The reason Socialism prevails is because it's based in psychology

Western society has chosen for itself the organization best suited to its purposes and one I might call legalistic. The limits of human rights and rightness are determined by a system of laws; such limits are very broad. People in the West have acquired considerable skill in using, interpreting, and manipulating law (though laws tend to be too complicated for an average person to understand without the help of an expert). Every conflict is solved according to the letter of the law and this is considered to be the ultimate solution.

If one is risen from a legal point of view, nothing more is required, nobody may mention that one could still not be right, and urge self-restraint or a renunciation of these rights, call for sacrifice and selfless risk: this would simply sound absurd. Voluntary self-restraint is almost unheard of: everybody strives toward further expansion to the extreme limit of the legal frames. (An oil company is legally blameless when it buys up an invention of a new type of energy in order to prevent its use. A food product manufacturer is legally blameless when he poisons his produce to make it last longer: after all, people are free not to purchase it.)

I have spent all my life under a Communist regime and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society based on the letter of the law and never reaching any higher fails to take full advantage of the full range of human possibilities. The letter of the law is too cold and formal to have a beneficial influence on society. Whenever the tissue of life is woven of legalistic relationships, this creates an atmosphere of spiritual mediocrity that paralyzes man's noblest impulses.
First, he is wrong. Arguments against the letter of the law happen all the time. That is how a will be challenged for its constitutionality.

Secondly, the "higher" state of human existence is impossible. That is exact opposite of equal protection under the law. The letter of the law does not guaranty equal outcome, nor should it.
There is no "left" in the US. If there were then your poor people would not be treated so badly. A broken leg would not bankrupt you and you would not need a gun to go out and buy a pint of milk.
You frothers have no idea what socialism is and cling to Cold War rhetoric in order to fill the gap in your knowledge. None of you have mentioned Venezuela yet either.

You really do have an unimaginably ignorant totally false world view, don't you? It must take real effort to be so bass-ackwards and clueless! But then, what can the point possibly be in asking you?! It is not like you are even a million miles from seeing anything clearly.
Rush talked about this on his show today....he pointed out that the left has an agenda...they want to use the government to control other people, while conservatives just want to be left alone.....the drive to control other people has put the left in control of the media, the education system, hollywood....... and Conservatives act as individuals while they face collective action from the left....

Well put. That is the GOP's biggest problem! The rat bastards keep working as a bunch of individuals instead of one collective.
They're a collective of a few greedy a-hole billionaire brainwashers and a giant brainwashed collective of dupes, all to pander to the rich, dupe.
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.

Just as with NATIONAL Socialism, humans grasp at false ideals when feeling helpless.
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

No...they don' is the left that is doing this. The left wants to control what you eat, your healthcare, your retirement, how much water your toilet uses to flush...the left in Iceland is murdering people with down order to get it out of their gene pool...

Have you seen the sexual commisars on college campuses lately....? It was the left wing under hitler that demanded more babies, it was the left in china that wanted less babies.....

if you think the left is going to leave you alone in how you have sex, after they control everything really are delusional......
Pity you don't know the difference between an adjective and a noun.
Reveals your limited Ed
College again?
Americans are culturally indoctrinated with the capitalism. I don't know how this can be denied. It's only common sense.
That is true. Capitalism is implicit in the "pursuit of happiness" from the founders, or the "property" from John Locke.
Why did Jefferson leave out property or change it to "happiness?"
Were the new Americans already changing their views on governments and its role in the well-being of its citizens?
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.

Just as with NATIONAL Socialism, humans grasp at false ideals when feeling helpless.
What ever that means. Maybe hitlers national socialist party?
Socialism = Political Atheism, which allows people to walk away from Christian responsibility.

Socialism divides a nation into classes, based on the fact people throughout history blame their problems on "the rich". Even though Socialism has time and time again shown "the rich" are part of it, the Socialists still relentlessly tell everyone they fight "the rich". Most Socialist/Communist leaders are from wealthy families. The Socialists don't name "the rich" by name, unless they are found to contribute to patriotic causes. No matter what the facts are, their spokesmen say they fight "the rich"

The Socialist teaching of the Civil War and founding of America allows people to believe a fictional view of history, which is negative exaggerated. No one from history can defend themselves and set the record straight. This allows Socialist minions to walk away from patriotic duty and gives them a false sense of elevated intelligence. Americans don't have to realize the Socialist chapter is the worst time in our history, because they are given a fictional negative history. The only reason the Socialists talk about history is to control the voting of today.

Environmentalism = political control in the name of the planet.

People in Oklahoma said the Dust Bowl incident was caused by over-farming. People want to believe that the planet will punish humans for their sins. (when they are not making profits of the "damaging" business). Now, scientists say the Dust Bowl was caused by a natural cycle of El Nino.

Older people become more sensitive to weather, so older people swear it's hotter than before. "Global Warming"

Socialism is nothing more than a group of worthless goons trying to use psychology to win total control.

Just as with NATIONAL Socialism, humans grasp at false ideals when feeling helpless.
What ever that means. Maybe hitlers national socialist party?

Yes, international vs. national. National socialism is termed Fascism, no pretense that all are equal. Two sides of what has turned out to be the same coin; humans do not all want to be treated the same, or thought of in that manner. When Communists began to participate in international sports, some excelled, which put Marxism to a test the theories failed. Thus, socialism must alter the foundation.
Americans are culturally indoctrinated with the capitalism. I don't know how this can be denied. It's only common sense.
That is true. Capitalism is implicit in the "pursuit of happiness" from the founders, or the "property" from John Locke.
Thats a stretch.I doubt that the founders had Amazon and Walmart in mind when they framed the constitution.
Speaking of shallow thinking but you are really confused about this, aren't you?

