The reason Socialism prevails is because it's based in psychology

Two-Headed Vulture

Profit is a tax, too. The private-sector regime must be judged the same way its preachers judge the public one. Both are run by the same klnd of people.

Profit is the reward for doing something.
"What Is Best for the 1% Is Best for All You Worthless Little People Too"

Unquantified and unqualified, your statement is meaningless. Rewards are based on dominance, not merit. You bootlickers are only capable of shallow thinking.

Speaking of shallow thinking but you are really confused about this, aren't you?

Profit is the reward for taking risk and doing something. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with your convoluted shit about "dominance", whatever the hell that means in this context.

Profit is a good thing because it drives entrepreneurship, innovation, jobs and wealth.

Socialism is a bad thing because it creates perpetual poverty and rewards non productivity.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from those that earn it and giving it to those that didn't earn a damn thing, do you? Well maybe in your convoluted uneducated greedy world but not in the real world.
You have a very simplistic world view. I understand perfectly the point being made.

Much of modern capitalism is about might is right. Buying up competitors and so on. It benefits nobody apart from the corporations. In fact it has a negative influence on the economy,society and the individual.

Never mind that Corporate charity grew in 2016 which helps our economy, society and individuals.
Seems you are believing the lies.
Charitable Giving Statistics | NPTrust
Very commendable but its a drop in the ocean set against the damage they cause.
Socialism is fucked up from the start because it forces people into its incestuous collective
Profit is the reward for doing something.
"What Is Best for the 1% Is Best for All You Worthless Little People Too"

Unquantified and unqualified, your statement is meaningless. Rewards are based on dominance, not merit. You bootlickers are only capable of shallow thinking.

Speaking of shallow thinking but you are really confused about this, aren't you?

Profit is the reward for taking risk and doing something. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with your convoluted shit about "dominance", whatever the hell that means in this context.

Profit is a good thing because it drives entrepreneurship, innovation, jobs and wealth.

Socialism is a bad thing because it creates perpetual poverty and rewards non productivity.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from those that earn it and giving it to those that didn't earn a damn thing, do you? Well maybe in your convoluted uneducated greedy world but not in the real world.
You have a very simplistic world view. I understand perfectly the point being made.

Much of modern capitalism is about might is right. Buying up competitors and so on. It benefits nobody apart from the corporations. In fact it has a negative influence on the economy,society and the individual.

Never mind that Corporate charity grew in 2016 which helps our economy, society and individuals.
Seems you are believing the lies.
Charitable Giving Statistics | NPTrust
Very commendable but its a drop in the ocean set against the damage they cause.

That's the same thing they said when our town got a Wal-Mart. :)
Our city has prospered because of them and they caused no damage.
"What Is Best for the 1% Is Best for All You Worthless Little People Too"

Unquantified and unqualified, your statement is meaningless. Rewards are based on dominance, not merit. You bootlickers are only capable of shallow thinking.

Speaking of shallow thinking but you are really confused about this, aren't you?

Profit is the reward for taking risk and doing something. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with your convoluted shit about "dominance", whatever the hell that means in this context.

Profit is a good thing because it drives entrepreneurship, innovation, jobs and wealth.

Socialism is a bad thing because it creates perpetual poverty and rewards non productivity.

You don't create prosperity by taking money away from those that earn it and giving it to those that didn't earn a damn thing, do you? Well maybe in your convoluted uneducated greedy world but not in the real world.
You have a very simplistic world view. I understand perfectly the point being made.

Much of modern capitalism is about might is right. Buying up competitors and so on. It benefits nobody apart from the corporations. In fact it has a negative influence on the economy,society and the individual.

Never mind that Corporate charity grew in 2016 which helps our economy, society and individuals.
Seems you are believing the lies.
Charitable Giving Statistics | NPTrust
Very commendable but its a drop in the ocean set against the damage they cause.

That's the same thing they said when our town got a Wal-Mart. :)
Our city has prospered because of them and they caused no damage.
There needs to be a balance doesnt there. The Walmarts will crush smaller traders using their buying power. They will sell things for less than cost until there is no competition.

In the uk the supermarkets are squeezing the dairy farmers because they sell milk as a loss leader and they want their suppliers to share their pain. The result is that more and more dairy farmers are giving it up. I have a friend whose family has farmed the same land for several generations. He will be the last of them as his kids dont fancy it.

When they are all gone they will have to import milk or,more likely, there will be megafarms where the cows are doped up by Monsanto to produce frankenstein milk in quantity. So for the sake of a penny on a pint of milk a whole industry,a way of life is gone.

Its nice to have cheap milk but there is still a cost.

You have a very simplistic world view. I understand perfectly the point being made.

Much of modern capitalism is about might is right. Buying up competitors and so on. It benefits nobody apart from the corporations. In fact it has a negative influence on the economy,society and the individual.

You are confused,

Government giving away free shit that other people have to pay for and government screwing up everything they touch like you have with Socialism is a far greater danger than competitive market forces.

