The Reason Why I Don't Have A Single Ounce Of Respect For Any Republican Today

It was the mental twists people had to make to convince themselves that waterboarding is not torture which finally did it for me. The self-delusion required to get there was a batshit crazy bar too high for me.


It is the vast silliness of trying to conflate waterboarding and "torture" that makes me laugh at statements like that.


Our country has tried and sentenced to hard labor people who have waterboarded Americans, batshit crazy boi. And we called it torture.


Tell me you just made that up or cite a case where anyone has been tried and convicted of water boarding anyone.
Very sad thread. You need to seperate people from their politics or religion. No one on this board is responsible for Bush's or Obama's perceived mistakes.

I respect ALMOST everyone on this board regarless of polital leanings.

So the buck does not stop at the presidents desk? I would agree. with the hundreds of thousands employees in the federal government to expect him to be responsible for all of them is ridiculous. To expect him to have knowledge or even control of immediate events going on is also impossible, thus the reason for a chain of command. All a president can do is macro-manage.
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Ok explain to us what Bush did against the Constitution. If you say the patriot act I remind you the democrats renewed it every year they were in sole control of the Congress and the Presidency. If you say Iraq war I remind you Congress ( including the democrats) agreed to allow the US to wage that war.

Go ahead explain to us what the Republicans did that the Democrats under Obama have NOT done.

As to you personally, you are a racist piece of dog shit and I personally do not give one rat fuck what you think.
I'm mad at the WEAK Dems who went along with the Bush Regime and their tomfoolery (puttin' it nicely and mildly).

However, make no mistake about it, it was not the Dems, I repeat NOT the Dems that championed this move and tirade.

Bush went on a spending spree, many of it in guise of "freedom" and "protection."

Eroded many rights.

I was INCENSED about people either are forgetting or pretending to forget how terrible the Bush years were. Not me, I remember CLEARLY. I will NEVER forget.

The bastards LET 9/11/2001 happen on their watch.

I will bet my life earnings that had that happened under a Dem Presidents the Dems would have been ran out of town on a rail with what the Republicans would have done to them politically.

Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.

So go blow it out your RW A$$!!!!

So you are mad at the weak Dems who wnt along with the Republicans which meant that it was not unconstitutional. They voted for the Patriot Act and every expenditure made.

It may not have been the Dems who initiated these actions but they clearly supported them with their votes. The democatic way, Marc. If you have a problem with them, take it up with them.

Runout on a rail? Bush had the support of the country, the Congress and patriotism was never higher. If you felt differently at the time, which I doubt, in you were in a slim minority.
And the hatred looms. Because someone disagrees with you politically doesn't mean you have the right to dismiss them. That's what's wrong now, that's why we can't move forward with real reform.

What happened to Jobs being a #1 priority for Obama?? Didn't he say he was going to make it his #1?? This isn't a what's "right" argument, it's an "I'm better than you" argument.

They're all politicians, including the Messiah.............they don't give a sh*t about you, they only want your vote.

Every darn one of those guys in DC need to be changed like a baby's diaper. We have a strong military, we need to keep it that way and let the Generals do what they need to with funding approved by Congress.

Everyone is giving the President too much power, circumventing Congress is a disservice to the American people.

Not a fan of waterboarding, however much less of a fan of drones.............just kill them along with innocent women and children, that's much more humane than waterboarding.

This thread only shows the division is nearly complete, Americans against Americans when in fact we should all be against a government that has grown all too powerful.
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Ok explain to us what Bush did against the Constitution. If you say the patriot act I remind you the democrats renewed it every year they were in sole control of the Congress and the Presidency. If you say Iraq war I remind you Congress ( including the democrats) agreed to allow the US to wage that war.

Go ahead explain to us what the Republicans did that the Democrats under Obama have NOT done.

As to you personally, you are a racist piece of dog shit and I personally do not give one rat fuck what you think.
I'm mad at the WEAK Dems who went along with the Bush Regime and their tomfoolery (puttin' it nicely and mildly).

However, make no mistake about it, it was not the Dems, I repeat NOT the Dems that championed this move and tirade.

Bush went on a spending spree, many of it in guise of "freedom" and "protection."

Eroded many rights.

I was INCENSED about people either are forgetting or pretending to forget how terrible the Bush years were. Not me, I remember CLEARLY. I will NEVER forget.

