death by not using deadly force to stop the attack.

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Ray From Cleveland
The only reason he was arrested and charged later on was because of the public outrage as the media originally lied about the story, but they had no grounds in which to charge him. He followed the letter of the law to a tee. Even the jurors admitted that they had to rule not-guilty because the law was followed perfectly.

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Ray From Cleveland
Brown was high as a kite. He first tried to disarm the officer in his car resulting in his hand getting shot. He tried to take Brown into custody, but Brown instead ran after the officer. Brown was much larger and younger than the officer, so he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. After all if he didn't stop the attack using his firearm, Brown could have easily disarmed the officer and use his very own gun against him. Plus the fact he apparently didn't even feel the hand injury. That's why he too was found not-guilty.

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That's what happens with white supremacists. They just use the "I'm white and say so"

So where did I say because I am white? You leftists read things and if you don't like what you're reading, make up your own words and claim it's ours. And oh, BTW, Zimmerman too is a minority. He's half Hispanic and half white.
Also, I noticed you danced around the point that all the community activists couldn't care less about the victims of police violence until they became victims of police violence.

There are plenty of black people and countless organizations, activists and movements dedicated to curbing violence in black communities.

The number of “Stop the Violence” marches dwarfs the demonstrations against police brutality. Unity rallies and peace picnics happen every day.

Scared Straight programs for at-risk youths, gang counseling, neighborhood watches, intervention specialists, youth counselors.

There have been movements like the #NeverAgain campaign which was led by Black youth in the aftermath of the Parkland, Florida school shooting. Those young people were protesting against gun violence and advocating for gun control.

the men of Alpha Phi Alpha, the nation's oldest black Greek-letter fraternity, marching down 79th Street regularly to protest shootings in Chatham?

How about the army of mothers in Englewood who gather at the scene of every shooting and patrol the streets of their neighborhood on foot?

And what about the annual peace march in Grand Crossing that draws hundreds of South Siders onto the streets at the start of the school year?

And the Nation Of Islam and Louis Farrakhan is someone whose community work with young black men has been constructive where many other efforts to reach them have failed.

Now what you doing ? Tell me.

I'll ask again, where was Jesse Jackson when Laquan McDonald was being abused by his drug addict mother? When he was bounced around by DCFS? When he was sleeping on a grate.

Crazy question. Laquan McDonald was killed by a white supremacist cop not because he may or may not have had drug addicted mother

And if you are sick Jesse Jackson always out front whenever white racism pops up.

There’s an easy way to solve that problem.

Do the work yourselves.

If whites were willing to stand up and condemn the racism in your community then Jackson wouldn’t have to be the ones leading the rally.

But that’s the problem: most whites do nothing in the face of racism. Most of whites don’t speak up, don’t talk back, don’t challenge family, friends, colleagues. You sit back and remain silent. No wonder black leaders like Jackson end up being the faces of resistance: u aren’t showing up at all, so what are blk ppl supposed to do?

It's is white silence that has always made racism possible.

And then you'll have a bunch of cops who will take their sweet time responding to domestic violence and shooting incidents.

They do anyway and we are tax payers. We or I pay for the police.

It's about punishing that's how you get them tact right and if the police know that if they unjustly kill black people they'll spend 20 or 30 years in jail means they're gonna act like a child and do the "It's my ball...I'm going home" routine then they are not the types of cops I want in black commmunityies


What are babbling about ? The police are not all that interested in protecting or saving the lives and property of poor black people. Not as interested as they are in protecting rich white people or even not-all-that-rich white people. They will even protect white foreigners over black Americans.

What we want is to get rid of the white supremacist cops in law enforcment


Also get rid of all this coddling like babies they give to these killer cops because what happens is this

They get administrative leave: paid vacation.

Then there's the blue wall of silence: the so-called good cops do not speak out against bad ones.

Then the press presents the police account as more or less true while demonizing the dead blk victim, poisoning any possible jury.

Then they have an investigation which is carried out by the police themselves, which amounts to a cover-up.

Then the medical examiner examines the body for cause and manner of death. The medical examiners are in bed with the police, even making up stuff found in no medical book.

Then the public prosecutor is almost always in bed with the police.

Then the prosecutor presents the investigation / cover-up to a secret grand jury. No press, no public, not even lawyers from the victim’s family are allowed. That keeps it out of the news. It also means the grand jury hears only the police side of the story. So they rarely bring an indictment of charges.

The trial jury will almost always have white people on it who, like you, have a sickeningly childlike belief in the honesty of the police. That means even if there are some sensible Black people, the jury will at best deadlock, letting the killer cop walk free.

The Judges are unwilling to second-guess the police.

The US Department of Justice: Have they ever sent a killer cop to prison?

Civil lawsuit brought by the victim’s family for damages. Rarely affects the killer cop or the police since any damages are paid by taxpayers.

The five magic words - “I feared for my life.” Almost always gets them off. They do not even have to see a gun to be believed, just think they saw one. And if the victim is Black, even that is unnecessary: the Black Brute stereotype, held by news reporters, jurors and helicopter pilots, will do the rest.

Case closed.

