The reason Socialism prevails is because it's based in psychology

Yes, yes, he does, you're not paying attention.

Obviously you did not read the entire address.

"I hope that no one present will suspect me of expressing my partial criticism of the Western system in order to suggest socialism as an alternative. No; with the experience of a country where socialism has been realized, I shall not speak for such an alternative. The mathematician Igor Shafarevich, a member of the Soviet Academy of Science, has written a brilliantly argued book entitled Socialism; this is a penetrating historical analysis demonstrating that socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death."

Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn -- A World Split Apart — Commencement Address Delivered At Harvard University, June 8, 1978
I read the entire thing. I'm not suggesting he is advocating for Marxism, lol. I'm saying that the case he lays out against western civilization suggests the truth of (supports) Marxist theory. Whether he was cognizant of it or not is irrelevant.
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.
Liberals expect conservative to pay for all their freebies. Thats socialism in America. Liberals are a waste of human tissue as they are lacking in the caring dept.
If you really don't believe in socialism, abolish your town's highway department and plow your own road when the snow comes.

That is not socialism, that's necessary government functions.
Socialism is collecting taxes to pay for anything our government comes up with, to pay for welfare programs, in order to get votes.

My town votes to have a highway department.

So does everybody else in America.
That is not socialism it's necessary government.

It's socialism by definition you idiot.

See? The poster's idiocy above is a perfect representation of the Right. They're not against socialism, as long as they have the power to decide what will be socialist and what will not.

It isn't.
Socialism is welfare programs, health care programs, education,housing, federal bank.
None of which our Feds should be in.
I knew West Point was educational socialism.
That is not socialism, that's necessary government functions.
Socialism is collecting taxes to pay for anything our government comes up with, to pay for welfare programs, in order to get votes.

My town votes to have a highway department.

So does everybody else in America.
That is not socialism it's necessary government.

It's socialism by definition you idiot.

See? The poster's idiocy above is a perfect representation of the Right. They're not against socialism, as long as they have the power to decide what will be socialist and what will not.

It isn't.
Socialism is welfare programs, health care programs, education,housing, federal bank.
None of which our Feds should be in.
I knew West Point was educational socialism.

It certainly folded to Political Correctness but our Military Academies train Cadets.
West Point was established under Thomas Jefferson in 1801 and students are considered officers in training.
Military Academies are part of our Federal Government and they should remain so.
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.
You oppose class warfare by attacking Socialists because they are rich. We Populist have no use for the cognitive dissonance of richlovers. Talk about secular religion; you must think that being born rich is a sign that those are God's favorites, predestined to rule over us.

No one over 18 has the right to a dime of his Daddy's money; that's for children. If we have to do it on our own, we must force those richkid moochers to do the same. Work their way through college doing menial part time jobs and taking out crippling student loans. Or else join the military, risking their lives to get the GI Bill..
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

Forget the conservative comparison, especially since you bring up the far right. What do Libertarians want? Those principles are what forged American success and what Liberals today reject.

The left has become further left than in any time in U.S history. Even worse than in the 1960's because at least then intellectual debate was encouraged and communism was only embraced by the fringe. Now it's "I'm right, you're wrong, because I am a good person and you're not". It's insane.

If America remains on the current economic trajectory, you will wake up one morning and find that your government is insolvent, your currency will not be the global standard (it will be a BRIC replaced currency), you're middle class will be wiped out. Worse, your rights and capitalist system will have been replaced with a "kindler, gentler, collective system".
All for One, And That One All for Himself

Capitalism is collectivist. The employees create all the revenue, and the owners collect it from them.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.

Carlson inherited the Swanson frozen-food fortune, your Prime Minister inherited his position. Spoiled preordained HeirHeads are against group solidarity because we outnumber them overwhelming and can crush them like grapes if we march in formation.

No one has the right to inherit anything. Addrss that issue and no other.
what's the confusion about Socialism, they're pushing the same crap Marx outlined.
Everything the Socialists claim they try to fix, they take a big chunk of the money to make a 20 year career and lifetime pension
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.

Carlson inherited the Swanson frozen-food fortune, your Prime Minister inherited his position. Spoiled preordained HeirHeads are against group solidarity because we outnumber them overwhelming and can crush them like grapes if we march in formation.

