The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

he government are not the landlords who don't keep up property or let vacant properties sit while writing depreciation off on their taxes. 15 years ago, I worked in a hood with a church-created CDC and they tried to buy some community eyesores from white owners who lived in the suburbs. In one case an owner was asking for 60,000 dollars for a building that had no roof, all the windows were gone, the inside was rubble and the only thing that could be done to that building was tear it down. We offered to get an appraiser and we would pay the appraised value. He didn't want to do that because he knew that the building would not be appraised at anywhere near 60,000. Over the years I have driven by that area and the eyesore still stands. And that eyesore, owned by a white man in the suburbs is reducing the property value in that community. So fuck Ray.

It sounds to me like the solution to that would be to appeal to the zoning board and have that building condemned.

I do see the other end of it, though. Condo complex I recently moved out of has 30 or so section 8 families out of 256 units. Essentially, some investors picked up the properties when the prices bottomed out in the 2008 crash, and they rent them out to some people who are crowding five people into a one bedroom apartment. The Condo board tried to pass a limit on occupancy, and they threatened to sue. Last year, the ownership voted overwealmingly to take a buy out from an investor, and guess who is suing in court to block the sale? Yup. The same investors who don't live on the property.

We were seeing the local PD out there about once a week, usually breaking up a domestic.

NOw, this isn't a racial thing, because some of the offending idiots were white, Hispanic, one was even south Asian, where the cops were coming out once a week, and then we had a bad smell coming out of the apartment we thought was decomp. (Fortunately, it was only food they left in the fridge before the power was shut off.)

Section 8 might be a better policy than the high-rise projects... but still have a lot of problems.

And most white people didn't notice that almost 95 percent of the protests had no violence or damage. Many that did, the damage was done by whites. Police were not overwhelmed because they were still shooting and killing unarmed blacks. Trump was soundly defeated.

Trump was hardly "soundly defeated" if it took until Saturday to confirm that Biden won. And frankly, people have every reason to be concerned about the riots.

I have another friend of mine, a gay Hispanic woman, who I recently found out voted for Trump in the last election, because she thought that he was better for the economy and because some of the things that Democrats said during the election kind of frightened her. (IT doesn't help her current girlfriend is a Republican).

The question is not what black peoples goals are. The question is when will whites decide to take the responsibility they have to fix the damage created by the continuing racism that some still today are inflicting on communities of color instead of pretending racism doesn't exist now and that they are being blamed for stuff they did not do?

I guess the problem is, do you believe in collective guilt? I could argue that my family on my father's side were German immigrants, and my family on my mothers side were poor Missouri dirt farmers. None of them owned slaves, none of them really benefited from Jim Crow.

Of course, our history IS full of racial injustices, and we really do need to fix that. Which is why I support affirmative action, even though I once lost out on an opportunity to someone who was utterly unqualified for the job. (This woman actually had the nerve to call me at home after my contract ended on how to do an aspect of her job. I politely told her since I was no longer being paid and shouldn't have access to confidential company data, I really couldn't help her.)
It sounds to me like the solution to that would be to appeal to the zoning board and have that building condemned.

I do see the other end of it, though. Condo complex I recently moved out of has 30 or so section 8 families out of 256 units. Essentially, some investors picked up the properties when the prices bottomed out in the 2008 crash, and they rent them out to some people who are crowding five people into a one bedroom apartment. The Condo board tried to pass a limit on occupancy, and they threatened to sue. Last year, the ownership voted overwealmingly to take a buy out from an investor, and guess who is suing in court to block the sale? Yup. The same investors who don't live on the property.

We were seeing the local PD out there about once a week, usually breaking up a domestic.

NOw, this isn't a racial thing, because some of the offending idiots were white, Hispanic, one was even south Asian, where the cops were coming out once a week, and then we had a bad smell coming out of the apartment we thought was decomp. (Fortunately, it was only food they left in the fridge before the power was shut off.)

Section 8 might be a better policy than the high-rise projects... but still have a lot of problems.

