The Reason Why I Don't Have A Single Ounce Of Respect For Any Republican Today

Very sad thread. You need to seperate people from their politics or religion. No one on this board is responsible for Bush's or Obama's perceived mistakes.

I respect ALMOST everyone on this board regarless of polital leanings.
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

So tell me, how did you feel when you were old enough to understand that Truman dropped the bombs on Japan, were you as incensed, huh?

So are you going to spit on Clinton, Gore, Albright, et al...???

Did you forget or just forgive their support to take out Saddam Hussein...

Where do you get this faux outrage for Bush & Cheney from, did they teach you this in race baiting class??

All Obama has accomplished is to provide someone like yourself justification to be a leach and somehow you think that gives you some holier than thou right...

When you invoke the gospel to make your point, do you forget that your pulling the lever for a Pro Choice candidate???

What a hypocrite...
After reading through this thread I have to say Marc is not only the board's race pimp, he's a FUCKING WEIRDO! Dude, you're out there.. You seriously sound CRAZIER than shit!

Look at the good little lemmings following along.. this is ONE of the reasons why liberalism is labeled as a mental disorder. These people are KNUCKING FUTZ!
Well, excuse me for living!

In your post #85 you were saying that you were a "boarding school student". In other words, nobody found you worthy enough to exchange anything/anybody for you.

If you want to live on and brag about the success of your parents, feel free to do so. I promise I will not attack you for that, I will not utter a single profane word about them and/or you, I simply wanted to make point that what you consider a misfortune, other would consider a blessing.

Yeah, vote for Obama! But don't forget that while he looks black now, and pretending to be one, his morals are low enough to stab useful idiots like you in the back and pretend that he is white. After all, he has equal claims for either but only the blind see him as black only.

Same kind of split about religion. Think about it!
What nonsense are you rambling on about now?
I'm listening to that RW bastard Ron Christie lying through his baby teeth on Ed Schulz.

Every time that damned RW palooka raises his head on da teevee his lying his A$$ off.

He's still doing the bidding of the Bush Regime.

What a simp.

The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because...blah...blah....blah

Oh jeez....what am I to do? It's almost bedtime and I am afraid the news that Marc doesn't respect me will be so overbearing that even the melatonin will fail to entice me into a peaceful slumber. The pain is simply too much to bear.
Mark you should think about how irresponsible it is to lump EVERYONE of one group for the perceived errors ofva few. After all I don't hold you responsible because of Franco's stupidity or Dean's hate threads. I disagree with most of the opinions of the left on here yet I respect their choice to hold their opinions if they aren't arrived at through hate, lies or trolling. Hell, I even have some of you on my friends list. I was worried about both Sallow's and Plasmas families because they couldn't find jobs.
Many of your radical lefties claim I hope for high EU or the failure of the economy so Romney can win. That however is obsurd. If the economy fails so goes many businesses, possibly mine. And the high EU is killing people I personally know not to mention less employed can easily translate into less prospective clients for me. But to a troll logic never enters their thought process.

Give it some thought. Rational thought. Just like i bitch at birthers about making us all look bad despite the fact that we're not all birthers.
You have not named a single policy or event that supposedly only the Republicans under Bush did. Patriot act was and is Bipartisan. The war was and is Bipartisan. Obama supports all the Bush laws and events. The democrats support and approved repeatedly all the Bush laws and events.

As to 9-11 if a President is responsible for that blame Clinton he created and installed the rules and policies that PREVENTED the differing agencies from collaborating on intel and information. Why? because he was a serial rapist and was afraid he would get caught.

Let's unpack this a little bit and find where you are absolutely correct and where you may be wrong.

Let's start with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It is probably a sure thing that the Democrats would have initiated some kind of military action in Afghanistan after 9/11 it if were up to them.

However, I find it highly doubtful they would have invaded Iraq if it were up to them. Sure, most of them backed Bush, but he initiated that war and led us into it. One thing you can say about Bush vs. Obama is that Bush knew how to lead and get what he wanted.

Speaking of Obama, our current President has acted very Bush-like in his foreign policy and in his prosecution of the war in Afghanistan. He's the only Nobel Peace Prize winner with a kill list. Foreign policy is the only arena where I have virtually no dispute with Obama's actions. No one will ever convince me either Romney or Bush would have done anything different with respect to Iran or the Arab Spring. They would have done exactly the same thing, and Romney all but admitted to it at the last debate.