I trust my well being to somebody trying to make a profit by producing products I want to buy a whole lot more than I do to some stupid government bureaucrat that doesn't give a shit about me and whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special greedy interest groups.

You have a very simplistic world view. I understand perfectly the point being made.

Much of modern capitalism is about might is right. Buying up competitors and so on. It benefits nobody apart from the corporations. In fact it has a negative influence on the economy,society and the individual.

You are confused,

Government giving away free shit that other people have to pay for and government screwing up everything they touch like you have with Socialism is a far greater danger than competitive market forces.

I trust my well being to somebody trying to make a profit by producing products I want to buy a whole lot more than I do to some stupid government bureaucrat that doesn't give a shit about me and whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special greedy interest groups.
Then you cant be helped.
Whenever the federal government involves itself into anything it fucks everything up
Socialism fails because not everyone gives his or her all to maintain it. There will always be the lazy, the greedy and the envious....Human nature prevents it from being a workable way of life.
The idiots that talk about "sharing" are the welfare queens that don't want to pay their part of the bills and wants to get somebody else to pay for them. That is their idea of sharing. That is the reason why socialism never works.

Socialism is a greedy little scheme by the unproductive to use the force of government to get somebody else to pays their bills. It destroys economies because it is never viable in the long run. It always fails when the wealth that was created under capitalism runs out. .
Your assertions are simplistic and cliched.
The biggest "welfare queens" are the large corporations. What caused the last recession ? Corporate greed did, and it will cause the next one as well.

You are confused.

It is not simplistic. It addresses the core reason why socialism sucks. It is the greed of humanity.

Humans are individuals, not an ant collective. Collectivism doesn't work because not everybody will do their fair share. That is the core reason socialism either always fails or produces dismal econoimc growth. It always robs the people of Liberty by making them slaves to the state.

By welfare corporations do you mean like GM and Chrysler that Obama bailed out or do you mean corporations like Solyndra that Obama gave hundreds of millions to or do you mean the big banks that he bailed out? Maybe the Wall Street banks that contributed tons of money to both Crooked Hillary and to Obama.

Welfare queens are not limited to the inner city ghetto pukes that that comprises the core Democrat voting base. There are other welfare queens that suck off the teat of this bloated out of control $4 trillion a year welfare state that we live in and it is destroying our economy.
The is also the other side of the spectrum, those who work harder and want/deserve more for that extra effort. Socialism doesn't reward that
That's communism , dupe. Only the US RW in all the world doesn't know what socialism is now. Hint: Fair, democratic, capitalism. "We're all socialists now!" -Finland PM when ACA passed. He means modern countries, in case you need a diagram...
I wouldn't use the ACA as a shining example of socialism as a matter of fact the damn thing was setup to fail so that the idiots in DC could bring out single payer,which doesn't have that good of a track record around the world either. Here's a diagram for you, every time socialism fails lefty loons pull the excuses out of their collective ass. "That's not true socialism". It's been 134 years since Marx bit the dust and over 100 million people have died in the name of "not" socialism. So tell me when is that socialist utopia coming ?
It isn't, another conservative myth. It's just fair capitalism, already in France, original EU, Scandinavia, Canada, and even here in Dem states, tho OF COURSE ACA will be tinkered with forever, and sabotaged to some extent by the GOP I suppose, as Tories do in the UK...

ACA beats the HELL out of no ACA for twenty million, and will be the framework for future solutions- bringing costs down!!!, if the bought off and brainwashed GOP ever stops screwing with it...
Whenever the federal government involves itself into anything it fucks everything up the military, the police, SS, UE, EPA, fixing roads and bridges before Reaganism. Works great when Dems are united and in control like LBJ...
Conservatives do not want to be "left alone". They want to control every aspect of my life including who I can fuck and marry.You need to rethink this whine.

No, no we don't..... I don't give two shits about you or who you fuck. Grow up Tommy Taint.
Conservatives fight legal pot, gay marriage, choice in MANY areas, have overturned MANY lefty democracies. Pfffft!!
America went through one or two red scares and one would think that the governments would make sure that most Americans would understand all the types of socialism and communism. Both state and federal had a responsibility, but most governments wouldn't touch it, for fear of being charged with teaching communism. So most of us remained in ignorance of our fears. We see the results on these boards.
Way to stay a terminally confused dolt/dupe. Everywhere but the USA and the New BS GOP in particular, communism is dictatorship and socialism is democratic. Start there
Both socialism and communism can only survive with as close to 100% participation by the people as possible. The only difference is one will put you in jail or fine you for not pulling your weight the other will shoot you. Derrr
Rush talked about this on his show today....he pointed out that the left has an agenda...they want to use the government to control other people, while conservatives just want to be left alone.....the drive to control other people has put the left in control of the media, the education system, hollywood....... and Conservatives act as individuals while they face collective action from the left....

Well put. That is the GOP's biggest problem! The rat bastards keep working as a bunch of individuals instead of one collective.

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