Trump was hardly "soundly defeated" if it took until Saturday to confirm that Biden won. And frankly, people have every reason to be concerned about the riots.

I have another friend of mine, a gay Hispanic woman, who I recently found out voted for Trump in the last election, because she thought that he was better for the economy and because some of the things that Democrats said during the election kind of frightened her. (IT doesn't help her current girlfriend is a Republican).

I guess the problem is, do you believe in collective guilt? I could argue that my family on my father's side were German immigrants, and my family on my mothers side were poor Missouri dirt farmers. None of them owned slaves, none of them really benefited from Jim Crow.

Of course, our history IS full of racial injustices, and we really do need to fix that. Which is why I support affirmative action, even though I once lost out on an opportunity to someone who was utterly unqualified for the job. (This woman actually had the nerve to call me at home after my contract ended on how to do an aspect of her job. I politely told her since I was no longer being paid and shouldn't have access to confidential company data, I really couldn't help her.)
I don't play that collective guilt shit. I have never fathered a child out of wedlock, sold drugs, was a member of a gang, never committed a crime, never have drawn welfare, and am college educated. Yet I have worked in the black community to help reduce those problems. Whites have a collective responsibility to end white racism.

Your family did benefit from Jim Crow and even if they didn't it does not absolve you from your responsibility to end white racism. The excuses from whites must end.

Section 8 is not the problem. White attitudes are. Whites have the tendency to take a small number of occurrences relative to other races and blow them out of proportion while not wanting to have anyone paint them with a broad brush. Prime example, the obsession with using one category of crime to make claims about black violence. There are a whole lot of blacks living in section 8 housing that do what's right. Furthermore, numerically more whites are on Section 8. So...
I don't play that collective guilt shit. I have never fathered a child out of wedlock, sold drugs, was a member of a gang, never committed a crime, never have drawn welfare, and am college educated. Yet I have worked in the black community to help reduce those problems. Whites have a collective responsibility to end white racism.
So you followed the "rules" the OP posted about being successful and you are successful.......Interesting!
Wow Ray, that's a lot of excuses for someone who claims to have all of the answers. Here's a scan of my Florida permit:
View attachment 638802

If you Google the phone number above it will take you to this page:

View attachment 638807

Why would I have a Florida concealed carry permit in my possession if it hadn't been issued to me?

This is the funny part though

That's "Mrs Ms. CCWs holder numbering 5"

I'll go you one better. By YOUR logic and the way you erroneously tied having a CCW license with the right to self defense, if we use the inverse of this situation, people WITHOUT a CCW license would have NO right to self defense. And everyone knows that's not true, so you want to rethink your position or at least your explanation BEFORE you start working on your legal analysis as a non-attorney?

The REASON you believe what you do, that Martin's killing falls within the lawful parameters of the self-defense laws and that Zimmerman was somehow justified in his reaction, is because our alleged "justice" system has sanctioned not just this killing but millions prior to it. That's why you believe it's okay for the police and others to kill black people for disobedience instead of because a valid imminent threat of grievous bodily harm or death was made. It is also why black people are automatically viewed as threats to grease the skids for the allegations that will ultimately be made that "I was in fear for my life". And our courts have said this is okay.

In the three years I have been here I have given you all a lot of leeway when it comes to your beliefs, rancor and open hostilities towards the black people here and apparently elsewhere. There is no reason not to believe that if you are so mistaken about one thing and cling so fervently to said belief IN SPITE of being shown information to the contrary, that you will do so as well in other areas as well.
Martin ambushed and attacked Zimmerman. That's clear from what little physical evidence existed. All the injuries from the fight were on Zimmerman and the only eyewitness saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him "MMA style". Martin had disengaged from Zimmerman and was in no danger. All he had to do was go to his father's house which as I remember was within a hundred feet of the ambush site and nothing would have happened. So it was clearly self-defense under the law of every state.
Your family did benefit from Jim Crow and even if they didn't it does not absolve you from your responsibility to end white racism. The excuses from whites must end.