One key difference between Bush and Obama is that Obama does not waterboard people. It is important to note this because the single biggest excuse Bushies gave for waterboarding is that we never had a terror attack on American soil after 9/11, which meant torturing people kept us all secure.

It's amazing how casually people will agree to totalitarian behavior in the name of security.

Well, we STILL haven't had a domestic attack. So the torture excuse fails.

So there are significant differences between Democrats and Republicans. The biggest being we would have one less war notch on our bedpost.

Don't get me wrong. As someone with firsthand experience, I know it was inevitable we would go to war with Iraq again. I still believe it was the right thing to do. My beef with Bush on Iraq is of an entirely different nature. My beef is that he prosecuted that war like a complete and total stumblefuck, and cost us many lives unnecessarily, and many hundreds of billions of treasure.

Not to mention the loss of Iraqi life and treasure.

Just one more unforgivable thing on the list.


Actually, the majority of Dems voted against AUMF Iraq despite the despicable GOP's "you're either with us or you're with the turrists" bullshit.
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Mark you should think about how irresponsible it is to lump EVERYONE of one group for the perceived errors ofva few. After all I don't hold you responsible because of Franco's stupidity or Dean's hate threads. I disagree with most of the opinions of the left on here yet I respect their choice to hold their opinions if they aren't arrived at through hate, lies or trolling. Hell, I even have some of you on my friends list. I was worried about both Sallow's and Plasmas families because they couldn't find jobs.
Many of your radical lefties claim I hope for high EU or the failure of the economy so Romney can win. That however is obsurd. If the economy fails so goes many businesses, possibly mine. And the high EU is killing people I personally know not to mention less employed can easily translate into less prospective clients for me. But to a troll logic never enters their thought process.

Give it some thought. Rational thought. Just like i bitch at birthers about making us all look bad despite the fact that we're not all birthers.

At this point anyone who is still voting GOP for national level offices is either pants on head retarded or is just doing so out of habit.
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Mark you should think about how irresponsible it is to lump EVERYONE of one group for the perceived errors ofva few. After all I don't hold you responsible because of Franco's stupidity or Dean's hate threads. I disagree with most of the opinions of the left on here yet I respect their choice to hold their opinions if they aren't arrived at through hate, lies or trolling. Hell, I even have some of you on my friends list. I was worried about both Sallow's and Plasmas families because they couldn't find jobs.
Many of your radical lefties claim I hope for high EU or the failure of the economy so Romney can win. That however is obsurd. If the economy fails so goes many businesses, possibly mine. And the high EU is killing people I personally know not to mention less employed can easily translate into less prospective clients for me. But to a troll logic never enters their thought process.

Give it some thought. Rational thought. Just like i bitch at birthers about making us all look bad despite the fact that we're not all birthers.

At this point anyone who is still voting GOP for national level offices is either pants on head retarded or is just doing so out of habit.

As if those are the only two options

Mark you should think about how irresponsible it is to lump EVERYONE of one group for the perceived errors ofva few. After all I don't hold you responsible because of Franco's stupidity or Dean's hate threads. I disagree with most of the opinions of the left on here yet I respect their choice to hold their opinions if they aren't arrived at through hate, lies or trolling. Hell, I even have some of you on my friends list. I was worried about both Sallow's and Plasmas families because they couldn't find jobs.
Many of your radical lefties claim I hope for high EU or the failure of the economy so Romney can win. That however is obsurd. If the economy fails so goes many businesses, possibly mine. And the high EU is killing people I personally know not to mention less employed can easily translate into less prospective clients for me. But to a troll logic never enters their thought process.

Give it some thought. Rational thought. Just like i bitch at birthers about making us all look bad despite the fact that we're not all birthers.

At this point anyone who is still voting GOP for national level offices is either pants on head retarded or is just doing so out of habit.

Or it could be that their IQ and depth of understanding exceeds your own....just a possibility.
Mark you should think about how irresponsible it is to lump EVERYONE of one group for the perceived errors ofva few. After all I don't hold you responsible because of Franco's stupidity or Dean's hate threads. I disagree with most of the opinions of the left on here yet I respect their choice to hold their opinions if they aren't arrived at through hate, lies or trolling. Hell, I even have some of you on my friends list. I was worried about both Sallow's and Plasmas families because they couldn't find jobs.
Many of your radical lefties claim I hope for high EU or the failure of the economy so Romney can win. That however is obsurd. If the economy fails so goes many businesses, possibly mine. And the high EU is killing people I personally know not to mention less employed can easily translate into less prospective clients for me. But to a troll logic never enters their thought process.