The bastards LET 9/11/2001 happen on their watch.

I will bet my life earnings that had that happened under a Dem Presidents the Dems would have been ran out of town on a rail with what the Republicans would have done to them politically.

Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.

So go blow it out your RW A$$!!!!

So you are mad at the weak Dems who wnt along with the Republicans which meant that it was not unconstitutional. They voted for the Patriot Act and every expenditure made.

It may not have been the Dems who initiated these actions but they clearly supported them with their votes. The democatic way, Marc. If you have a problem with them, take it up with them.

Runout on a rail? Bush had the support of the country, the Congress and patriotism was never higher. If you felt differently at the time, which I doubt, in you were in a slim minority.

Yup. The Dems voted for all of it. A fact Marc seems to forget.

WOW nice to know Marc has no respect for ANY Rep. I'm sure they will all lose sleep over his lack of respect. LOL

Of course Reps don't agree with Barry's polices which haven't done much for the economic recovery of America.

Four years into Barrys presidencey its all still Bush's fault. Of course Marc agrees with that one 100%.

I guess he's still buyin that Hope and Change bullshit. LOL
It was the mental twists people had to make to convince themselves that waterboarding is not torture which finally did it for me. The self-delusion required to get there was a batshit crazy bar too high for me.


Wow - you're concerned with the "harsh" treatment of vicious animals that are essentially serial killers? Talk about BAT SHIT CRAZY.

You'd much rather see American children slaughtered than a terrorist endure a few minutes of discomfort... Unfuckingbelievable!
And the hatred looms. Because someone disagrees with you politically doesn't mean you have the right to dismiss them. That's what's wrong now, that's why we can't move forward with real reform.

What happened to Jobs being a #1 priority for Obama?? Didn't he say he was going to make it his #1?? This isn't a what's "right" argument, it's an "I'm better than you" argument.

They're all politicians, including the Messiah.............they don't give a sh*t about you, they only want your vote.

Every darn one of those guys in DC need to be changed like a baby's diaper. We have a strong military, we need to keep it that way and let the Generals do what they need to with funding approved by Congress.

Everyone is giving the President too much power, circumventing Congress is a disservice to the American people.

Not a fan of waterboarding, however much less of a fan of drones.............just kill them along with innocent women and children, that's much more humane than waterboarding.

This thread only shows the division is nearly complete, Americans against Americans when in fact we should all be against a government that has grown all too powerful.

Good luck with that vision NG! People like MarcATL (ie dumbocrats) want to live off the government so they don't have to provide for themselves. Therefore, all they want is a huge, unconstitutional government.
That personal responsibility thing Marc keeps touting is confusing. He want us to take personal responsibility over a politician's choices??

Hey MarcATL, I guess that's where we totally disagree. Personal responsibility to me is taking responsibility for what I have done, what I haven't done or what I can do. Not what some politician does. ;)

Here ya go:

There is only one person responsible for your life and the vocation you have chosen. That person is the one you see in the mirror in the morning when you wake up. Don’t blame God, your boss, your parents, your former teachers, your coach, your co-workers or your dog. ...

Core Concepts | CoreThemes
The Bush administration was so destructive for our country, yet you can't tell us why. What has Bush done that Obama hasnt done twice as badly?

Your stupidity is showing......again.

Why don't you tell all about the wars Obama got us into.
Ok explain to us what Bush did against the Constitution. If you say the patriot act I remind you the democrats renewed it every year they were in sole control of the Congress and the Presidency. If you say Iraq war I remind you Congress ( including the democrats) agreed to allow the US to wage that war.

Go ahead explain to us what the Republicans did that the Democrats under Obama have NOT done.

As to you personally, you are a racist piece of dog shit and I personally do not give one rat fuck what you think.
I'm mad at the WEAK Dems who went along with the Bush Regime and their tomfoolery (puttin' it nicely and mildly).

However, make no mistake about it, it was not the Dems, I repeat NOT the Dems that championed this move and tirade.

Bush went on a spending spree, many of it in guise of "freedom" and "protection."

Eroded many rights.

I was INCENSED about people either are forgetting or pretending to forget how terrible the Bush years were. Not me, I remember CLEARLY. I will NEVER forget.

The bastards LET 9/11/2001 happen on their watch.