Okay, let's look at that. Grandpa Ludwig didn't benefit. He faced a LOT of hostility when he got off the boat from Germany. He even seriously considered returning to Germany after getting his US Citizenship. (Then the Nazis took over, and nope.)

My Dad served in WWII, worked very hard his entire life as a sheet metal worker before sucumbing to lung cancer at age 56. I guess if you consider that to be privilege, it doesn't sound like much of one.

And as stated, I lost at least one opportunity I know of to Affirmative Action, (probably a lot more I don't know about), so not seeing where I am personally benefiting to the point where I have an obligation to do much of anything than to take care of myself. Of course, I've helped a lot of people of all races through my career, and most of the time it didn't pay off.

Section 8 is not the problem. White attitudes are. Whites have the tendency to take a small number of occurrences relative to other races and blow them out of proportion while not wanting to have anyone paint them with a broad brush. Prime example, the obsession with using one category of crime to make claims about black violence. There are a whole lot of blacks living in section 8 housing that do what's right. Furthermore, numerically more whites are on Section 8. So...

Yes, reality, it's always the one fool that makes everyone else look bad.

I'm not worried about the person on Section 8 who works a menial job. I worry about the one who looks to game the system and make no effort to improve themselves.

This is why I think most assistance programs SHOULD have a work requirement.
Martin ambushed and attacked Zimmerman. That's clear from what little physical evidence existed. All the injuries from the fight were on Zimmerman and the only eyewitness saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him "MMA style". Martin had disengaged from Zimmerman and was in no danger. All he had to do was go to his father's house which as I remember was within a hundred feet of the ambush site and nothing would have happened. So it was clearly self-defense under the law of every state.

Then those laws are fucked up. Shooting a child because he is kicking your ass is not "justified".
Are the
  • Irish people Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Italians Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Eastern Europeans Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Jews Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Japanese Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Chinese Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Arabs Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Greeks Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
  • Germans Negro or people of African descent - NO they are not
View attachment 638854View attachment 638851

A timeline of legislation that only applied to black people to their detriment that DID NOT apply to white people
TimelineJS Embed
You might notice that the first is dated 1929 and the second is dated 1933. All of your excuses come from long ago and before the various equal rights laws were passed. Nothing in law or societal attitudes today prevents a Black American from being as successful as any other American.
okay, that part where I just kind of stuck up for Ray... boy, he makes it hard.

So essentially, the banks and the Waltons decide to make a community a slum, and it becomes a slum... and you think this is okay.

I think my taxes are plenty high. They aren't high enough on the guy who has 5 Billion dollars to build a dick-rocket and fly into space with Captain Kirk. The ironic thing is you guys complain about the size of government and then want more tax cuts.... when in reality- when you get all this stuff for free and you don't have to pay for it, you just want more of it. The fastest way to make government smaller would be to have high enough taxes to pay for it all, and then some to pay back all the debt.

Okay, here's what changed. Your city was once an industrial hub, second to only Detroit in the Auto industry. Then the Auto industry changed. Japanese and German cars entered the market, and people liked them better because Volkswagen and Toyota understood the emerging market, while the Big Three kept cranking out Pintos and Chevettes and Gremlins. A couple of bailouts later, the Auto Industry recovered, but Detroit and Cleveland didn't. People who could get out did... people who couldn't didn't.
The biggest problem was that the city governments still spent money like they had the tax base when the automakers were a captive audience. So they ran their own cities into the ground and anyone with sense and the means to do so left for better managed cities. California and NYC are undergoing the same process today.
So you followed the "rules" the OP posted about being successful and you are successful.......Interesting!

Paraphrasing the debate, it goes like this…..

White Conservative: Racism isn’t why a percentage of blacks remain in poverty. It’s because they’re making the wrong choices - having babies out of wedlock and not completing their education. Same as white people in poverty.

Black Leftist: That’s not true, you evil white supremacist! Look at all these examples of racism from the last century.