Give it some thought. Rational thought. Just like i bitch at birthers about making us all look bad despite the fact that we're not all birthers.

At this point anyone who is still voting GOP for national level offices is either pants on head retarded or is just doing so out of habit.

Or it could be that their IQ and depth of understanding exceeds your own....just a possibility.

Highly unlikely.

It's pants on head retarded or a bad habit they can't kick.

But thanks for your input.
At this point anyone who is still voting GOP for national level offices is either pants on head retarded or is just doing so out of habit.

Or it could be that their IQ and depth of understanding exceeds your own....just a possibility.

Highly unlikely.

It's pants on head retarded or a bad habit they can't kick.

But thanks for your input.

Ah yes....because we all shield our eyes from the glare of brilliance that bursts forth from our computer screens whenever you post. Got it.
Or it could be that their IQ and depth of understanding exceeds your own....just a possibility.

Highly unlikely.

It's pants on head retarded or a bad habit they can't kick.

But thanks for your input.

Ah yes....because we all shield our eyes from the glare of brilliance that bursts forth from our computer screens whenever you post. Got it.

I'm picking up your sarcasm.

You're still wrong.
Article how can you expect to be taken seriously with such a simple minded post?

I'm voting for Romney because I believe he is better suited to jump start a dead economy.

And if i don't respond right away its because my meds have finally worn off so i might actually be able to get some sleep.
Highly unlikely.

It's pants on head retarded or a bad habit they can't kick.

But thanks for your input.

Ah yes....because we all shield our eyes from the glare of brilliance that bursts forth from our computer screens whenever you post. Got it.

I'm picking up your sarcasm.

Wel congratulations, you have correctly identified sarcasm...lesson #1 for the day is complete and you get an an A+. I am going to bed now content in the knowledge that the educational standard of this nation has been advanced. Tomorrow we'll tackle mataphors. I will be gentle.
Ah yes....because we all shield our eyes from the glare of brilliance that bursts forth from our computer screens whenever you post. Got it.

I'm picking up your sarcasm.

Wel congratulations, you have correctly identified sarcasm...lesson #1 for the day is complete and you get an an A+. I am going to bed now content in the knowledge that the educational standard of this nation has been advanced. Tomorrow we'll tackle mataphors. I will be gentle.

Tomorrow while you are pretending to teach me a lesson I will assist you in your spelling. We can start with the word "metaphor".
Article how can you expect to be taken seriously with such a simple minded post?

I'm voting for Romney because I believe he is better suited to jump start a dead economy.

And if i don't respond right away its because my meds have finally worn off so i might actually be able to get some sleep.

That puts you in the pants on head retarded column.
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Ok explain to us what Bush did against the Constitution. If you say the patriot act I remind you the democrats renewed it every year they were in sole control of the Congress and the Presidency. If you say Iraq war I remind you Congress ( including the democrats) agreed to allow the US to wage that war.

Go ahead explain to us what the Republicans did that the Democrats under Obama have NOT done.

As to you personally, you are a racist piece of dog shit and I personally do not give one rat fuck what you think.
I'm mad at the WEAK Dems who went along with the Bush Regime and their tomfoolery (puttin' it nicely and mildly).

However, make no mistake about it, it was not the Dems, I repeat NOT the Dems that championed this move and tirade.

Bush went on a spending spree, many of it in guise of "freedom" and "protection."

Eroded many rights.

I was INCENSED about people either are forgetting or pretending to forget how terrible the Bush years were. Not me, I remember CLEARLY. I will NEVER forget.

The bastards LET 9/11/2001 happen on their watch.

I will bet my life earnings that had that happened under a Dem Presidents the Dems would have been ran out of town on a rail with what the Republicans would have done to them politically.

Bush was, and is, a COLOSSAL FAILURE. He himself and his policies...which are RW policies. Which is what Romney's wanting to go back to...which bastards like yourself are supporting.

So go blow it out your RW A$$!!!!

Our troops are waterboarded so they will know what Islamist terrorists will do to them. If we had not used this technique, bin Laden would still be alive.

Romney has no intentions of going back to the Clinton policy of selling houses to unqualified buyers because of their race.

The major problem I had with Bush was his inability to persuade Congress to STOP the abuse of mortgage lending practices that eventually crashed the economy.

Using your logic, Pearl Harbor happened on FDR's watch, he was a Dem, and is still one of their heroes. And, FDR had 8 years to prepare for the attack and was re-eleted after the attack. So much for your life earnings.

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