No one has the right to inherit anything. Addrss that issue and no other.

That's the most anti -american statement ever stated.
Inheritance from our parents is one of our most basic things as being American.
Leave the next generation better off than you had it.
It's being destroyed by the Dems.
The Democratic party is trying it's best to eliminate it.
I'm glad I received my Dad and Mom's and my 2 cousins will receive theirs also.
It wasn't a fortune ,but it sure will help me save up to add more for retirement.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

A Socialist is the bitter son of a Capitalist. Daddy was a GreedHead workoholic zombie who neglected him. As with Jane Fonda, the Oedipus Complex is the sole source of his politics. Address that issue and no other. You partisan flunkies have always limited the debate to which of the twin birth-elitists we should let become our Master. My turn.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

A Socialist is the bitter son of a Capitalist. Daddy was a GreedHead workoholic zombie who neglected him. As with Jane Fonda, the Oedipus Complex is the sole source of his politics. Address that issue and no other. You partisan flunkies have always limited the debate to which of the twin birth-elitists we should let become our Master. My turn.

Tell that to Bernie Sanders who calls himself a socialist.
His daddy was a paint salesman. :(
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.

You are confused.

It is not simplistic. It addresses the core reason why socialism sucks. It is the greed of humanity.

Humans are individuals, not an ant collective. Collectivism doesn't work because not everybody will do their fair share. That is the core reason socialism either always fails or produces dismal econoimc growth. It always robs the people of Liberty by making them slaves to the state.

By welfare corporations do you mean like GM and Chrysler that Obama bailed out or do you mean corporations like Solyndra that Obama gave hundreds of millions to or do you mean the big banks that he bailed out? Maybe the Wall Street banks that contributed tons of money to both Crooked Hillary and to Obama.

Welfare queens are not limited to the inner city ghetto pukes that that comprises the core Democrat voting base. There are other welfare queens that suck off the teat of this bloated out of control $4 trillion a year welfare state that we live in and it is destroying our economy.
The Nobility With No Ability

You house slaves have been feeding us half-truths for decades and it hasn't done us any good. Eliminate both welfare and inheritance; it will drive out both classes of moochers.
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.

Carlson inherited the Swanson frozen-food fortune, your Prime Minister inherited his position. Spoiled preordained HeirHeads are against group solidarity because we outnumber them overwhelming and can crush them like grapes if we march in formation.

No one has the right to inherit anything. Addrss that issue and no other.

That's the most anti -american statement ever stated.
Inheritance from our parents is one of our most basic things as being American.
Leave the next generation better off than you had it.
It's being destroyed by the Dems.
The Democratic party is trying it's its best to eliminate it.
I'm glad I received my Dad and Mom's and my 2 cousins will receive theirs also.
It wasn't a fortune ,but it sure will help me save up to add more for retirement.
You can't define it as "the next generation"; it is only a small group and their being pre-positioned by their Daddies leaves the whole generation worse off.

America was founded as a refuge from the tyranny and hopelessness of birth privileges. Another factor was the gutless submission of class traitors like you who want today's Americans to be loyal serfs. Since you obviously only care about HeirHeads, why should we care what you're glad about?
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

A Socialist is the bitter son of a Capitalist. Daddy was a GreedHead workoholic zombie who neglected him. As with Jane Fonda, the Oedipus Complex is the sole source of his politics. Address that issue and no other. You partisan flunkies have always limited the debate to which of the twin birth-elitists we should let become our Master. My turn.

Tell that to Bernie Sanders who calls himself a socialist.
His daddy was a paint salesman. :(

He's just a follower; they don't count. He's a wannabe Leftist preppy, just like Dick Cheney wanted to be a Rightist Preppy but had to settle for being a class-climbing bootlicker like you. Hope your daughter doesn't turn into a dyke because of it, like his did. Who has the money to promote the lie that Gayists are born that way?
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.

You are confused.

It is not simplistic. It addresses the core reason why socialism sucks. It is the greed of humanity.

Humans are individuals, not an ant collective. Collectivism doesn't work because not everybody will do their fair share. That is the core reason socialism either always fails or produces dismal econoimc growth. It always robs the people of Liberty by making them slaves to the state.