White conservative: That’s from long ago. Right now, blacks can be (and most are) successful because they make the right choices - delaying childbearing until marriage and getting an education.

Black leftist: You racist! I am a successful black man! I didn‘t father any children out of wedlock, got a college education, and worked hard.

White conservative: And you just made my point. Thank you!
Or, maybe black people watch the Jews, the Germans, the Irish, The Italians all jump in line ahead of them, and then they see the Asians and the Hispanics jump in line ahead of them, too.
They don't "jump in line ahead of them" they climbed the ladder faster. We all get it that blacks in the deep south had it bad up until the sixties. But many Blacks moved North and West and did quite well for themselves. Others moved and didn't do as well. There were, are and always will be bigots in all races and religions. A smart person doesn't allow a bigot to define them but achieves to spite the bigot.
Martin ambushed and attacked Zimmerman. That's clear from what little physical evidence existed. All the injuries from the fight were on Zimmerman and the only eyewitness saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him "MMA style". Martin had disengaged from Zimmerman and was in no danger. All he had to do was go to his father's house which as I remember was within a hundred feet of the ambush site and nothing would have happened. So it was clearly self-defense under the law of every state.

Not only was he beating Zimmerman, he pinned his shoulders down with his knees so he coudn't get away. That's not self-defense, that's felonious assault. The prosecutor that laid murder charges on him should have been fired.
Section 8 is not the problem. White attitudes are. Whites have the tendency to take a small number of occurrences relative to other races and blow them out of proportion while not wanting to have anyone paint them with a broad brush. Prime example, the obsession with using one category of crime to make claims about black violence. There are a whole lot of blacks living in section 8 housing that do what's right. Furthermore, numerically more whites are on Section 8. So...

I've had about five different section 8 people living next door to me, and every single one was a problem. The last ones the husband shot at his wife through a kitchen window at 4:30 in the morning on a work night. Prior to that was the screaming and yelling that took place.

Yes, they are a problem, and they are destroying neighborhoods all across the country. Thank goodness it's been empty for about a year. So nice and quiet, people could actually sleep at night. Now that he fixed up all the damage in one of the units, he's showing it once again. When he finds renters, I'll be putting the police phone number back in my favorites in my cell phone because I know I'll be using it all the time like I have with the others.
Ray that is a weak ass excuse. Whites commit more crimes. Fuck per capita, crimes don't happen that way.

The argument coming from the right is that since blacks are 13 percent of the population, blacks should be committing 13 percent of the crime. The problem with this claim is that percentages come attached with real numbers, and when you use those real numbers, the 13 percent excuse has no merit as an argument. In 2020, whites made up 51 percent of all criminal offenders.

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report Crime data. In 2020, there were 7,173,072, crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. In 2020 according to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072 people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.006 percent of the American population. This is where the 13 percent excuse fails. Simple math shows the misuse of percentages. The 13 percent excuse uses the percentage of blacks committing a crime against the percentage of the black population instead of it being used to reflect the percentage of blacks committing a specific violation. The numbers here show that 13 percent of the American people are not committing 50 percent of the crime. Furthermore, they show that 1 percent of the population is 51 percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black.

In 2020 blacks led in arrests in 2 categories in the Uniform Crime Report, murder and robbery. I am not going to pretend this is a good thing, but let’s look at the arrest categories whites led in:

Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Violent crime, Property crime, Other assaults, Forgery and counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, Vandalism, carrying, possessing, Weapons, Prostitution and commercialized vice, Sex offenses besides rape and prostitution, Drug abuse violations, Gambling, Offenses against the family and children, Driving under the influence, Liquor laws, Drunkenness, Disorderly conduct, Vagrancy, All other offenses (except traffic), Suspicion, Curfew and loitering law violations.

I used the Official FBI Uniform Crime Report. Now just face the facts and be quiet Ray.