I will bet my life earnings that had that happened under a Dem Presidents the Dems would have been ran out of town on a rail with what the Republicans would have done to them politically.

Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.

So go blow it out your RW A$$!!!!

So you are mad at the weak Dems who wnt along with the Republicans which meant that it was not unconstitutional. They voted for the Patriot Act and every expenditure made.

It may not have been the Dems who initiated these actions but they clearly supported them with their votes. The democatic way, Marc. If you have a problem with them, take it up with them.

Runout on a rail? Bush had the support of the country, the Congress and patriotism was never higher. If you felt differently at the time, which I doubt, in you were in a slim minority.

It always seems strange to me that the Repubs can never stand up and either take credit for their actions or take resonsibiltiy for same.

Like with the war. Every single fuking time that Rethugs are criticzed for the war in Iraq, instead of proudly proclaiming that, yes we did want to go to war in Iraq and yes we did have the POTUS selling that idea to the public and yes the sales job worked and we invaded Iraq.

Why can't you rethugs proudly stand up for the invasion of Iraq.

Instead, any criticism is met by the same bull shit; the Dems voted for it to.

Kinda like a kid that gets caught doing something they shouldn't have saying; well he did it to. Like that makes it all right.

That line of "well they did it to" doesn't work. Not with my kids and not with the bullshit justifcation you rethugs try and use for YOUR war in Iraq.
I'm mad at the WEAK Dems who went along with the Bush Regime and their tomfoolery (puttin' it nicely and mildly).

However, make no mistake about it, it was not the Dems, I repeat NOT the Dems that championed this move and tirade.

Bush went on a spending spree, many of it in guise of "freedom" and "protection."

Eroded many rights.

I was INCENSED about people either are forgetting or pretending to forget how terrible the Bush years were. Not me, I remember CLEARLY. I will NEVER forget.

The bastards LET 9/11/2001 happen on their watch.

I will bet my life earnings that had that happened under a Dem Presidents the Dems would have been ran out of town on a rail with what the Republicans would have done to them politically.

Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.

So go blow it out your RW A$$!!!!

So you are mad at the weak Dems who wnt along with the Republicans which meant that it was not unconstitutional. They voted for the Patriot Act and every expenditure made.

It may not have been the Dems who initiated these actions but they clearly supported them with their votes. The democatic way, Marc. If you have a problem with them, take it up with them.

Runout on a rail? Bush had the support of the country, the Congress and patriotism was never higher. If you felt differently at the time, which I doubt, in you were in a slim minority.

It always seems strange to me that the Repubs can never stand up and either take credit for their actions or take resonsibiltiy for same.

Like with the war. Every single fuking time that Rethugs are criticzed for the war in Iraq, instead of proudly proclaiming that, yes we did want to go to war in Iraq and yes we did have the POTUS selling that idea to the public and yes the sales job worked and we invaded Iraq.

Why can't you rethugs proudly stand up for the invasion of Iraq.

Instead, any criticism is met by the same bull shit; the Dems voted for it to.

Kinda like a kid that gets caught doing something they shouldn't have saying; well he did it to. Like that makes it all right.

That line of "well they did it to" doesn't work. Not with my kids and not with the bullshit justifcation you rethugs try and use for YOUR war in Iraq.

How about you tell us exactly how the Republicans were the only people responsible for Iraq. Then and only then will you have a legitimate argument.

George Bush did not decide to go to Iraq all by himself. Unlike Libya, he had BI-PARTISAN congressional agreement and approval. Yea, he didn't build that himself. :eusa_whistle:
Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.
No they weren't....Chimpola's foreign and domestic policies -from international warmongering abroad to massive spending and bureaucratic bloat at home- were barely distinguishable from those of hard leftist LBJ.

The only reason that foaming-at-the-mouth freaks like you hate him is the (R) next to his name.
So you are mad at the weak Dems who wnt along with the Republicans which meant that it was not unconstitutional. They voted for the Patriot Act and every expenditure made.

It may not have been the Dems who initiated these actions but they clearly supported them with their votes. The democatic way, Marc. If you have a problem with them, take it up with them.

Runout on a rail? Bush had the support of the country, the Congress and patriotism was never higher. If you felt differently at the time, which I doubt, in you were in a slim minority.