Which would be eliminated by cop licensing... going back to Loehmann, the guy who shot Tamir Rice, he had been rejected by three other police departments, and a fourth was in the process of firing him, when Cleveland picked him up. Now, maybe someone failed to do proper background checks, or maybe Cleveland is so desperate for cops that they will hire anyone.

Cleveland wasn't desparate. Killing black people especially innocent blk ppl get's respect in law enforcement.

Loehmann fully decided and intended to murder Tamir Rice for sport. He get's out of his care and starts blasting within two seconds. The thousand or so different white supremacist hate groups operating in the U.S. (the number more than doubled after Obama was elected) have had the agenda of infiltrating law enforcement which already attracts the ‘Archie Bunker’ mentality. I

Except Kim Potter is going to jail.

16 months in jail ?


White women tears prevail again

this is why I don't dance, scream and shout just cause there is a guilty verdict. Forwhites, there's a different, let's try to find the loophole to give them a sympathy break. america, america, God shed his grace on thee (white people).

Had that been a black female cop who shot a scared white teenager she would have been given 25 years.


white woman tears prevail again.

Once again. Minimum 20 year sentence. But white people will always protect each when it comes to killing black people.
No, apparently he asked for his license and then seen a gun, told him to stay away from it, and when he put his hand near the gun, the officer shot. At that point the guy should have just stopped moving or put his hands on top of the steering wheel, but he insisted he was going to get his license (if that's what he was really reaching for) in spite of the officers concern and a gun pointed right at him.
What I would like to add is that whenever blacks insist how victimized they are, they always bring up the same six or seven blacks, over a period of years, who MIGHT have been killed by a cop who jumped the gun. That it happens so rarely, given that cops have 50 million encounters with people every year, with many of them stoned, drunk, belligerent, or defiant, is testimony to cops’ restraint.

i wish I could find a graphic of 50 million of something, and then compare it to 10 or 12 of the same something, and that would illustrate how cops’ killing unarmed blacks who are not threatening them is ritually nil.
You are are evil because you knowingly present lies as facts in order to hurt others. Even though you have been shown where you have been mistaken, you ignore that information and continue on with you crusade against poor black.
Stopped with your disgusting “you are evil” remark. You’re a disgusting racist, who ignores what is being explained to you because it doesn’t fit your biased narrative.

I’m not going to waste any more time on a resentful black woman who calls whites “evil” because they won’t go Along with the falsehood that racism is the reason for poor blacks. If it were, there won’t be all these middle class and affluent blacks.

And P.S. Calling white people “evil” because they point out that racism doesn’t explain black poverty, but rather points out that it is poor choices, isn’t going to win whites over to your side. And you NEED whites on your side.
Ray From Cleveland

i will address my comment to you because that resentful black woman is so angry at whites who don’t go along with the “blacks are poor because of whitey” narrative that she can’t process the most basic discussion. (She’s too busy yelling “you’re evil” at those who won’t submit to leftist propganda.)

She keeps going back to the fact that there’s nothing in the original EO that says to give blacks, specifically, special advantages. And that’s the point! The liberals in the education field have taken it among themselves to pervert the text, and yes….single out blacks for special favortism. That is why you see blacks with a 3.2 and OKish scores get into programs where whites with a 3.7 and excellent scores get laughed out of the place.

So while the original text wasn’t racist in favor of blacks, the application of the law has been - and it’s been going on for 40 years. Enough is enough.
And still, none of you are designated as "people of African descent" aka "black people".

In spite of all of that patting yourself on the back for having escaped the plight of the black race, you're still complete dense when it comes to this glaringly obvious fact.
You are in complete denial, and lashing out with the “you’re evil!”….. ”you’re racist!” nasty shit simply because I won’t submit to YOUR falsehood that bigotry explain why blacks remain poor (of the minority who do).

And I am not not “patting ourselves for escaping the plight of blacks.” I am showing how making the right choices, valuing the correct things, following through and getting an education, and not having babies out of wedlock allows one to overcome bigotry and move from poverty to the middle class. And you are FURIOUS that I point out this very obvious fact.

And this is the 4th time I’ve asked: if racism is why (some) blacks are poor, then why are most NOT poor? What was so different about them? (Answer: they made the right choices.)
What I would like to add is that whenever blacks insist how victimized they are, they always bring up the same six or seven blacks, over a period of years, who MIGHT have been killed by a cop who jumped the gun. That it happens so rarely, given that cops have 50 million encounters with people every year, with many of them stoned, drunk, belligerent, or defiant, is testimony to cops’ restraint.

i wish I could find a graphic of 50 million of something, and then compare it to 10 or 12 of the same something, and that would illustrate how cops’ killing unarmed blacks who are not threatening them is ritually nil.

it's not so much that, it's that white suspects are killed by police at a much higher rate than blacks. Furthermore unarmed whites are shot and killed by police at nearly the same rate as blacks. The difference is the media doesn't report on shootings of white suspects, only blacks. That leads the public to believe these shootings never happen to white suspects.

The media is not there to tell the entire story, the media is there to make money. If they reported how a white got shot by a police officer, we whites shrug our shoulders and say "the asshole must have deserved it!" So there is no business sense in making an issue out of it.

If they report on a black getting shot and killed, especially an unarmed black, they stand a chance at making big bucks. Protests could form, riots can break out, stores being burned or looted. It all makes for great advertising dollars.

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