Your argument is complete stupidity. You are using our entire population instead of the population of the races themselves. The majority of our population are whites, therefore it only stands to reason that majority will have more offenders as slight as it may be. The reason you don't like per capita is because it tells the truth about each race. You don't like that. You are completely defenseless in the argument.

Blacks lead the country in almost every category of crime, and in all categories of violent crime; not by total population, but by their race alone.
No Ray, I have shown conclusive evidence. You picked stats that validate your bias. You talk about having babies out of wedlock, but passed over this information I presented earlier.

In 2017, Demos published a study titled, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap.” On page 10 this statement is written:

"The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

You talk about incarceration but don't talk about racism in the justice system. And you ignored this bit of information you were shown earlier.

Having a criminal record negatively affects the likelihood of being considered for a job. Devah Pager conducted a matched-pair experiment in which she had male testers apply for the same entry-level jobs advertised in Milwaukee newspapers. She gave the assistants fake credentials that make them equivalent in terms of education, job experience, and so on. Half were Black and half White.

One tester from each pair was instructed to indicate that they had a past non-violent drug possession offense. Pager then collected data on how many of the applicants were called back for an interview after submitting their fake applications.

The results indicate that getting a job with a criminal record is difficult. Having even a non-violent drug offense had a significant impact on rates of callbacks:

What was surprising was that race actually turned out to be more significant than a criminal background. Notice that employers were more likely to call Whites with a criminal record (17% were offered an interview) than Blacks without a criminal record (14%).


Oh, and of course we are to ignore other things such as duration one held past jobs, references from those other jobs, family size and the impact it would have on an employers health benefits that he or she has to pay for.

I won't rent to felons. Why? Because I tried it in the past and it was nothing but a problem, a major problem in one instance. I had cars pulling into the parking lot, staying for about a minute when the tenant ran out, and they'd dash out of the drive again. So these were non-violent felons. Then all kinds of weirdos started to hang around, probably casing the apartments of my other tenants. When they went back on dope, they stopped paying rent. I just don't need the headache when I could be renting to law abiding non-criminal tenants.

It's no secret that felons have a much harder time getting a job than people who were never a felon before.

I also look at the intelligence level of potential tenants. If they reply to an ad with the writing skills of a 9 year old, I don't respond back I don't care what race they are. I'm sure employers do the same. So if somebody is trying to rig a study, all they have to do is fill out the application like a moron and they won't get called back. It's so easy to do.

Again, employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that produce the most green for the employer are that employers favorite employees.
Actually, I'm the first one to admit that I grew up in a racist society,

But yet you want to claim your brother and Lisa558 and Ray From Cleveland are real racists

And have to constantly evaluate my attitudes. It's called self-reflection.

Yes you evalute your attitude and then you decide that the attitude of being a white supremacist is right. You self reflect only to remember to yourself that being a white supremacist is right.

This is something you and Lisa both lack, just from different ends of the spectrum

There is no difference between you and Lisa558

As for me being racist - Well if you had 100 snakes coming at you, would stop and try and find the few good snakes from the bad ones ? Or would close the door on the lot of them ?

Simple logic,
One person does something on the spur of the moment. Five people making repeated decisions is a conspiracy. Is this what you are really defending, five people who kidnapped a couple, repeatedly raped them and then murdered them?

You don't know what was in their mind. You don't know if they had a bad upbringing. You don't know anything. All you are doing is guessing

Again, which 10 year old kid are we talking about. Tamir Rice was 12 and I've condemned what the cops did there.

Condeming without punishing........standard white supremacist practice

Oh, let's get real. I was in the army for 11 years... Most of the guys who I served with (regardless of race) weren't there to fight, or to liberate anyone. They were there for the benefits.

And what has that got to do with what I wrote ?

Okay, let's look at that. If America was as racist as you say, then why do Hispanics and especially Asians do so well? Do you think they don't run into bigots? I will be the first one to admit, they haven't had the experience black people have had... slavery, Jim Crow, etc. But they also aren't white, and by your logic, shouldn't do well.

Because they're not black.

Most white hispanics are classfied as white.