By welfare corporations do you mean like GM and Chrysler that Obama bailed out or do you mean corporations like Solyndra that Obama gave hundreds of millions to or do you mean the big banks that he bailed out? Maybe the Wall Street banks that contributed tons of money to both Crooked Hillary and to Obama.

Welfare queens are not limited to the inner city ghetto pukes that that comprises the core Democrat voting base. There are other welfare queens that suck off the teat of this bloated out of control $4 trillion a year welfare state that we live in and it is destroying our economy.
The is also the other side of the spectrum, those who work harder and want/deserve more for that extra effort. Socialism doesn't reward that
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

Forget the conservative comparison, especially since you bring up the far right. What do Libertarians want? Those principles are what forged American success and what Liberals today reject.

The left has become further left than in any time in U.S history. Even worse than in the 1960's because at least then intellectual debate was encouraged and communism was only embraced by the fringe. Now it's "I'm right, you're wrong, because I am a good person and you're not". It's insane.

If America remains on the current economic trajectory, you will wake up one morning and find that your government is insolvent, your currency will not be the global standard (it will be a BRIC replaced currency), you're middle class will be wiped out. Worse, your rights and capitalist system will have been replaced with a "kindler, gentler, collective system".
This is after 35 years now of pander to the rich Reaganism, dumbass dupe. see sig. AND 30 years of bs GOP propaganda...
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.

You are confused.

It is not simplistic. It addresses the core reason why socialism sucks. It is the greed of humanity.

Humans are individuals, not an ant collective. Collectivism doesn't work because not everybody will do their fair share. That is the core reason socialism either always fails or produces dismal econoimc growth. It always robs the people of Liberty by making them slaves to the state.

By welfare corporations do you mean like GM and Chrysler that Obama bailed out or do you mean corporations like Solyndra that Obama gave hundreds of millions to or do you mean the big banks that he bailed out? Maybe the Wall Street banks that contributed tons of money to both Crooked Hillary and to Obama.

Welfare queens are not limited to the inner city ghetto pukes that that comprises the core Democrat voting base. There are other welfare queens that suck off the teat of this bloated out of control $4 trillion a year welfare state that we live in and it is destroying our economy.
The is also the other side of the spectrum, those who work harder and want/deserve more for that extra effort. Socialism doesn't reward that
That's communism , dupe. Only the US RW in all the world doesn't know what socialism is now. Hint: Fair, democratic, capitalism. "We're all socialists now!" -Finland PM when ACA passed. He means modern countries, in case you need a diagram...
Perhaps you could define socialism ? What is it ?
I suspect that would get a 100 different answers.

As you will for capitalism, conservatism, libertarianism, nationalism.

What is worrisome and important to understand is that the alt-left, wannabe socialists in America have heavy funding and vocal support from other nations and state actors. Why is this? While America, or what made America what it has been for the last 200 years, is uniquely American. Do you see the difference?

America is unique simply because of it's absolute belief in the individual and free market capitalism among other virtues. Consider how the world viewed America before the internet. Go back 100 years, even 50 years when British rock bands were coming to America. They looked at America as a unique world, like visiting Mars. People are free, creativity and individual differences were embraced and encouraged, not centralized government and conformity. That was for Communists and inefficient losers. If you lose your soul, it will be difficult to get back and the global socialists know this.

Sorry, but to me the alt-left today is Groupthink and the honest, traditional liberals, who I admire and can respect as much as any group because I know they won't try to silence me; have a difficult time stopping the train. The Democratic party now have many of these elements, they are no longer fringe.

When I watch Carlson Tucker I always smile when he states at the end of his show that his show is "the enemy of Groupthink". Thank God someone is.

Carlson inherited the Swanson frozen-food fortune, your Prime Minister inherited his position. Spoiled preordained HeirHeads are against group solidarity because we outnumber them overwhelming and can crush them like grapes if we march in formation.

No one has the right to inherit anything. Addrss that issue and no other.

That's the most anti -american statement ever stated.
Inheritance from our parents is one of our most basic things as being American.
Leave the next generation better off than you had it.
It's being destroyed by the Dems.
The Democratic party is trying it's best to eliminate it.
I'm glad I received my Dad and Mom's and my 2 cousins will receive theirs also.
It wasn't a fortune ,but it sure will help me save up to add more for retirement.
You appear to know nothing about present, Dem, and socialist inheritance policy. Just the bs fear mongering propaganda...

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