It always seems strange to me that the Repubs can never stand up and either take credit for their actions or take resonsibiltiy for same.

Like with the war. Every single fuking time that Rethugs are criticzed for the war in Iraq, instead of proudly proclaiming that, yes we did want to go to war in Iraq and yes we did have the POTUS selling that idea to the public and yes the sales job worked and we invaded Iraq.

Why can't you rethugs proudly stand up for the invasion of Iraq.

Instead, any criticism is met by the same bull shit; the Dems voted for it to.

Kinda like a kid that gets caught doing something they shouldn't have saying; well he did it to. Like that makes it all right.

That line of "well they did it to" doesn't work. Not with my kids and not with the bullshit justifcation you rethugs try and use for YOUR war in Iraq.

How about you tell us exactly how the Republicans were the only people responsible for Iraq. Then and only then will you have a legitimate argument.

George Bush did not decide to go to Iraq all by himself. Unlike Libya, he had BI-PARTISAN congressional agreement and approval. Yea, he didn't build that himself. :eusa_whistle:

Why don't you tell me why the Repugs are not proudly proclaiming their accomplishment?

Tell my why, any time the justification of the war is mentioned, you rethugs have to try and put it back on the Dems?

And who in the fuk did you think was appearing on TV selling the idea of going to war in Iraq. Who was that man doing all the selling? Was it Obama? Was it a prominent Dem making all those statements about mushroom clouds and shit. WHO WAS IT?

When you find out who that person was, you will find the leader of the war effort in Iraq.

(Here is a clue, he doesn't have a D next to his name.)
Obamabot butt-hurt. Funny stuff huh? All this butt-hurt is a very good sign for Romney. He must be doing well. So, expect a lot more of these hysterical butt-hurt rants in the coming days.
Reading this thread, which is turning out like most D and R pissing contest threads do, I can't help but wonder how much improved our country would be if people were as critical of their own parties as they are of the other guy's party?
Mark you should think about how irresponsible it is to lump EVERYONE of one group for the perceived errors ofva few. After all I don't hold you responsible because of Franco's stupidity or Dean's hate threads. I disagree with most of the opinions of the left on here yet I respect their choice to hold their opinions if they aren't arrived at through hate, lies or trolling. Hell, I even have some of you on my friends list. I was worried about both Sallow's and Plasmas families because they couldn't find jobs.
Many of your radical lefties claim I hope for high EU or the failure of the economy so Romney can win. That however is obsurd. If the economy fails so goes many businesses, possibly mine. And the high EU is killing people I personally know not to mention less employed can easily translate into less prospective clients for me. But to a troll logic never enters their thought process.

Give it some thought. Rational thought. Just like i bitch at birthers about making us all look bad despite the fact that we're not all birthers.

At this point anyone who is still voting GOP for national level offices is either pants on head retarded or is just doing so out of habit.

Or it could be that their IQ and depth of understanding exceeds your own....just a possibility.

i fail to see any evidence of this.
Mark you should think about how irresponsible it is to lump EVERYONE of one group for the perceived errors ofva few. After all I don't hold you responsible because of Franco's stupidity or Dean's hate threads. I disagree with most of the opinions of the left on here yet I respect their choice to hold their opinions if they aren't arrived at through hate, lies or trolling. Hell, I even have some of you on my friends list. I was worried about both Sallow's and Plasmas families because they couldn't find jobs.
Many of your radical lefties claim I hope for high EU or the failure of the economy so Romney can win. That however is obsurd. If the economy fails so goes many businesses, possibly mine. And the high EU is killing people I personally know not to mention less employed can easily translate into less prospective clients for me. But to a troll logic never enters their thought process.

Give it some thought. Rational thought. Just like i bitch at birthers about making us all look bad despite the fact that we're not all birthers.

At this point anyone who is still voting GOP for national level offices is either pants on head retarded or is just doing so out of habit.

At this point anyone who is voting for Obama is stupid or black or guilt-ridden white liberal.
Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.
No they weren't....Chimpola's foreign and domestic policies -from international warmongering abroad to massive spending and bureaucratic bloat at home- were barely distinguishable from those of hard leftist LBJ.

The only reason that foaming-at-the-mouth freaks like you hate him is the (R) next to his name.

homeland security isnt a leftwing idea. it would have been better to state these guys move more towards centrist policies which really blend together.

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