The white supremacists make sure they have BUFFER class of non white supremacists.

They have recruitment drives for them. If four black men were hanging outside home depot looking for jobs white people would call the police in a second but at every home depot in America you have illegal hispanic aliens who aren't even to citizens standing around


Black people have never been allowed to stand around. But this is just in case black people have a baby boom we will be born into a hostile anti black country that is already in place.

In Seattle the Asian already got that lock. Oregon is full of white meth head, no place for blk ppl.
On down to Northern Cali that looks like Louisiana, rural area and Orange farms, no place for blk folk there. Move on over Ohio-Idaho-New Mexico-Nevada-Vegas-Montana-Nebraska, they're gonna send to them to those.

Nazi chic is all the rage over their in Asia.



So Asian are primed and ready to get on board the kiss white ass- white supremacist anti black train.

This is why the white supremacist allow asians to occupy whole business districts like Canal Street in New York


You've never had a China Town that was blown up like the black wall street. Let the white supremacist sabotage Canal Street in New York. See how they get on after that ?

Black ppl in the US have built private communities, banks but we were shut out by law, by decree, by bombing, by goverrment force and violence. Asians have never been through any of that in the US.

Black businesses are the only businesses that get sabotaged



That's why whites don't really mind Asians. Asian men can't fk white women. But white men can fk Asian women by the truckload. So there is no sexual threat from Asian men like white men have for black men who can and do fk white women.

That's part of the deal for immigrants. You have to hate on black Americans and most go along with it.

This is a 50 year plan and whites are gonna make many places in the USA full of hostile anti black immigrants who will integrate in the USA because what it means to integrate into the US is that you are willing to hate on black people

This is to be the final solution. That white supremacists are going to drown out the black population with hostile non black people and even hostile African immigrants who are willing to hate on black people.

Joe fox
Again, is it because they are white supremacists, or is because you are kind of an asshole? If you come off in person like you come off here, I suspect most people wouldn't want to deal with you. You are the pain in the ass customer every barista and cashier fears.

Well I'd expect a white supremacist to say that. I mean that's part of the white supremacist code. To always defend the actions of other white supremacists

Actually, I would judge the case on the evidence.

And the evidence would be to send the innocent black man down. To be honest if your not a white supremacist you will get into trouble with other white people.

In the case of Petersen, the evidence wasn't really there. There was just the emotional aspect that his wife was pregnant and he was stepping out with another woman. That jury didn't convict on evidence, it convicted on emotion. (And frankly, him stepping out on his pregnant wife kind of made him an asshole.)

I don't know this Peterson. All I know is that if a rich white man goes down ? Then he did it. They let off poor white people for all sorts of crimes. Don't listen to me. Listen to countless stories of white people write about how got off with crimes that a black man never would have

Not only was he beating Zimmerman, he pinned his shoulders down with his knees so he coudn't get away. That's not self-defense, that's felonious assault. The prosecutor that laid murder charges on him should have been fired.

Wait, now... he pinned his shoulders to the ground so he couldn't get away, yet Zimmerman was able to pull his gun and shoot him...
But yet you want to claim your brother and @Lisa558 and @Ray From Cleveland are real racists

And so are you... They've justified their racism in their heads, you've justified yours....

Yes you evalute your attitude and then you decide that the attitude of being a white supremacist is right. You self reflect only to remember to yourself that being a white supremacist is right.

Yawn, tried to engage you sensibly... but you kind of sound like Ray...

There is no difference between you and @Lisa558

As for me being racist - Well if you had 100 snakes coming at you, would stop and try and find the few good snakes from the bad ones ? Or would close the door on the lot of them ?

Funny, Lisa thinks the same way... except she had the authority to close doors.

You don't know what was in their mind. You don't know if they had a bad upbringing. You don't know anything. All you are doing is guessing

Yes, when you kidnap and rape and murder two complete strangers, I tend to guess that they had a bad upbringing and they all conspired to do it.

