The reason Socialism prevails is because it's based in psychology

Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.
You make several assumptions. Not least that the free market is the answer to all the worlds ills. The free market can only benefit people if it operates within necessary controls that protect us all.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.
Glad you brought that up Tammy, because Crony Capitalism is a form of socialism. Essentially it is socialism for the wealthy elites and serfdom for the rest of us. Agreed?
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.

Can you answer this question please?

What is a greater danger right now to Western Europe...Radical Islam or the Radical Right?
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
I think Socialism is really a scheme promoted by the ruling class and the extreme wealthy.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.

Can you answer this question please?

What is a greater danger right now to Western Europe...Radical Islam or the Radical Right?
I dont know. I dont think anybody does. More time needs to be spent understanding the roots of both ideologies.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.
Glad you brought that up Tammy, because Crony Capitalism is a form of socialism. Essentially it is socialism for the wealthy elites and serfdom for the rest of us. Agreed?
You are just lumping everything you dont like under the banner of socialism. Thats dishonest.
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

You are a whacked out nut job libtard conservatives don't give a shit about what you do. Go hump a pine tree for all we care. Liberals on the other hand are control freaks on steroids. They try to control what we think, say, wear, what we drive, how big our tv is, how big a turd we can flush down our government controlled toilet, a bigger group of nut job control freaks has never existed than the left.
All political ideologies have some type of class system the best ones let you move up through those class by ambition and skill, not by birth or allegiance to the system
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.
Unfortunately many middle class or poor liberals like Tammy, can't see the consequences of socialism. They have been duped into thinking big government is the way to go....primarily to prevent Nazis and right wingers from taking over the world. Their greatest fear is the radical right, yet it has little power in the West.

Those like Tammy are really just dupes. They can't see that they have nothing to fear from a nonexistent radical right. They have been duped by the left elite and will do as the left elite dictates.

What did Obama and Hillary excel at? They were great at instilling fear of the radical right into some Americans. All left wing leaders do this because it works like magic.
The left thrive on two things. Chaos and the desperate.

They can always prop themselves up as robin hood. Heroes to those who are in desperate conditions.

In order for all of that to work, they need to have a scapegoat. We all see who and what they prop up as the scapegoat. It is also essential for them to HYPE the scapegoat since ALL of their promises over 60 years have turned out to be false.

So, when you see dilapidated cities, riots disguised as protests, and all of these absurd demands, understand that is what the socialists need.

Take a look at Chicago crime along with all of these completely run down cities like Detroit, all run by democrats over the last century. Instead of the poor holding the democrats to account for their lies and failures, they listen to black profiteers who make their entire living from the grievance INDUSTRY (like spike Lee and those types.)
No serious "discussion" on socialism can really take place without a specific and comprehensive definition of the term.

Anything else is just silly hyperbole, vague platitudes and gross generalization.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.
Glad you brought that up Tammy, because Crony Capitalism is a form of socialism. Essentially it is socialism for the wealthy elites and serfdom for the rest of us. Agreed?
You are just lumping everything you dont like under the banner of socialism. Thats dishonest.
He is indoctrinated with the capitalism, as are all Americans. He doesn't know any better.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.
Glad you brought that up Tammy, because Crony Capitalism is a form of socialism. Essentially it is socialism for the wealthy elites and serfdom for the rest of us. Agreed?
You are just lumping everything you dont like under the banner of socialism. Thats dishonest.
No. I am not. I am lumping what is Socialism all together.

Of course, I being a balance and intelligent person (unlike you) recognize the many faults of Capitalism. It can't work effectively if a small elite controls the nation. It can't work if the government sleeps with big business. It can't work if government over regulates it.

It is all about LIBERTY!!! Government and liberty don't like each other much.
No serious "discussion" on socialism can really take place without a specific and comprehensive definition of the term.

Anything else is just silly hyperbole, vague platitudes and gross generalization.
Go blow it out of your ass, you freaking double taking socialist partisan hack.
Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.
Glad you brought that up Tammy, because Crony Capitalism is a form of socialism. Essentially it is socialism for the wealthy elites and serfdom for the rest of us. Agreed?
You are just lumping everything you dont like under the banner of socialism. Thats dishonest.
No. I am not. I am lumping what is Socialism all together.

Of course, I being a balance and intelligent person (unlike you) recognize the many faults of Capitalism. It can't work effectively if a small elite controls the nation. It can't work if the government sleeps with big business. It can't work if government over regulates it.

It is all about LIBERTY!!! Government and liberty don't like each other much.
You are aware that your libertarian/anarchist association derives from leftist thought? Wasn't it Rothbard who admitted to having absconded the term libertarian from the socialists?
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.

You are confused.

It is not simplistic. It addresses the core reason why socialism sucks. It is the greed of humanity.

Humans are individuals, not an ant collective. Collectivism doesn't work because not everybody will do their fair share. That is the core reason socialism either always fails or produces dismal econoimc growth. It always robs the people of Liberty by making them slaves to the state.

By welfare corporations do you mean like GM and Chrysler that Obama bailed out or do you mean corporations like Solyndra that Obama gave hundreds of millions to or do you mean the big banks that he bailed out? Maybe the Wall Street banks that contributed tons of money to both Crooked Hillary and to Obama.

Welfare queens are not limited to the inner city ghetto pukes that that comprises the core Democrat voting base. There are other welfare queens that suck off the teat of this bloated out of control $4 trillion a year welfare state that we live in and it is destroying our economy.

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