Profit is the reward for taking risk and doing something. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with your convoluted shit about "dominance", whatever the hell that means in this context.

Profit is a good thing because it drives entrepreneurship, innovation, jobs and wealth.

Socialism is a bad thing because it creates perpetual poverty and rewards non productivity.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from those that earn it and giving it to those that didn't earn a damn thing, do you? Well maybe in your convoluted uneducated greedy world but not in the real world.
You have a very simplistic world view. I understand perfectly the point being made.

Much of modern capitalism is about might is right. Buying up competitors and so on. It benefits nobody apart from the corporations. In fact it has a negative influence on the economy,society and the individual.

Never mind that Corporate charity grew in 2016 which helps our economy, society and individuals.
Seems you are believing the lies.
Charitable Giving Statistics | NPTrust
Very commendable but its a drop in the ocean set against the damage they cause.

That's the same thing they said when our town got a Wal-Mart. :)
Our city has prospered because of them and they caused no damage.
There needs to be a balance doesnt there. The Walmarts will crush smaller traders using their buying power. They will sell things for less than cost until there is no competition.

In the uk the supermarkets are squeezing the dairy farmers because they sell milk as a loss leader and they want their suppliers to share their pain. The result is that more and more dairy farmers are giving it up. I have a friend whose family has farmed the same land for several generations. He will be the last of them as his kids dont fancy it.

When they are all gone they will have to import milk or,more likely, there will be megafarms where the cows are doped up by Monsanto to produce frankenstein milk in quantity. So for the sake of a penny on a pint of milk a whole industry,a way of life is gone.

Its nice to have cheap milk but there is still a cost.

All of our small businesses are doing fine.
One Family Dollar store closed, but that's the stupidity of the company putting in 2 of the same stores in a very small town. :)
Western society has chosen for itself the organization best suited to its purposes and one I might call legalistic. The limits of human rights and rightness are determined by a system of laws; such limits are very broad. People in the West have acquired considerable skill in using, interpreting, and manipulating law (though laws tend to be too complicated for an average person to understand without the help of an expert). Every conflict is solved according to the letter of the law and this is considered to be the ultimate solution.

If one is risen from a legal point of view, nothing more is required, nobody may mention that one could still not be right, and urge self-restraint or a renunciation of these rights, call for sacrifice and selfless risk: this would simply sound absurd. Voluntary self-restraint is almost unheard of: everybody strives toward further expansion to the extreme limit of the legal frames. (An oil company is legally blameless when it buys up an invention of a new type of energy in order to prevent its use. A food product manufacturer is legally blameless when he poisons his produce to make it last longer: after all, people are free not to purchase it.)

I have spent all my life under a Communist regime and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society based on the letter of the law and never reaching any higher fails to take full advantage of the full range of human possibilities. The letter of the law is too cold and formal to have a beneficial influence on society. Whenever the tissue of life is woven of legalistic relationships, this creates an atmosphere of spiritual mediocrity that paralyzes man's noblest impulses.
First, he is wrong. Arguments against the letter of the law happen all the time. That is how a will be challenged for its constitutionality.

Secondly, the "higher" state of human existence is impossible. That is exact opposite of equal protection under the law. The letter of the law does not guaranty equal outcome, nor should it.
First, he is wrong. Arguments against the letter of the law happen all the time. That is how a will be challenged for its constitutionality.
He is not wrong. You simply don't understand what he is saying.
Secondly, the "higher" state of human existence is impossible. That is exact opposite of equal protection under the law. The letter of the law does not guaranty equal outcome, nor should it.
You seem to be ethically challenged.
Capitalism is implicit in the "pursuit of happiness" from the founders, or the "property" from John Locke.
Do you understand the origins of the "pursuit of happiness"? I can assure you it has nothing in common with capitalism.

That is exactly what happened when the King put in too many regulations and taxes with the colonies merchants.
The Revolutionary War.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Being able to sell your merchandise without high taxes and regulations, that they knew very well would cause no growth.

John lock had life, liberty and the pursuit of property.
Jefferson borrowed it to say pursuit of happiness.
It's definitely an American thing when combined together.
When John Locke, Samuel Johnson, and Thomas Jefferson wrote of “the pursuit of happiness,” they were invoking the Greek and Roman philosophical tradition in which happiness is bound up with the civic virtues of courage, moderation, and justice.
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There is no "left" in the US. If there were then your poor people would not be treated so badly. A broken leg would not bankrupt you and you would not need a gun to go out and buy a pint of milk.
You frothers have no idea what socialism is and cling to Cold War rhetoric in order to fill the gap in your knowledge. None of you have mentioned Venezuela yet either.
Fucking taint lolol.
Socialism is fucked up from the start because it forces people into its incestuous collective
That's communism, superdupe.
Same difference, communism is just evolved socialism
Evolved through violent revolution every time. Less liable to happen than savage capitalism is...socialism (FAIR CAPITALISM) is actually a cure for communist revolution.
Na, no socialist government has lived long term
What is your definition? I will accept it.

Bill Shankly put it best.

Its how we build communities.

The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.
Glad you brought that up Tammy, because Crony Capitalism is a form of socialism. Essentially it is socialism for the wealthy elites and serfdom for the rest of us. Agreed?
You are just lumping everything you dont like under the banner of socialism. Thats dishonest.

"Usually you get socialism first in its nice, fluffy, cotton candy version where everyone is told they will be taken care of and we are all going to be one big happy family. Then reality hits as the productive people stop working and mediocrity becomes the norm. As problems mount, the government has to impose ever more rules and regulations to control the downward spiral and you get full-blown communism.

"Those people with any gumption try to escape, as we’ve seen previously in Cuba, Venezuela, East Germany, the Soviet Union, Communist China and North Korea. Those left behind only intensify the downward trend."

Socialism’s and communism’s useful idiots

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