Condeming without punishing........standard white supremacist practice

Wasn't my place to punish Officer Loehmann. A grand jury- which had black people on it - reviewed the evidence and decided not to charge. Now, I've said I thought that process was wrong. That the DA went into the Grand Jury acting like a defense lawyer... but other blacks decided not to prosecute and when McGinty was replaced with a black DA, he didn't reopen the case, either.

And what has that got to do with what I wrote ?


Because they're not black.

Most white hispanics are classfied as white.

I've always felt the "Hispanic" qualification is a bit hazy, as it is based on culture and not race. Because Latin America never had the Miscegenation laws the US had, the races mixed fairly freely, which is why they are a mixture of European, African and Indigenous American.

The white supremacists make sure they have BUFFER class of non white supremacists.

They have recruitment drives for them. If four black men were hanging outside home depot looking for jobs white people would call the police in a second but at every home depot in America you have illegal hispanic aliens who aren't even to citizens standing around

Or more likely, white people know if they pick up some Hispanic men, the work will get done.

Nazi chic is all the rage over their in Asia.

Uh, yeah... not really. Here's the thing. The Swastika is considered a symbol of good luck in Asia. Also, the Japanese have a whole bunch of weird subcultures and fads. They don't have the hostility towards Nazis because WWII isn't really taught in Japanese schools. The Japanese barely acknowledge the awful shit they did, much less what their ally did.

This is why the white supremacist allow asians to occupy whole business districts like Canal Street in New York

Or they just find the businesses to be quaint...

You've never had a China Town that was blown up like the black wall street. Let the white supremacist sabotage Canal Street in New York. See how they get on after that ?

Black ppl in the US have built private communities, banks but we were shut out by law, by decree, by bombing, by goverrment force and violence. Asians have never been through any of that in the US.

How about when the Japanese Americans were interned during WWII?
Or when we engaged in a genocidal war in the Philippines?
Or when we passed a Chinese Exclusion act after bringing Chinese men over here to build the railroads, and then excluded their families?

That's why whites don't really mind Asians. Asian men can't fk white women. But white men can fk Asian women by the truckload. So there is no sexual threat from Asian men like white men have for black men who can and do fk white women.

That's part of the deal for immigrants. You have to hate on black Americans and most go along with it.

This is a 50 year plan and whites are gonna make many places in the USA full of hostile anti black immigrants who will integrate in the USA because what it means to integrate into the US is that you are willing to hate on black people

This is to be the final solution. That white supremacists are going to drown out the black population with hostile non black people and even hostile African immigrants who are willing to hate on black people.

I've known a lot of white chicks who date Asian dudes... but you might have a point, that there is a fetishism towards Asian women by white men. I personally think this is because white women have become kind of a pain due to feminism and they find Asian women more compliant.

So let me get this straight..White people hate you. Asian people hate you. Hispanic people are really white and hate you. Black people immigrating from the Caribbean and Africa hate you. Black people like Thomas Sowell are sellouts... Did I miss anything.

The whole world is out to get Paul.... they have a word for that. Paranoid.

Well I'd expect a white supremacist to say that. I mean that's part of the white supremacist code. To always defend the actions of other white supremacists

Generally, I don't know what any store keeper said to you, but given the attitude you express here,

And the evidence would be to send the innocent black man down. To be honest if your not a white supremacist you will get into trouble with other white people.

I'm in trouble with other white people all the time... it just doesn't bother me that much. This is why my bro and I aren't on speaking terms. The evidence told me his buddy did it. He feels his buddy was railroaded.

I don't know this Peterson. All I know is that if a rich white man goes down ? Then he did it. They let off poor white people for all sorts of crimes. Don't listen to me. Listen to countless stories of white people write about how got off with crimes that a black man never would have

Except black people get away with crimes all the time. Often because other black people won't report it.

Recently, we had a shootout in Chicago,

Left one person dead, two wounded, and prosecutors declined to prosecute because no one knew who fired the first shot.

Hey, have they solved Biggie and Tupac's murders yet?

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